So, I said, all these foods are products of the sea? 那么,我说,所有的食品都是海产吗? Yes, professor, the sea supplies all my needs. Sometimes I cast my nets in our wake, and I pull them up ready to burst. 是的,教授,大海供

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(68) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物

Captain Nemo called out. A steward appeared. The captain gave him his orders in that strange language I couldn't even identify. 尼摩船长喊人,一个侍者进来。船长用我听不懂的那种语言吩咐了几句。 Then, turning to the Cana

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I'll spare you the innumerable hypotheses with which we've tried to explain this inexplicable phenomenon, whose secret is yours alone. 现在我不想告诉您,人们为了解释那唯有您才知道其中奥妙的神秘现象所做的无数假设。

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I kept quiet, with good reason. 我故意不回答。 What was the use of debating such a proposition, when superior force can wipe out the best arguments? 因为碰到蛮不讲理的时候,再来讨论这类题目还有什么意义呢? It took me

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After a fairly long silence, the commander went on with our conversation. 经过长久的沉默以后,船长又开口了,他说: So I had difficulty deciding, he said. 因此,我迟疑不决, But I concluded that my personal interests could

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Do you think I'll send you back to a world that must know nothing more of me? Never! 您以为我会把你们送回那再不应该看见我的陆地上去吗?那永不能! By keeping you on board, it isn't you whom I care for, it's me! 现在我所

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But you don't know everything because you haven't seen everything. Let me tell you, professor, you won't regret the time you spend aboard my vessel. 但您还不是什么都懂,还不是什么都看见过。教授,让我跟您说,您决不至懊悔

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On its surface they can still exercise their iniquitous claims, battle each other, devour each other, haul every earthly horror. 在海面上,他们还可以使用他们的暴力,在那里互相攻打,在那里互相吞噬,把陆地上的各种

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CAPTAIN NEMO stood up. 尼摩船长站起来, I followed him. Contrived at the rear of the dining room, a double door opened, and I entered a room whose dimensions equaled the one I had just left. 我在他后面跟着,餐厅后部的两扇:门打

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Books on mechanics, ballistics, hydrography, meteorology, geography, geology, etc., held a place there no less important than works on natural history, and I realized that they made up the captain's chief reading. 机械学、弹道学、海洋绘图学

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In the middle of the lounge, a jet of water, electrically lit, fell back into a basin made from a single giant clam. 在大厅中间,有一个喷泉。水受电光的照耀,重又落在单由一片大贝壳制成的环形水池中。 The delicate

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The Nautilus is made up of two hulls, one inside the other; between them, joining them together, are iron T-bars that give this ship the utmost rigidity. 诺第留斯号由双层船壳造成, 一层是内壳,另一层是外壳,两壳之间,用许

发表于:2019-02-25 / 阅读(102) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物

Fine, captain, but now we come to a genuine difficulty. You're able to lie flush with the surface of the ocean, that I understand. 对,船长,可是这里有实际的困难。这样,您可以使船面跟洋面一致,我可以理解。 But low

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What are they, captain? I asked. 船长,什么方法呢?我问。 Here I'm naturally led into telling you how the Nautilus is maneuvered. 这样一来,我自然得告诉你我是怎样驾驶诺第留斯号的。 I can't wait to find out. 我很想

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If you don't mind, professor, Captain Nemo told me, we'll determine our exact position and fix the starting point of our voyage. It's fifteen minutes before noon. I'm going to rise to the surface of the water. 教授,尼摩船长对我说,如果您

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Captain Nemo bowed. I was left to myself, lost in my thoughts. They all centered on the Nautilus's commander. Would I ever learn the nationality of this eccentric man who had boasted of having none? His sworn hate for humanity, a hate that perhaps wa

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THE NEXT DAY, November 9, I woke up only after a long, twelve-hour slumber. Conseil, a creature of habit, came to ask how master's night went, and to offer his services. 第二夭,十一月九日,我足足睡了十二个钟头才醒来。康塞尔来

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I did justice to this meal. It was made up of various fish and some slices of sea cucumber, that praiseworthy zoophyte, all garnished with such highly appetizing seaweed as the Porphyra laciniata and the Laurencia primafetida. 我这顿饭吃得很饱。

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That doesn't necessarily follow. 这不能算作一个理由。 There are certain Fulton-style guns perfected by the Englishmen Philippe-Coles and Burley, the Frenchman Furcy, and the Italian Landi; they're equipped with a special system of airtight

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THIS CELL, properly speaking, was the Nautilus's arsenal and wardrobe. Hanging from its walls, a dozen diving outfits were waiting for anybody who wanted to take a stroll. 这个小房子,说得正确些,就是诺第留斯号的军火库和储藏衣

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