时间:2018-12-29 作者:英语课 分类:初来乍到第三季


   Man, the Olympics are amazing. 奥运会太赞了

  We are watching history being made. 我们见证了历史性的一刻
  You said the same thing 迷你高尔夫开幕仪式上
  at the grand opening of that mini-golf place. 你也是这么说的
  Mm-hmm. 额噢
  Shh! It's the awards ceremony. 嘘,到颁奖仪式了
  There's gold medalist Bogdan Dragomir, 现在登场的是金牌得主波格丹·德拉戈米儿
  who came from a poor village in Romania 他来自罗马尼亚的一个穷苦村庄
  and defied all odds 1 to be here. 克服重重困难才来到这儿
  You got a gold medal in Who Cares?! 谁管你在一个没人看的项目得了金牌
  Bring on the gymnastics! Kerri Strug for life! 来点体操啊,克里·斯特鲁格才是我的女神
  Go Nigeria! 尼日利亚,冲啊
  Why aren't you rooting for U.S.A.? 你为什么不支持美国
  Or Chinese Taipei, your homeland? 或者你的故乡中国台北呢
  Next up is woman's long jump, 接下来是女子跳远
  and Chioma Ajunwa is going to take the gold. 阿朱尼瓦肯定会夺冠
  I root for the best. That's my homeland. 我支持强者,那才是我的故乡
  It's because you had the idea 是你想到
  of offering a free dessert with every entre. 头菜提供免费甜点的主意
  No, it's because you had the idea to hang TVs 不,是你想到将电视机悬在天花板上
  above the bar so people could watch the Olympics. 这样就可以看奥运会了
  Well, either way, business has never been better, 不管怎么说,现在生意是好到爆
  so I guess we're both geniuses. 看来我们都是天才
  I asked Eddie to bring in the groceries yesterday. 我昨天让埃迪把杂货搬回来的
  Did he drop it? 他把西瓜掉地上了吗
  He just dropped it, and then he just left it there. 掉在地上后就放任不管啦
  I'll tell him to clean it up. 我让他来收拾干净
  No, no. He's just gonna make it worse. 别,他只会越弄越糟
  I got the grape juice out of the couch. 我能把西瓜汁从沙发里拿出来
  I can get this out, too. 我也能处理好这个
  It's so hard to keep this place clean. 要保持房屋整洁真是困难
  A little help would be nice. 要是有人稍微帮下忙就好了
  My vase! 我的花瓶
  Yeah  耶
  I can't believe school starts tomorrow. 不想相信明天就要开学了
  We need to walk in with either fresh gear or a great story. 到时我们要么带着全新装备,要么带着精彩故事
  I got both. 我两个都行
  I went to the Olympics in Atlanta and got some merch. 我去了亚特兰大的奥运会,拿到了点东西
  It's Izzy the Whatizit. 就是伊兹
  You know, the official mascot 2. 奥运会官方吉祥物
  It looks like a gay raindrop. 看上去像个基佬雨滴
  I had mono, so I spent all summer in bed watching Cinemax. 我得了单核细胞增多症,所以整个暑假就在床上看电影频道
  I learned a lot about boobs. 对美胸算是有了一定的认识
  Now when I grow up, I want to be a pizza delivery boy. 等我长大了,我就想做个披萨外卖小哥
  Guys, we're eighth graders now. 兄弟们,我们八年级了
  We're, like, upperclassmen. We don't need stories. 就好比是上层人士,用不着什么故事
  You're right. We're gonna be like men among boys. 没错,我们就像是一群小屁孩里的成熟男性
  I wish I was a little bit taller 宝宝要是再长高点就好了
  I wish I was a baller 宝宝要是个球手就好了
  I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her 要是有个靓妞可以打打电话就好了
  I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat 帽子里有只兔子和球拍就好了
  Who are those men? 那些男的是谁啊
  Nah, son. We're eighth graders. 我们升入八年级了
  'Cause she...  因为她
  Imagination's free, man. 歪歪反正不要钱
  Doesn't cost you anything to make me feel good. 自我感觉良好又没碍着你
  Hey, here comes 嘿,这不是
  one of the new sixth graders now. 新入学的六年级生吗
  Right. Emery's starting at our school this year. 没错,埃默里今年来我们学校上学
  I can't wait. There's so many 我好期待啊
  new people to meet, so many new things I want to try. 可以结识更多的人,去尝试更多的事
  Dude, sixth grade sucks. 兄弟,六年级逊毙了
  Try starting at mid-year on a Wednesday. 星期三还有期中考呢
  Lucky for you, you have me. 算你走运,有我在
  I blazed the trail, and now all you got to do 我给你开了路
  is kick back and enjoy the fruits of my labor 3. 你就轻轻松松享受我的劳动成果吧
  Fruits. 水果啊
  That's what me and Emery would sometimes eat on the bus. 我和埃默里有时在公交车上吃的就是水果啊
  Evan's taking it hard 埃文需要一点时间来接受
  that we won't be at the same school anymore. 我们不在同一个学校的事实
  The thing I'm gonna miss the most 我最想念的
  is riding the bus together. 就是一起乘公交的日子
  That was our special brother time. 那是专属于我们的兄弟时间
  You'll make new friends. 你会交到新朋友的
  They will be a bandage on a wound that will never heal. 你是我流不干的泪,好不了的疤
  Okay, don't forget your lunch. 行了,别忘记带午饭
  Hurry up. You're gonna miss the bus. 快点,你要赶不上公交了
  Mom, before I embark 4 on middle school, 妈,在升入中学前
  I just want to say thank you for giving me the tools... 我先谢谢你所给我的各种工具...
  Sure. Here's a bag of trash. 行,这是包垃圾
  Put it in the can on your way out, okay? 出门的时候顺便扔垃圾桶了,好吗
  Wow, look at this mess. 哇,看看着这一团糟
  Look at this. 看看看看
  Batteries, an armless He-Man, and a tooth. 电池,断臂男,还有一颗牙
  It's like the contents of a shark's stomach. 整个一鲨鱼的胃
  Ah. Who could that be? 啊,会是谁呢
  Surprise! 惊喜噢
  This is Mary. She's here to clean our house. 这是玛丽,她来给我们打扫房子的
  You work so hard, and the restaurant's had 你工作太辛苦了
  a good summer. 这个暑假餐厅的生意也不错
  We can afford to get you some help. 我们请的起帮手
  I would love some help... 我倒是需要请你
  getting the knife out of my back. 别在我背后耍花招
  How dare you? 你好大的胆子
  But... 但是
  Should I start on the bathrooms? 我先从浴室开始清理吗
  The beginning of the middle of the beginning of my life. 中学是我人生的开始啊
  Here. I made you something for your first day. 给你,开学第一天,我给你准备了点东西
  Aww, a gift? 哇,是礼物吗
  Of sorts, of sorts. 算是吧
  It's a detailed 5 account of the lies I've told at school 这是我过去两年来
  for the past two years. What?  在学校所撒的谎的具体清单,什么
  I may have stretched the truth 我夸大了我们的一些文化习俗
  about our cultural heritage to make life easier. 好让校园日子过得舒心些
  I'm gonna need you to learn it all 你得都记下来
  so you don't blow up my spot. 这样你就不会拆我的台了
  This is volume one. 这是第一本
  I haven't finished copying the rest yet. 其他的我还没有誊写完
  Hand fatigue 6. 抄得手酸
  We get Harvest Day off? 我们有过丰收节吗
  What's Harvest Day? 什么丰收节
  It's a Chinese holiday 这是个中国人的节日
  that falls on the first Friday of every month. 在每月的第一个星期五
  That's not true. 你瞎说
  White people don't know that. 白人又不知道
  There's so much in here. 还有很多其他的
  Why didn't you give this to me earlier? 你为什么不早点把这本书给我
  Because I do things last minute per Chinese superstition 7. 因为我总要拖到最后啊,中国人的作风嘛
  Page 88. 第八十八页
  Aww, look at the little sixth graders. 哇,看看那些六年级的小鬼
  They are so cute. 真呆萌
  Hey, little guy! 嘿,小屁孩
  Every day at 11:15 we have to put 每天十一点一刻
  our heads on our desks and close our eyes 我们将头靠在桌上,闭上眼睛
  for 10 minutes? 等十分钟
  Facing west so we can sense if China's coming for Taiwan. 脸朝西,这样就知道中国是不是冲着台湾来了
  How does taking a nap... 打盹怎么会...
  Don't poke 8 holes. 别打破沙锅问到底
  The story is written, my friend. 故事是人写的
  You just need to learn it. 你学学就好了
  I don't think I feel comfortable with this web of lies. 这么多谎言,我感到不适应
  Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's not a web. 喔,这可不只是一些谎言
  It's a hammock... something you can kick back and relax in. 简直就是一吊子的谎话,你就好好享受吧
  If you want to do all this, fine, 你要想这么做就算了
  but why do I have to go along with it? 拉上我做什么
  Because you have to. 因为你必须得这么做
  Do you know how much trouble I can get in? 不然我会惹上多大的麻烦啊
  I'd probably have to redo seventh grade. 甚至要重读七年级
  I-I guess. 好吧
  Cool, cool. Glad to have you on board. 得了,欢迎加入
  Wow, look at all the clubs they have here. 天哪,看看这些社团
  Sorry, little bro. 抱歉,小兄弟
  No extra 'currics. 不准加入课外活动
  Why not? 为什么
  Read the book. 好好看看这本书吧
  Can I sit here? 我能坐这儿吗
  Sorry, that's my brother's seat. 不好意思,这是我哥的座位
  Where is he? 他人呢
  He goes to middle school now. 他去上初中了
  Oh, well, then I can sit here. 那好吧,看来我可以坐这儿了
  I got a bag of walnuts 9 if you want to share. 我带了一包核桃,可以分点给你
  Hey, walnuts! A man sat here for two years! 嘿,核桃小弟,有人在这个位置坐了两年
  Show some respect! 能不能给点尊重
  She's a housekeeper 10. It's a gift. 她是个清洁工,是我给你的礼物
  Who is this woman? Where is she going to live? 她是谁,她要住哪儿
  No, no! She's here to clean the house! 不是的,她是来打扫房子的
  It's a gift! 是礼物
  Why do you think I would need help cleaning? 你为什么觉得我需要别人给我打扫房子
  This is just like Eddie with the math 就像埃迪数学不好
  when we got him that tutor. 我们就给他请了个家教
  You think I need a cleaning tutor?! 你觉得我需要别人教我怎么打扫吗
  There was a collapsed 11 watermelon in the living room 客厅里有个稀巴烂的西瓜
  and you said the words, "A little help would be nice." 你也说了,要是有人帮忙就好了
  Oh, so now it's all my fault! 噢,所以都是我的错咯
  It's a gift! 这是个礼物
  Louis, lower your voice. 路易斯,小点儿声
  We have company. 还有别人在
  Okay. 行
  You know what? I already paid her. 我跟你说,我已经付过钱了
  Let's just let her clean one room. 就让她先打扫一个房间
  If you don't like the job she does, 你要是不满意她的工作
  we'll send her home and she'll never come back. 我们打发她走,不会再来了
  Fine. 行
  But she can't listen to music. 但她不能听音乐
  Okay, I'll leave you ladies to it. 好了,我把空间留给你们吧
  Have fun. 相处愉快噢
  Hey there. 嘿
  Looks like we're locker 12 buddies 13. 看来我们是储物柜好伙伴了
  Uh, uh, Sorry. 啊,不好意思
  This isn't your locker. What?  这不是你的储物柜,什么
  All sixth-grade lockers 14 start with the number four, 所有六年级学生的储物柜开头数字都是四
  and your brother told us 你哥哥说
  that four is unlucky in Chinese culture 数字四在中文里不吉利
  on account of it sounding like the word "Death." 听起来像在说“死”
  Oh. I... 噢,我
  Come with me. Let me show you your new locker. 跟我来,我带你去新的储物柜
  Your brother really liked it 'cause it's right next to 你哥哥可喜欢了,这储物柜就在入口旁边
  the entrance, and you don't even have to walk as far. 不用走多远
  Guess we're locker strangers. 看来我们是储物柜陌生人了
  My locker's next to yours, yo. 我的储物柜就在旁边哟
  Want to be my girlfriend? 要不要做我女朋友
  You were my second choice! 你正好是我的第二选择
  P.K. I'm Brittany.  我叫P.K, 我是布莱特妮
  Cool. 太好了
  Oh, I saved a seat for you in the back. 噢,我给你在后面留了个座位
  What? Why? 什么,为什么
  Eddie told me that it's disrespectful in your culture 埃迪跟我说在中国文化中
  to sit close to a teacher who's also a married woman. 坐在已婚老师旁边是不尊重人的
  Your distance shows your honor for my position 你我之间的距离表示对我的尊敬
  as well as my sacred union. 也是对上帝的虔诚
  Oh, yeah. Right. 嗯,是的
  Ugh. Why's it so warm back here? 额,为什么后面这么热
  That's me. I run hot. 是我,我天性热
  They say I'll grow out of it, but, like, when? 他们说我长大后就好了,但不知道要到什么时候
  Green beans! 青豆
  Oh, don't worry. 别担心
  We're not gonna make you eat these. 我们不会让你吃这个的
  Eddie told us your body can't process the chlorophyll. 埃迪跟我们说你不能消化叶绿素
  But... Here you go, sweetie. 给你,亲爱的
  Double tots. 双份的
  Uh, my body also has a hard time processing chlorophyll. 我也不能消化叶绿素
  Listen, mister, I don't know what kind of scam you ran 听着,我不管你在小学里撒的什么谎
  at your elementary school, but this is my house. 这是我的地盘
  You'll suck up beans with the rest of these damn fools. 你就跟这些傻叉们吃你们的豆子去吧
  Double green beans. 双份的青豆
  Hello. I am new gym teacher. 嗨,我是你们的新体育老师
  Whoa, You're Bogdan Dragomir, 哇,你是波格丹·德拉戈米儿
  the Romanian who won three gold medals! 那个得了金牌的罗马尼亚人
  Da. How did you get here? 你怎么到这儿来了
  I am fortunate. 我很幸运
  I have cousin who lives in Orlando. 我有个堂兄住在奥兰多
  He get me job teaching sports at this university. 给我找了份在这个大学教体育的工作
  Come. You will take turns trying to pull me for 30 seconds. 过来,你们轮流来拉我三十秒
  You will fail, but your forearms, they will burn. 你们拉不动的,但你们前臂肌肉会锻炼到
  Okay, weak children. 行了,没力气的小屁孩们
  Hey, tomorrow we throw barrels over that wall 嘿,明天我们扔桶过墙
  like donkey monkey. 就像驴跟猴子一样
  Hit the showers. 去洗澡
  Hey, you little Asian boy named Eddie? 嘿,你是那个叫埃迪的亚裔小男孩吗
  No, he's my brother. I'm Emery. 不,那是我哥,我是埃默里
  Old P.E. Teacher give me heads up. 之前的体育老师跟我说过
  Says you don't have to shower with the other boys 因为文化差异
  because of culture. 你不用跟他们一起洗
  But I'm sweaty! 但我浑身都湿透了
  And I like to raise my hand to answer questions. 而且我也想举手回答问题
  I have chalk you can rub on body. 我有滑石粉,你可以拿去擦身上
  They call that Romanian shower. 这叫罗马尼亚浴
  I don't do it side to side. 我不是这么擦来擦去的
  I do it in circles. 我会打着圈儿擦
  Better for the wood. 这样对木头比较好
  I'm sorry, but, uh, this isn't wood. 不好意思,呃,但这不是木头的
  This is laminate. 这是层压板的
  I do it in circles. 我会打着圈儿擦
  Do you have experience with those?! 你有打理这些东西的经验吗
  They are very delicate. 它们十分脆弱精贵
  They are arranged in a certain tableau 15. 它们都是按某种场景摆放的
  Each angle tells a different story. 每个角度都是不同的故事
  Are they discussing the dust storm that just hit them? 它们是在讨论刚刚过去的沙尘暴不
  They're covered in the fog of resiliency. 它们都喷过弹性喷雾的
  You know what? 知道吗
  I just don't think this is gonna work out. 我觉得这样不行
  Then you should leave. 那你就走呗
  That's exactly what I'm gonna do. 正有此意
  I can't wait to leave. 我马上就走
  Mr. Huang promised me a ride home. 黄先生答应会送我回去的
  In your head 在你脑海中
  In your head 在你脑海中
  Zombie, zombie 僵尸,僵尸
  It's the next left. 下个路口左转
  Zombie-ie-ie-ie, oh, oh 僵尸,尸,尸,尸,喔,喔
  If you want to give me a couple dollars for gas, 要是你想给我点油钱的话
  it would be helpful. 就感激不尽了
  No "Yays." 别欢呼了
  I was walking to water fountain. 我只是想去喷泉那里而已
  No, you weren't. We pulled you. 才没有,是我们赢了你
  I've grown weak. Too much Kentucky chicken. 我变弱了,吃多肯德基的后果
  Hit the showers. 洗澡去吧
  Enjoy! 好好洗哦
  You too. 你也去
  Oh, right, you're new. See, according to my culture... 哦,对了,你是新来的,听着,我们那的文化是
  Your brother, he tell me truth. 你弟弟,已经跟我坦白了
  He say your lies like a web. 他说你撒谎多得数不清
  Not hammock. 罄竹难书噢
  Lies?! 撒谎
  I don't lie. My brother lies. 我可没撒谎,我弟弟撒谎了
  See, who are you gonna believe? 听着,你会相信谁呢
  Me, your best friend, or some Chinese kid you just met? 是我这个好友,还是你素昧平生的中国小孩
  We're supposed to shower in the round? 我们要站成一圈洗澡吗
  Where are the curtains? 帘子哪去了
  Dude, there are no curtains. 哥们,根本没有帘子
  That's why we came up with a system where 所以我们想出了一个办法
  we all look left to avoid eye contact. 大家都往左边看来避免视线接触
  It's still not great. 但效果不太好
  I love it. 我好开心啊
  I got three sisters at home, 我家有三个姐妹
  so this is the most bathroom time I get. 这真是难得的超长洗澡时间
  Girls be showering, right? 毕竟女孩子的洗澡速度嘛,对吧
  Fun first day? 第一天开心吗
  I'd give it a 6. 我打六分
  Is this still... It is.  所以是不是,是
  Sorry it's taken me more than a few hours to move on. 抱歉我花了太长时间去适应
  There's plenty of other seats. 还有好多座位呢
  Why do you want to sit in this one? 你怎么非要坐这里
  Because you remind me of my friend back in Indiana. 因为你让我想起了在印第安纳的朋友
  He was Chinese, wasn't he? 他是中国人,对吧
  Yeah. Do you know him? 对啊,你认识他吗
  Yes. You do?  嗯,真的
  Yeah. And he told me not to sit next to you. 嗯,他还让我不要坐你旁边
  Sounds like Charlie. Always busting 16 balls. 像是他说的话,他总是这么烦人
  I guess now my day's a 5. 现在我要打五分了
  I've seen things I wish I could unsee. 我看见了我所不愿看见的东西
  Ginger 17 things. 姜黄色的东西
  Dark things. 黑暗的东西
  Brian's things. 布莱恩的东西
  I enjoyed my shower. 我还挺喜欢那个淋浴的
  The water pressure was just incredible. 水压真是爽爆了
  Why did you blow my spot, bruh?! 人艰不拆啊,哥们
  They made me shower like a damn animal! 他们逼我像动物一样洗澡
  I'm not gonna lie for you anymore, Eddie. 我再也不会替你圆谎了,埃迪
  I'm done trying to live up to your low expectations. 我再也不想按你的意愿行事了
  Are you kidding me? 你逗我呢
  Do you know how many kids would kill for a setup like this? 你知道有多少孩子为了这样的机会争得你死我活吗
  Well, not me! 那可不包括我
  I was really looking forward to middle school. 我本来很期待初中生活的
  But instead, my day sucked. 但是事与愿违,上学第一天弱爆了
  Why was your day hard again? Was it the better locker? 你今天怎么不顺了,因为储物柜太好吗
  The in-class nap? The double tots? 因为上课睡觉吗,因为双份鸡块吗
  Want to hear about my first day? 你知道我的第一天是什么样的吗
  Nobody could pronounce my name, 没人能发对我名字的音
  a bunch of white kids made fun of my food, 一堆白人小孩嘲笑我的食物
  and I had to eat lunch with the janitor 18. 而且还得跟守门员一起吃午饭
  I held his kite while he finished his cantaloupe. 我还得拿着他的风筝,等他吃完甜瓜
  I'm sorry you had to go through that. 很遗憾你经历了这些事
  I just want to learn. 但我只想学习
  I want to sit in the front of the class. 我想坐到教室前排
  I want to eat green beans. 我想吃绿豌豆
  I want to do after-school clubs. 我想参加课后社团
  Oh, yeah? What kind of clubs? 哦是吗,什么社团
  Karate 19, photography, maybe even learn an instrument. 空手道啦,摄影啦,可能还会学门乐器
  Like violin? 小提琴之类的
  Yes. 没错
  So, you want to be what everyone thought I was 所以,你想要成为我进入学校第一天时
  when I walked in on the first day. 所有人以为我应该表现出的样子
  You want to undo 20 all the work I've done 你想要彻底推翻我过去两年
  over the past two years. 辛苦树立起来的形象
  You mean all the work you've done so you could just be lazy. 你是说为了可以让自己偷懒而做的努力
  They're ignorant about who we are and where we come from. 当他们忽略我们是谁又来自哪里时
  Why shouldn't we take advantage of that? 我们何不利用这一点呢
  They see me coming down the hall, they're nervous. 当我走进大厅时,他们会感到紧张
  I'm keeping them on their toes, 是我让他们战战兢兢
  blazing trails, breaking chains. 是我开辟了道路,打破了常规
  Then they see you coming in your gi with your violin 现在他们看到你,满脑子书呆子气和小提琴
  and your camera, and we're back to where we started! 还有摄影,那我之前的努力全部都白费了
  Are the TVs okay?! 那些电视机怎么样
  What? 什么
  You said to come down right away. 你叫我马上过来
  Did Nancy mess up the inputs 21? Have you tried hitting "Source"? 是南茜又输错字了吗,你试着搜搜,来源
  Jessica, the TVs are fine. 杰西卡,电视机一切正常
  Oh. Well, then what's going on? 噢,好吧,那到底发生了什么
  I got an interesting phone call from Mary. 玛丽给我打了一个很有意思的电话
  Who? Mary. 谁?玛丽
  The housekeeper who you apparently 22 那个明显被算计油钱
  shook down for gas money. 的清洁佣人
  Tell me, Louis, when did you fall in love with her? 告诉我,路易斯,你什么时候爱上她的
  Look, Jessica, I know you're set in your way of doing things, 听着,杰西卡,我知道一直以来你都有自己的那一套
  but I promise you'll like this if you give it a chance. 但是我保证只要你给她一次机会,你一定会爱上她的
  I did give it a chance. 我给她机会了呀
  She wiped the table wrong, and then she insulted the mice. 她擦桌子的方法是错误的,而且她还辱骂我的老鼠们
  You don't know what she's like when you're not there, Louis. 你根本不知道你不在场的时候她是个什么样子
  I'm sure she was nervous. 我相信她只是太紧张了
  You were probably staring at her the whole time. 你可能一直在盯着她
  You have to give her a fair chance. 你需要给她一次自由发挥的机会
  Now, I talked to her, and she agreed to come back. 我和她谈过了,她同意回来了
  I don't think that's a 我不觉得这是个
  good idea As long as you weren't there.  好主意,只要你别出现在场
  She's there right now, isn't she? 她已经到家里了,对吗
  Mom let her in. 妈给她开门的
  You are all on my list. 你们都被我加入黑名单了
  You, your mother... 你,你妈妈
  Mary. Mary.  玛丽,玛丽
  All in a line at the top of my list. 你们并列在我的黑名单之首上
  That being said, I respect your trickery. 话虽如此,你这一次调虎离山之技用的很不错
  Thank you, Mary. 谢谢你,玛丽
  You didn't say thank you to Mary. 你没有和玛丽道谢
  Are you okay? 你还好吗
  I'm fine. 我没事
  I just... I miss elementary school. 我只是,有点想念小学生活了
  You do? 真的吗
  Middle school's not as fun as I thought it'd be. 中学并没有我想象的那么有趣
  It's a lot more complicated. 它要复杂许多
  Well, at least you have Eddie there to help you. 好吧,至少你有埃迪在那帮着你
  Eddie's kind of the problem. 或许埃迪才是问题所在
  Tell me everything. 和我谈谈吧
  Brick! 大好人
  What the hell, man? 哥们,你弄啥嘞
  I'm sorry. Did I just ruin something for you? 不好意思,我刚刚是毁了你的进球吗
  What are you talking about? 你在说什么
  Everything you touch turns to dog-doo. 你把一切都变成了小狗便便
  Let me guess. You talked to Emery. 让我猜猜,你和埃默里谈过了吧
  He left elementary school a joyful 23 boy. 他离开小学的时候还是个快乐的男孩
  One day with you, Eddie... One day! 只和你待了一天,只是一天
  He can't even lift his head long enough 他连抬起头和佣人道谢的
  to say thank you to the maid. 元气都没有了
  What maid? 什么佣人
  Emery's not like you. 埃默里和你不一样
  He just wants to be himself, and you're not letting him. 他只是想做自己,但是你却阻止了他
  Why? Because I'm blazing trails and breaking chains? 为什么,就因为我开辟新道路,打破旧常规
  You're breaking your brother's spirit. 你打破了你亲弟弟的灵魂
  He's just Emery. 他只是埃默里
  Stop making him feel bad for being who he is. 不要让他觉得做自己是件错误的事情了
  Wow. 哇
  The house looks incredible. 这座房子看上去太赞了
  She even got the bleach 24 stain out of the cushion. 她甚至把垫子上漂白粉的痕迹都去掉了
  My mice. 我的小老鼠
  Did she touch up the rhubarb? 她是给大黄菜补色了吗
  It's so vibrant 25. 简直生气盎然
  I noticed it was chipped the last time I was here, 我上次来的时候,注意到它有一点瑕疵
  so I brought some model paint. 所以我带了一点颜料过来
  I hope that's okay. 希望你们喜欢
  See? I told you. Isn't this great? 看,我告诉过你吧,是不是很棒
  Yes, it is. 是的没错
  What? 又怎么了
  This is what I was afraid of. 这正是我最担心的事情
  What's next? We hire somebody to do our taxes, 下一步又该是什么,雇一个人来管我们的帐吗
  cut the grass, remove asbestos from the ceiling? 修建我们的草地,把石棉从天花板上弄走吗
  Maybe. If we could afford it, what's wrong with that? 也许吧,如果我们能够支付得起,又有什么问题呢
  A family is supposed to do things for each other, 家人就是应该为彼此出力,而不是
  not hire strangers to do them. 花钱请陌生人来做
  But we don't like doing those things. 438 但是我们不喜欢做这些事情啊
  At Cattleman's, I hire people to do things I don't want to do. 在店里,我就是雇人来做我不想做的事情的
  I don't want to run our house like a business. 我可不想把我们的房子当成生意打理
  No, I don't love cleaning up after everybody, 是,我是不喜欢跟在大家后面帮大家打扫
  but they need me to. 但是,他们需要我
  I like that they need me to. 而我喜欢这种被需要的感觉
  I don't want a stranger taking care of my family. 我不想让一个陌生人来替我照顾我的家人
  I want to be the one taking care of them, 我想去做那个照顾他们
  and then resenting them for not appreciating it. 然后又抱怨他们不懂得好好珍惜的人
  Well, I'm sorry about the gift. 好吧,对于这份礼物我很抱歉
  We won't have a housekeeper. 我们不会再雇清洁佣人
  You can clean the house yourself. 你可以自己打扫这间房子
  You win. 你赢了
  Thank you. 谢谢
  I did promise Mary a ride home, though. 但是,我确实答应了要送玛丽回家
  Un-break my heart, say you'll love me again 不要让我伤心,请再爱我一次
  Mary, how did you get the stain out of the couch? 玛丽,你是怎么把垫子上面那团污渍去掉的
  Oh, it's a family secret. 噢,这是个家族秘密
  How did you get it out, Mary? 你说不说,玛丽
  You signed me up for Karate Club. 你帮我报名空手道俱乐部了
  If you want to do karate, you should do karate. 如果你想学空手道,你就应该去做
  And you're okay with that? 你不介意吗
  I don't want to embarrass you. 我不想让你尴尬
  Who cares what I think? 我的想法算什么
  Who cares what anyone thinks? 别人的想法算什么
  You do you, dawg. 做你想做的,兄弟
  I'll just keep on putting those cracks in the jade 26 ceiling. 我就继续当好吃懒做的破坏王
  Thanks. 谢了
  Oh, can we just keep Harvest Day? 哦,我们能把丰收日留下吗
  Fine, as... as long as I don't miss any tests. 好吧,只要我没有错过测试就成
  We can't control when Harvest Day is, Emery. 我们不能控制丰收日的日期,埃默里
  That's up to the moon. 这要看月亮的心情了
  Hi. Can I sit here? 嘿,我可以坐这儿吗
  What made you change seats? 你怎么换座位了
  I don't need bus time with my brother. 我不需要和我哥哥一起坐巴士
  I live with him. 他一直与我同在
  But it's nice to keep his memory alive here, too. 但是,对他的记忆依旧鲜活如初也挺好
  Emery's dead?! 埃默里去世了
  I thought he just went to middle school! 我以为他只是去读中学了
  That's Sharlene. She's a real pill. 这是莎琳,她很不正常

1 odds
  • The odds are 5 to 1 that she will win.她获胜的机会是五比一。
  • Do you know the odds of winning the lottery once?你知道赢得一次彩票的几率多大吗?
2 mascot
  • The football team's mascot is a goat.足球队的吉祥物是山羊。
  • We had a panda as our mascot.我们把熊猫作为吉详物。
3 labor
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
4 embark
  • He is about to embark on a new business venture.他就要开始新的商业冒险活动。
  • Many people embark for Europe at New York harbor.许多人在纽约港乘船去欧洲。
5 detailed
  • He had made a detailed study of the terrain.他对地形作了缜密的研究。
  • A detailed list of our publications is available on request.我们的出版物有一份详细的目录备索。
6 fatigue
  • The old lady can't bear the fatigue of a long journey.这位老妇人不能忍受长途旅行的疲劳。
  • I have got over my weakness and fatigue.我已从虚弱和疲劳中恢复过来了。
7 superstition
  • It's a common superstition that black cats are unlucky.认为黑猫不吉祥是一种很普遍的迷信。
  • Superstition results from ignorance.迷信产生于无知。
8 poke
  • We never thought she would poke her nose into this.想不到她会插上一手。
  • Don't poke fun at me.别拿我凑趣儿。
9 walnuts
胡桃(树)( walnut的名词复数 ); 胡桃木
  • Are there walnuts in this sauce? 这沙司里面有核桃吗?
  • We ate eggs and bacon, pickled walnuts and cheese. 我们吃鸡蛋,火腿,腌胡桃仁和干酪。
10 housekeeper
  • A spotless stove told us that his mother is a diligent housekeeper.炉子清洁无瑕就表明他母亲是个勤劳的主妇。
  • She is an economical housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply.她节约持家,一家人吃得很省。
11 collapsed
  • Jack collapsed in agony on the floor. 杰克十分痛苦地瘫倒在地板上。
  • The roof collapsed under the weight of snow. 房顶在雪的重压下突然坍塌下来。
12 locker
  • At the swimming pool I put my clothes in a locker.在游泳池我把衣服锁在小柜里。
  • He moved into the locker room and began to slip out of his scrub suit.他走进更衣室把手术服脱下来。
13 buddies
n.密友( buddy的名词复数 );同伴;弟兄;(用于称呼男子,常带怒气)家伙v.(如密友、战友、伙伴、弟兄般)交往( buddy的第三人称单数 );做朋友;亲近(…);伴护艾滋病人
  • We became great buddies. 我们成了非常好的朋友。 来自辞典例句
  • The two of them have become great buddies. 他们俩成了要好的朋友。 来自辞典例句
14 lockers
n.寄物柜( locker的名词复数 )
  • I care about more lockers for the teachers. 我关心教师要有更多的储物柜。 来自辞典例句
  • Passengers are requested to stow their hand-baggage in the lockers above the seats. 旅客须将随身携带的行李放入座位上方的贮藏柜里。 来自辞典例句
15 tableau
  • The movie was a tableau of a soldier's life.这部电影的画面生动地描绘了军人的生活。
  • History is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes.历史不过是由罪恶和灾难构成的静止舞台造型罢了。
16 busting
打破,打碎( bust的现在分词 ); 突击搜查(或搜捕); (使)降级,降低军阶
  • Jim and his wife were busting up again yesterday. 吉姆和他的妻子昨天又吵架了。
  • He figured she was busting his chops, but it was all true. 他以为她在捉弄他,其实完全是真的。
17 ginger
  • There is no ginger in the young man.这个年轻人没有精神。
  • Ginger shall be hot in the mouth.生姜吃到嘴里总是辣的。
18 janitor
  • The janitor wiped on the windows with his rags.看门人用褴褛的衣服擦着窗户。
  • The janitor swept the floors and locked up the building every night.那个看门人每天晚上负责打扫大楼的地板和锁门。
19 karate
  • Alice's boyfriend knew a little karate.艾丽斯的男朋友懂一点儿空手道。
  • The black belt is the highest level in karate.黑腰带级是空手道的最高级别。
20 undo
  • His pride will undo him some day.他的傲慢总有一天会毁了他。
  • I managed secretly to undo a corner of the parcel.我悄悄地设法解开了包裹的一角。
21 inputs
n.输入( input的名词复数 );投入;输入端;输入的数据v.把…输入电脑( input的第三人称单数 )
  • Uncheck the inputs checked for optimization in the previous stage. 不测试那些已经测试过的优化了的以前步骤的inputs.(变量参数)。 来自互联网
  • Just in case, save in a file the inputs obtained at the previous stage. 以防万一,保存以前步骤获得的inputs(变量参数值)到一个文件中去。 来自互联网
22 apparently
  • An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.山穷水尽,豁然开朗。
  • He was apparently much surprised at the news.他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。
23 joyful
  • She was joyful of her good result of the scientific experiments.她为自己的科学实验取得好成果而高兴。
  • They were singing and dancing to celebrate this joyful occasion.他们唱着、跳着庆祝这令人欢乐的时刻。
24 bleach
  • These products don't bleach the hair.这些产品不会使头发变白。
  • Did you bleach this tablecloth?你把这块桌布漂白了吗?
25 vibrant
  • He always uses vibrant colours in his paintings. 他在画中总是使用鲜明的色彩。
  • She gave a vibrant performance in the leading role in the school play.她在学校表演中生气盎然地扮演了主角。
26 jade
  • The statue was carved out of jade.这座塑像是玉雕的。
  • He presented us with a couple of jade lions.他送给我们一对玉狮子。
标签: 初来乍到
accessory tympanal membrane
analog switching circuit
annular scleritis
anodized natural aluminium colour
Asian-dollar market
asymptotically normal and unbiased estimator
autonomous okrug
auxiliary plane of projection
belt hold
butt welding type
capillary ascent
cardiac insufficiencies
cesium cobaltous sulfate
contention for shared recources
conveyor belts
deflecting bar
design hourly demand of hot-water
detecting unit
donkey vote
double dotted minim
economic doldrums
el core
equatorial cleavage
eyelid retractor
floppy disk/hard disk
forced ramming
frequency stability analyzer
Gongylonema pulchrum
high end
Hodler, Ferdinand
humble detaching hook
integrated catalog algorithm
interactive dump formatter
Jones number
long cell
lowest position of cross rail
macaca iruss
marry beneath you
nematic liquid crystal
network data model
normal atmospheric temperature
Nyiru, Mt.
pentobarbital sodiums
percentage relative humidity
primary nasalcavity
processor multiplexing mechanism
queuing model
quinaldine blue
racial empowerment
recording of ballots
registered borrower
REN sleep
reserve fund for major repairs
root of tongue
roughing-the-clock job
Saarinen, Eliel
scaly lentinus
sell Robin Hood's pennyworth
shifting time
Sir Stephen Harold Spender
software design interactive
space multispectral scanner
specified mcr
storage distribution element
target acquisition radar
unilluminated hemisphere
van eycks
Washington, DC
waterborne clause
with distrust