时间:2018-12-29 作者:英语课 分类:初来乍到第三季


   Those girls can really elbow. 那些女孩儿真的很会用手肘撞人

  Can anyone tell me what this is? 有人能告诉我这是什么吗
  Nope. 不对
  I know what it is, but I want you 我知道这是什么,但我想要你先说
  to say it first so I know you know. 那样我才知道你真的知道
  It's a squash. Squash!  这是个南瓜,南瓜
  I cook it every Thanksgiving, and no one eats it. 我每年感恩节都会煮,但没有人吃
  Why? Because it's disgusting. 为什么,因为它很难吃
  Can anyone point out our ancestors in this painting? 有人能在这幅画里找出我们的祖先们吗
  No, that's right, you can't—because they're not there. 不能,没错,找不到,因为他们不在画里
  Eventually, they will be way back in this field, 最终,我们只能在最边边的这片地里找到他们
  buried underneath 1 the railroad tracks 被埋葬在他们不吃不喝用生命
  that they built with no food or water. 建造的这条铁轨下面的尸首
  And do you ever ask yourself, "Why?" 可曾问过你们自己“为什么”
  Why do we put ourselves through all this holiday nonsense, 为什么我们经受这些无厘头的节日折磨
  through all the headaches of visiting relatives, 走亲戚走得头痛
  through all the squash? 吃南瓜吃到恶心
  All for a day that we have no cultural ties to. 就为了这个和我们没有丝毫文化联系的日子
  Why do we do it? 我们为什么要这么做
  Why? Why? 为什么,为什么
  Because that's what we do every year. It's tradition. 因为我们每年都这样啊,这是传统
  It's not our tradition. 这不是我们的传统
  We don't like it. 我们不喜欢这些
  It's a lot of hard work, and we get nothing out of it. 这事费时耗力,我们却一无所获
  You can't stop Thanksgiving. It's too strong. 你阻止不了感恩节,它太强大了
  That's like trying to stop fabulous 2 Barbara. 这就像试图阻止强大无比的芭芭拉
  Roller derby. 轮滑赛选手
  Louis, I don't want to stop it. 路易斯,我没想着要阻止它
  I want to capitalize on it. 我要利用它
  I want to open Cattleman's Ranch 3 for Thanksgiving. 感恩节这天牧场牛排餐厅要开门做生意
  Really? I was kind of looking forward to a day off. 真的吗,我还挺期待休假的
  A day off spent searching for the leaf 休一整天假
  in the dining room table? 在餐桌上找叶子吗
  I like a mystery. 我挺喜欢抓迷藏的
  Listening to my sister's husband play the ukulele? 听过我姐夫弹尤克里里吗
  Steve does a great "Kokomo." 史蒂夫《科科莫》弹得不错
  Smiling through my mother's colorful remarks 笑着听我妈妈对她的黑人邮递员
  about her black mailman? 五花八门的评价吗
  What time should we open? 我们该什么时候开张
  Wait—so no family this year? 等等,所以今年没有亲戚来访了吗
  We get to keep our rooms? 我们不用让出自己的房间了吗
  And sleep in our own beds 可以睡在我们自己的床上
  Instead of in the pantry, on rice bags? 不用睡在储藏室的大米袋子上吗
  That's right. Yes! I don't have to wash my sheets! 没错,太棒了,我不用洗床单了
  Oh, you still have to wash your sheets. 哦,你还是得洗床单
  You don't get me. 那你打动不了我了
  The bar at the restaurant has a TV. 餐厅的吧台有一台电视机
  We are working on Thanksgiving! 感恩节我们要干活了
  Okay, class, it's time to turn in your family tree assignments. 好了,同学们,该交你们的家系图作业了
  Eddie, where's your homework? 埃迪,你的作业呢
  Um...I didn't do it. 呃,我没有做
  You didn't do it? 你没有做
  Why? 为什么
  Why?! 为什么
  Why? 为什么
  Because... 因为
  Why? 为什么
  Eddie! Are you ready for school? 埃迪,你准备好上学了吗
  Never been more ready in my life. 万事俱备只欠上学了
  How'd your family take the news? 你家人听到这个消息反应如何
  My mom congratulated me on choosing work over her, 我妈妈恭喜我把工作放在她前头
  And then Connie stole the moment 然后康妮整通电话都在讲
  by claiming her psychic 4 predicted it all. 她早就预料到会这样了
  Well, I'll start calling the staff, 好吧,我得给员工打电话了
  See who I can ask to work on Thursday. 看看能请谁在周四来上班
  Ask? You don't ask. You tell. 请,不用请,你直接通知就行了
  It won't be hard to get someone. 叫来一些人不是什么难事
  Holiday pay is time and a half. 假日付一倍半薪水
  You tell them, "Happy Thanksgiving. 你就跟他们说,“感恩节快乐
  See you on Friday at regular pay." 我们周五见,工资照常发”
  But we'll need extra help. 但我们会需要更多的帮手
  That's why we have children. 那就是我们要孩子的原因
  We'll do a buffet 5. 我们可以做自助餐
  We'll prep all the food in the morning. 可以在早上准备好所有食物
  A couple servers is the only staff we need. 只需要两个服务员
  Well, it looks like all we have left to do is the centerpieces. 好吧,看来我们就剩餐桌装饰要做了
  And pick up the raffle 6 prize. 还有准备抽奖奖品
  Oh! Which was another amazing idea you had 就是你的另一个绝世妙招
  Raffling 7 off a fresh turkey. 送一只新鲜的火鸡作为奖品
  Thanksgiving is built on gamblers and hungry people. 感恩节原本就是赌徒和饿汉的节日
  This excites both. 这会让两者都感到兴奋
  Hey! 嘿
  Can I stash 8 these pinecones over here? 我能把这些松果藏在这里吗
  I just bought them at the French Bushel, 我刚刚在法国的蒲式耳买了这些松果
  And Marvin doesn't believe in buying things 但是马文不相信这种地上就能捡到的
  you can find on the ground. 东西还需要用买的
  Don't tell that to a truffle pig. 可别和一只松露猪说这些话
  Why is it so quiet in here? 你们这儿怎么这么安静
  I thought you guys would be running around 我还以为你们会忙得到处跑
  screaming at each other, getting the house ready for guests. 冲着对方大叫,给客人准备房子
  Uh, we're not doing that this year. 我们今年不打算这么做
  We're working. 我们要工作
  What are you and Marvin doing? 你和马文打算干什么
  Uh, well, we assumed that we would 我们原本打算
  come over here for dinner, like we did last year 就像我们去年那样,等马文和他的牙医朋友们
  After Marvin and his dentist friends 结束他们每年一次的捕鹿活动之后
  go on their annual deer hunt. 来你们这儿吃晚饭
  They call themselves the Buck 9 Tooth Club. 他们自称为雄鹿牙齿俱乐部
  Well, you and Marvin should come to Cattleman's for dinner. 你和马文可以来牧场牛排餐厅吃饭
  It'll be just like last year, except $6.99 a head. 其他的和去年一样,除了每人要交六点九九美元
  That sounds great. 听起来很棒
  $6.99 for kids. 六点九九美元是儿童价
  $18.99 for adults. 成人每人十八点九九美元
  Oh. Sure. Okay. 行啊,没问题
  Principal Hunter? 汉特校长
  We have a major problem. 我们有个很严重的问题
  Eddie refused to do his family tree assignment. 埃迪拒绝做他的家系图作业
  Why didn't you do your homework? 你为什么不做作业
  I had a vision. 我做了个梦
  What do you mean? What vision? 什么意思,什么梦
  When I was asleep in bed last night, 我昨晚睡觉的时候
  I realized eighth grade doesn't matter. 我意识到八年级根本不重要
  Who told you this in your vision? A bum 10? 梦里是谁告诉你的,流浪汉吗
  As long as you don't fail, you get into high school, 只要没有挂科,你就会顺利进入高中
  and that's when grades start to count. 那时候成绩才开始起作用
  Colleges don't look at your middle-school report cards. 大学不会去查你的中学成绩卡
  I'm already getting A's in all my classes, 我已经在我所有的课堂上都得了A
  So I can take the rest of the year off and still pass. 所以我今年剩下的课都不去上也能毕业
  But what—Is this true? 但是,这是真的吗
  Send the boy to his room. 先让孩子回房间
  No need. I'll send myself. 不用了,我自己回去
  Thanks for the ride, hunter. 谢谢你送我回来,校长
  See you at graduation. 毕业典礼见
  Look, let's not milk a cow and call it butter. 听着,我们不用自欺欺人了
  We all know he's right. 我们都知道他说得对
  That eighth grade doesn't matter? 八年级真的不重要吗
  Yeah. And we all know how much Eddie likes to talk. 是的,而且我们都知道埃迪有多么喜欢讲话
  Do you ever ask yourself, "Why?" 你们问过你们自己“为什么”吗
  Why we put ourselves through all the hassle, 我们为什么要让自己经受这些麻烦
  through all the headaches of homework, 做作业做到头痛
  through all the tests—for grades that don't matter? 考试考到想哭,就为了根本不重要的成绩
  Why do we do it? 我们为什么要这样
  Why? Why? 为什么,为什么
  We have a code black! 黑色警报
  The prophecy. 预言家
  Frankly 11, I'm surprised it's taken this long 坦白地讲,我很惊讶孩子居然花了这么长时间
  for a kid to figure it out. 才想明白这一点
  We can't risk this spreading. 我们不能让这种言论传播开来
  If the truth gets out, it could bring the whole system down. 如果真相泄露,整个体系都会崩溃的
  Don't worry. I will put a stop to this right away. 别担心,我会马上制止这件事的
  I hope so. 希望如此
  The fate of lower-school academia is in your hands. 低等教育界的命运就掌握在你的手里了
  Nonsense time is over. 胡说八道时间到此结束
  You live in our house, you get good grades. 你住在我们的房子里,你就得拿到优秀的成绩
  And you're gonna start right now with your family tree project. 而且你现在就要开始做你的家系图作业
  Why? It's pointless. 为什么,这毫无意义
  Like mom said, it's a lot of hard work for nothing. 就像妈妈说过的,这是徒劳无益的
  I never said that. 我没说过这话
  Yeah, you did—about Thanksgiving. 有的,你说过的,说感恩节的时候
  You know how your Thanksgiving is Thanksgiving? 你知道你的感恩节有多感恩吗
  My Thanksgiving is eighth grade. 我的感恩节就是八年级
  Who put you up to this? 谁让你变成这样的
  Your white friends? 你的白人朋友吗
  No more white friends! New rule! 不准再交白人朋友,新规矩
  Okay, fine. 成啊,没问题
  Let's pretend that grades are important 我们来假设一下成绩是重要的
  and I work hard this year and in high school and college. 而我今年以及在高中和大学都很努力学习
  And then dad dies. Wait, what? 然后爸爸死了,等等,什么
  And I take over the restaurant, carrying on the family business. 然后我接手餐厅,继承家族事业
  Oh. Like a legacy 12. 哦,就像一个传奇
  No matter good grades or bad, I end up in the same spot. 不管成绩是好是坏,我都有同样的结局
  Who says Cattleman's is going to go to you? 谁说牧场牛排餐厅要传给你
  What about Emery and Evan? The restaurant might go to them. 埃默里和埃文呢,餐厅可能会让他们继承呢
  Even better. Give it to them. 那就更好了,给他们吧
  They can do all the work, and I'll be a silent partner. 他们可以干所有的活,然后我就是个沉默的同伙人
  When have you ever been silent? 你什么时候是沉默的吗
  Not through "The Goonies." That's for sure. 除了看《七宝奇谋》的时候,那时候当然没话说了
  Oh, you mean the coincidences? 哦,你指的是那部充满巧合的电影吗
  "We need money." "Oh. Here's a treasure map." “我需要钱”“哦,这儿有张寻宝地图”
  "We need a strong guy." “我们需要个强壮的家伙”
  "Oh, look in the ice cream cooler! There's an ogre!" “快看雪糕冷却器,里面有个妖怪”
  "Watch out! There's a piano booby trap!" “小心,这儿有个钢琴陷阱”
  "Oh, wait—I play." “哦,等等,我会弹琴”
  It's a movie! And it's a great one! 那是部电影,一部优秀的电影
  Eddie, you are not leaving this room 埃迪,在做完你的作业之前
  until you finish your homework. 你不能离开这个房间
  That's what I've been saying. 我就是这个意思
  I'll hang out in here until ninth grade 在九年级开学之前,我都会待在这儿
  and then do my homework. 上了九年级我就会做作业了
  Glad we agree, mom. 很高兴我们达成了一致,妈妈
  Dad, get on board with me and mom. 爸爸,快加入我和妈妈的队伍吧
  Can you guys leave? I'm gonna take a naked nap. 你们能离开了吗,我要小睡一会了
  Do you know what the problem is? 你知道问题是什么吗
  He's become a lazy, entitled bum. 他正在成为一个懒惰,名副其实的流浪汉
  We have a bum kid! 我们有个游手好闲的儿子
  Jessica, hold on. 杰西卡,冷静点
  This is our reward after years of struggle 这就是我们在数年的奋斗
  and self-sacrifice, trying to provide, 牺牲自我,努力给予
  working on holidays! 在假日依旧工作之后的回报
  Building a legacy that my boy wants to take over. 书写一个我的儿子想要继承的传奇
  No, see, that's the problem! 不,看看,这就是问题
  He thinks he can just sit back 他觉得他可以坐享其成
  and everything's going to just be handed to him, 所有一切都会有人呈上给他
  so he doesn't appreciate anything. 所以他不会珍惜任何东西
  Not "The Goonies." That's for sure. 除了《七宝奇谋》那个他珍惜的
  I was so careful. 我是那么的小心
  I was so strict. 我是那么的严格
  Then a video game here, a gummy snack there. 但是他们还是打游戏,吃垃圾食品
  You can't blame yourself. 你不能怪自己
  I blame you, too. 我也怪你
  You're the one who bought him this. 这个是你买给他的
  What is this? 这是什么
  It's an invisible dog on a leash 13. 这是被栓着的隐形狗
  Eddie doesn't realize how lucky he has it. 埃迪是生在福中不知福
  You know, he has so many T-shirts, 你知道,他有那么多的T恤
  So many rap CDs, so many sneakers. 那么多的说唱歌碟,那么多的运动鞋
  He has four pairs of sneakers. 他有四双运动鞋呢
  Who is he—Imelda Marcos? 他以为他是伊梅尔达·马科斯吗(有三千多双鞋的菲律宾前第一夫人)
  Well, maybe he just needs to be reminded how good he has it. 或许他只是需要有人提醒下他有多么幸运
  Hope that's not the national geographic 14 希望那不是国家地理杂志
  Grandma claims she's in. 奶奶说她有上杂志的
  We wanted to help out with centerpiece ideas, 我们想要帮忙做些餐桌装饰
  So we're making these thanksgiving mood boards 所以我们要做些感恩节气氛板
  For inspiration. 鼓舞气氛
  I like to start with a feel, 我想要以节日气氛开始
  So I collected these light-brown tones. 所以我收集了这些浅棕色调的东西
  Mine's a celebration of maize 15. 我的是玉米庆典
  You know, different types of maize, 你懂的,不同品种的玉米
  Different sizes of maize, different colors of maize, 不同大小的,和不同颜色的玉米
  Uses for maize, American maize, plus common European maize. 玉米的用途,美国玉米,还有普通的欧洲玉米
  Welcome to my morning. 我都听了一个早上了
  That's so thoughtful of you boys. 你们俩真是有想法啊
  You didn't have to do all this. 你们不必这么费心思的
  Well, we figured we better start 我们觉得我们最好开始
  Helping 16 cattleman's any way we can. 尽我们所能来帮助牧场牛排餐厅
  We overheard mom say 我们无意中听到妈妈说
  That we might have a chance to inherit it. 我们可能有机会继承牧场牛排餐厅
  You guys are interested in the restaurant, too? 你们也对开餐馆有兴趣吗
  Of course—under the right management, 当然了,在良好的管理之下
  That thing could make some money. 那东西也是能赚钱的
  I guess I never imagined cattleman's ranch could become 我还从没想过我的牧场牛排餐厅能够成为
  Cattleman's ranch and sons. 我的牧场牛排餐厅和儿子们
  We should put a cowboy on the sign lassoing his boys. 我们应该在招牌上在画上一个牛仔在套牛
  Cattleman's is a ranch. 牧场餐厅是牧场的意思
  The sign should be a cow with his calves 17. 招牌上应该是一头奶牛和它的小牛仔
  You mean a bull. A cow's a girl. 你是说公牛吧,奶牛是女的
  You're a girl! 你才是女的呢
  Now, now, sons, it's just my silly legacy. 好了好了,孩子们,那只是我的破遗产而已
  not worth fighting over. 不值得为这事吵架
  Who am I gonna trust with my secret barbecue recipe? 我该把我的秘密烧烤配方传授给谁呢
  Your secret's safe with me—as long as I don't get tickled 18. 我会帮你保管好秘密,只要没人挠我痒痒逼迫我说出来
  All right, g-dubs, what tunes 20 should we listen to tonight? 好吧,G爵士,我们今晚要听什么曲子呢
  P-to-the-e-to-the-abo Bryson? 听皮波·布莱森的歌好吗
  Aah! Where's my bed?! 我的床呢
  Something wrong, Eddie? 怎么了吗,埃迪
  Call the cops! We've been hit! 快报警,我们糟小偷了
  Oh, beds are for people who work hard. 床是为努力学习的人准备的
  You work hard, you rest hard. 你努力学习,才能好好休息
  You stole your son's bed on Thanksgiving Eve? 你竟然在感恩节前夜偷了你儿子的床
  Recommit yourself to school and hard work, 你回去上课好好学习
  You get your bed back. 你就能拿回你的床
  You know what? I don't need it. 你知道吗,我不需要了
  Beds are like eighth grade—useless. 床就像八年级一样,毫无用处
  I'll just sleep on some T-shirts. 我睡在T恤上就可以了
  I knew he had too many T-shirts. 我就知道他T恤太多了
  this is great. 这很棒
  This is good. 这很好
  I think I'm too comfortable, actually. 事实上,我觉得我特别舒服
  I need to find my damn bed! 我得找回我那张该死的床
  You put me in a Thanksgiving pickle 21. 你真让我进退两难
  How do I sell more tickets to other people 我就这么让你抽中了
  After I just gave you the winner? 我怎么才能把更多券卖给别人呢
  This is the winning ticket. I can feel it. 这张肯定中奖,我能感觉到
  Just promise me you won't let this free turkey change you. 你要保证这免费的火鸡不会改变你
  Don't forget about us after you win, okay? 苟富贵勿相忘,好吗
  Oh. That's the lucky ticket. 这是张幸运券
  After you win, you and that turkey 你中奖之后应该和那只火鸡
  Should take a trip to Vegas. 去拉斯维加斯放手一搏
  Ketchup 22? Is—is that what you want? 番茄酱,你是想要番茄酱吗
  What were you doing in the freezer? 你来冷冻库做什么
  Just checking to see if my mom hid my mattress 23 in there. 只是来看看我妈是不是把我床垫放这里了
  I'm so scared of your mom. 我好怕你妈妈
  What's wrong? 怎么了
  Didn't sleep well? 没睡好吗
  I'm good. Just stretching my jaw 24 muscles. 我很好,只是伸展一下我下巴的肌肉
  Getting ready for dinner. Oh, okay. 为晚饭做好准备而已,好啊
  Why don't you walk around and remind people about the raffle? 不如你去到处走走提醒一下大家抽奖的事情
  Unless you're too tired. 如果你太累了就算了
  Not tired. Full of energy! 才不累,我能量爆棚
  Looks like everyone's enjoying the centerpieces. 看起来大家都很喜欢餐厅装饰
  Nice job, boys. 干得好,孩子们
  How do you know that? 你怎么知道的
  What did you observe? 你怎么看出来的
  How does one enjoy the centerpieces? 如何看得出顾客喜欢餐厅装饰呢
  Yeah, tell us. We want to learn. 是的,告诉我们,我们想学习一下
  Oh. Um, yeah. 好吧
  Uh, yeah. I-I-I don't know. 好吧,我不知道
  I just said it to say something. 我只是找点话说而已
  "Motivate staff with lies." 用谎言鼓励员工
  Hey, boss? Creamed corn's running low. 嘿,老板,奶油玉米快没了
  Hmm. Let's see how my owners- in-training would handle this. 嗯,我们看看未来的接班人会如何解决这个问题
  Boys? 孩子们
  Let's open up two big cans. 我们打开两大罐子
  But only bring out one. 但是只拿一罐出来
  Keep the other in the back in case we don't need it. 另一罐放在后厨,以防我们用不到
  We can reuse it tomorrow. 我们明天可以再用
  Naturals. Don't know where they got it from. 这是天生的,我也不知道他们从哪儿学来的
  Owners-in-training? 未来的接班人
  Oh, no, we're screwed! 不,我们完蛋了
  Ask my niece—I am not good with kids. 看我侄子就知道,我和小孩子相处得不好
  I don't know if this makes me racist 25, 我不知道说这话是不是种族歧视
  But I did not realize there were two of them. 但是我都没意识到,竟然有两个小孩子
  oh, I love Rocky and Bullwinkle! 我爱松鼠洛基和麋鹿布温克
  Yeah. 是啊
  Sweetie, it's fine. 亲爱的,没关系
  We still have a freezer full of deer left from last year. 我们还有去年留下的一整个冰柜的鹿肉呢
  12 years in a row, I've iced a deer, 连续十二年,每年我都猎一只鹿
  And today—squat, diddly. 而今天,我就坐在这里,毫无价值
  Aw, well, maybe they just kept catching 26 the scent 27 of handsome 噢,也许他们还在寻找公鹿的气味
  And got skittish 28. 而且打草惊蛇了
  Oh, no. 噢不会的
  I'm 30 feet up in a tree blind, soaked in deer urine. 我就在树荫之上的三十英尺处,全身浸泡在鹿尿里
  My charm's strong, but it's not that strong. 我的魅力很大,但是也没那么大
  Hey, Marvin and Honey. Make sure to buy a raffle ticket. 嘿,马文和哈妮,你们买了抽奖券了吗
  Blah, blah, blah. 巴拉巴拉巴拉
  Did my mom stash my bed at your house, 我妈把我的床藏到你们家了吗
  Like she did with our Christmas presents? 就像她把我们圣诞节礼物藏起来一样
  No. Why'd she take your bed? 没有,为什么她要搬走你的床
  she's trying to force me to care about eighth grade. 她想要逼迫我重视八年级的学业
  I remember junior high. 我记得我初中的时候
  I didn't do a lick of work. 从没写过作业
  Me neither. 我也是
  I did the work. I want my bed back. 我做好功课了,把床还给我
  Oh, you did your family tree assignment? 你做了家系图作业吗
  No, a different type of work 不,是另一种功课
  Data collection, statistical 29 analysis. 数据收集,和数据分析
  I conducted a sociology study to prove my theory. 我做了一个社会学研究来证明我的理论
  Please describe your eighth-grade experience. 请描述你八年级时的经历
  Well, I skipped class all the time. 好,我一直翘课
  I had a kid who looks a lot like you 有个跟你很像的孩子
  Do all my schoolwork for me so I could concentrate on football. 帮我做作业,所以我就能专心踢球了
  I missed most of my eighth grade. 我最怀念的是我八年级时
  Was home sick with Mono. 想念莫诺想到疯了
  And what do you do now? 那你现在在做什么
  I'm a rich dentist. 我是个有钱的牙医
  I'm your mom's business partner. 我是你妈妈的生意合作伙伴
  So what? That doesn't prove anything. 那又怎样,这证明不了任何事
  It's just two people. 只是两个人而已
  Two people you know very well, 两个你非常熟悉的人
  Who are very successful members of society. 他们是非常成功的社会人士
  Thank you for participating in our informal survey. 谢谢你们参与我的非正式调查
  You will always have free desserts at my establishment. 我的餐厅会永远为你们提供免费的甜品
  Hot dog! Cool! 太棒了,太好了
  Will you please stop assuming 你能停止假设
  That cattleman's is going to go to you? 这家餐厅以后会是你的吗
  Yeah, we're getting cattleman's. 是的,餐厅会由我们继承
  What?! 什么
  We heard you say so yourself. 我们听到你这么说的
  Oh, that was just to scare Eddie. 那只是为了吓唬埃迪的
  I don't want any of you boys to get cattleman's. 我不希望你们任何一人继承这家餐厅
  I never have! 我从没这么想过
  Oh. I see. 我明白了
  So, cattleman's is a good-enough excuse 所以,这餐厅只是个足够好借口
  For you to get out of thanksgiving with your family 能让你不和你的家人过感恩节
  But not good enough for your boys. 但是对你的孩子们来说还不够好
  No. Louis! 不,路易斯
  Louis, wait! 路易斯,等一下
  Come on! 天哪
  Garfield! Garfield! 加菲猫,加菲猫
  Garfield! Garfield! 加菲猫,加菲猫
  Pecan—your favorite. 山核桃,你们最喜欢的
  Remember this when you take over the restaurant. 你们接管餐厅的时候要记得我的好啊
  I'm allergic 30 to nuts. 我对坚果过敏
  I just saved your life. 我刚救了你的命
  Remember that when you take over the restaurant. 你们接管餐厅的时候要记得我的好啊
  You guys are wasting your time. 你们俩正在浪费时间
  None of my boys are taking over. 我的孩子不会接管餐厅的
  Yes! 太棒了
  Now I don't have to learn either of their names. 我不用背他们的名字了
  Louis. We have to raffle off the turkey. 路易斯,我们得抽奖了
  Oh, while we're at it, 我们抽奖送火鸡的时候
  Why don't we just raffle off the whole restaurant? 为什么不直接把整个餐厅也抽奖送出去吧
  Because we already bought the turkey. 因为我们已经买了火鸡
  What's that? 那是什么
  The dupe. 出老千
  What? 什么
  The winning ticket. 中奖券
  Did you rig this? 你暗箱操作了吗
  You're welcome. 不用谢我
  Now we get all the raffle money, 现在我们得到彩金
  And we can return the prize turkey. 可以还了买火鸡的钱了
  Happy Thankskeeping. 受恩节快乐哦
  Of course you'd bring corruption 31 into these halls. 你当然会暗箱操作啦
  You have no regard for the sanctity of cattleman's! 你根本不在乎牧场牛排餐厅的尊严
  This day's a celebration of people who made a living 这个日子就是人们用来庆祝他们通过欺骗本地人
  By swindling the natives. 存活了下来的节日
  I am so thanksgiving. 我真得很感激
  Hello, Pilgrims! 大家好,初始移民们
  Gobble, gobble! 咯咯,咯咯(模仿火鸡叫的声音)
  Hope you all saved room... For the big raffle. 希望你们肚子还留着空,为这个巨大的火鸡做准备
  Time to find out who has that winning ticket! 是时候揭晓今晚的幸运中奖者了
  Oh, I hope it's me. 我希望是我
  Actually, that's a good reminder 32 that everyone is eligible 33. 实际上,这话很好地提醒了中奖机会人人均等
  Okay, here we go. 好了,开始了
  54712. 54712.
  54712? 54712?
  5...4...7...1...2 5...4...7...1...2
  54712! 54712!
  Well, no one's claiming that, so it looks like 没人领奖,看来我们得
  We're gonna have to draw another number. 再转一次了
  Oh. 噢
  Oh, come on. I got to feed my snake. 求中奖啊,我还有条蛇要养
  33988. 33988.
  that's me! I won! 是我,我中了
  winner, winner, turkey dinner! 赢家赢家,火鸡带回家
  Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. 大家感恩节快乐
  Oh, I knew I was gonna win. 噢,我就知道我会赢的
  I heard two Phil Collins songs on the radio this morning 我今天在广播连续听到了两首
  In a row. 菲尔·科林斯的歌
  Best thanksgiving alone ever. 史上最佳的单身感恩节
  Uh, okay. 好吧
  Uh, and here's your prize now. 这就是你的奖品
  What's that? 那是什么
  Your prize. 奖品啊
  I thought it was supposed to be a fresh turkey. 不是说是新鲜火鸡吗
  Right. Well, this is as fresh as it gets. 对啊,最新鲜就是这个样子的了
  I can't put that thing in my lebaron. 我不能把那东西带上车
  It could peck my head while I'm driving home. 我开车的时候它会啄我的头的
  Well, if you don't want it, I can always draw another number. 如果你不想要的话,我就再抽一个人
  Or the same number I drew before. 或者就给我之前抽到的那个人
  No, I want it. 不,我想要
  It's just that a fresh turkey 只是新鲜火鸡
  Means prepped and dressed—as in oven-ready, 意思是,准备好的,可以直送烤箱的
  As in dead. 死的
  Aah! It came at me! 啊,它朝我来了
  How did my mother do this three times a week? 我妈之前是怎么做到一周杀三只鸡的
  Maybe you can kill it from the inside 或许你可以试试用寒心的话
  By crushing its dreams with your unsupportive words. 摧毁它的梦想,从内心杀死它
  Okay. Why are you so upset? 行了,你为什么这么难过
  We have always been on the same page 我们一直以来都很同步
  About building up the restaurant and then selling it. 说好要开一家饭店,然后就卖了它
  I know, but that was before the boys showed interest. 我知道,但我没想到儿子们会有兴趣啊
  I like the idea of handing something I created 我想要把我亲手创造的东西
  Down to my sons. 代代相传下去
  Is that so bad? 这主意很糟糕吗
  They're kids. 他们只是孩子
  They don't know what they want. 他们不知道自己想要什么
  This week, Eddie wants to inherit the restaurant 这个礼拜,埃迪想要继承饭店
  Because it's convenient for his school protest. 就因为可以不用学习
  Last week, he wanted— 上个礼拜,他想要
  He wanted to invent underwear made out of bubble wrap— 他想要发明一种泡泡纸内裤
  Right after he took a hard fall off that bench. 就因为他从板凳上重重摔了一跤
  Exactly. 没错
  Louis, this place is the reason our boys are going to have 路易斯,这个饭店就是我们儿子能够
  The opportunity to pursue their dreams— 追逐他们梦想的原因
  Dreams they'll appreciate 他们真正喜欢的梦想
  Because they'll work hard for them, the way you did. 因为他们会为之努力,就像你一样
  Doctor, president, lawyer— 医生,总统,律师
  Whatever non-teaching jobs they want. 任何不是当老师的工作
  So, it's not that you think this place 所以,你不是认为这个饭店
  Isn't good enough for them? 对他们来说不够好咯
  Oh. 噢
  Oh, Louis, of course I don't think this place 噢路易斯,我当然觉得这个地方
  Is good enough for them, 对他们来说不够好
  But it's not because I look down on cattleman's. 但不是因为我看不起牧场主餐厅
  It's just because I have ridiculously high hopes 只是因为我对我们孩子抱着高得离谱的
  For our boys. 期待
  And that's all possible because of what you accomplished 34. 而一切都是有可能的,因为有你付出的这一切
  That's my number! I won! 是我的号码,我中了
  You can have your bed back. 你可以要回你的床了
  What? I can? 什么,真的吗
  Where'd you hide it? 你藏去哪了
  It was in grandma's room. 你奶奶房间
  You know, you really should visit her more often. 你真该多去看看她
  She's an interesting lady. 她是个很有意思的老太太
  Wait. 等等
  I didn't say I'd try hard in school again. 我没说我会好好学习
  Why are you giving me my bed back? 为什么你愿意给回床给我
  What can I say? 我要怎么说呢
  I guess this holiday just has me in a giving mood. 我想是这个节日让我备感慷慨吧
  In fact, all meals are on the house today! 说真的,今天吃饭全场免单
  Happy thanksgiving! 感恩节快乐
  What are you doing?! 你在干什么
  You just gave away your entire thanksgiving profits! 你把感恩节赚的钱都送出去了
  And I won't stop there. 我不会就这样罢休
  That's right. 没错
  I'll drive your father's dream straight into the ground 我会把你爸的梦想毁得稀巴烂
  If it motivates you to get A's again. 只要你愿意继续努力拿A
  Ohh. You thought I just had a little holiday change of heart? 噢,你还以为我被节日气氛感染了吗
  No. 不
  Your mom's just... 你妈妈我
  A little crazy. 只是有点疯狂
  Loco. 不正常
  So, it started with N.W.A. 所以,要从N.W.A说起(嘻哈说唱乐队)
  Then Eazy-E and Ruthless records branched off 队长Eazy-E和Ruthless公司
  With B.G. Knocc out, Dresta, and the D.O.C. 和B.G. Knocc out Dresta The D.O.C分道扬镳
  Mc Ren and DJ Yella's lines don't go anywhere,  MC Ren和DJ Yella没有动
  And I'm not sure who this Arabian Prince guy is. 但我不知道这个Arabian Prince是谁
  Now, Dr. Dre and ice cube are a different story. 现在,Dr. Dre和艾斯·库伯则是另一个故事了
  Cube formed the whole Lench Mob crew family— 库伯创立了Da Lench Mob唱片公司
  Da Lench Mob, Del The Funky 35 Homosapien— 像Da Lench Mob和Del Tha Funkee Homosapien
  Ice Cube's cousin and a member of the Hieroglyphics— 艾斯·库伯的表亲和Hieroglyphics乐队的成员
  Dub 19 c and Mack 10 of westside connection,  Dub c和Westside Connection乐队的Mack 10
  And DJ pooh. 和DJ维尼
  Heh. Pooh. 哈哈哈,维尼
  Now, Dre gave birth to 213's Snoop Dogg,  Dre也带来了213乐队的Snoop Dogg
  Which led to the Lady of Rage, Tha Dogg Pound— 接下来就是The Lady Of Rage,Tha Dogg Pound
  Daz and Kurupt Warren G, Dr. Dre's stepbrother,  Daz 和 Kurupt Warren G Dre的弟弟
  And Nate Dogg, who is in no relation to Snoop Dogg, 还有奈特·道格,但他和史努比·狗狗没有一点关系
  But he's like everyone's adopted brother 他就像是大家的养兄弟一样
  Because they can't sing a refrain without him. 因为他们唱副歌不能没有他
  There's so many doggs. 太多狗狗了
  And that's it. That's my family tree. 就这样,这就是我的家系图
  Ah, good enough. 算了,就这样了

1 underneath
  • Working underneath the car is always a messy job.在汽车底下工作是件脏活。
  • She wore a coat with a dress underneath.她穿着一件大衣,里面套着一条连衣裙。
2 fabulous
  • We had a fabulous time at the party.我们在晚会上玩得很痛快。
  • This is a fabulous sum of money.这是一笔巨款。
3 ranch
  • He went to work on a ranch.他去一个大农场干活。
  • The ranch is in the middle of a large plateau.该牧场位于一个辽阔高原的中部。
4 psychic
  • Some people are said to have psychic powers.据说有些人有通灵的能力。
  • She claims to be psychic and to be able to foretell the future.她自称有特异功能,能预知未来。
5 buffet
  • Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding?你想在婚礼中摆桌宴还是搞自助餐?
  • Could you tell me what specialties you have for the buffet?你能告诉我你们的自助餐有什么特色菜吗?
6 raffle
  • The money was raised by the sale of raffle tickets.这笔款子是通过出售购物彩券筹集的。
  • He won a car in the raffle.他在兑奖售物活动中赢得了一辆汽车。
7 raffling
v.以抽彩方式售(物)( raffle的现在分词 )
  • During each show we will be raffling a fabulous prize. 每场表演期间,我们将以抽彩方法送出大奖。 来自柯林斯例句
8 stash
  • Stash away both what you lost and gained,for life continues on.将得失深藏心底吧,为了那未来的生活。
  • That's supposed to be in our private stash.这是我的私人珍藏。
9 buck
  • The boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck.这个男孩好奇地弯下身去看鹿的骸骨。
  • The female deer attracts the buck with high-pitched sounds.雌鹿以尖声吸引雄鹿。
10 bum
  • A man pinched her bum on the train so she hit him.在火车上有人捏她屁股,她打了那人。
  • The penniless man had to bum a ride home.那个身无分文的人只好乞求搭车回家。
11 frankly
  • To speak frankly, I don't like the idea at all.老实说,我一点也不赞成这个主意。
  • Frankly speaking, I'm not opposed to reform.坦率地说,我不反对改革。
12 legacy
  • They are the most precious cultural legacy our forefathers left.它们是我们祖先留下来的最宝贵的文化遗产。
  • He thinks the legacy is a gift from the Gods.他认为这笔遗产是天赐之物。
13 leash
  • I reached for the leash,but the dog got in between.我伸手去拿系狗绳,但被狗挡住了路。
  • The dog strains at the leash,eager to be off.狗拼命地扯拉皮带,想挣脱开去。
14 geographic
  • The city's success owes much to its geographic position. 这座城市的成功很大程度上归功于它的地理位置。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Environmental problems pay no heed to these geographic lines. 环境问题并不理会这些地理界限。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
15 maize
  • There's a field planted with maize behind the house.房子后面有一块玉米地。
  • We can grow sorghum or maize on this plot.这块地可以种高粱或玉米。
16 helping
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
17 calves
n.(calf的复数)笨拙的男子,腓;腿肚子( calf的名词复数 );牛犊;腓;小腿肚v.生小牛( calve的第三人称单数 );(冰川)崩解;生(小牛等),产(犊);使(冰川)崩解
  • a cow suckling her calves 给小牛吃奶的母牛
  • The calves are grazed intensively during their first season. 小牛在生长的第一季里集中喂养。 来自《简明英汉词典》
18 tickled
(使)发痒( tickle的过去式和过去分词 ); (使)愉快,逗乐
  • We were tickled pink to see our friends on television. 在电视中看到我们的一些朋友,我们高兴极了。
  • I tickled the baby's feet and made her laugh. 我胳肢孩子的脚,使她发笑。
19 dub
  • I intend to use simultaneous recording to dub this film.我打算采用同期录音的方法为这部影片配音。
  • It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences.它被译制成西班牙语以方便墨西哥观众观看。
20 tunes
n.曲调,曲子( tune的名词复数 )v.调音( tune的第三人称单数 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调
  • a potpourri of tunes 乐曲集锦
  • When things get a bit too much, she simply tunes out temporarily. 碰到事情太棘手时,她干脆暂时撒手不管。 来自《简明英汉词典》
21 pickle
  • Mother used to pickle onions.妈妈过去常腌制洋葱。
  • Meat can be preserved in pickle.肉可以保存在卤水里。
22 ketchup
  • There's a spot of ketchup on the tablecloth.桌布上有一点番茄酱的渍斑。
  • Could I have some ketchup and napkins,please?请给我一些番茄酱和纸手巾?
23 mattress
  • The straw mattress needs to be aired.草垫子该晾一晾了。
  • The new mattress I bought sags in the middle.我买的新床垫中间陷了下去。
24 jaw
  • He delivered a right hook to his opponent's jaw.他给了对方下巴一记右钩拳。
  • A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character.强健的方下巴是刚毅性格的标志。
25 racist
  • a series of racist attacks 一连串的种族袭击行为
  • His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism. 他的讲话以民族主义为幌子宣扬种族主义思想。
26 catching
  • There are those who think eczema is catching.有人就是认为湿疹会传染。
  • Enthusiasm is very catching.热情非常富有感染力。
27 scent
  • The air was filled with the scent of lilac.空气中弥漫着丁香花的芬芳。
  • The flowers give off a heady scent at night.这些花晚上散发出醉人的芳香。
28 skittish
  • She gets very skittish when her boy-friend is around.她男朋友在场时,她就显得格外轻佻。
  • I won't have my son associating with skittish girls.我不准我的儿子与轻佻的女孩交往。
29 statistical
  • He showed the price fluctuations in a statistical table.他用统计表显示价格的波动。
  • They're making detailed statistical analysis.他们正在做具体的统计分析。
30 allergic
  • Alice is allergic to the fur of cats.艾丽斯对猫的皮毛过敏。
  • Many people are allergic to airborne pollutants such as pollen.许多人对空气传播的污染物过敏,比如花粉。
31 corruption
  • The people asked the government to hit out against corruption and theft.人民要求政府严惩贪污盗窃。
  • The old man reviled against corruption.那老人痛斥了贪污舞弊。
32 reminder
  • I have had another reminder from the library.我又收到图书馆的催还单。
  • It always took a final reminder to get her to pay her share of the rent.总是得发给她一份最后催缴通知,她才付应该交的房租。
33 eligible
  • He is an eligible young man.他是一个合格的年轻人。
  • Helen married an eligible bachelor.海伦嫁给了一个中意的单身汉。
34 accomplished
  • Thanks to your help,we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.亏得你们帮忙,我们才提前完成了任务。
  • Removal of excess heat is accomplished by means of a radiator.通过散热器完成多余热量的排出。
35 funky
  • The kitchen smelled really funky.这个厨房有一股霉味。
  • It is a funky restaurant with very interesting art on the walls.那是一家墙上挂着很有意思的绘画的新潮餐馆。
标签: 初来乍到
a bill to order
after treatment with metal salts
alleged debt
ampullar region
back-chained reasoning
boss bearing of pulley
bridge players
BRU (branch unconditionally)
card counters
commodity hardware
computer aided reliability estimation
copper-bearing steel
cottontop tamarin
Cyperus serotinus
delivery on spot
dodona eugenes esakii
dual duct air conditioning system
electro print marking (epm)
family Apodidae
fine product collector
follicle-stimulating hormone
gloiothele globosa
good to know
hammer strap
income velocity
intrahepatic duct
jernglans (hematite)
language level
larval paludism
linear grid
Lisfranc fracture
listing fee
logic decision making
make allowance
merry andrew (mediaeval england)
meso form
Ph D
propeller shaft bracket
publishing point
Pugwash conferences
removal of cuttings
rock defended terrace
rotor ampere turns
Royal fish
Rubia alata
salt away
Schur index of an irreducible representation
sediment classification
set someone's back up
shadows of
Shibataea hispida
ship based
shoe joint
silvestrite (siderazot)
singular boundary point
spiny leaved sow thistle
stood at
Trigonostemon lii
trollius ranuculoides hemsl.
twin shoot
vacuum fittings
Viburnum tengyuehense
winding lubricant