时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:初来乍到第三季


   Evan, that's too much soy milk. 埃文,豆奶放太多了

  We both know where this leads. 你知道会怎样的
  You add too much milk, then you'll add more cereal. 豆奶又倒多了然后你又要加麦片
  Then you'll need more milk, and where does it end? 然后你再加豆奶有完没完啦
  But dry alpha-bits taste gross. 但是干的很难吃
  When I was your age, 像你这么大的时候
  I had to soften 1 my cereal with rainwater. 我只能用雨水拌麦片吃
  Emery, you only need one comb! 埃默里,一把梳子就够了
  But they all have a specific use. 可他们是有不同作用的
  Pick one! Pick? 选一把,选
  Oh, no. 不要
  Eddie, stop reading that trash. 埃迪,别看那个垃圾杂志了
  How does she always know? 她怎么总能知道
  If I have to come in there, it's gonna be worse for you. 等我进来你就惨了
  But I'm reading about King Crawdad's amazing backstory! 可我在看喇蛄王的传奇故事
  He's also a deacon. 他也是个教会执事
  The apples in here are for you, not your teachers. 苹果是给你吃的不是给你老师的
  Their lives are easy enough without also getting free food. 他们活得够轻松了还想要免费水果
  Mom, did you remember to... 妈妈你记得
  Yes, I made your sandwich with double mustard. 对,我给你多加芥末酱了
  And you'll return "return of the king"? 妈妈你记得还《王者归来》吗
  Emery, is your stutter back? Good. 埃默里,你又口吃了吗,很好
  Your struggle will come in handy 当你上大学回来
  when we get back from college they say. 你口吃就会好的
  "return of the king" is the last book 《王者归来》是
  in "the lord of the rings" trilogy. 指环王系列的最后一部
  I got it at the library, and it's due back today. 我从图书馆借的,今天要还了
  Oh, those books about the hairy-footed children 哦,就是那些讲毛腿孩子找不到
  who can't keep track of their jewelry 2? 他们珠宝的故事的书
  Yes, I will return it. 行,我会还的
  Evan, you can't wear those sandals to school! 埃文,不能穿凉鞋去学校
  You might stub your toe on a rock. 脚趾会撞到石头的
  Highly unlikely, mommy. 不太可能吧,妈妈
  These sandals are made for climbing rocks. 这种凉鞋就是爬山的时候穿的
  They're rock-friendly. 它们不会踢到石头
  You know who else thought he was safe in sandals? 你知道还有谁觉得穿凉鞋很安全吗
  Your buddy 3 Jesus. Change 'em up. 你的耶稣大哥,给我换了
  The one with the cowboys. 跟牛仔在一起的那个
  They both ha... the handsome cowboys.  他们都有,帅的那个
  Mm. Sorry, guys. 不好意思啦老兄
  Big day at work... 大日子啊
  Getting a delivery of three dozen racks of ribs 4. 要收三打大排骨
  That's 468 individual ribs. 也就是468个肋条
  Well, I already fed the boys breakfast. 我已经喂好孩子了
  I got them off to school. 也都赶去学校了
  Now I just have to clean up the house, 我现在只要打扫房子
  Do laundry, pick up the dry-cleaning, 洗衣服去干洗店拿衣服
  Hit the library, and then try on my wedding dress. 去趟图书馆然后穿上我的婚纱
  I try it on once a year to make 每年都得穿一次
  sure I'm still the same size 确保我没胖
  My tux still fits, but my shoes don't. 我的礼服还合身可是鞋子穿不下了
  I can't explain it. Then Honey's picking me up.  不知道为什么,然后蜜儿会接上我
  We're gonna go stage a house we just put on the market. 去布置我们刚刚开始卖的房子
  I listed the price way too high to generate a buzz. 我把价格标得虚高这样才能讲价
  You're a machine, Jessica. 你是机器人,杰西卡
  I am... 我就是
  A machine with a heart, a heart that pumps efficiency. 一个有心脏的机器人,还是个高效运作的心脏
  No "bless you"? 不说"保佑你"
  I'll remember that. 我下次注意
  You guys won't believe the magazine i snuck into school. 你们想不到我带了什么杂志来学校
  Get out. no way. Stop.  不是吧,怎么可能,天
  Is this really happening? 这是真的吗
  Oh, it's happening. 就是真的
  Yes! 好棒
  What kind of sick joke is this? 这是什么鬼
  Fish Head Jackson. 鱼头杰克逊
  I can't believe he's defending his belt tomorrow night 不敢相信明晚他就要为腰带而战了
  Here in Orlando, and we're not gonna be there. 就在奥兰多,可是我们却去不了
  Against King Crawdad... 对战喇蛄王
  "the battle of the swamp creatures." 沼泽之王巅峰对决
  It's on pay-per-view, but they're charging $59.99 for it. 付费频道有,可是要59.99刀
  Those are Toni Braxton prices. 都可以看唐妮·布莱斯顿了
  Big wrestling stopped caring about the common man years ago. 很多年前大对决就不在在意普通人了的收视了
  I'd love to go, but there's no way my mom says yes... 我是想去,可我妈不会同意的
  Way too much fake violence. 太多虚假的暴力了
  Yeah, my mom's against it, too. 对我妈也不同意
  She won't admit it, 虽然她不承认
  But I'm pretty sure Fish Head Jackson's my dad. 不过我很确定鱼头杰克逊就是我爸
  Yeah, I can swing a steel chair super hard. 我可以徒手掰椅子
  Where do you think I get that from? 你们觉得我是从哪遗传的
  What are you talking about?! 你在说什么
  Fish Head Jackson absolutely takes down King Crawdad. 鱼头杰克逊绝对比喇蛄王厉害
  The guy owns the squared circle. 这家伙就是拳击台的主人
  Yes. 没错
  You got to be drunk to think that. 你喝多了吧
  King crawdad has the best turnbuckle game in the business. 喇蛄王在商业比赛里成绩最好
  Here come the insults. 这就开始骂人了
  Okay, there's a lot of things I have to be drunk for, 我喝多了好多事都会搞不清
  But this is not one of them. 但这个不会搞错
  Then you're a fool. 那你就是白痴
  Oh, I love it when white people be getting personal. 我就喜欢看到白人针对人
  Hey, boss, you gonna watch the pay-per-view? 老板你会看付费频道吗
  Oh, no. 不
  No way Jessica would allow that. It has "pay" in the title. 杰西卡不会同意的,这可是付费开头的
  But I love how everyone's talking about the match. 但我喜欢听你们说这些比赛
  I'm even gonna do a lunch special on spareribs. 我还准备做个排骨的特价菜
  Ready? 告诉你
  I'm calling it... "breaking ribs." 就叫打断你的排骨
  Cattleman's ranch 5. This is Louis. 牧场主餐厅,你好我是路易斯
  No discounts on the spareribs. 排骨不许打折
  I am not. 才没有
  I don't get sick. there's too much to do. 我可没生病,就是太多事要做了
  That's why I use this every day. 所以我才每天用这个
  No, this is white flower oil. 不这是白花油
  It cures everything... allergies 6, muscle aches, "depression." 包治百病,过敏啦腰肌劳损啦,抑郁
  Resiliency... 还抗皱
  That's my fragrance 7. 就是我的香水
  Jessica? Hey, Honey.  杰西卡,蜜儿
  You ready to go stage that house? 准备好了吗,我们去那个房子吧
  Let's take your car so I don't have to burn my gas. 你开车吧这样就不用浪费我的油了
  Are you feeling okay? 你还好吗
  Of course. never better! 当然从没这么好过
  Jessica. 杰西卡
  Yeah? 怎么了?
  Did you hear what I just said? 你刚刚听到我在说什么了吗?
  When? Just now.  什么时候说的?就刚才
  I've been talking for the past five minutes. 之前五分钟我一直在讲话
  When? 什么时候?
  Just now for the past five minutes? 就在刚过去的整个五分钟?
  How do I put this delicately? 我该怎么委婉地形容呢?
  You look toe' up. 你看上去糟透了
  Hey, Honey! when did you get here? 蜜儿,你什么时候来到这里的?
  Apparently 8, not soon enough. 显然,来得不够早
  When? 什么时候
  I wish you would've called me at work. 我工作的时候你就应该打给我
  I did call you at work. 我确实打了电话的
  You heard what I said about the spareribs, right? 你听到排骨的事了,对吧?
  Y-yes, don't worry about the spareribs. 对,别担心排骨
  They remain at full price. 它们一点儿没打折
  I'm talking about you being sick. 我说的是你生病了
  Luckily, Honey called me. 还好,蜜儿打了电话给我
  No, I'm telling you, I'm fine. No.  不,我和你说,我好的很,并没有
  I still have so much I need to do. 我还有很多事要做
  The only thing you need to do is rest. 你现在唯一要做的事就是休息
  I can get you an extra blanket or a glass of water. 我给你再盖一床毯子加一杯水
  Mm. She sleeps. 她睡着了
  Good god! 老天爷!
  Okay, listen up... Mom has the flu. 听着...妈妈得流感了
  What do you mean? 这是什么意思?
  She's sick. 她生病了
  But mom never gets sick. 但妈妈从不生病啊
  Well, sometimes, even the most 有时候,即使是
  Well-engineered machines break down. 被设计得最好机器也有崩溃的时候
  Wait. so what's happening? 等等,所以到底发生了什么?
  Your mother is sick. 你妈妈病了
  I feel like you're not being clear. 你能再说明白点吗
  Your mother is sick! 你妈妈,生病了
  Now, we're all going to have to dig deep 现在,在你们妈妈康复的时候
  And band together to pick up the slack 我们都要团结起来,把之前那些懒散劲
  While your mother recovers. 都收起来
  Totally, dad. Sounds great. We're on board. 太对了,爸爸,听上去很棒,我们准备好了
  Evan, could you go get us a couple of sodas 9? 埃文,你能不能给我们拿一点苏打水
  Sure. 没问题
  Now, if I could just suggest one idea... 现在,我想提一点小小的想法
  Now, I love mom. We all do. 我爱老妈,我们都爱她
  Love her, want nothing but the best for her, 爱她,希望她一切都好
  Want her to get better, which she absolutely will, 希望她康复,当然她一定会的
  But until then, instead of seeing this as a bad thing... 但在这之前,如果不把这看作坏事
  Which, let me make it clear, it totally is... 让我换个更清楚的说法,这绝对是...
  We can also choose to see it as an opportunity. 我们为什么不把这一切看作是一个机会
  Go on. 继续说
  Now, the fact is, 现在,事实是
  99% of the time, mom is watching us. 一天里99%的时间里,老妈都在监视我们
  She somehow always knows everything that's going on. 她也不知道怎么的洞悉一切
  And right now, mom's sick for the first time 但是现在,自从我认识她以来,老妈第一次的生病了
  Since I've known her, which means... 这就是说...
  The Eye of Sauron is down. 索伦之眼已经关闭
  What? 什么
  From "the lord of the rings" books. 《魔戒》里写的
  The Eye of Sauron is a mystical force 索伦之眼有着神秘力量
  That can see everything that's 可以通过,看见正在发生的
  happening through 一切
  Great, yes, the eye. 没错,魔眼
  And while we all love the eye 即使我们都爱魔眼
  And we all want it to open back up as soon as possible, 而且我们都希望她越早睁开越好
  We have a small window. 我们现在开了一扇小窗子
  And I'm not saying to go crazy during that window. 我并没有说在这个空窗期疯狂撒泼
  No. that's not what I'm saying. 不,我并没有说这个
  Emery, am I saying that? No? 埃默里,我有说过吗?没有
  That's right. 这就对了嘛
  All I'm saying is, for this 我想说只是
  Once-in-certainly-my-lifetime opportunity, 对这个可能我一辈子只能碰上一次的机会
  we maybe do... 我们应该
  one thing we normally couldn't do? 做一件,我们之前不被允许做的事
  Like order "battle of the swamp creatures" 比如付费点播
  On pay-per-view. “沼泽怪物大战”
  Ice, please. 加冰,谢谢
  I almost went with ice. 我差点就加冰了
  I'm kicking myself. 我要踢自己一脚
  I'm in. 我加入
  Me too. Wonderful.  我也是,好极了
  Now we just need to convince our backup mom... 现在我们只需要说服老妈二号
  Evan. 埃文
  $59.99 on pay-per-view? 花59.99美金在付费电视上
  No way mom would let us buy that. 妈妈绝对不会让我们这么做的
  Yeah, you're right, Evan. you're so right. 是啊,你说的没错,埃文,你说的太对了
  It's a shame, though, 不过,真是可惜
  Missing all those adults dressed like animals. 不能看到那些成年人穿的像小动物一样
  Animals? Oh, yeah!  小动物?对
  The main event is between a guy dressed like a fish 最主要的一幕就发生在一个穿的像鱼的人
  And a guy dressed like a crawdad. 和一个穿着像蝲蛄的人
  Really? 真的吗?
  I think a crawdad would beat up a fish. 我觉得蝲蛄会打败鱼
  They have claws, like tiny lobsters 10. 它们有钳子,就像微型龙虾一样
  Too bad we'll never know for sure. 我们没办法确认这个实在是太糟了
  Well, we could do a scientific experiment, 我们可以做一个科学实验
  but it's really expensive to rent a lab. 但租一个实验室实在是太贵了
  Not to mention the tank fees. 更不用说水池的费用
  And good luck finding free parking in this city. 还有在市区找到免费停车位的运气
  We can't afford to not watch this fight. 我们不看这个大战实在是太亏了
  For science. 为了科学
  For science! 为了科学
  Okay, just so we all understand, 现在我们都理解
  This is the one thing we do while the eye is down. Agreed? 这就是魔眼关闭之时我们做的那件事,对吧?
  I bought us a bigger TV. 我买了一个更大的电视
  Went from 27 to 30 inches. your mom will never notice. 从二十七到三十英寸,你妈妈永远也发现不了的
  She doesn't concern herself with electronics. 她从不关心电子器件
  What happened to "one thing"? 不是说好的”一件事”
  Well, if we're paying for "battle of the swamp creatures," 如果我们已经花钱买了“沼泽怪物大战”
  We have to watch it on a proper TV. 我们必须在一个合适的电视上看
  I agree, and honestly, our cost-per-pixel just went down. 我同意,说实话,我们的像素成本刚刚下降了
  We can't stop saving money. 我们不能再阻止自己省钱了
  Okay, I'm gonna clean this place. 我要打扫一下这里
  We can't have any dust interfering 11 我们不能让任何灰尘干扰
  With our new picture quality. 新的画面质量
  You guys get your homework done, 你们几个去把作业做了
  And then we're gonna go stock up on fight snacks. 然后就可以准备囤看电视的零食
  To the books! 向着书本!
  I've never him run to do his homework before. 我之前从没见过他跑着去做作业
  I've never seen him run before. 我之前从没见过他跑过
  Homework's done? 作业做完了
  Worked my Ticonderoga to the nub. 把我的泰康德儒格铅笔都削成了大拇指
  So, your mom's been out of commission for a day. 你们妈妈已经罢工一天了
  Before we hit the store, 在我们冲去商店之前
  We need to make sure she's still sick 我们需要确保她还在生病
  So the eye of Sauron stays shut for the fight. 这样索伦之眼在我们看大战的时候还是闭着的
  I mean, we love her. 我们爱她
  Love the eye. It's the prettiest.  爱魔眼,那是最美的眼睛
  Can't wait for it to reopen. 迫不及待地等她睁开双眼了
  But we need her asleep by the undercard... 但我们需要她一直睡到比赛结束...
  Python Ramirez vs. Morris Silverman. 巨蟒·拉米雷斯大战莫里斯·西尔弗曼
  Morris hasn't earned his swamp name yet. 莫里斯还没赢得他的沼泽之称
  Come in. 进来
  So, how are you feeling? 感觉怎么样了?
  Oh, you're shivering. you have the chills. 你在发抖,你肯定冻着了
  Oh, I'm fine. 我没事
  I was just gonna get dinner started. 我刚要起来去做晚饭
  Whoa, there, mommy. You're walking like a baby deer. 当心,老妈,你像个小鹿一样走不稳
  Yeah, you definitely need more rest. 你肯定得再多休息会儿
  Look, the boys and I brought in everything you need 看,我和孩子们把所有你需要的东西都带来了
  So you can stay in bed all day and night. 你可以卧床休息一整天
  Here, mom. Drink this. you need sleep. 老妈,喝这个,你得多睡会儿
  Be liberal with that dose. 剂量可以随意点哦
  Thank you. 谢谢
  I'm sorry. 抱歉
  I feel terrible. I'm so out of it. 好愧疚,我一秒也不想躺了
  Oh, please. It happens. you're human. 别这样,生病常有的,你也是普通人
  Now let's get you comfy. 来,帮你弄得更舒服些
  No. you should go. 别过来,别靠近我
  I don't want you to catch any of my germs. 我不想你也被我传染
  Good call. 遵命
  I don't see myself washing my hands anytime soon. 我马上就去洗手,一刻也不耽误
  We're off to run some errands. We'll be gone for awhile. 我们要去办点事,可能要离开会儿
  You know, tough out there without you, 没有你确实挺难熬的
  but we'll manage. 但我们会处理好的
  I'll even sleep in Eddie's room tonight. 我晚上会和埃迪一起睡
  I-in the meantime, I'll turn on this humidifier 我帮你开个加湿器
  So you can keep sleeping. 你可以放心睡
  Okay, sleep long... uh, I mean tight. 睡久点...我是说,睡踏实点
  Y-you know, tight and long. 就是,踏实又长久
  The Eye of Sauron is down. 索伦之眼已经闭上了
  But let's double-check the ear. 我们再试试耳朵
  Jessica? 杰西卡?
  Mom, is that orange juice pulpy 12 enough for you? 老妈,果粒橙够喝了吗?
  Sometimes, I prefer hugs from dad. 有时候,我更喜欢老爸的拥抱
  Aww! Is that true? Sure. 真的吗?真的
  We're not getting that. 我们不要那个
  We're getting this. 拿这个
  It's Shirley Temple time! 饮料闪亮登场!
  Diet ginger 13 ale? 低糖姜汁汽水?
  Mom may be out of commission, but diabetes 14 isn't. 老妈虽然没在监督,但糖尿病还是要预防啊
  Dad! 老爸!
  No! 不行!
  Okay, Carmen Electra is the last thing. 好了,最后一样是卡门·伊莱特
  After this, we go home, quietly unpack 15 our snacks, 买完我们就回家,悄悄地拆零食包装
  and get ready for fight night. 为晚上看比赛做足准备
  Gentle. she's a lady. 温柔点,她是个淑女
  So put her in a different bag and beef jerky. 那把她和牛肉干另装一袋
  Here you go. oh. 给你
  Niagara falls, stifle 16 those nuts. 赶上尼亚加拉大瀑布了,倒坚果别出声
  You're gonna wake the eye. 你会把她吵醒的
  Sorry. 抱歉
  Let's get ready to repti-i-i-i-i-i-le! 让我们准备好决...斗!
  Shh! Marvin, keep it down. 嘘!马文,轻点
  Jessica is asleep. 杰西卡在睡觉
  What are you doing here? 你来干嘛?
  It's fight night. 这是决斗之夜
  Honey's actually there. 事实上蜜儿在现场
  She had two tickets, 她有两张票
  But they won't allow me in the convention center 但他们肯定不会让我进入会场的
  Since they put in metal detectors 17. 因为他们有金属探测仪
  Always packin'. 总是全副武装
  Luckily, uh, little Evan there invited me to your party 幸亏小埃文邀请我来参加聚会
  I bet him $50 that king crawdad beats fish head Jackson. 我和他赌了50刀,我压蝲蛄王会打败鱼头杰克逊
  Yeah, everything's more fun to watch 赌上零花钱看比赛
  when an allowance is on the line. 会更有趣刺激
  Evan, you shouldn't have invited anyone. 埃文,你不该邀请别人的
  We're trying to keep this quiet. 我们在努力地偷偷进行
  Mom is in the next room. 老妈就在隔壁房间啊
  Let's get ready to repti-i-i-i-i-le! 让我们决...斗吧!
  You're sitting next to me, Red. 红毛,你坐我旁边
  What? at least they brought something. 怎么了,至少他们带了东西
  That's pumpkin 18 filling. 这是南瓜馅
  We're on our way to a pie. 和馅饼差不多啦
  Well, hello, there. 嗨,妹子
  Boy, tom, Fish Head Jackson and Crawdad 男子汉的对决,鱼头杰克逊和蝲蛄王
  Are really going at it. 真的要打下去吗
  He is rocked! 他无坚不摧!
  Come on, Crawdad, you bum 19! 加油啊,蝲蛄王,傻不傻!
  Use your claws! 用你的拳头啊!
  Hey, Marvin. look, there's Honey. 嘿,马文,看,那是蜜儿
  The hell? 什么鬼?
  She left the humidifier on. 她故意没关加湿器
  She wanted to trick us so bad, 她想要骗过我们
  She was willing to waste electricity. 她宁愿浪费电
  We're gonna head out. thanks for everything. 我们要走了,谢谢款待
  Great party. 很棒的聚会
  What are you doing here? 你们在这儿干嘛?
  What are you doing out of here? 你不在这儿是去干嘛了?
  I can't believe you were the first person 万万没想到你居然是
  to sneak 20 out of the house. 第一个偷溜出门的人
  I would've bet my life savings 21 on Eddie. 我本来把全部家当都赌埃迪身上的
  Don't bother, mommy. 别辩解了,老妈
  We know you were at the "battle of the swamp creatures." 我们知道你在"沼泽生物大战"的现场
  What's going on? Were you even sick? 发生了什么?之前生病也是装的?
  Of course I was. 当然是真的
  I was really sick. 我之前真的病了
  But after a good night's sleep, 但好好睡了一晚之后
  I woke up feeling much better. 我醒来感觉好多了
  Then the phone rang. 然后电话响了
  Hello? 喂?
  Hey, sweetie. It's me. Just checking in on you. 嘿,甜心,是我,我打电话来问候一下你
  Are you feeling better? 你好点了吗?
  Actually, I am. 是啊,好多了
  Yeah, I slept really well last... Perfect. - 我昨晚睡得很好... 太棒了
  Because I got two tickets to 因为我拿到了两张
  "battle of the swamp creatures.  "沼泽生物大战"的票
  And I want you to come. 我想让你跟我一起去
  You'll love it. 你会喜欢的
  It's like a sweatier, more violent "Melrose Place." 像是一场有更多汗水和野性的《新飞跃情海》
  Those are my only two criticisms of "Melrose Place." 我对《新飞跃情海》就这么两点不满
  Ugh! but there's no way I can go. 但我肯定不可能去的呀
  Come on. Sure you can. 别这样,你当然可以来
  Honey, I am a mother of three 蜜儿,我是三个孩子的妈
  who's just been bedridden for 24 hours. 刚刚生病卧床了24小时
  Unlike you, I can't sit around, drinking martinis all day. 不像你,我不能整天无所事事,只是喝马提尼度日
  I'm sure the house is a mess, no one's eaten, 我肯定现在家里一定一团糟,没人吃过饭
  And none of the boys have done their homework. 孩子们也都没写作业
  Maybe Evan started his, 也许埃文开始写了
  but there's now way he could've done theirs. 但他肯定不能把他们作业都写了吧
  Well... 这个...
  I have an extra pair of foam 22 claws 我有一双多余的泡沫爪子
  If you change your mind. 如果你改变你主意的话
  It was a tempting 23 offer. 这是个诱人的建议
  But after being out of commission for a day, 但我已经一整天都没有拿薪水
  There's no way I could go. 我是肯定不会去的
  I knew the house would be chaos 24. 我知道家里一定是一片狼藉
  But when I came out, the place was spotless. 但等我出来时,房间竟然一尘不染
  You boys were doing your homework. 你们在写作业吗
  I couldn't believe it. 我简直不敢相信
  Why are you pressing so hard? 你写字干嘛那么重
  Because I write like I play basketball... 因为我写字就像我打篮球一样...
  Hard and a little out of control. 有力,还有一点点超出控制
  I knew if I said I was feeling better, 我知道如果我说我好点了
  Things would go back to normal, and I didn't want them to. 事情又会回到从前,我不想这样
  I wanted more time before I had to be responsible 我想在又要为家里操心之前
  For everything and everyone again. 有一点自己的时间
  So I snuck back in my room, read magazines, 所以我溜进自己的房间,看杂志
  tried on my wedding dress... 试了试我的婚纱...
  Still fits, by the way, knew it would. 顺便一提,依然合身,虽然是意料之中
  And then i decided 25 to take up Honey on her offer. 之后我决定接受蜜儿的邀请
  But I needed one more free night. 但我还需要一个自由之夜
  Come in. 进来吧
  So, how are you feeling? 你感觉还好吗?
  Oh, you're shivering. you have the chills. 噢,你在发颤,一定是寒颤
  It was an ice cream headache. 其实是冰激凌吃多头疼
  No, no, I'm fine. 没,我还好
  I was just gonna get dinner started. 我正准备晚餐
  Whoa, there, mommy. you're walking like a baby deer. 小心点,老妈,你走路就像只小鹿
  I was pleased to hear that because 我很高兴听到你那样说
  that's what I going for 因为那正是我想要的效果
  Now let's get you comfy. 让我们使你更舒服点
  You should go. 你们该走了
  I don't want you to get my germs. 我不想你们染上我的细菌
  In the meantime, I'll turn on this humidifier 与此同时,让我打开加湿器
  So you can keep sleeping. 这样你就可以接着睡觉
  Thank you, Jessica. 谢谢你,杰西卡
  You are better than me in every way. 你在每一方面都完胜我
  I'm pretty sure I didn't say that. 我确定我没有那样说
  Yes, you did. 你说了
  The way I remember it, you did. 至少我记得你说了
  Then when you guys left the house... 然后等你们都走了之后...
  I snuck out, and I went to the fight. 我溜出去了,去了那场比赛
  I can't believe this. 我不敢相信
  We thought you were safe in bed, 我们以为你安全的在床上
  And then we see you waving your claw on TV. 然后我们在电视上看到你在挥爪子
  What do you mean "you saw me on TV"?  "在电视上看到我"是什么意思
  We got the fight on pay-per-view. 我们付费提前看了比赛
  They made me! 他们逼我的
  Pay-per-view? 付费观看
  That sounds like you have to pay to view it. 这听起来要先付钱才能看
  We don't pay to watch TV in this house. 我们家从不付费看节目
  We only did it because the Eye of Sauron was down. 我们付费只是因为索伦之眼闭上了
  You somehow always know everything we're doing. 你总是有办法知道我们的所作所为
  And it's a bit much. 但有一点过头了
  I mean, we love that you care about us. 我是说,我们很爱你这样关心我们
  Love it. Can't get enough of it.  爱死了,恨不得你更爱我们
  Wish you were there to stop me 希望你在场阻止我
  from losing 50 bucks 26 to Marvin 输了50块钱给马文
  But it's tough feeling like someone is always watching us. 但感觉总是有人监视我们不是很舒服
  Sometimes we just need to, you know, let loose a little. 有时,我们只是需要,放松一下
  I get it. 我明白
  You do? 你懂
  It's not easy for me, either, 我也很不容易呀
  always having to be vigilant 27. 总是要小心警惕
  Packing lunches, picking out boy clothes, 打包午餐,给你们挑衣服
  Running the house, going to work. 整理家务,去上班
  So when I saw you were doing okay without me... 所以我看你们没有我也活得很好好的...
  I thought I could step away, 我想我可以偷个懒
  Just take a break for once. 时不时地休息一下
  Jessica, you shouldn't feel 杰西卡,你不应该觉得
  like you have to sneak away to enjoy a night out. 你要偷溜出去才能享受自由之夜
  And you shouldn't feel like you have to wait till I'm sick 你也不应该感到,只有我病得时候
  To treat yourselves. 你才能享受生活
  Maybe like fish head Jackson and king crawdad, 也许就像鱼头杰克逊和蝲蛄王
  We can meet in the middle. 我们可以折中一下
  That would be nice. 那一定很好
  But we would do it for real. 但要做就做实在的
  That whole event was fake. 不像那场比赛全程都是假的
  There's no way a crawdad would lose to a fish! 那个螃蟹怎么可能输给鱼呢
  That's what I thought, too! 我也是这样想的
  But I guess you can't apply logic 28 但我想不能用逻辑判断
  to a sport of fools, mommy. 一场傻瓜的游戏,老妈
  My favorite. 不愧是我的最爱
  All right, mom, I'll put it away! 好了,妈,我不看了行吗
  I didn't say anything! 我什么也没说!
  I don't need this many combs. 我不需要这么多的梳子
  Crap! I need more cereal. 该死!我需要更多的麦片
  Crap! I need more milk. 该死!我需要更多的牛奶
  Crap! I need more cereal 该死!我需要更多的麦片
  Mommy, help me! 妈妈,帮我!
  You can handle this, Evan. I believe in you. 你能解决的,埃文,我相信你
  What's that? 那是什么?
  Mommy's french breakfast... for one. 妈妈的法式早餐...仅限一人
  There you are! 你来了!
  So, in the spirit of meeting in the middle, 所以,为了折中一下
  I got you something. 我给你买了样东西
  What happened to the TV? 以前的电视哪去了
  I got a new one! 我买了新的!
  It's a little smaller than the old one, 我知道是有一点小了
  But this one has picture-in-picture. 但这个有画中画
  What'd you do with the old one? 那你把以前那台怎么了?
  Oh, well, you've been complaining about it forever, 你一直都抱怨那台电视
  So I found it a new home. 所以我给它找了个新家
  Well, this is funny. he's a loving, precious son. 这是很好笑,他是个可爱的,宝贝儿子
  He's the one who's gonna need therapy. 他才是需要治疗的人
  Kathie lee sure knows how to start a day, huh 凯西·李,真的是点亮人的一天呀
  Anyway, so he... 不管怎么说,他...
  Hey, buddy! I'm just here to collect. 嘿,小伙!我真要来收钱
  Oh. Gosh. Did we bet on something? 老天,我们打了赌吗?
  $50, little man.  50块钱,小朋友
  You're not really gonna make me pay, 你不是真的要逼我
  are you, Uncle Marvin? 付钱吧,马文叔叔?
  I want those wheels to shine like Liberace's bathtub. 我想那些轮子像精英人士的浴缸一样闪亮
  Stupid fish wrestler 29. 该死的鱼类摔跤
  Always bet on bass 30. 一定押在鲈鱼身上

1 soften
  • Plastics will soften when exposed to heat.塑料适当加热就可以软化。
  • This special cream will help to soften up our skin.这种特殊的护肤霜有助于使皮肤变得柔软。
2 jewelry
  • The burglars walked off with all my jewelry.夜盗偷走了我的全部珠宝。
  • Jewelry and lace are mostly feminine belongings.珠宝和花边多数是女性用品。
3 buddy
  • Calm down,buddy.What's the trouble?压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?
  • Get out of my way,buddy!别挡道了,你这家伙!
4 ribs
n.肋骨( rib的名词复数 );(船或屋顶等的)肋拱;肋骨状的东西;(织物的)凸条花纹
  • He suffered cracked ribs and bruising. 他断了肋骨还有挫伤。
  • Make a small incision below the ribs. 在肋骨下方切开一个小口。
5 ranch
  • He went to work on a ranch.他去一个大农场干活。
  • The ranch is in the middle of a large plateau.该牧场位于一个辽阔高原的中部。
6 allergies
n.[医]过敏症;[口]厌恶,反感;(对食物、花粉、虫咬等的)过敏症( allergy的名词复数 );变态反应,变应性
  • Food allergies can result in an enormous variety of different symptoms. 食物过敏会引发很多不同的症状。 来自辞典例句
  • Let us, however, examine one of the most common allergies; hayfever. 现在让我们来看看最常见的变态反应的一种--枯草热。 来自辞典例句
7 fragrance
  • The apple blossoms filled the air with their fragrance.苹果花使空气充满香味。
  • The fragrance of lavender filled the room.房间里充满了薰衣草的香味。
8 apparently
  • An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.山穷水尽,豁然开朗。
  • He was apparently much surprised at the news.他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。
9 sodas
n.苏打( soda的名词复数 );碱;苏打水;汽水
  • There are plenty of sodas in the refrigerator. 冰箱里有很多碳酸饮料。 来自辞典例句
  • Two whisky and sodas, please. 请来两杯威士忌苏打。 来自辞典例句
10 lobsters
龙虾( lobster的名词复数 ); 龙虾肉
  • I have no idea about how to prepare those cuttlefish and lobsters. 我对如何烹调那些乌贼和龙虾毫无概念。
  • She sold me a couple of live lobsters. 她卖了几只活龙虾给我。
11 interfering
果肉状的,多汁的,柔软的; 烂糊; 稀烂
  • The bean like seeds of this plant, enclosed within a pulpy fruit. 被包在肉质果实内的这种植物的豆样种子。
  • Her body felt bruised, her lips pulpy and tender. 她的身体感觉碰伤了,她的嘴唇柔软娇嫩。
12 ginger
  • There is no ginger in the young man.这个年轻人没有精神。
  • Ginger shall be hot in the mouth.生姜吃到嘴里总是辣的。
13 diabetes
  • In case of diabetes, physicians advise against the use of sugar.对于糖尿病患者,医生告诫他们不要吃糖。
  • Diabetes is caused by a fault in the insulin production of the body.糖尿病是由体內胰岛素分泌失调引起的。
14 unpack
  • I must unpack before dinner.我得在饭前把行李打开。
  • She said she would unpack the items later.她说以后再把箱子里的东西拿出来。
15 stifle
  • She tried hard to stifle her laughter.她强忍住笑。
  • It was an uninteresting conversation and I had to stifle a yawn.那是一次枯燥无味的交谈,我不得不强忍住自己的呵欠。
16 detectors
探测器( detector的名词复数 )
  • The report advocated that all buildings be fitted with smoke detectors. 报告主张所有的建筑物都应安装烟火探测器。
  • This is heady wine for experimenters using these neutrino detectors. 对于使用中微子探测器的实验工作者,这是令人兴奋的美酒。 来自英汉非文学 - 科技
17 pumpkin
  • They ate turkey and pumpkin pie.他们吃了火鸡和南瓜馅饼。
  • It looks like there is a person looking out of the pumpkin!看起来就像南瓜里有人在看着你!
18 bum
  • A man pinched her bum on the train so she hit him.在火车上有人捏她屁股,她打了那人。
  • The penniless man had to bum a ride home.那个身无分文的人只好乞求搭车回家。
19 sneak
  • He raised his spear and sneak forward.他提起长矛悄悄地前进。
  • I saw him sneak away from us.我看见他悄悄地从我们身边走开。
20 savings
  • I can't afford the vacation,for it would eat up my savings.我度不起假,那样会把我的积蓄用光的。
  • By this time he had used up all his savings.到这时,他的存款已全部用完。
21 foam
  • The glass of beer was mostly foam.这杯啤酒大部分是泡沫。
  • The surface of the water is full of foam.水面都是泡沫。
22 tempting
a.诱人的, 吸引人的
  • It is tempting to idealize the past. 人都爱把过去的日子说得那么美好。
  • It was a tempting offer. 这是个诱人的提议。
23 chaos
  • After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos.停电后,城市一片混乱。
  • The typhoon left chaos behind it.台风后一片混乱。
24 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
25 bucks
n.雄鹿( buck的名词复数 );钱;(英国十九世纪初的)花花公子;(用于某些表达方式)责任v.(马等)猛然弓背跃起( buck的第三人称单数 );抵制;猛然震荡;马等尥起后蹄跳跃
  • They cost ten bucks. 这些值十元钱。
  • They are hunting for bucks. 他们正在猎雄兔。 来自《简明英汉词典》
26 vigilant
  • He has to learn how to remain vigilant through these long nights.他得学会如何在这漫长的黑夜里保持警觉。
  • The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house.这只狗警醒地守护着这所房屋。
27 logic
  • What sort of logic is that?这是什么逻辑?
  • I don't follow the logic of your argument.我不明白你的论点逻辑性何在。
28 wrestler
  • The wrestler tripped up his opponent.那个摔跤运动员把对手绊倒在地。
  • The stronger wrestler won the first throw.较壮的那个摔跤手第一跤就赢了。
29 bass
  • He answered my question in a surprisingly deep bass.他用一种低得出奇的声音回答我的问题。
  • The bass was to give a concert in the park.那位男低音歌唱家将在公园中举行音乐会。
标签: 初来乍到
acaulospora scrobiculata
ADAM (advanced data management system)
affective and conative processes
as a result
atomic substitution
automatic sequence controlled calculator
beet blights
Benday process
best quasi-linear estimator
broad beam head lamp
Byrranga, Gora
Campbell Seamount
clean metal
cleaning web indicator
contracting job
control perception
crimpspin machine
cumulative legacy
decomposable searching problem
double-pumping action
eclosion progress
Farg'ona Viloyati
final date for filing
fine regfulation
flat retractor
general import
genus Phalaenoptilus
harriet beecher stowes
hitch a ride
holding bracket
Howe truss
huckle bones
intracytoplasmic inclusion
items received in advance
jacketed portion
JASDAQ Securities Exchange
Jerry Lee
junior system analyst
Lake Kineret
light cannon
light tile
low flow observation
mercury coulometer
million dollar baby
moisture regain
musical talent
null setting device
one-parametric loading
portable X-ray equipment
preferred temperature
pseudocercospora rhapisicola
quality system review
rain gush
resected tonsil
scheme of society
segmentation in intestine
separate-excited block oscillator
shay chloroma
single-pulse decatron
single-round survey
spontaneous restoration
sub network
time-interest-earned ratio
transport control number
trombone system
vacuum-pressure pump
van der Waals structure
West Jersey
wet avalanche
Wheel midship!
writer of time
zero-resistance phenomenon