初来乍到第三季:第16集 伤心的艾迪
时间:2019-02-27 作者:英语课 分类:初来乍到第三季
初来乍到第三季:第16集 伤心的艾迪
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- 1 初来乍到第三季:第16集 伤心的艾迪
O-n-y-x... 玛,瑙
Marks the winner. Ah. 胜负分晓了
Oh! Triple-word score. 三倍分数
42 points. Looks like Jessica wins. 得四十二分,看来是杰西卡赢了
And it's not even my first language. 这还不是我的母语呢
Great game, guys. 这局游戏很精彩,各位
Marvin, I love the nautical 1 terms. 马文,我喜欢你用的那些航海用语
I never knew "Port" And "Starboard" Meant "Left" And "Right". 我一直不知道"左舷"和"右舷"意思就是左右呢
Yeah, I learned that in the navy. 是啊,这是我当海军的时候学到的
You know, you get 'em mixed up, and you got punished... 你懂的,要是你弄混了,就会被处罚
Severely 2. 狠狠地
And, uh, Honey, I love how you added an "S" 还有啊,哈妮,我喜欢你每次往已经在板子上的词
At the end of words already on the board. 后面加个复数s的做法
So clever. 真机智
I let you all do the work, and then—bam— 我就看着你们其他人把该做的都做了,然后,嘭地一下
I hit you with an "S." 我用一个s让你们找不着北
All right, game night is just getting warmed up. 好了,游戏夜预热结束
How about we play charades 3 next? 我们接下来玩猜字游戏怎么样
Uh-huh. I call honey as partner. 啊哈,我要哈妮跟我一组
Oh, n-no, no. We'll—we'll play as couples. 不行,不行,我们要以一对儿为单位来玩游戏
A couple of gals—me and honey. 一对姐妹,也就是我和哈妮
No, married couples. Come on. It'll be fun. 不是,是一对夫妻,来嘛,会很好玩的
Honey and Marvin, you go first. Okay. 哈妮和马文队,你们先来,好
Okay. 好了
All right, ready? Go. Mm-hmm. 好,预备,开始
Okay. 好
Uh, it's a book—novel. 呃,是一本书,小说
W—uh, first word sounds like a dress, dress! 第一个词跟裙子押韵,裙子
Uh, cup of tea? 一杯茶
"T." Tess... 苔,苔丝
"Tess of the D'urbervilles"! 《德伯家的苔丝》(长篇小说)
Yeah! Ah! 猜对啦
My girl almost went to college. 我女人差点就能进大学啦
Nice. 不错哦
Jessica, let's show 'em what we got. 杰西卡,让他们见识见识咱们的厉害
Go. 开始
Um... 呃
Movie. 电影
Sounds like... 听上去像
Beard. Uh... 胡子,呃
Big hat. 高帽
Sounds like big hat. 跟高帽押韵
Uh, wh... 呃,啥
Uh... 呃
Happy man reading? 高兴的人在看书
Uh... 呃
Cat burglar. 蹑手蹑脚的贼
Murder! 谋杀
Sounds like murder! 跟谋杀押韵
Sounds like murder, okay. 跟谋杀押韵,然后呢
Uh...Woman singing. 呃,女人在唱歌
Wha—Louis. 啥,路易斯
What are you doing? 你到底在做什么
Time's up! 时间到
Ugh! Aw! 唉,啊哦
What was that? 刚才那是什么意思
That was Abraham Lincoln— 那是亚拉伯翰·林肯
Abe, sounds like Abe, 亚伯,听上去像是亚伯
"Babe"... The movie "Babe." 联想到宝贝,也就是电影《小猪宝贝》
I have to go to the bathroom. 我要去一下卫生间
we'll get 'em next round. 我们下一轮会碾压他们的
Can I get anyone more snacks? 我给你们再拿点零食吧
Well, it's been lovely having you two over. 好吧,你们俩来做客的这段时间我们玩得很开心
Is it yours? There was nothing on the envelope. 这是你们吗,这上面什么都没写啊
Was it yours to open up? Was it yours to open up? 谁让你随便打开的,这是你的吗你就随便打开
I don't know, grandma. We sent in your audition 4 tape. 我也搞不懂,奶奶,我们把你的试镜录像带寄去了啊
I did it! 我做完了
I finished designing my Tupac tribute tattoo 5. 我完成了我致敬图派克的纹身设计
I'm gonna get this the day I turn 18. 等我满十八岁那天我就去纹了它
You really flattered yourself with those abs. 你画的那几坨腹肌真是给你自己脸上贴金了
Oh, those aren't my abs. 哦,这不是我的腹肌
See, the six-pack is part of the tattoo. 你看,这六块腹肌是纹身的一部分
Tupac had a six-pack? 图派克有六块腹肌
I'll never understand rap. 说唱界我也是永远搞不懂
You know, it's been tough since 'pac's death, 你知道的,自从派克死了以后生活一直很难熬
But I finally feel like I'm at a place 但是现在我终于感觉到
Where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 我可以看见黑暗隧道尽头的一线光明了
This is ed lover for MTV news. 下面由埃德·拉弗播报音乐电视网新闻
Tragedy has struck again. 悲剧再次重演
47 a.m. Pacific standard time, 太平洋时间上午十二点四十七分
Christopher Wallace, 克里斯托弗·华莱士
a.K.A. The notorious b.I.G., 又名臭名昭着大先生
Was shot and killed while leaving a party. 在离开派对时被枪击身亡
Ah. Hey. 啊,嘿
Hey! 嘿
Thank you again for hosting game night. 再次谢谢你们作东游戏夜
Marvin and I had so much fun. 马文和我玩得很开心
It was a blast, wasn't it? 昨晚确实好玩到爆炸,对吧
Shame it had to end so early. 不过遗憾的是结束得太早了
I know. Jessica's hilarious 6. 我懂,杰西卡太搞笑了
she just loves to win. 她太好胜了
Her competitive spirit is a beautiful thing. 她的竞争精神是一种美好的东西
So beautiful. 是很美好
She's beautiful. She really is. 她也很美,她确实很美
but, you know, it is kind of annoying 但是,话说回来,她这种输不起的态度
That she's such a bad loser. 有点烦人了
yeah, it's not the best quality. 是啊,她这特质是不怎么好
She sort of ruined game night. 她有点毁了游戏夜了
She definitely ruined game night. 她彻底把游戏夜毁掉了
and it's frustrating 7, 确实很累人
But there's not much I can do about it. 但是我也没什么办法
I mean, you could talk to her and tell her how you feel. 我觉得,你可以去跟她谈谈,告诉她你的感受啊
no. No way. Why not? 不行,我才不要,为什么
The way I was raised, we don't talk about sensitive things. 从小到大我被教育的方式就是,我们不谈敏感话题
Long story short, my brother's nickname became "Clean gene 8." 总之故事结局就是,我弟弟的小名从此变成了"干净的小金恩"
Sensitive subjects like money, family history, 敏感话题比如钱啦,家族历史啦
And, uh, s-e-x 还有,嘿嘿嘿
Were never talked about growing up. 这一类的话题我们从小到大都没谈过
But you're an adult now. So? 但是你现在已经是个大人了,所以呢
So talking to Jessica about being a bad loser 所以去跟杰西卡谈谈她输不起的这件事
Doesn't seem like a sensitive subject. 也不像是个敏感话题啊
I mean, I wouldn't even know what to say. 我的意思是,我都不知道怎么开口好
Try this. 你可以试试这样
Compliment the trait you want to criticize, say you love her, 先表扬你想批评她的点,就说你爱她
Stress you mean no offense 9, 强调你没有恶意
And then flip 10 the compliment into a critique. 然后瞬间把称赞变成一种批评
Works every time. 每次都管用
Ha. 哈
Allow me to demonstrate. 我给你演示一下
Pumpkin 11, come here. 小南瓜,你过来
Hey, Lou. Hey, Marv. 嘿,路,嘿,马文
Sweetie, I don't have much time. 亲爱的,我快来不及了
I've got a double molar transplant in, uh, 15 minutes. 我要做个双臼齿移植手术,就在,呃,十五分钟之后
Marvin, I love your enthusiasm. 马文,我就爱你的热忱
it's one of the reasons I fell in love with you. 这就是我当初爱上你的原因之一
And I don't mean to offend you, 我说这话没有要惹你生气的意思
But you high-five too hard. 但是你击掌击得太用力了
It hurts my hand. 我手都打疼了
I shouldn't be here. 我不该在这儿
Well, thank you for telling me, boo-boo. 好吧,谢谢你告诉我,宝宝
From now on, I'll high-five you less hard. 从现在开始,我跟你击掌就不那么用力了
Thank you so much. 太谢谢你了
High five? High five. 击掌,击掌
Mm. 嗯
I just can't imagine how faith must feel. 我都想象不到菲斯现在的感受
Do you think Lil' Kim will be there? 你觉得莉儿金会到场吗
yeah. 是啊
I just hope she puts on something classy for a change. 我只希望她这回能穿点有格调的衣服
She's always got her junk out, 她每次穿出来的都特别垃圾
And it's a solemn occasion, you know? 但是这是个严肃的场合,你懂吧
Yo, my mom just walked in. Hold on. 哟,我妈进来了,等一下
Mom, I got Monica from delta 12 airlines on the phone. 妈妈,电话里是达美航空的莫妮卡
She hooked me up with a sympathy rate 她给我搞了张同情价的机票可以让我
On a flight to bed-stuy for biggie's funeral. 飞去贝德福德-斯泰森特参加大先生的葬礼
Could you give her your credit card so she can book it? 你能给她你的信用卡吗,她就可以订票了
Sure. 当然
Mom! B.I.G. died! 妈妈,克里斯托弗·华莱士去世了
I thought he already died. 我以为他早死了
Mom, no, that was Tupac! 妈妈,不是,你说的是图派克
Well, I am sorry you're sad, 好吧,抱歉你很难过
But music people die all the time. 但是音乐人的逝去是常有的事
Stevie Ray Vaughan. 史蒂维·雷·沃恩
Here. 给你
Have a pop-tart. 吃个果塔饼干冷静下吧
He's not eating. 他都没吃东西
It must be serious. 说明这件事严重了
As his brothers, it's our duty to cheer him up. 作为他的弟弟们,让他振作起来的任务就交给我们了
Sorry, Monica. 抱歉,莫妮卡
Just to finish what we were talking about earlier, 我们接着刚才的话题继续聊
I don't know if foxy should give a eulogy 13 我不知道骚狐狸应不应该念悼词
If Kim's gonna be there. 如果莉儿金也到场了的话
Too much heat, you know? 场面太热辣了,你懂的
So, I was thinking that, next game night, 我在想,下个游戏夜
We'll play "Trivial pursuit." 我们玩棋盘游戏
No way. We'll just lose. 不行,我们肯定会输的
That's a white-people game with white-people questions. 这是白人的游戏,里面一堆白人的问题
All the answers are "Winston Churchill" or "The Red Sox." 所有答案都是什么"温斯顿·丘吉尔"要么就是"红袜队"
Jessica... 杰西卡
I love your competitive spirit. 我爱你的竞争精神
It's one of the reasons I fell in love with you. 这是我当初爱上你的原因之一
And I don't mean to offend you... 我说这话没有要惹你生气的意思
But you're a sore loser, 但是你这人有点输不起
And it's ruining game night for me. 你这样把游戏夜都给我毁了
I could try to not care about winning so much. 我可以试着不那么在意输赢
thank you so much. 太谢谢你了
It means a lot that you would do this for me. 你肯为我这么做对我来说很重要
Oh, it's nothing. 小事情
Honey was right. 哈妮说对了
I'm so glad I talked to you about this. 我真高兴跟你谈了这件事
Honey? 哈妮
You talked to honey about me? 你跟哈妮吐槽我了
You—you made our private life public? 你,你居然公开了我们的私生活
Let's say this box is our house 我们假设这个盒子就是我们家
And this wedge is our private life. 这个楔子就是我们的私生活
That's what you just did. 你刚刚就做了这种事
Uh, where did that wedge go? Is it behind the credenza? 啊,你把那个楔子扔哪儿去了,是不是掉到那个橱柜后面去了
Remember that the pink wedge is behind the credenza. 记住粉色的楔子在橱柜后面
Louis, I'm being serious. 路易斯,我现在很严肃
I don't want you talking to people about our private issues. 我可不想你出去跟别人说我们的私事
All I said was that you were a sore loser. 我只是说了你是个输不起的人
This isn't a big deal. 也不是什么大事
Gossip about a husband complaining about his wife 关于老公抱怨老婆这样的闲话
Will spread like wildfire, 会像野火一样很快传遍的
And soon everybody will know about it! 很快所有人都会知道了
Honey is your best friend. She won't say anything. 哈妮是你最好的朋友,她什么都不会说的
And she's the only person I talked to about this, I swear. 我只跟她说了这件事,我发誓
Marvin can back me up. Marvin was there?! 马文可以给我作证,马文也在那
He's the biggest blabbermouth in town. 他是整个城里嘴最碎的人啊
He gossips all day 他成天跟每一个坐在
To every patient who sits in his dentist's chair. 他牙医椅子上的病人聊闲话
" Did you hear that Louis Huang 你知不知道路易斯·黄
Hates his wife, Jessica Huang? 讨厌他的老婆,杰西卡·黄
Ha, some story about the navy." 哈,再讲点关于海军的故事
Marvin wouldn't gossip about you. 马文不会传你闲话的
He probably already has. 他可能已经传了
I have to go on the offensive now and fix this. 我现在必须开启攻击模式弥补一下
What? How are you gonna do that? 什么,你要干什么
I am not telling you, gabby goose. 我可不告诉你,大喇叭
Eddie, look who's here. 埃迪,看看谁来了
I'm so sorry. I can't believe biggie's gone. 我真的很抱歉,我都不敢相信大先生去世了
He was the best. 他是最赞的
He was. He was. 他曾是,曾是
I thought we could mourn together. 我觉得我们可以一起为此哀悼
Biggie loved his "Lime-on." 大先生喜欢他的雪碧
That's how he got big. 怨不得他长这么胖
Babe, I appreciate it, but I think I just need to be alone. 宝贝,我很感激,但我现在只想单独呆会
Stand aside. 靠边站
I didn't think it would get to this point, but here we are. 我没想到事情会发展到这种程度,但已经是这样了
Look at me, Eddie! 看着我,埃迪
I'm wearing the french-cut shorts you love to make fun of. 我可穿着超短裤呢,你最喜欢嘲笑这个了
Comment on how much of my legs you can see! 吐槽一下我露这么多的腿
What is wrong with this guy? 这家伙怎么这样
We have to cheer him up. 我们必须让他振作起来
I'm gonna read a book I have about the five stages of grief. 我要去看一本关于五个悲伤层次的书
My science teacher gave it to me 当科学课用的沙鼠把它的孩子吃掉时
When the class gerbil ate one of her babies. 我的老师把这本书给我的
What?! That's horrible! 什么,那太可怕了
Was the baby alive? Don't tell me. 那鼠宝宝还活着吗,别告诉我
Was it? No, she wouldn't. 还活着吗,不,鼠妈妈不会这么做的
So, I, uh, took your advice and talked to Jessica. 嗯,我采纳了你的建议,和杰西卡聊了聊
Yay! How'd it go? 是吗,结果怎么样
Totally backfired. 完全是帮倒忙
She's furious that I spoke 14 to you about our private problems. 她知道我和你说过我们的私事后就发火了
I'm sorry. How'd you guys leave it? 我很抱歉,你们怎么处理的
She said she's "Going on the offensive" And fixing this, 她说她打算开启攻击模式来弥补一下
Then left. 然后就离开了
What do you think she meant by "Going on the offensive"? 你觉得她说的"开启攻击模式"意味着什么
Well, maybe it means she's going to get even 可能是意味着她打算告诉别人你的隐私
By telling people something private about you. 这样就扯平了
No, she's not vindictive 15 like that. 不,她没那么记仇
I once commented in passing 我曾经有一次随口说了一句
That she had big hands for a woman her size, 她的手,相对于她的体型来说有点太大了
And the next day she gave me this. 结果第二天她给了我这个
That ran in the real-estate guide all last spring. 去年整个春天的房产指南都在用这个传单
Buyers would come to open houses 买主会来看看房子
And look at my hands, disappointed. 然后看看我的手,失望了
So she's a little vindictive. Yeah. 那她是有点儿记仇,是啊
But even if she told people 但即便是她跟别人讲
An embarrassing thing about me, I'd be fine with it. 我的那些糗事,我也觉得无所谓
I'm an open book. But she knows you better than anybody. 我就像一本敞开的书,但她比任何人都了解你
There's nothing she could say 难道就没有什么事情
That would make you uncomfortable? 她说出来会让你不安的吗
My shoe lifts. 我的内增高
I've got to stop her. 我得阻止她
She's probably headed to Marvin's dental office 她现在很可能朝着马文的牙医诊所
Right now. 去了
Wait, why would she go see Marvin? 等等,她为什么会去找马文
Honey, I love your innocence 16. 哈妮,我很喜欢你的天真
It's one of the reasons why we're friends. 这就是我们会成为朋友的原因之一
And I don't mean to offend you, 我这话说出来没有冒犯你的意思
But your husband is the biggest jabberjaw in Orlando. 但是你的老公在奥兰多是出了名的大喇叭
His belly 17 is a white-hot forge of gossip. 他的肚子就像一个又白又烫的闲话制造工厂
Your boy talks. 你老公太能侃了
I don't want to be outside. 我不想到外边去
This is where biggie died. 大先生就是死在外面的
I have a book about grief, and it says it's important 我有一本关于悲伤的书,书里面说
to get outside and be among your friends. 到外面来,待在你的朋友中间很重要
You were there for me when the browns left Cleveland. 你陪着我熬过了布朗队离开克利夫兰的时期
I'll be here for you. Anything you need, I'm here. 我现在会在这里陪着你,无论你需要什么,我都会在你身边
You hear me? I'm here for you. 你听到没,我就在你身边
Why are we sitting in a circle? 为啥我们得围成一圈坐
Group therapy has helped me a lot with my issues with my dad, 在我跟我爸的问题上,集体治疗对我帮助很大
And I think talking your feelings out with us 我认为跟我们分享你内心的感受
Could help you, too. 也同样会对你有帮助
I don't think that's a good I— 我不认为这是个好主
Just try listening. 先试着聆听一下
All right, a few of us will share first. 好,我们之中有些人会先来分享一下
Walter, tell us about what you struggle with. 沃尔特,跟我们讲讲你有什么烦恼
Nothing. I'm doing great. Zero complaints. 没啥,我现在挺好的,零抱怨
So it looks like Walter struggles with honesty. 那么,看来沃尔特目前的问题是不够坦诚
What about you, Trent? 你怎么样,特伦特
Well, I was browsing 18 Newsweek the other day, 嗯,我那天在浏览《新闻周刊》
And I saw a story that really shook me up. 看到了一则新闻,真是把我震惊了
It said that redheads were going extinct, 那上面说红头发的人正在走向灭绝
So now I feel all this pressure 所以我现在感到压力很大
To marry a redhead to keep the gene pool alive. 得跟一个也是红头发的人结婚,保存基因库
But here's the thing— 但是,问题就出在这
I'm just not attracted to them. 她们完全吸引不了我
Thank you for sharing. 谢谢你的分享
And what about you, Brian? 你怎么样,布莱恩
For the last few months, 最近几个月
I just can't look anywhere without being... 无论我往哪里看
Stimulated 19. 都会性奋起来
This is especially challenging at school because... 尤其是在学校里就特别费劲
Well, there's a tree by the library 因为图书馆那边有棵树
That looks like a naked lady. 看起来就像个裸女
Hmm. Oh. 嗯,哦
Tree by the library? 图书馆旁边的树
Did you know biggie was only 24 years old? 你们知道大先生只有二十四岁吗
I'm 13. 我十三岁
Half my life could already be over. 可能我的人生已经过半了
What have I done with my time on this earth? 剩下的时间里我该怎么度过
You know what's crazier than biggie dying so young? 你们知道有什么比大先生英年早逝更疯狂的事吗
He knew his days were numbered. 是他知道自己已经时日不多了
His first album is called "Ready to Die," 他的第一个专辑就叫做《准备去死》
And I'm thinking, "Am I ready to die?" 然后我就在想,我做好死去的准备了吗
Are you guys ready to die? 你们做好死去的准备了吗
Yikes. 哎呀
Okay. Uh, that's enough for today. 好的,呃,今天就这样吧
Great session. Let's pick it up next Tuesday. 治疗会很棒,我们下礼拜二接着谈
So, you know how Sheila's put on a few pounds. 你不是知道希拉长了几磅肉嘛
Hmm. She says it's a hormone 20 issue, 嗯,她说那是荷尔蒙失调
but I heard it's 'cause she's on antidepressants. 但我听说是她在服用抗抑郁药
Zoloft? 左洛复
Maybe Zoloft. I don't know. 可能是左洛复,我也不知道
Lou. 路
What are you doing here? Oh 什么风把你吹来了,哦
Just in the neighborhood, buying some basketballs. 就在附近,买几个篮球
thought I'd drop by. 就想着进来看看
smooth. We're in. 稳妥,进来了
I must say it's an honor 同一天里黄家的两个人都来我这里
To be visited by both Huangs in one day. 我可真是受宠若惊啊
Oh, god. Jessica did come here. 哦,天呐,杰西卡确实来过这里了
Does he already know? Should I ask him? 他是不是已经知道了,我应该问他吗
No, dummy 21. Just play it cool. 不,笨蛋,装得淡定一点
Jessica was here? Damn it. 杰西卡来过了吗,真该死
Yep, she popped in real quick to grab some free mini toothpastes. 对,她突然进来,拿了点免费的迷你牙膏很快就走了
Oh, that's normal. She does that. 哦,那很正常,是她干的事
Maybe she didn't say anything. 可能她什么都没说
I just love it that she's so passionate 22 about her tooth care. 我就是很喜欢她这样热衷于护理她的牙齿
a great smile really makes you stand taller. 一个美好的微笑能让你整个人站得更高
taller? She definitely said something. 更高,她一定是说什么了
I can't believe this. 我真不敢相信
Stand taller, huh? Yep. That's my slogan. 站得更高,对吗,没错,这就是我的口号
Shaquille. 沙奎尔
well, maybe she didn't, then. 好吧,可能她没说
This is getting me nowhere. I have to ask him if he knows. 这可真是让我进退两难啊,我得问问他到底知不知道
Dr. Ellis, we've got an emergency in room two. 埃利斯医生,二号病房有紧急情况
Another kid cracked a tooth on a jawbreaker. 又有一个孩子嚼大块硬糖把牙给崩碎了
Why don't they take those things off the market? 他们为什么不让这些东西下架呢
I got to run, Lou. 我得赶紧去了,路
Sorry to cut the visit short. 抱歉,让你的来访这么短就结束了
Short? 这么短
Short? Was that a pun? 这么短,是一个双关语吗
Was he mocking me? 他是在嘲讽我吗
Oh, no. 哦,不
all the time. 一直都是
I knew it! 我就知道
She told Marvin, 她告诉了马文
And now she's telling the neighborhood ladies 现在她还在跟邻居女士们讲
About my lifts. 我穿内增高的事
She's so vengeful. 她报复心可真重
No way. You're not serious. 不可能,你在开玩笑
Totally serious. Oh, he does not. 绝对是真的,哦,他不会的
I swear he does. 我发誓他就是
I swear he does. 我发誓他就是这样
You ladies having a good laugh about my lifts? 你们女士在嘲笑我的内增高吗
I am 5'9" And three-quarters, 我是五英尺九又四分之三英寸
And it's a quarter-inch lift to get to 5'10". 加上那个四分之一英寸的增高,提到五英尺十英寸
I am not ashamed. 我对此不感到羞耻
Louis. What, Jessica? 路易斯,怎么了,杰西卡
Are you afraid I'm gonna tell everyone 你是在害怕我告诉所有人
That you had a meltdown playing charades? 你玩猜字游戏的时候崩溃了吗
Jessica, you had a meltdown playing charades? 杰西卡,你玩猜字游戏的时候崩溃了
Louis, you wear lifts? 路易斯,你穿内增高
Ehh. 呃
You thought I told Marvin, 你以为我把你穿内增高的事
Deidre, and Carol Joan about your lifts?! 告诉了马文,迪雅卓和卡罗尔·琼吗
I would never say embarrassing things about my husband 我绝对不会在背后
Behind his back. I know. I just— 说我老公的糗事的,我知道,我只是
It reflects badly on me, too. 而且这样对我影响也不好
I don't want everyone knowing I'm married to a short man. 我可不想所有人都知道我嫁给了一个矮子
Short? It's just a quarter-inch. 矮子,只矮了四分之一英尺好吧
Yes. A quarter-inch from normal. 是的,比正常身高矮四分之一英尺
Look, I know I overreacted, 好吧,我知道我过激了
But you said you were going on the offensive. 但是你说你要开启攻击模式
I meant charm offensive. 我意思是魅力攻势
I was showing them my best self 我是在给他们展现最完美的自己
So that, if they did hear any gossip, 这样的话,要是他们听说什么闲话
They wouldn't believe it. 他们就不会相信了
If Deidre heard that I got upset at charades, she would say, 如果迪雅卓听说我玩猜字游戏的时候生气的话,她会这么说
" That doesn't sound like Jessica. 听起来一点不像杰西卡的风格
The beautiful woman with normal-size hands would never do that." 那个手掌大小正常的美丽女人是绝对不会这么做的
That's really smart. It is. 你太机智了,确实是这样的
And I wasn't just doing it for me. 我并不是为我自己才这么做的
I complimented you, too. 我也美言了你几句
I told them that you cut your own fruit by yourself. 我告诉他们你亲自切自己的水果
No man does that. 没有哪个男人会这么做的
I was tired of waiting for you to come home 我厌倦了要等你回来
So I could eat melon. 我才能吃到甜瓜
I want to eat melon when I want to eat melon. 我想吃甜瓜的时候就要吃到甜瓜
Okay, Louis, do you know why I did that? 好吧,路易斯,你知道我为什么那么做吗
Because I care about our reputation in the community. 因为我在意我们在这个社区的名声
Since when do you care what people think? 你从什么时候开始在意别人怎么想了
I don't want them having the wrong idea about us, 我不希望他们对我们抱有不好的印象
That we're the kind of people who tear each other down. 好像我们就是那种会互相伤害彼此的人
If anything, we lift each other up. 如果非要说的话,我们应该是帮助彼此更上一层楼的人
Hmm. Like your insoles. 嗯,就像你的鞋垫
I feel terrible. 我感觉糟透了
What can we do to fix it? 我们怎么做能弥补这件事呢
We invite everyone over for game night, 我们邀请所有人来参加游戏夜
And we put on our best face together. 然后我们一起拿出我们的最佳态度
I prove that I can handle losing at charades, 我来证明我可以接受输掉猜字游戏
And we show them that we 让他们看到我们和别人一样
are a solid couple just like everyone else. 是一对情比金坚的夫妻
How do you know we'll lose? 你怎么会知道我们会输
Louis, come on. 路易斯,得了吧
Look at that mope. 瞧瞧那忧郁的样子
Why is nothing we're doing working? 为什么我们做什么都没用
The grief book says he needs more time to process the loss. 那本关于悲伤的书里面说他需要更多时间来消化这种失落
Hey! What the hell?! 嘿,什么情况
I've had enough of your sadness. 我受够你的愁眉苦脸了
Cheer up! Stop hitting my butt 23! 振作起来,不要打我屁股
We're trying so hard. Why won't you feel better? 我们这么努力,为什么你就不能心情好点呢
What Evan's trying to say is we don't like seeing you so sad. 埃文想说的是我们不想看到你这么难过
Maybe if you tell us 如果你告诉我们
Why it's hurting you so badly, we can help. 为什么这件事伤你这么深,我们也许能帮上忙
It's hard to explain. 很难解释
Biggie's always been there for me. 大先生一直陪伴着我
When we moved to Orlando and I had no friends, 我们之前搬来奥兰多的时候我一个朋友都没有
His rhymes cheered me up. 是他的旋律使我振作
He was my friend. 他曾是我的朋友
And I always thought that, maybe one day, 我经常想,也许有一天
We'd be friends for real— 我们能真的成为朋友
Hanging out on the double yacht we bought 在用我们的联合苏打商业投机公司
With the money from our joint 24 soda 25 venture, "Notorious F.I.Z." "臭名昭着的汽水”挣来的钱买的双人游艇上玩耍
I loved him, and now he's gone. 我爱他,但现在他不在了
I don't know what else to do! 我不知道还能做什么了
I've got a less violent plan. 我有一个不那么暴力的计划
Carol-Joan, I love your shirt. Are those horses? 卡罗尔·琼,我喜欢你的衬衫,那些是马吗
Yes. Wild ones. 是的,野马哦
Unbroken like your spirit. 像你的精神一样桀骜不驯
this is going perfectly 26. 一切进展顺利
Initiate 27 phase two. 启动第二阶段
Uh, so, what game should we play first? 那么,我们先玩什么游戏
How about charades? I love charades. 猜字游戏怎么样,我喜欢猜字游戏
That could be fun. Charades it is. 应该会很好玩,那就猜字游戏好了
Couple teams. Me and Jessica will go first. 夫妻一组,我和杰西卡先来
Okay. Great. Fine. All right, great. 好啊,太好了,好的,很好
Ready? And...Go! 预备,开始
It's a movie. 是个电影
Uh, flying a jet. 一个飞行中的喷气式飞机
Gorilla 28. 大猩猩
Angry gorilla? 愤怒的大猩猩
Angry gorilla flying jet, saying goodbye! 愤怒的大猩猩一边开喷气式飞机,一边说再见
Uh, j... 呃
Runner. 跑步者
Sassy runner. 活泼的跑步者
Sassy runner falls down! 活泼的跑步者摔倒了
Uh...Laughing baby? 大笑的宝宝
And time! 时间到
What—what were you doing there? 你,你刚刚是在干嘛
that famous scene 那个着名场景
When John Dunbar and two socks romp 29 together, 当约翰·邓巴和两只白袜愉快玩耍的时候
Causing the Sioux to name him... 苏族因此给他取名叫作
..."dances with wolves." 《与狼共舞》
yes. 是啊
Of course. 可不是嘛
I totally should've gotten that. 我本来应该猜出来的
It was a really good two socks impression. 你模仿两只白袜模仿得挺像的
Hmm. 嗯
Okay. Well, Richard and I will go next. 好吧,接下来理查德和我来玩
CJ, if you're keeping time, 卡罗尔·琼,如果你计时的话
Can you make sure and give us the extra 10 seconds 你能保证多给我们十秒时间吗
That Richard gave Jessica? 就像理查德多给了杰西卡十秒一样
It's a minute-glass, not an hourglass. 这是个一分钟的沙漏,不是一个小时的沙漏
Oh, look who's suddenly mother time. 瞧瞧谁突然开始斤斤计较了
I wish you had that attitude 我真希望你吃冰淇淋蛋筒的时候
When you're eating ice-cream cones 30. 也有那样的态度
Drip, drip, drip all over my Volvo. 一滴,一滴,滴的我沃尔沃车上到处都是
I do not have ice cream. Oh, please. 我没吃冰淇淋好吧,哦得了吧
I don't eat ice cream. I have frozen yogurt. 我不吃冰淇淋,我吃的是冻酸奶
No, for "Dances with wolves," You should've used that 不,对《与狼共舞》这个电影,你应该用
Tomahawk-chop gesture. 印第安战斧斩的姿势
Ooh. N-no. Marvin, we've talked about this. 别这样,马文,我们讨论过这件事了
That gesture might not seem like a big deal 那个手势对你们那一代人来说
To people of your generation, 可能不算什么
But it is offensive to native Americans. 但是对于北美土着人来说是很不礼貌的
I've asked you never to use that term "My generation." 我告诉过你别再用"我们那一代"那个词
It's offensive to "Me-americans." 对我这个美国人很不礼貌
Okay, but if you're gonna say it... 好吧,但是如果你要说那个词
Why would you tell them that I eat ice cream? 你为什么告诉他们我吃冰淇淋
I don't eat ice cream. I'm just asking you not to use it. 我不吃冰淇淋的,我只是让你不要用它
Why is that the focus? 为什么那个变成重点了
I don't know where to look. 我不知道该看哪里了
Just look at the plant in the corner. 就盯着角落里的那个植物好了
I still haven't gotten that wedge from behind the credenza. 橱柜后面的那个楔子我到现在都还没捡出来
I can't believe they criticize each other right in front of us. 我不敢相信他们竟然在我们面前公然指责对方
Me neither. 我也是
And how about Carol-Joan telling us 还记得卡罗尔·琼告诉我们
Her husband doesn't believe in pandas? 她的老公不相信大熊猫的存在吗
I get now why you were upset 我现在明白为什么
That I complained to honey about you. 我跟哈妮吐槽你会让你那么生气了
I promise I won't do it again. 我保证我再也不会那么做了
Thank you. 谢谢
And if something's bothering you, you can just tell me. 如果有什么事情让你烦恼的话,你可以直接告诉我
I tell you. 换我也会告诉你的
You sure do, every day. 你确实这样做了,每天都是
It's hard for me, but I'll try. 这对我来说很难,但是我会尽力的
So go ahead. 那你说吧
Oh. Right now? 现在?
Sure. 是的
Okay. Um, there is one thing. I mean, it's tiny. 好吧,有那么一件事情,我是说,很小的一件事
Whatever it is, just say it. 不管是什么事,直接说出来
I want to have another kid. 我想再要一个孩子
Something smaller. 再小一点的事情
Okay. 好吧
You guys did this? 这是你们做的?
I designed and painted it. Evan tarped the floor. 我设计好之后画的,埃文在地上铺的防水布
Do you see any paint spots on the carpet? 你在地毯上有看见颜料吗
No, you don't. 没有吧
Now biggie can be with you forever, 现在大先生就可以永远与你同在了
Or at least until you move out of the house. 或者至少到你从家里搬出去为止
Thank you. 谢谢你们
Even though biggie's gone, 虽然大先生去世了
It's good to know I have my bros with me when I need them. 但是知道在我需要的时候,有我的兄弟们在我身边真是太好了
Is that... 那是不是
Oh, my god! It is! 老天哪,是真的
- A nautical mile is 1,852 meters.一海里等于1852米。
- It is 206 nautical miles from our present location.距离我们现在的位置有206海里。
- He was severely criticized and removed from his post.他受到了严厉的批评并且被撤了职。
- He is severely put down for his careless work.他因工作上的粗心大意而受到了严厉的批评。
n.伪装( charade的名词复数 );猜字游戏
- She and her three brothers played charades. 她和3个兄弟玩看手势猜字谜游戏。 来自辞典例句
- A group of children were dressed to play charades. 一群孩子穿着夜礼服在玩字迷游戏。 来自辞典例句
- I'm going to the audition but I don't expect I'll get a part.我去试音,可并不指望会给我个角色演出。
- At first,they said he was too young,but later they called him for an audition.起初,他们说他太小,但后来他们叫他去试听。
- I've decided to get my tattoo removed.我已经决定去掉我身上的纹身。
- He had a tattoo on the back of his hand.他手背上刺有花纹。
- The party got quite hilarious after they brought more wine.在他们又拿来更多的酒之后,派对变得更加热闹起来。
- We stop laughing because the show was so hilarious.我们笑个不停,因为那个节目太搞笑了。
adj.产生挫折的,使人沮丧的,令人泄气的v.使不成功( frustrate的现在分词 );挫败;使受挫折;令人沮丧
- It's frustrating to have to wait so long. 要等这么长时间,真令人懊恼。
- It was a demeaning and ultimately frustrating experience. 那是一次有失颜面并且令人沮丧至极的经历。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- A single gene may have many effects.单一基因可能具有很多种效应。
- The targeting of gene therapy has been paid close attention.其中基因治疗的靶向性是值得密切关注的问题之一。
- I hope you will not take any offense at my words. 对我讲的话请别见怪。
- His words gave great offense to everybody present.他的发言冲犯了在场的所有人。
- I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting.我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。
- Let's flip a coin to see who pays the bill.咱们来抛硬币决定谁付钱。
- They ate turkey and pumpkin pie.他们吃了火鸡和南瓜馅饼。
- It looks like there is a person looking out of the pumpkin!看起来就像南瓜里有人在看着你!
- He has been to the delta of the Nile.他曾去过尼罗河三角洲。
- The Nile divides at its mouth and forms a delta.尼罗河在河口分岔,形成了一个三角洲。
- He needs no eulogy from me or from any other man. 他不需要我或者任何一个人来称颂。
- Mr.Garth gave a long eulogy about their achievements in the research.加思先生对他们的研究成果大大地颂扬了一番。
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
- They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
- The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
- I have no vindictive feelings about it.我对此没有恶意。
- The vindictive little girl tore up her sister's papers.那个充满报复心的小女孩撕破了她姐姐的作业。
- There was a touching air of innocence about the boy.这个男孩有一种令人感动的天真神情。
- The accused man proved his innocence of the crime.被告人经证实无罪。
- The boss has a large belly.老板大腹便便。
- His eyes are bigger than his belly.他眼馋肚饱。
v.吃草( browse的现在分词 );随意翻阅;(在商店里)随便看看;(在计算机上)浏览信息
- He sits browsing over[through] a book. 他坐着翻阅书籍。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- Cattle is browsing in the field. 牛正在田里吃草。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work. 展览增进了人们对她作品的兴趣。
- The award has stimulated her into working still harder. 奖金促使她更加努力地工作。
- Hormone implants are used as growth boosters.激素植入物被用作生长辅助剂。
- This hormone interacts closely with other hormones in the body.这种荷尔蒙与体內其他荷尔蒙紧密地相互作用。
- The police suspect that the device is not a real bomb but a dummy.警方怀疑那个装置不是真炸弹,只是一个假货。
- The boys played soldier with dummy swords made of wood.男孩们用木头做的假木剑玩打仗游戏。
- He is said to be the most passionate man.据说他是最有激情的人。
- He is very passionate about the project.他对那个项目非常热心。
- The water butt catches the overflow from this pipe.大水桶盛接管子里流出的东西。
- He was the butt of their jokes.他是他们的笑柄。
- I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.我重重地摔了一跤,肩膀脫臼了。
- We wrote a letter in joint names.我们联名写了封信。
- She doesn't enjoy drinking chocolate soda.她不喜欢喝巧克力汽水。
- I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes.我给你的饮料重加一些苏打水和冰块。
- The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
- Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board.我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。
- A language teacher should initiate pupils into the elements of grammar.语言老师应该把基本语法教给学生。
- They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.他们想启动一次经济学讨论。
- I was awed by the huge gorilla.那只大猩猩使我惊惧。
- A gorilla is just a speechless animal.猩猩只不过是一种不会说话的动物。
- The child went for a romp in the forest.那个孩子去森林快活一把。
- Dogs and little children romped happily in the garden.狗和小孩子们在花园里嬉戏。