时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:初来乍到第三季


   Thanks again for the ride, boss. 再次谢谢你送我,老板

  Hmm. I'm not usually heading home this early, 恩恩,我一般没有这么早回家的
  but the kids are on spring break, 不过孩子们放家了
  so I'm gonna surprise them with some bonus family time. 所以我早点回家给他们惊喜,共度美好家庭时光
  I surprised my Aunt Rosa with some bonus family time 你老婆把我驱逐出境的时候
  when your wife had me deported 1. 我也给我罗莎姑妈惊喜了
  Oh, uh, right. 额,是哦
  Well, luckily, this ride has us even. 幸好,载你一程我们扯平了
  What the... 搞什么
  Move it, molasses! Hector, that's my mother!  快滚开,老蜗牛,赫克托,那是我妈妈
  Oh, sorry. Uh, she seems cool. 抱歉,她挺酷的
  Ma. Ma! 妈,妈
  Since when do you go out of the house by yourself? 你怎么自己出门了
  I was on my way home 我提早下班
  from work early, 在回家的路上
  and guess what I saw. 猜猜我看到什么了
  Marvin on the lawn doing shirtless push-ups? 马文光着膀子在草坪上做伏地挺身吗
  What? No. 什么,不是
  You've seen that before? 你见过吗
  Mm-hmm. Put a pin in that.  嗯哼,以后要在草坪上放钉子了
  I saw my mom riding her wheelchair all by herself. 我看见我妈坐着轮椅独自上街
  I tried to drive alongside her, 我试图开车陪她一起走
  but then she cut into a yard and ditched me. 但是她拐进了一个院子,把我甩掉了
  Oh, yeah. She's been going out for a few weeks now. 哦,对,她好几周前就开始自己出门了
  You knew? Of course!  你知道这事,当然了
  It's been great having an extra set of wheels in the house. 家里多一台车真是太好了
  She goes shopping, takes herself to Mahjong, the nail parlor 2. 她自己去购物,去打麻将,去做美甲
  Grandma says nails are the eyelashes of the hand. 奶奶美甲就是她手指上眼睫毛
  I've had so much more free time, I'm doing some spring cleaning. 我多了好多空闲时间,都能做春季大扫除了
  Did you notice that our junk drawer was organized? 你有发现我们的杂物抽屉已经被整理过了吗
  Where'd all the little mustards go? 芥末酱都哪去了啊
  I squeezed them all into a bottle, 我全都挤在一个瓶子里了
  and now we have big mustard. 现在我们有一瓶大芥末
  I'm throwing away all the trash 我把垃圾都扔了
  and gathering 3 all the good stuff 能用的都收集起来了
  we don't use anymore for a yard sale. 我们不用再参加庭院旧货出售会了
  I use all my hairnets still. 我的发网还有用,千万别丢
  There you are. 你回来了
  Ma, we need to talk about you going out alone. 妈,我们得谈谈你单独出门这件事
  I don't like this one bit. It's not safe. 我不是很喜欢这样,不安全
  She hasn't gone out on her own in this country. 在美国她从没单独出去过
  All the English she knows is from Garfield comics. 她的英语都是从加菲猫漫画上学的
  That's not true. 不是
  She also says "Norm" Any time a stranger walks into Cattleman's. 一有陌生人走进牧场牛排餐厅就喊日常规范
  She's a menace in that chair. 她就是个坐在轮椅上的威胁
  Do you remember the first time she got it? 你还记得她第一次坐到轮椅上的情况吗
  No one was safe. 全世界都危险了
  She had a bit of a learning curve, but she's much better. 她上手的过程是有点坎坷,但已经好很多了
  Louis, she's fine. 路易斯,她可以的
  She's a grown woman. 她是一个成人
  Yeah, but she's all by herself. 是,但她单独出门欸
  She always had someone to take care of her before. 一直以来都是有人在旁边照看她的
  See, this is why we voted not to tell you. 所以咯,我们一致表决不告诉你
  Voted? Who voted? 表决,谁投票了
  Everyone who lives in this house who isn't you. 除了你以外,所有住在这房子里的人
  Evan made stove-top s'mores. 埃文做了夹心饼干
  You know, I saw the graham-cracker box in the trash 你知道,我看到垃圾桶里有全麦饼干盒子时
  and I thought, "No, they wouldn't do that to me." 我还想不,他们不会这么对我的
  Evan, do you have an old T-shirt I can borrow? 埃文,你有旧T恤可以借我吗
  Mom threw out all my do-rags in her cleaning frenzy 4. 老妈清洁狂躁症发作,把我的头巾全扔了
  I can't hoop 5 without my rag. 没有头巾我投不了篮
  The only T-shirts I own are the ones 我只有爸爸在
  Dad brought us back from beef conventions. 牛肉市集上给我们买的那些
  I have an XXL that says "Down With Salad," If you want it. 我有一件XXL码的,上面印着沙拉好伴侣 你要就给你
  My dad never brought me anything. 我爸爸从没给我买过东西
  Save the anger for the court, man. 别发牢骚了,兄弟
  Are you doing homework? 你是在写作业吗
  It's spring break, you nerd. 现在是春假,你个书呆子
  It's not homework, and I don't have time for ribbing. 这不是作业,我也没有时间开玩笑
  I'm working on a business enterprise. 我可是在干大事
  What is it, making little hats for Beanie... 这是什么,给比尼织帽子吗
  Holy crap. Is this your bank statement? 我去,这是你的银行对账单吗
  I take care of our neighbors' houses when they go out of town. 邻居们出城的时候,我给他们打理房子
  Feed the cat, get the mail, that kind of stuff. 喂猫,收信之类的
  And it's spring break, my busy season, so... 现在是春假,我的旺季,所以
  You're making $400 this week?! 你一周赚了四百块美金
  Yo, cut me in. 哟,带上我啊
  No way. You're unreliable. 不要,你靠不住
  You know I'm amazing at the things 你知道只要是我上心的东西
  I actually care about, right? 我可是万无一失的
  I love the ladies... I got a lady. 我喜欢那姑娘,我得到那姑娘
  I love clothes... I've got a closet full. 我喜欢衣服,我整个衣柜都是衣服
  I love rap... I got four tracks 我喜欢饶舌,我脑子里现在
  in my head right now ready to lay down. 就有四个音轨的神曲可以脱口而出
  And I love business. 而且我喜欢赚钱
  Oh, really? 是吗
  Who was on the cover of the last Forbes? 上一期福布斯杂志的封面人物是谁
  I'm not talking about a loaf of bread in a suit. 我可不是在说那些穿着西装的大傻蛋
  I'm talking real businessmen... 我说的是真正的商业巨贾
  Puffy, Dre, Russell Simmons. 帕妃,DRE拉塞尔·西蒙斯
  They run empires. 他们经验商业帝国
  Well, I could use some help. 好吧,我也需要帮手
  Trust me, you won't regret this. 相信我,你不会后悔的
  Whoa. That's some grip. 哇哦,手劲不错啊
  Scoop 6 enough cat litter, and you'll be right up here with me. 猫屎铲得够多,你的手劲也可以跟我一样大
  What are you... 你在做什么
  That's my Spell & Say!, 这是我的拼词机
  my Connect Four, my Purple Pieman. 我的四子棋和紫色馅饼商人
  You can't sell this stuff. I still play with it. 这些东西你不能卖掉,我还要玩的
  Really? 是吗
  Party on, Garth. 嗨起来,加特
  Aww, from "Wayne's World." 《反斗智多星》里的台词
  1992.  1992年的
  Five years ago. 这都五年前了
  Your room was full of stuff you don't use anymore. 你房间了堆满了你再也用不上的东西
  Also, I gathered two bags of just garbage. 还要,我收了两袋垃圾出来
  None of this is garbage. 这些都不是垃圾
  This is a 7-Up can Kim gave me. 这是金姆给我的七喜罐
  She was the first girl who liked me when we moved to Orlando. 她是我们搬来奥兰多之后,第一个喜欢我的女孩
  And this is from the time I told a joke 这污渍是那次我讲了个笑话
  and Eddie spit-laughed spaghetti all over me. 埃迪笑到把意大利面喷到我身上留下的
  It was a great joke about a pig. 那是个关于猪的笑话
  Emery, even if you had room to keep all this stuff, 埃默里,即使你有空间放这东西
  what are you gonna do with it? 你又打算留着做什么呢
  PopPop, PopPop, 爷爷,爷爷
  tell us the story of the 7-Up can again. 再跟我们说说这个七夕罐子的故事
  Gather round. Listen to my tale. 都坐好了,听我讲故事
  It was from Kim, the first girl in Orlando who ever liked me. 这是金姆给的,她是奥兰多第一个喜欢上我的女孩
  Wow! 哇哦
  That's your idea of the future? 这就是你未来的念想吗
  Why are there still chairs? 为什么还有椅子
  Where were our alien captors? 我们的外星人绑架者呢
  Um... You can't keep everything.  额,你不能什么都留着
  Fill this box with the things you want to keep. 你想要留下的东西放这箱子里
  The rest goes. 其他都扔掉
  This is a really nice box. 这箱子真不错啊
  Oh, no. 哦,不
  Oh, darn. Oh, just darn. 该死,真该死
  Our insurance isn't going to cover your chair anymore. 我们的保险保不了你的轮椅了
  It's all in this very formal professional letter we got. 这极其专业正式的信函上都写了
  Business letter template. 商务信函模板
  Get out of here, Clippy. You don't know what I'm doing. 滚开回形针,你不知道我在做什么
  Fine. Stay if you want. It'll be boring. 好吧,你要就留下吧,反正没什么好玩的
  Luckily, I managed to rescue your old chair 幸好,我努力保下了你的旧椅子
  before Jessica tagged it for the yard sale. 没让杰西卡给它打上标签去拿卖掉
  Guess it's back to Old Faithful for you. 看来它对你忠心耿耿,又回来了
  Just give me your list, and I'll go after work tomorrow. 列张清单给我吧,我明天下班后去买
  Luckily, you raised a sweet and dutiful son. 幸好,你养了个贴心的孝顺儿子
  So much sodium 7. 钠含量这么高
  How is she still alive? 她怎么还活着啊
  Maybe that's how she's still alive. 可能她就是吃了这个才活着的
  Ma! What are you doing? You're an uninsured driver. 妈,你怎么在这里,你没保险不能上路啊
  This one's on you, Clippy. 这都怪你,回形针
  Ooh, careful. 哦,小心
  Ma may be particular about keeping those. 妈特别要求要留下这些的
  Wait. I'll give you a ride. 等等,我送你过去
  Louis, she's almost 70 years old. 路易斯,她快七十岁了
  You can't stop her from going out. 你没办法阻止她出门
  Well, I might not be able to stop her, 我可能阻止不了她出门
  but she can't stop me, either. 但她也阻止不了我
  Mahjong! 麻将
  Nice play, Ma. 打得好,妈
  You brought your son along? 你带着你儿子一起来啊
  I'm not. 我没有
  I'm just here waiting for a seat to open up 我只是在等钓鱼扑克桌
  at the Go Fish table. 有空位
  Hey, John. 嘿,约翰
  Go fish. 抓牌
  How's the sorting going? 挑得怎么样了
  Great. I chose all my "Must keep" Items. 挑好了,我选好一定要留下的东西了
  You were right. 你说得对
  It really feels good to get rid of stuff. 扔东西的感觉真好
  You see, that's the virtue 8 of a clean living space. 你看,这就是打扫生活空间的好处了
  No, don't sit there! 不,不要坐那里
  Emery. 埃默里
  You didn't get rid of anything? 你什么都没有扔掉吗
  I'm sorry. I tried. 对不起,我试过了
  I just can't. 我就是扔不掉
  We need to nip this in the bud before you become a hoarder 9. 得趁你还没有变成囤积狂,我们得把这症状掐死在摇篮里
  And then I can't even visit you because your door is blocked 不然我连要看你都不得门而入,因为你的门会被
  by newspaper piles and margarine jars. 报纸堆或奶油罐子堵死
  I'll crawl out the window. We'll find a way to visit. 那我就爬窗啊,我们总能找到路进来的
  Okay, we're gonna go through your things together, 好吧,我们一起看下你的东西
  and we're gonna decide what goes and what stays. 好好决定哪个要留哪个要丢
  What's in that one? 那里面又是什么
  Is this hair? 这是头发吗
  It's from Evan's first haircut in Orlando. 这是埃文第一次在奥兰多剪下的头发
  It's the last of his Washington hairs. 是他最后的华盛顿头发
  Every house sitter measures an orchid 10's height, 每一个看房人都会测量兰花的高度
  but I go the extra mile by noting the lean angle. 但我会多做一个动作,那就是量下倾角
  Evan, we've been here for hours. 埃文,我们已经在这儿待了好几个小时了
  We got the mail, brought in the trash cans, 我们收了信,把垃圾桶拿进来
  cleaned the kitty litter, played with the cat, 铲好屎,逗了猫
  lost the cat, found the cat again. 丢了猫,又找着猫
  We're almost done with morning rounds. 晨间查房差不多都做完了
  We just need to compile a report 我们只要填完报告
  and fax it to the homeowners at their hotel. 传真到房主的酒店给他们就好了
  What? 什么
  Who wants to read that when they're on vacation? 谁去度假还想看报告啊
  72-degree lean! Ah! 倾角72度,啊
  "Let's go on vacation," She said. 她说,我们去度假吧
  "It will be good to see what we're like 还说,看看离开兰花
  away from the orchids 11," She said. 我们会怎样 也挺好的
  Grow up. 成熟点好吗
  The level of service I provide is why I get $10 a day 我所提供的服务级别就是我为什么
  for every house... $5 for you, $5 for me. 每间房子每天收十块钱的原因,我们各赚五块钱
  You're lucky I'm the kind of boss who pays during training. 你运气好,碰到我这个培训期间就发工资的老板
  Now, let's talk bird maintenance. 现在,我们来讲讲育鸟守则
  Three things you need to know about Patsy... 关于帕琪你要记住三点
  She's vain, she's sensitive, and she's slow to trust. 她很傲娇,敏感,而且防范心很重
  That's why we have to approach her cage very slowly, 所以我们要很小心地接近她的笼子
  whispering "Pretty bird! 小声说,小美鸟
  Pretty..." 美
  Peck! 啄你
  Patsy just pecked your eye out for laughing. 如果你笑的话,帕琪会把你的眼睛啄出来
  Jenny, is this seat saved? 杰妮,这个位子有人吗
  Warren? Who's Warren? 沃伦,谁是沃伦
  Cutest old man I've ever seen. 还真是个老顽童
  Everyone's pills digested? 大家吃下去的药都消化得差不多了吗
  You know it. Yeah. 你懂的,当然啦
  Chablis, Ma? You're driving. 夏布利酒,妈妈,你要开车哎
  Good thing I was here. 幸好有我在这
  Of course. 当然啦
  Uh, chamomile or... 是要甘菊还是
  Ma? 妈妈
  She said she had to ditch the buzzkill. 她说她要支走扫兴的家伙
  To who? 谁啊
  In what language? 说什么语言呢
  Well, Devon, I guess I'm rotating the orchids alone. 德文,我现在是在一个人做两个人的活,对吧
  Dave? Where's Eddie? 戴夫,埃迪呢
  He hired me to take care of all this stuff with you. 他雇我来和你一起照看这些
  He's giving me $2 a house. 每户付我两刀薪水
  He's what? 什么
  No. What?! 不,你说什么
  Don't worry. I have an amazing work ethic 12 from raising myself. 别担心,我很有职业道德的
  Chris Mullin got a cup? 克里斯·马林得过奖杯
  I can't believe you ditched me! 真不敢相信你竟然丢下我走了
  That's it. 够了
  From now on, I forbid you from going out on your own! 从现在开始,禁止你独自出门
  Hello. I'm here to pick up Jenny for our date. 你好,我来接杰妮去约会
  So cute. 好呆萌
  Just, uh, have her home by 6:00. 你就,六点前把她送回来就可以了
  15. 六点十五
  And this votive candle was burning 我第一次遇见米奇的时候
  the first time I met Mitch. 这支蜡烛正在燃烧
  So many Mitch memories. 这么多关于米奇的回忆
  Okay, well, this broken chopstick can definitely go. 好吧,这支折了的吸管总可以扔了吧
  'Fraid not. It's from the first take-out meal 恐怕不行,这是我们刚搬来的时候
  we got when we moved here. 吃的第一顿外卖里的
  Remember, you were so mad the Chinese restaurant 还记得吗,当时你好生气,一个中国餐馆
  sent a white delivery guy? 居然让一位白人来送外卖
  They can't find one Asian person to give the job to?! 难道他们就不能找一个亚洲人来做这个工作吗
  Well, there's obviously no way we can get rid of it now. 很显然现在我们更不能扔了它了
  It's double memories. 现在是双份回忆了
  Emery, you didn't do this back in D.C. 埃默里,在华盛顿的时候你从来不做这件事的
  Why did you start keeping stuff when we moved here? 我们搬来之后,你什么时候开始收藏东西了
  I don't know. 我不知道
  I guess it was kind of a hard time for me. 我想也许是因为这段日子很艰难吧
  But I thought things were perfect for you when we moved here. 可是我以为来这之后你都适应得挺好的呢
  I didn't want to say anything. 我什么都不想说出来
  You guys had to worry about the restaurant 你们都在忙餐馆的事
  and Eddie and your hair adjusting to the humidity. 埃迪的和你的头发还要适应这里的潮湿
  For the record, it still hasn't adjusted. 声明一下,我的头发现在还没适应过来呢
  I mean, I know it looks good now, 我是说,我知道它现在看起来不错
  but it looked better before. 但它以前更好
  But it was a big change for me, too. 可我也经历了一场很大的变故
  I didn't keep any memories from my life in D.C. 华盛顿的那段生活我没留下任何回忆
  I packed a few things, but they were in that box 我打包了一些物件,但全都被装在了盒子里
  with all of Dad's cutoff jean shorts that got lost. 跟老爸的那些闲置的牛仔短裤一起不见了
  Yes, they're still looking for that box. 是的,他们还在找那盒子呢
  Now I'm starting to forget what it was like there. 现在我已经快记不清那些日子了
  And I don't want that to happen to me here. 我不想让我现在的日子未来也变得这么模糊
  Emery, I want you to promise me that you'll always tell me 埃默里,我要你跟我保证,心里有事的话
  if you're having a tough time, 一定要来跟我倾诉
  no matter how bad my hair looks. 不管我头发有多糟
  And I promise that we'll find a way 我也保证我们会找到办法
  for you to keep your memories. 来为你保存回忆的
  Thanks, Mom. 谢谢你,妈妈
  Now, is this the only memory you have of me? 不过,这就是你关于我的唯一回忆
  I'm your mother. 我是你妈哎
  You better have a comb, a birthday card, 你好歹要留把梳子,一张生日贺卡
  seeds of a watermelon I ate, something. 或者我吃过的西瓜籽之类的吧
  She must have lost her key. 她一定是把钥匙给丢了
  Ma, you were supposed to be home an hour ago. 妈,你一小时前就该回来了
  Warren? Where's my mother? 沃伦,我妈呢
  I, uh... 呃,我
  I lost her. 我把她弄丢了
  What do you mean you lost her?! 弄丢了是什么意思
  Well, I was hoping she'd be here. 呃,我以为她会回来的
  She asked me to get her a tea, 她叫我去倒杯茶
  and when I came back, she was gone. 结果我回来,她就不见了
  That's her move. 确实是她的风格
  Maybe she's with her salsa-class friends? 也许她去找她的沙司班朋友了
  Salsa class? 沙司班
  The food or the dance? 你指的是调味汁还是舞蹈
  I can't remember. 我不记得了
  Don't... Don't worry. 别担心
  I'll find her, I promise. 我会找到她,我保证
  Jenny?! 杰妮
  Here, Jenny! 我在这,杰妮
  Jenny! 杰妮
  Corporal Bryson, it's Louis Huang. 布赖森警官,我是路易斯·黄
  I'm sorry, Louis. Haven't seen Eddie tonight. 不好意思,路易斯,今晚没看到埃迪
  No, it's my mother. She's lost. 不,是我妈,她走丢了
  She's by herself after dark. 她天黑一个人在外面
  Hold on. Ma? 等一下,妈妈
  Greenie's. 格雷尼餐馆
  Don't move. I'm on my way. 在那别动,我马上就来
  I can't believe her. 真是不敢相信
  I've been trying to get her to try Greenie's for years. 拉着她去吃格雷尼好多年了都没成
  Emery, I know we're trying to get rid of stuff, 埃默里,我知道我们现在在清理旧物
  but is there room in here for a great idea? 但是还可以有其他方法哦
  What if we take pictures of all your things? 我们把你所有的东西都拍下来怎么样
  That way you keep the memory but less of the garbage... 这样既保留了回忆又清除了垃圾
  I mean, priceless mementos 13. 我的意思是,毕竟回忆无价嘛
  And that's how your Great-Grandma Jessica 这就是你们的尊敬的祖母杰西卡
  made me photo albums so I wouldn't have so much clutter 14. 给我做相册的经过,这样我的房间就不会一团乱了
  Wow! 哇哦
  Are you almost done? 你好了吗
  Our alien captors need us in the work camps by 3:00. 我们的外星警察让我们三点前到工作室
  Yeah, let's do it. 好啊,就这么干吧
  This is the marble I was holding 这就是我妈想出了一个好主意时
  when my mom came up with an amazing plan. 我手上拿的岩石
  Dave?! 戴夫
  Yeah, he's one of my guys. 嗯,他是我雇来的人
  We had a deal, Eddie. 我们有约在先的,埃迪
  Whoa, whoa. Relax. 哇哦,哇哦,放松点
  Sit down. Have some of my sando. 坐下,吃点我的三明治
  No. And please don't disrespect us 不要,还有请不要说三明治这个词的简称
  by shortening the word "Sandwich." 这样会显得很随便
  I hired you to do that job. 我雇的是你去工作
  You can't just hire someone else and pocket the profit. 你不能再去雇人干活,就把薪水收了
  I'm sorry, brother, but that's business. 不好意思,兄弟,这就是生意场
  People do it all the time. 大家都是这么干的
  Do you think Diddy writes his own raps? 你以为蒂迪自己写饶舌词
  No, he has Ma$e do it. 才不会呢,有写手替他干
  Pays him $200 and makes $30 million. 花两百刀雇人,却能赚三百万刀
  A good businessman values his own time, right? 一个精明的商人最珍惜的是时间,懂吗
  I hate it when your logic 15 makes sense. 你的逻辑居然说得通,好气哦
  I know. Everyone does. 我懂的,大家都是这样
  Want my pepperoncini? Yes. 现在要吃黄金椒了吗?嗯
  Ma, thank God you're okay. 妈妈,幸好你没事
  I'm glad you're here. 你终于来了
  She doesn't understand anything I say. 我说什么她都听不懂
  I was so worried about you. I even called the police. 我都急死了,差点都报警了
  I never clicked back to Bryson. 我没给布赖森回电话
  Hey, Bryson, isn't your shift done? 嘿,布赖森,你不是该下班了吗
  Yeah, I'm just waiting for Louis to click back over. 是的,我在等路易斯回我电话
  It's been a while, 等了有一会儿了
  but I know my boy Lou would never leave me hanging. 不过我知道我兄弟路易斯不会弃我而去的
  He'll figure it out. He's a cop. 他好歹是个警察,会想明白的
  The point is, you can' just go out by yourself 重点是,你不能大晚上的一个人跑出去
  after dark with strange men. 和陌生人在一起
  You had to call me for help. 你要向我求助啊
  Now do you see how dangerous it is 现在你知道一个人出门
  going out in this thing alone? 有多危险了吧
  I see you can rent your own movies now. 看来你现在能自己租电影看了
  Ma, I don't ever want you to feel stuck. 妈妈,我从未想过困住你
  All I want is for you to be happy. 我只是希望你幸福
  But what if the next time you need help, I'm not around? 但万一下次你需要帮助的时候,我不在旁边怎么办呢
  Will you at least let me drive you back? 至少让我送你回去吧
  What? This is my regular pace. 什么,这就是我正常速度
  I have poor night vision. 我有夜盲症
  I have a present for you. 我有礼物给你
  Hmm. Oh! 嗯,喔
  Now if you get into trouble again, 现在你要是再遇到麻烦
  you can call me from anywhere. 无论在哪都能叫我了
  Norm! 日常规范
  Whoa, whoa, whoa! Cellies in the mix now? 喔,喔,无线手机还能用啊
  Cut me in on that family plan. 家庭网不要算我,谢谢
  I'll pay for it myself. 我会自己付款
  I'm making mad dollars with Evan. 我正在埃文那疯狂的赚钱呢
  Come on, Mom. 走吧,妈妈
  Actually, I've been thinking about the advice you gave me 其实吧,我仔细想了想你的建议
  about valuing my time, and it was good. 要珍惜时间,很不错
  You are good at business. 你很擅长做生意
  Y'all know it. 你知道了吧
  So, you're fired. 所以呢,你被炒了
  I've cut out the middleman and hired Dave myself. 我去掉了中间人这一环,自己雇人
  You're lying. My boy Dave would never do me like that. 你说谎,我的戴夫是不会这么对我的
  Good news, boss. 好消息,老板
  Guess how many buds I counted 猜猜我我让黛德丽的兰花
  on Deidre's orchid. 开了几朵
  Three? Four, dawg. 三朵,四朵
  Empires rise, empires fall. 此一时,彼一时啊
  Dave has an amazing work ethic, 戴夫很敬业
  plus his mom has a fax machine, so bye-bye Kinko's fees. 再加上他妈妈有传真机,可以跟传真费说拜拜了
  She likes to drink Campari 她爱喝堪培利酒,结果喝醉后
  and fax David Letterman Top 10 lists. 就会给大卫·莱特曼传十大型清单

1 deported
v.将…驱逐出境( deport的过去式和过去分词 );举止
  • They stripped me of my citizenship and deported me. 他们剥夺我的公民资格,将我驱逐出境。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The convicts were deported to a deserted island. 罪犯们被流放到一个荒岛。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 parlor
  • She was lying on a small settee in the parlor.她躺在客厅的一张小长椅上。
  • Is there a pizza parlor in the neighborhood?附近有没有比萨店?
3 gathering
  • He called on Mr. White to speak at the gathering.他请怀特先生在集会上讲话。
  • He is on the wing gathering material for his novels.他正忙于为他的小说收集资料。
4 frenzy
  • He was able to work the young students up into a frenzy.他能激起青年学生的狂热。
  • They were singing in a frenzy of joy.他们欣喜若狂地高声歌唱。
5 hoop
  • The child was rolling a hoop.那个孩子在滚铁环。
  • The wooden tub is fitted with the iron hoop.木盆都用铁箍箍紧。
6 scoop
  • In the morning he must get his boy to scoop it out.早上一定得叫佣人把它剜出来。
  • Uh,one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.我要一勺咖啡的和一勺巧克力的。
7 sodium
  • Out over the town the sodium lights were lit.在外面,全城的钠光灯都亮了。
  • Common salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.食盐是钠和氯的复合物。
8 virtue
  • He was considered to be a paragon of virtue.他被认为是品德尽善尽美的典范。
  • You need to decorate your mind with virtue.你应该用德行美化心灵。
9 hoarder
  • Was I becoming an eccentric hoarder? 是我变成了一个古怪的收藏者吗? 来自互联网
10 orchid
  • The orchid is a class of plant which I have never tried to grow.兰花这类植物我从来没种过。
  • There are over 35 000 species of orchid distributed throughout the world.有35,000多种兰花分布在世界各地。
11 orchids
n.兰花( orchid的名词复数 )
  • Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare. 兰花和报春花这类野花越来越稀少了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • She breeds orchids in her greenhouse. 她在温室里培育兰花。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 ethic
  • They instilled the work ethic into their children.他们在孩子们的心中注入了职业道德的理念。
  • The connotation of education ethic is rooted in human nature's mobility.教育伦理的内涵根源于人本性的变动性。
13 mementos
纪念品,令人回忆的东西( memento的名词复数 )
  • The museum houses a collection of mementos, materials and documents. 博物馆保存着很多回忆录以及文献资料。
  • This meant, however, that no one was able to retrieve irreplaceable family mementos. 然而,这也意味着谁也没能把无可替代的家庭纪念品从火中救出来。
14 clutter
  • The garage is in such a clutter that we can't find anything.车库如此凌乱,我们什么也找不到。
  • We'll have to clear up all this clutter.我们得把这一切凌乱的东西整理清楚。
15 logic
  • What sort of logic is that?这是什么逻辑?
  • I don't follow the logic of your argument.我不明白你的论点逻辑性何在。
标签: 初来乍到
a drop
a yellow
acceptance of shafting
Advanced Scientific Computer
air sanitation
asymmetrical hearing loss
behavioral shaping
biological effects of optical radiation
complicit masculinity
Corbin City
database structure
dense random packing
engineering environmental geology
farm chemicals
fluid retention
font manager
glottal plosive
have one's a close eye upon
high impedance microphone
high-pressure alkylation
immersed rheostat
Indian mongoose
input output multiplexer
integral construction
literal data
machine safety
magnetic-energy-storage spot welder
matrix steels
maximization of structural parameters
my lamb
non-ionic surface-active agent
pant for
piler bed
pivoted float
plateau diffusion
pressure density
principle of shifting
product separator
repeatability of measurement
requite an obligation
single mottle yarn
Smilax glabra Roxb.
speak-back circuit
telepressure gauge
terminal variable
the sere and yellow leaf
thermal coalescence
tidal-power generator
Two negatives make an affirmative
Urus-Martanovskiy Rayon
what is it now
widespread shower
work report
zinc plating