Even Talking is Hard for Syrian Negotiators 与叙利亚代表团艰难的谈话 LONDON Syrian government and opposition negotiators met in Geneva this week for a first round of talks, but they were fraught with difficulties, not only on substance bu
New Vaccine Research Aimed at Cattle Killer 新疫苗研究意在对付牧牛杀手 New research is underway to develop an advanced vaccine against East Coast fever a parasitic disease that killed more than one-million cattle in Africa last year. Res
Kerry's Security Talks in Europe to Include Iran Nuclear Accord 克里,安全,欧洲,伊朗,核问题 STATE DEPARTMENT U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is due in Germany for talks on global security that will include discussion of Iran's nuclear pr
Across Egypt's Political Spectrum, Compromise Elusive 埃及各政治派别难达成共识 CAIRO Egyptian Field Marshal Abdel Fattah el-Sissi is widely expected to become the country's next president, drawing on support from voters tired of upheaval
Thai Protesters Undeterred by Election Plan 泰国抗议者对选举计划无动于衷 BANGKOK Thailand's anti-government protesters are vowing to oust Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and her family from politics even if Sundays elections reaffirm
Blight Tourism in Detroit Grows in Popularity 底特律衰败景观旅游渐受欢迎 DETROIT, MICHIGAN The city of Detroit is known more for its iconic blight than the vehicles that once rolled off the floors of the now-abandoned factories that gave
CAR Emergency Food Supplies Very Low 世界粮食计划署称在中非的紧急粮食援助已经所剩无几 The World Food Program warns it is running out of emergency food aid in Central African Republic. 世界粮食计划署警告称在中非共和
U.S. Supports Religious Freedom Around The World 美国支持全球宗教自由 The Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan social science fact tank [research organization], recently released a report on religious hostilities. According to the study, in 2
Brexit - A 'Berlin Wall' Moment for European Youth 英国脱欧欧洲青年所谓的柏林墙时刻分享到: BERLIN, GERMANY In 1989 Germans tore down the wall that divided Berlin and symbolized deeper global divides. 1989年,德国人拆除了分裂柏
Natural Hair Care Movement Takes Root in Nigeria 尼日利亚兴起天然护发运动 ABUJA In Nigeria, activists and entrepreneurs are promoting natural ways for black women to care for their hair amid concerns that some commonly used products like
Ivorian Taekwondo Champions Head to Rio Olympics 科特迪瓦跆拳道冠军参加里约奥运会 ABIDJAN It is the home stretch for three Ivorian taekwondo athletes who are heading to the Rio Olympics. In their training room in the basement of the n
全球化经济对美国的影响 The air outside this factory in Northeast Philadelphia once smelled of cookies. But the aroma,along with the 350 workers who for decades made Oreos disappeared last year when snackfood giant Mondelez shift production
Robots Branch Out Across Workforce Industrial robots started replacing humans long ago in tedious and dangerous jobs, such as welding thousands of identical parts for vehicles. Today, more sophisticated robots are capable of precisely lifting and mov
非洲女性护发用品抗癌成分堪忧 This may look like a typical hair salon in Abuja. But its not. We specialize in maintaining and taking care of the natural hair. What the everyday people call the virgin hair, the hair that hasnt been relaxe
美国债务危机或影响全球经济 With an economy about one fourth the size of the world's GDP (gross domestic product), anythreat to the U.S. economy is a potential threat to other countries that do business with it.Jason Peuquet, a policy ana
创意海洋生物制品唤起环保意识 A giant parrot fish greets visitors at the main entrance to the National Zoo. A bit farther on area tufted puffin seabird, a freedom starfish and more all bright, beautiful and eye-catchingsculptures. But ta
索马里人民为灾荒贡献己力 Minnesota is home to the largest Somali population in the United States. As drought andfamine take a devastating toll on their homeland, Somali immigrants feel an obligation to helpvictims back home. And they are
Globalization or Isolation? US Voters Weigh in on Economy 加入全球化浪潮还是独自发展?美国选民权衡经济利弊 PHILADELPHIA The air outside this factory in Northeast Philadelphia once smelled of cookies. But the aroma, along with
塞内加尔推行生育间隔 或可减少贫困 On a busy day at the Fith Mith Clinic in a suburb of Gudiawaye, just outside of Dakar, MamyDiop had just given birth to her third child, only one year and three months after the previous.She did not k
Top 5 Songs for Week Ending July 23 Here are the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles Chart, for the week ending July 23, 2016. The chart has been kind enough to give us a new song this week. This one's a bit of a reclamation
- VOA标准英语2012--US Furniture Capital Holds Annual Showcase
- VOA标准英语2009年-Clinton: Russian Rights Record Threatens P
- VOA常速英语2019--特朗普为建造边境墙而宣布国家紧急状态
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- VOA常速英语2019--昆虫对地球生命至关重要
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- VOA常速英语2019--印度旅游业难以兼顾经济效益与环境保护
- VOA常速英语2019--美国卫生部规劝父母为孩子注射麻疹疫苗
- VOA常速英语2019--屋顶种菜:环保又经济
- VOA常速英语2019--犬类运动俱乐部备受欢迎
- VOA常速英语2019--阿根廷科学家发现新型恐龙
- VOA常速英语2019--纯电气车受消费者青睐
- VOA标准英语2009年-Britain to Send More Troops to Afghanistan
- VOA标准英语2009年-State Department Official Says US, China S
- VOA常速英语2019--大限将至 边境墙问题依然无解
- VOA标准英语2009年-Iraqi Parliament Approves New Electoral La
- VOA常速英语2019--太阳能电池板研发取得新进展
- VOA常速英语2019--穆斯林女导演处女座惊艳好莱坞
- VOA常速英语2007年-South African Movie Shows How Football Unified
- VOA常速英语2019--3D打印技术可大幅提高心脏手术安全性
- VOA标准英语2012--US Furniture Capital Holds Annual Showcase
- VOA标准英语2009年-Clinton: Russian Rights Record Threatens P
- VOA常速英语2019--特朗普为建造边境墙而宣布国家紧急状态
- VOA常速英语2019--机遇号光荣退役
- VOA常速英语2019--昆虫对地球生命至关重要
- VOA常速英语2019--巧克力的制作流程
- VOA常速英语2019--印度旅游业难以兼顾经济效益与环境保护
- VOA常速英语2019--美国卫生部规劝父母为孩子注射麻疹疫苗
- VOA常速英语2019--屋顶种菜:环保又经济
- VOA常速英语2019--犬类运动俱乐部备受欢迎
- VOA常速英语2019--阿根廷科学家发现新型恐龙
- VOA常速英语2019--纯电气车受消费者青睐
- VOA标准英语2009年-Britain to Send More Troops to Afghanistan
- VOA标准英语2009年-State Department Official Says US, China S
- VOA常速英语2019--大限将至 边境墙问题依然无解
- VOA标准英语2009年-Iraqi Parliament Approves New Electoral La
- VOA常速英语2019--太阳能电池板研发取得新进展
- VOA常速英语2019--穆斯林女导演处女座惊艳好莱坞
- VOA常速英语2007年-South African Movie Shows How Football Unified
- VOA常速英语2019--3D打印技术可大幅提高心脏手术安全性