阿里连任加蓬总统 Gabon's Constitutional Court has confirmed that incumbent Ali Bongo has won re-election for President. 加蓬立宪法院宣布,现任总统阿里将连任下一届总统。 Gabon held a Presidential election in late August
《巴黎协定》或将付诸实践 Climate change is a defining issue of our time, and one where U.S. leadership has made a real and measurable difference. Confronting this challenge will require a sustained global effort to ensure that our planet
旧金山的俄罗斯风 Russian Hill one of the highest points in San-Francisco is the place where the future city was born. 俄罗斯山是旧金山的至高点之一,也是未来城市的摇篮。 This is the center of the city. It was here, say
伊拉克少儿乐团改变孩子的生活 All too often, in Iraq and many other places in the world, this can dominate the sounds gabbed you. But here, children are surrounded by a different sound. 伊拉克和世界上许多其他地方的孩子们生
乍得湖盆地亟需人道主义援助 On September 23, at a Lake Chad Basin side event at the UN General Assembly, the United States pledged an additional $41 million in funding to meet emergency needs for conflict-affected and vulnerable household
Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Oct. 1 Were counting down the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending October 1, 2016. Somebody get the defibrillator, because I think the countdown needs a good jolt. Things
美日韩外长会晤商讨如何应对朝鲜核试验 On September 18, the Foreign Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, and the Republic of Korea's Foreign Minister Yun Byung-Se held a meeting in New York on the side
投资女性可提振经济 It's no secret that the best way to jump-start a sluggish economy is to invest in women. That's because when women enter the formal economy, they invest their earnings into their families and their communities, pulling bot
Trump Tax History in Spotlight Once Again The campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump traded fierce accusations after The New York Times newspaper published what appears to be a portion of the Republican nominees 1995 federal tax returns. Sent
刚果选举引非洲关注 The United States is engaged with the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the DRC, and its regional partners to encourage political dialogue and movement towards free and fair elections. U.S. Assistant Secretar
第二届美非经济论坛召开 The countries of Africa want partners, not patrons; they want trade, not aid. The United States is determined to be that partner, to accelerate the next era of African growth for all Africans, said President Barack O
Mass Suspensions of Teachers Stoke Concern in Turkeys Kurdish Region 1.2万名库尔德地区教师遭土耳其解职 DIYARBAKIR, TURKEY Educators in Turkey are at the center of a crackdown, with more than 12,000 teachers suspended for alleged links
Britain Invests Billions in Cybersecurity in Face of Russian Threat 英国投资数十亿资金应对俄罗斯在网络安全方面的威胁 LONDON Britain says it will spend more than $2 billion on cybersecurity and recruit 1,000 more intelligence o
Hope Defines Obama's Legacy in Africa NAIROBI When Barack Obama was elected U.S. president in 2008, the event was hailed across Africa. He is the son of a Kenyan, after all, and many on the continent considered Obama one of their own. So Africans' ho
Afghan Refugees Return to an Uncertain Future 阿富汗回国难民面临艰难生活 TORKHEM, AFGHAN-PAKISTAN BORDER More than 800,000 Afghans both documented refugees and undocumented deportees have returned to their country from Pakistan and Iran
Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Dec. 10 Were coming to grips with the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending December 10, 2016. Its been an active week, with two of our Top Five positions seeing newcomerst
The growing trend of intentional shutdowns of the Internet and mobile networks threaten Internet freedom. According to estimates, some 25 governments on almost every continent have intentionally prevented or disrupted access to such networks more tha
If Western sanctions are eased, this fast-growing Russian startup (TEXEL) says its 3-D scanning software business will get a boost in the domestic market. 快速发展的俄罗斯创业公司(TEXEL)表示,如果西方世界能放宽(对俄罗斯
In eastern Aleppo, Syrian government forces backed by Russia are gaining ground. Victory here for President Bashar al-Assad may force a change of strategy by Western governments. 在阿勒波东部,有俄罗斯部队支持的叙利亚政府军取得了
The world is getting smaller. And as ever more people travel across continents, an infectious disease threat anywhere can be a threat everywhere. In today's interconnected world, a pathogen can travel around the globe to major cities in as little as
- VOA标准英语2012--US Furniture Capital Holds Annual Showcase
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- VOA标准英语2012--US Furniture Capital Holds Annual Showcase
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- VOA标准英语2009年-Britain to Send More Troops to Afghanistan
- VOA标准英语2009年-State Department Official Says US, China S
- VOA常速英语2019--大限将至 边境墙问题依然无解
- VOA标准英语2009年-Iraqi Parliament Approves New Electoral La
- VOA常速英语2019--太阳能电池板研发取得新进展
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- VOA常速英语2007年-South African Movie Shows How Football Unified
- VOA常速英语2019--3D打印技术可大幅提高心脏手术安全性