Late Cherry Blossoms Disappoint Washington Tourists Snow mixed with rain greeted visitors to the Jefferson Memorial and the adjacent Tidal Basin. Photographer Judy Young was hoping to snap shots of the city's famous cherry blossoms, covered with snow
In Senegal, Skin-Lightening Remains Popular Despite Health Risks A typical beauty supply shop in Dakar, complete with a selection of skin-lightening creams and soaps. This lotion, it is carrot-based. It doesn't have hydroquinone. It will give you an
Pakistan's Fight Against Militants Leads to Advanced Treatments for Wounded These are small, but significant steps taken by Aman Ullah, who lost both of his legs more than a year ago in Khyber, a volatile tribal district on the Afghan border. The 23-
Russians Grow, Share Food as Economy Struggles 俄罗斯经济低迷 人们纷纷种植并分享食物 MOSCOW Russia's struggling economy has plunged millions of people into poverty as the Russian currency lost value and inflation soared. As prices h
'Funeral of the Future' Memorializes With Digital Footprints LOS ANGELES When a person dies in this age of social media, his digital imprint may live on. One California artist is exploring how to use digital artifacts to create a futuristic funeral.
Avatar Helps Children Recovering from Illness Feel Less Lonely WASHINGTON A small avatar may help children who are recuperating from a long-term illness and feel isolated from their friends and classmates. The robot takes their place in school. From
Russian-Speakers Abound in City By the Bay 俄语者在海湾城市周围 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Russians often call San Francisco the most Russian city in America, even though the city's population of Russian-speaking people is smaller than that of New Y
非法捕鱼危害渔业健康发展 The world's fisheries are a natural resource that provides employment for over 300 million people and food for billions. Worldwide, fisheries support a $250 billion global economy. Yet despite their great importan
Meat for Mecca: Somaliland Exports Livestock for the Hajj BERBERA, SOMALILAND Every year, the breakaway republic of Somaliland, in east Africa, exports millions of livestock to Saudi Arabia to feed the millions of Muslim faithful making the pilgrimag
如何避免博科圣地感染更多市民? The Boko Haram terrorist group has one overriding goalto seize as much territory as it can hold so it can impose its extreme ideology on the people living there. Beyond that, Boko Haram has no agenda othe
Refugee Farmers Reestablish Ties to the Land as They Connect to Community 难民身份的农民通过社区重建与美国的联系 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA More than half of the refugees who are resettled in the U.S. each year come from agricultura
美国谴责叙利亚使用化学武器 A report by the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the OPCW, has confirmed that the Assad regime repeatedly used chemical weapons in Syria in 2014 and 2015. ISIL was al
伊朗舰队高调挑衅美国 The United States helps to ensure the free flow of commerce through, among other areas, the strategically important Strait of Hormuz, which connects the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. Approximatel
美国拉丁文化月现在进行时 In the thirty days between September 15th and October 15th, the United States observes National Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of those United States citizens whose
Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Sept. 3 Were counting down the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending September 3, 2016. Most U.S. schools are back in session this week, so well begin with a math problem:
东西欧意见大分歧:强制分摊难民配额方案 The EU Commission president was frank about the challenges facing the bloc. 欧盟委员会主席对整个欧盟目前所面临的诸多挑战直言不讳。 I believe the next 12 months are d
Mother Teresa: Road to Sainthood Started in Small Kosovo Church 特蕾莎修女:圣人之路始于科索沃小教堂 LETNICA, KOSOVO On September 4, the world will watch as Mother Teresa - a woman whom the world has come to know as a humanitarian and
俄罗斯发布不受欢迎组织黑名单 美国多家组织在列 The Russian government's list of so-called undesirable organizations has grown yet again. This time authorities have banned the U.S.-based International Republican Institute, or IRI,
Nationalist, Anti-Immigrant Sentiments Raise Worries Among French Muslims 民族主义者的反移民情绪在法国穆斯林中引发担忧 CHATRES, FRANCE Nationalists in France are the latest group to get a boost from anti-immigrant sentiment seen
Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Sept. 24 Were saluting the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles Chart, for the week ending September 24, 2016. The countdown catches its breath after a few active weeks, so you get a chance to hear
- VOA标准英语2012--US Furniture Capital Holds Annual Showcase
- VOA标准英语2009年-Clinton: Russian Rights Record Threatens P
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- VOA标准英语2009年-Britain to Send More Troops to Afghanistan
- VOA标准英语2009年-State Department Official Says US, China S
- VOA常速英语2019--大限将至 边境墙问题依然无解
- VOA标准英语2009年-Iraqi Parliament Approves New Electoral La
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- VOA常速英语2007年-South African Movie Shows How Football Unified
- VOA常速英语2019--3D打印技术可大幅提高心脏手术安全性
- VOA标准英语2012--US Furniture Capital Holds Annual Showcase
- VOA标准英语2009年-Clinton: Russian Rights Record Threatens P
- VOA常速英语2019--特朗普为建造边境墙而宣布国家紧急状态
- VOA常速英语2019--机遇号光荣退役
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- VOA常速英语2019--巧克力的制作流程
- VOA常速英语2019--印度旅游业难以兼顾经济效益与环境保护
- VOA常速英语2019--美国卫生部规劝父母为孩子注射麻疹疫苗
- VOA常速英语2019--屋顶种菜:环保又经济
- VOA常速英语2019--犬类运动俱乐部备受欢迎
- VOA常速英语2019--阿根廷科学家发现新型恐龙
- VOA常速英语2019--纯电气车受消费者青睐
- VOA标准英语2009年-Britain to Send More Troops to Afghanistan
- VOA标准英语2009年-State Department Official Says US, China S
- VOA常速英语2019--大限将至 边境墙问题依然无解
- VOA标准英语2009年-Iraqi Parliament Approves New Electoral La
- VOA常速英语2019--太阳能电池板研发取得新进展
- VOA常速英语2019--穆斯林女导演处女座惊艳好莱坞
- VOA常速英语2007年-South African Movie Shows How Football Unified
- VOA常速英语2019--3D打印技术可大幅提高心脏手术安全性