
Russians Worried, Defiant Amid Financial Crisis WASHINGTON Despite dire predictions about Russia's economy for 2015, many Russians welcomed the New Year with cheers and hopes for a better future. With the sinking value of the ruble, some people say t

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Obama, Republican Congress Likely to Clash on Global Affairs 奥巴马与共和党控制的国会或在全球事务上无法合力 WASHINGTON The new, entirely Republican-led U.S. Congress will weigh in on global hotspots and Americas response to the

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Saved By a Mistake: an Auschwitz Survivor's Story 奥斯维辛集中营幸存者的故事 Dagmar Lieblova was 14 when she arrived at Auschwitz in December 1943, along with her entire Czech Jewish family. All of them were to die there, but she was abl

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Gavi's Goal: Vaccinate Millions More Children 全球疫苗免疫联盟致力于数以百万计儿童接种疫苗 Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is seeking funds to extend its early childhood vaccine program in developing countries. Gavi's CEO says he's c

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Zoo Animals Show Their Artistic Sides 动物园动物展出自己的艺术作品 The pursuit of happiness is so important, America's founding fathers put it in the Declaration of Independence. Any zookeeper will tell you animals need enrichment, just

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Smartphones About to Make Leap, Carry Basic Senses 智能手机基本触感方面有飞跃 Long-distance communication contains mostly sounds and pictures. For now. But scientists in Britain say they are close to creating additions for our smartphone

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Weekly Korea Protests Keep Japanese WWII Atrocities Alive 韩国人每周坚持抗议日本二战暴行 SEOUL Protesters gather in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul every week to demand an apology and reparations from Tokyo for the thousands of

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Activists: Nigeria Elections Should Be Postponed 活动人士称尼日利亚应该推迟选举 WASHINGTON Nigerian expatriates and activists recently gathered in Washington to denounce the deadly raids and massacres by the militant group Boko Haram.

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Somalia Aims to Improve Lives of Children 索马里改善儿童生活状况 MOGADISHU Somalia's president signed into law the Convention on the Rights of the Child on January 20. Somalias children continue to face daily challenges posed by conflict,

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利比亚难民死伤触目惊心 大量偷渡孤儿或遇童工风险 Some 19,000 migrants arrived in Italy in May from North Africa. More than double than previous months. More than 13,000 people were rescued in the central Mediterranean region in

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俄罗斯民众游行示威 反对选举舞弊 The protesters shouted New Elections, New Elections, and their densely packed mass on Sakharov Avenue reached 100,000 people, according to organizers, which would exceed the numbers who showed up to prot

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卡塔尔对2022年世界杯竞标中存在腐败行为予以否认 称不牵涉贿赂门 Qatar is spending around 10 billion on new stadiums and up to 200 billion on improving infrastructure ahead of the 2022 World Cup. 卡塔尔正斥资100亿美元打

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成为NASA宇航员需要何种资质? Have you ever wondered how one becomes a NASA astronaut? It begins with filling out anapplication. The US space agency received more than 18,000 applications when it announcedlate last year that it was looking

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Top 5 Songs For Week Ending June 4 These are the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles Chart, for the week ending June 4, 2016. In and out, here and then gonethe musical deck really gets shuffled in this weeks lineup. Number 5:

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Kerry Heads to Paris in Hopes of Restarting Mideast Talks 克里前往巴黎希望重启中东和谈 STATE DEPARTMENT With Israels ultranationalist new Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman saying he backs a two-state solution, analysts say the Paris mi

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Mosquito Season Means Zika Season, US Experts Warn It's nearly the start of summer in the U.S. vacation time for families and breeding time for mosquitoes, including the one that carries the Zika virus. Dr. Tom Frieden, the head of the Centers for Di

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Russia Sees 'Brexit' Weakening European Resolve, Analysts Say MOSCOW As Britain contemplates leaving the European Union with a June 23 referendum, Russia is seen as one of the few countries in Europe favoring a so-called Brexit from the EU. While pub

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What Is It Like to Become an Astronaut? 谁想成为一名宇航员? HOUSTON, TEXAS Colonel Terry Virts always knew he wanted to be a pilot or an astronaut. He had pictures of galaxies and planes on his walls as a child. He never thought he could act

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Clinton Expected to Clinch Democratic Presidential Nomination Tuesday 克林顿周二或将赢得民主党总统候选人提名 WASHINGTON In the U.S. presidential race, state primary contests conclude this week with Americas most populous state, Cal

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Forget Office Cubicles, Try Co-working 忘掉办公室隔间,试试联合办公 WASHINGTON When you think of a workspace, the cubicles in a traditional office are probably the first thing that comes to mind. Following Uber and Airbnb, the sharing eco

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Bulls Gap
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Chrysochou Bay
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Joe Clark
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Manfredonia, G.di
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Vinh Loc
Wafer Check Valves
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X-ray microscopy