性格内向不善交际,不愿参与社交活动却不知道如何拒绝别人?别急,今天送你10句超好用的大招,帮你解决这一烦恼。 Number 1: 大招一: Please go away. I'm introverting. 请走开,我忙着内向呢。
You know你知道 Vincent留学地美国 留学前,我觉得自己英文还行,甚至讲起英语来还有口头禅,总爱模仿美剧中老美的口音,说话前先来句YouKnow作为开场白。当时感觉,这样开始对话会产生些许
英语和汉语对手指的称呼既有差别又有相似之处。现介绍如下: 1.thumb 大拇指。 与汉语相映成趣的是,英语的all(fingers and ) thumbs也表示笨手笨脚的意思,例如:(1)I'm allfingers and thumbs this morni
你知道在英语里有哪些可用来表达爱慕的词汇和短语吗?如果你在情人节收到了邀请,但又想委婉的拒绝,应该怎么礼貌回复呢? Expressions of love 有关爱的表达 You are always on my mind. 你一直在我
1. You're asking the wrong person. 你问错人了。 2. I've never given it much thought. 这事儿我从来没多想。 3. I don't think it's any of my business. 我觉得这事跟我没什么关系。 4. Your guess is as good as mine. 你要不知道
要想形容一个人很有钱,中文里你也许会想到腰缠万贯、财大气粗这样的成语。 英文里,形容有钱人,你会怎么说呢?今天我们就一起聊聊有钱人。 1. Let her payshe's loaded. 让她掏钱,她有的是
大学本科4年,专科3年已经毕业或者将要毕业的同学们,快来检查下你的大学英语到底学过关了没吧,这100句你能脱口而出么? Any day will do?哪一天都可以? Any messages for me?有我的留言吗?
长假终于结束,恣意撒欢的日子也就结束了,等下一个长假就得春节了。上班第一天,你是不是觉得懒懒的不想动,心情不怎么好呢? 这种情绪很低的状态可以用blue来表示,蓝色给人的感觉就
八卦的开场白 Guess what? 你猜怎么着? Have you heard? 你听说了吗? Did you hear what happened? 你听说出什么事了吗? Guess what I just found out. 猜猜我刚发现了什么。 You won't believe what Sherlock just told me. 你
俚语:爱听八卦,爱打听! 据说一个女人等于500只鸭子,这个等式是从制造噪音的角度来讲的。虽然有些夸张,但是确实塑造了女人们的大众形象:聚在一起爱听八卦、爱打听。刚巧,有俚语
1. In an effort to protect the validity of GRE scores, ETS has made the difficult decisionto cancel all scores resulting from the Oct. 23, 2010 GRE administration in China. 为确保GRE考试成绩的效力,ETS艰难地决定取消所有参加2010年
1. You scared me! 你吓死我了! 2. I am freaked out! 吓死我了! 3. I am frightened out of my wits! 我的魂都被吓飞了! 4. That nearly scared me to death! 我差点被吓死! 5. Spiders scare me stiff. 蜘蛛把我吓坏了。 6. You did g
1. That was a close call. 好险! 2. Far from it. 远非如此。 3. We're in the same boat. 我们处境相同。 4. My mouth is watering. 我在流口水了。 5. I'm not myself today. 我今天不在状态。 6. It slipped my mind. 我忘了。 7.
1. Beyond Beyond这个词传递着一种高高在上的超越感,但它的另一层含义是要表达没可能和搞不定。 例: The situation is beyond our control. 我们无力掌控这种局面。 I think it's beyond hope. 我看这事儿没戏
The broader your grin and the deeper the creases around your eyes when you smile, the longer you are likely to live。 你在微笑的时候嘴咧的越大,眼周围的皱纹越深,你可能活的越久。 Broader grins and wrinkles around the ey
First of all know this: youre valuable. We love you. Youre important to the business. Its just that, well, sometimes as an employee you can do things that get under our skin. Want some examples? OK, here are five. Yes, some may seem petty. But theyre
The point is, after the novelty fades, perks are just one very small piece of what makes a workplace great and they certainly dont influence employees to stay, grow and contribute. When looking for a great company to work focus on what makes a great
You know enough to bring a list of questions to a job interview. When the interviewer asks you, So, do you have any questions for me? The last thing you want to say is No. But that could be the best option if you're at a loss for words, because som
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