In spite of the fact that they look like they're more or less defensive, they have arms and legs and strength and that...that tail looks pretty wicked actually overall. 看起来它们还是或多或少有一定的防御能力,它们的前肢和腿力

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Tenontosaurus is a very sturdy, strongly built animal. 腱龙是一种体格强健结实的动物。 The bones are very large and those bones were clothed with relatively powerful muscles to carry the large animal around. 它的骨头很大,而且上

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Equipped with teeth and claws, the Raptor pack came ready for a fight. 配备了牙齿和利爪,迅猛龙群准备大开杀戒。 But the massive tail and sheer mass of the Tenontosaurus would have evened the score. 但巨大的尾巴和庞大身躯使

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Because Tenontosaurus has that long tail, it's a clear sign that it is designed to be more of a weapon. 腱龙长长的尾巴很明显是非同寻常的武器。 So it's got a great way to defend itself. 所以是保障自身安全的好办法。 Tha

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A closer inspection of the Tenontosaurus revealed cuts and slashes in the bone, made by the teeth of Raptors. 仔细检查腱龙骨骼能发现迅猛龙造成的伤口和齿痕。 Proof that there were more than four Raptors in this pack. 这说明这群

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In some ways, perhaps modern earth moving machinery is a better analogy for the type of power they have. 在一定程度上,用现代土方机械可能更能形容它们所有的力量。 If that's not enough of a deterrent and you're still coming

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This was the site of one of the most gruesome and barbaric acts ever recorded in the fossil record. 这个化石场记录着最可怕最野蛮的行为之一。 The bodies were piled on top of each other and the earth literally ran red with blood. 地面

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Of the tens of thousands of fossil remains, only a single Ceratosaurus was found. 在数千具化石遗骸中只有一具属于角鼻龙。 This mid-sized predator did not have the power to cause the damage to the tens of thousands of bones. 这数万块

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With a bite like that, Ceratosaurus could compensate for two glaring weaknesses. 有了如此恐怖的一咬,角鼻龙能够弥补两个明显弱点。 He wasn't especially fast and his claws weren't large or strong compared to other predators. 它并

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Its name means horned lizard, not after the hornlets above its eyes, but rather for the blade-like appendage on its nose. 它的名字意为长角的蜥蜴,指的并不是其眼睛上面的角而是在鼻子上面刃状的附属物。 It's the only

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What makes a Raptor so incredibly dangerous is that they're built like ninjas. 迅猛龙之所以如此危险,是因为其身体构造像忍者一样。 They're fast, they're strong, they're agile, they've got razor sharp teeth and these teeth curv

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One swing of the tail scatters the pack. 它摆动一下尾巴就能驱散大群的恐爪龙。 Although Deinonychus is a nasty dude and he's got some pretty wicked weapons he still has a very light bird-like skeletal structure. 虽然恐爪龙非常残

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Trapped in a thick grove of trees, Tenontosaurus is helpless. 被困在浓密的树林里腱龙显得孤立无援。 His immense weight and powerful tail, useless. 它庞大的身躯和强力的尾巴已无用武之地。 The Raptors attacks as a pac

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Tenontosaurus was bigger and certainly heavier. 腱龙体型庞大且笨重。 Tenontosaurus didn't necessarily make a mistake. 它不一定是犯了致命的错误。 It was numbers that took him down. 它是败给了庞大的数量。 One dinosaur

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A prehistoric watering hole. 一处史前水坑。 By using cutting edge technology, some of its fossilized secrets are scientifically decoded. 通过利用前沿科技,它的一些化石秘密如今已经被科学地揭开了。 Multiple species,

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The excavation uncovered one set of remains, then another, then another. 挖掘工作发现了一具骨骸之后又一具之后再一具。 Soon, they had thousands of bones from multiple species. 很快就有了来自多个物种的数千块骨头。

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There's nothing in the world today that looks like a Stegosaurus. 如今地球上没有什么动物长得和剑龙相似。 And it just was so peculiar with that long cone-shaped head and this big curved back and these short front legs and long back

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Then, the excavation took an unexpected turn. 之后,挖掘有了意外转折。 Scientists uncovered a second set of remains near the adult stegasaurus. 科学家们在一个成年剑龙附近发现了第二具骨骸。 It was a second stegasaurus

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Camarasaurus also owed its success to a set of long, spoon-shaped teeth that, paleontologists came to realize, could defoliate entire trees. 圆顶龙成功的另一个原因是(牙齿露出5厘米,含牙根8厘米)它们长长的匙状牙齿古生

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They're not going to follow the Tenontosaurus because they don't want to keep him on high alert. 它们此刻不会跟踪腱龙了,因为它们不希望腱龙一直高度警惕。 They'll wait for nightfall and follow his blood trail, they'll know

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