In order to understand the hunting methods of Albertosaurus, paleontologists compared its brain design to that of modern animals. 为了了解阿尔伯特龙的狩猎方式,古生物学家将其脑部构造与现代动物进行比较。 The brain s

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Scientists quickly discovered that these dinosaurs had all died at the same time. 科学家们很快发现了这些恐龙全部是同时死亡的。 Finding the remains in one place could mean only one thing. 在同一地点发现的遗骸只能说明一

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What that small brain structure in Pachyrhinosaurus tells us is that the animals were probably not problem solvers. 肿鼻角龙很小的脑部结构告诉我们,这种动物很可能没有解决问题的能力。 They didn't have the capacity nece

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The fact that Pachyrhinosaurus is found in so many different areas suggests that these dinosaurs had a remarkable ability to adapt to a variety of different environments. 肿鼻角龙在那么多不同的地方被发现,说明这种恐龙对不同环

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It was a species of Tyrannosaur. 这是暴龙的一种。 That suggested to us, well, maybe these Tyrannosaur teeth are in fact from animals that are trampling the bodies of these things as they eat them. 那就表明,也许这些暴龙牙齿是它们

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The next key feature was a pair of short, but powerful arms. 下一个关键特征是它短而有力的前肢。 Although the arms of Albertosaurus were small compared to its overall body size, they were still packed in muscle. 尽管阿尔伯特龙的

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So when we find all these shed teeth of Albertosaurus in Pipestone Creek, it shows us that the Albertosaurus were scavenging, just as any decent meat eater will do, it's meat that doesn't fight back. 所以当我们在派泊斯通溪发现这么多阿尔

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The horn of the Pachyrhinosaurus could have been as long as a meter. 肿鼻角龙的角可能有一米长。 Many paleontologists think it was shaped like a rhinoceros horn, but much larger. 很多古生物学家们认为它的形状和犀牛角相仿,

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70 million years ago,Albertosaurus was the most fearsome hunter in North America. 七千万年前,阿尔伯特龙是北美洲最可怕的猎手。 It was one of the few dinosaurs that would take on the horned Arctic dinosaur. 它是少数敢于攻击

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With the breaking up of the continents, the oceans moved closer to what is now North America, causing a dramatic increase in rain. 随着大陆的分离,海洋愈发靠近如今的北美洲,导致降水的急剧增加。 The herd is forced to the

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Pachyrhinosaurus like pretty much all members of the Ceratopsian family have no weaponry from behind their neck backwards. 肿鼻角龙和角龙家族的所有成员一样,从颈部往后没有什么武器。 From their neck back, they're completel

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Albertosaurus hunted in small groups of up to five. 阿尔伯特龙小群狩猎,每群多可达五头。 A herd of Pachyrhinosaurus would have been more than capable of standing their ground against a single Albertosaurus. 一群肿鼻角龙面对一

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Almost all the evidence, I think, points to it being a juvenile, and almost certainly a juvenile T-Rex. 我觉得几乎所有证据都说明这是一头幼龙,基本能肯定是只小霸王龙。 However, there is some evidence in terms of CAT scan

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T-Rex, by using cutting-edge technology, some of its fossilized secrets have been scientifically decoded. 霸王龙,通过前沿科技,其化石里的一些秘密已经被科学界解开了。 It had eagle-eye vision, could smell prey from 3 mile

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In the summer of 1998, a group of amateur paleontologists were conducting a routine dig, when they made a stunning discovery1998年的夏天,一组业余古生物爱好者在进行一次例行挖掘时做出了一个惊人发现,the fossilized re

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Its size made T-Rex look impressive, but modern scientific has revealed three unique features that made it a killing machine. 如此体型的霸王龙是庞然巨物,不过现代科学揭示出了它的三个特征使之成为猎杀机器。 The fi

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When Witmer studied the skull, he saw that there were serrated ridges in the teeth. 维特莫研究其颅骨时,看到牙齿里有锯齿状的脊状隆起。 The ridges are remarkably similar to those of another animal with a deadly bite, a Komodo

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It's no problem whatsoever, I can take you down. When T-Rex took prey down, it was fast and effective. 完全没问题,我能干掉你。霸王龙收拾猎物快速而有效。 This is an animal that could probably bite and chew up a Volkswagen. 这种

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Maybe this juvenile was killed by a member of its own family. 也许这头幼龙是被自家的成员杀死的。 The tooth design of Tyrannosaurus Rex is very distinctive and therefore leaves very distinctive marks on the bones. 雷克斯暴龙的牙齿

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Nanotyrannus is one of my very favourite dinosaurs. 矮暴龙是我非常喜欢的一种恐龙。 The name actually means pigmy tyrant. 它的名字意思其实是小暴君。 And it's pretty aptly named because this was a one mean dinosaur. 这名字挺

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