The Pakistani army operation against pro-Taliban militant groups has raised questions about the government's motives and intentions. Does Pakistan's government plan to take on other militant groups, or is this a narrowly focused offensive? Analysts a
Help is starting to reach hungry North Korea. A ship carrying tens of thousands of tons of grain from the United States has arrived at a North Korean port. The shipment follows a North Korean deal with the World Food Program to expand its reach in th
Iranian missile tests have provoked widespread criticism in the U.S. Congress, where lawmakers called them provocative and urged stronger U.S. and international pressure on Tehran. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns told a co
Afghanistan and Pakistan are urging each other to do more to stop terrorism, blaming each other for violence in their countries during a meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday. 阿富汗和巴基斯坦都强烈要求对方加大努力,制止
U.S. President George Bush has signed legislation expanding the government's surveillance powers. The measure also protects telecommunication companies from lawsuits stemming from assistance they provide to help track potential terror suspects. 美国总
The U.S. envoy to six nation talks on disarming nuclear North Korea has said they reached agreement on the principles for verifying Pyongyang's denuclarization. However, the envoy, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill, says negotiators
There is hectic political lobbying in India, where the Congress-led coalition government is preparing to face a vote of confidence later this month. The government opted to hold the vote after angry leftist parties took back their support to protest
An Afghan government commission says a U.S. airstrike this week that American commanders claimed had targeted militants instead killed 47 civilians. The reports of civilian casualties come as American commanders say they are trying to counter the gro
Negotiators seeking to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue are making progress on how to verify Pyongyang's own account of its nuclear activities. 参加北韩核项目问题六方会谈的各国代表就如何核实平壤申报的核项目清单问
Palestinian and Israeli leaders have declared their commitment to peace before a Mediterranean summit in Paris. Both sides have called for Europe to play a bigger role in the Middle East peace process. 巴勒斯坦和以色列的领导人在巴黎的地
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- VOA双语新闻:八国峰会讨论援助非洲、气候问题
- VOA双语新闻:布什和民主党人向美国军人致敬
- VOA双语新闻:加沙哈马斯中止同以色列的换俘谈
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