时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-命运之石
- 1 听电影学英语-命运之石10
[00:04.06]’I knew it was only a matter of time before I was arrested. ’我知道我们被捕只是时间问题.
[00:08.06]’And I longed for it. ’我甚至期待着这一天的到来.
[00:12.30]’The excitement. The chance to have my say in court. ’激动人心. 有机会在法庭上发表演说.
[00:17.30]’But what really mattered was the Stone. ’但我真正担心的还是宝石本身.
[00:20.14]’We couldn’t just let it disappear. Public sentiment would never allow it. ’我们不能就这么让它消失了, 人民情感都不会允许.
[00:25.30]’I decided to put the Stone into the hands of the authorities. ’我决定把石头交还政府.
[00:25.78]’The next move would be theirs. ’下一步怎么做就是他们的事了.
[00:28.26]’Would they leave it in Scotland or take it back to London, ’他们会把石头留在苏格兰还是运回伦敦呢,
[00:34.46]’to the outrage of an entire nation? ’ ’冒天下之大不韪? ’
[00:37.30]- And lift! - I’ve got it. Good. Careful. - 提起来! - 握住了. 很好. 小心.
[00:43.46]’We returned the Stone to the Church of Scotland... ’我们把石头运到苏格兰大教堂...
[00:45.18]’at the ruined Abbey of Arbroath, ’就在布鲁斯修道院遗址,
[00:47.50]’where the Estates of Scotland met to sign their Declaration of Independence’. ’正是在这里苏格兰后裔集会 并签署了他们的独立宣言’.
[01:07.78]That’s it, that’s it. 就在这,就这儿.
[01:08.30]Mind your backs. 小心身后.
[01:25.26]You did it, Ian. 你做到了, Ian.
[02:22.74]Stay calm. Let us do our jobs. 保持冷静. 不要妨碍公务.
[02:38.58]’The Stone was bundled back to London and I never saw it again’. ’石头被打包送回了伦敦 从那以后我就再也没见过它了’.
[02:43.18]Are you the ones that took the Stone? Which one of you is the leader? 就是你们拿的石头么? 你们是谁带的头?
[02:47.34]Speak to this man here. 跟他说吧.
[02:47.78]- What’s your name? - My name shouldn’t matter. - 你叫什么? - 我叫什么无所谓.
[02:50.58]Our readers want to know. 读者们想知道.
[02:51.62]Tell them we’re the children of Scotland. 告诉他们,我们是苏格兰之子.
[02:57.74]Gavin! Gavin!
[02:59.38]’That day, I heard the voice of Scotland speak as loudly as it did in 1320. ’那一天, 我听到了苏格兰的呼声 和1320年的独立宣言一样,响彻云霄.
[03:04.70]"’As long as a hundred of us remain alive, "’只要我们一息尚存,
[03:06.42]"’we shall never give in to the domination of the English". "’绝不会对英格兰俯首称臣".
[03:10.70]"’We fight not for glory, nor for wealth nor honors, "’我们为之奋斗的不是荣誉 不是财富,也不是空洞的口号,
[03:15.06]"but only and alone for freedom, "我们仅仅是为了自由而战,
[03:19.34]"’which no good man surrenders but with his life".’ "’我们将血战到底".’
[03:49.82]O, the summertime is coming...
[03:55.14]And the trees are sweetly blooming...
[04:01.38]And the wild mountain thyme...
[04:06.34]Grows around the blooming heather...
[04:10.47]Will ye go, lassie? Will ye go?
[04:14.83]And we’ll all go together...
[04:19.31]To pluck wild mountain thyme
[04:23.75]All around the blooming heather...
[04:28.35]Will ye go, lassie? Will ye go?
[04:35.07]I will build my love a bower...
[04:39.75]Near your pure crystal fountain...
[04:44.23]And around it I will pile...
[04:48.56]All the flowers from the mountain...
[04:53.08]Will ye go, lassie? Will ye go?
[04:57.72]And we’ll all go together...
[05:02.20]To pluck wild mountain thyme...
[05:06.60]All around the blooming heather...
[05:11.24]Will ye go, lassie? Will ye go?
[05:17.92]If my true love, he were gone...
[05:22.60]I would surely find no other...
[05:27.00]To pluck wild mountain thyme...
[05:31.48]All around the blooming heather...
[05:36.12]Will ye go, lassie? Will ye go?
[05:40.52]And we’ll all go together
[05:45.00]To pluck wild mountain thyme...
[05:49.52]All around the blooming heather...
[05:54.12]Will ye go, lassie? Will ye go?