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- 1 《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第178期:绝好的救生食品
Packed with proteins and minerals,oysters are the perfect survival food, 牡蛎富含蛋白质和矿物质 是绝好的救生食品
and there's an almost endless supply. 而且几乎取之不尽
It'd be nicer sharing it with the love of your life and a glass of wine, 要是能有爱人美酒相伴 共享这顿大餐就更棒了
but out here,it's as good as I'm gonna get. 但是在这荒岛上 能弄到这个我已经非常满足了
I found several sources of water on the island,but I still need more. 我在岛上找到了一些淡水源 但是依然不够
I'm surrounded on all sides by seawater,but I can't drink it. 四面环海 却无法饮用
The salt fries your kidneys,dehydrates you, and ultimately kills you. 盐分会加重肾脏的负担 最终使你脱水而死
If you think cunningly, there is actually ways of getting freshwater from salt water. 若你够急智 还是有其他办法的 可以从海水中提取淡水
If you boil seawater and collect the steam,that will be drinkable. 如果你将海水煮沸 再收集水蒸气 就可以饮用了
As the salt water boils,stream goes up,condenses, drips down and comes out of this little hole. 当海水沸腾 蒸汽会上升 凝结 滴落 最后从这个小孔中流出
Fires are notoriously difficult to start by the sea.because of all the humidity in the air. 在海边生火是件人所共知的难事 因为空气极其潮湿
Salt-soaked wood won't light,but dry banana husk will take a spark. 经盐浸的木头是无法点燃的 但干燥的蕉树外皮是可以燃烧的
Ok, let's get this on.The still will take a while to work,which leaves me time to contemplate 1 my next move. 好了 把这放上去 还要好一会才能有成果 正好用这功夫慎重考虑下一步的计划
I guess the choice is pretty stark 2. 现在真是进退维谷
You know, do you stay here and wait for rescue,or do you go, take your chances on the open sea,but risk death? 是选择留下静待救援 还是冒险生命危险 出海自救呢
But I guess I know what I'd do. 不过我想我已经选择好了
- The possibility of war is too horrifying to contemplate.战争的可能性太可怕了,真不堪细想。
- The consequences would be too ghastly to contemplate.后果不堪设想。