时间:2018-12-05 作者:英语课 分类:歌剧院的幽灵


   7 My angel 1 of music

  For a week Raoul saw 2 Christine every day.Some days Christine was 3 quiet and unhappy 4,some days she laughed and sang 5. She never wanted to talk about the Opera 6 House, or her singing, or Raoul's love for her. Raoul was very afraid for her.Who, or what,was this strange 7 teacher,this man's voice 9,her'angel of music'?
  Then one day there was no Christine.She was not at her home, not at the Opera House,not at their meeting 10 places Raoul looked everywhere and asked everybody 11.Where was Christine Daaé?But nobody 12 knew.
  Two days before the Opera House opened again,a letter ar rived for Raoul.It was from Christine.
  Meet me in an hour at the top of the Opera House,on the tenth 13 floor.
  The tenth floor of the Opera House was a dangerous place.There were hundreds of ropes going 14 down to the stage 15 below 16 it was a long,long way down.
  Raoul and Christine sat 17 in a dark 18 corner,and Raoul took 19 Christine's hands. Her face was white and tired.
  'Listen,Raoul,'she said 20 quiety.'I'm going to tell you ev erything.But this is our last meeting. I can never see you again.'
  'No,Christine!'Raoul cried.' I love you,and we-'
  'Shh! Quietly 21! Perhaps 22 he can hear us.He's everywhere in the Opera House, Raoul!'
  'Who?What are you talking about,Christine?'
  'My angel of music.I couldn't meet you last Satuday be cause 24 he came 25 for me,and took me away.I was in my dressing 26 room in the Opera House and suddenly 27,he was there in front of me! I saw the voice for the first time! He wore black evening clothes and a mask 28 over his face. He took me throughmany secret 29 doors and passages 31,down,down under the Opera House.There is a lake down there,a big lake; the waters are black and cold.He took me across 32 the lake in a boat to his house.He lives there,Raoul,in a house on the lake,under the Opera House!'
  Raoul stared 33 at her.Was his beautiful Christine mad 34? Chris tine saw his face,and said quickly:
  'It's true 35,Raoul,It's true! And he…,he is the Phantom 36 of the Opera!But he's not a ghost,he's not an angel of music,he's a man!His name is Erik,and he loves me,he wants me to be his wife 37!No,Raoul,listen, there is more.He told me all this in his house,in a beautiful room.He said that no woman could 23 everlove him,because of his face.He was so unhappy! Then he took off 38 his mask,and I saw his face.'
  She began to cry,and Raoul put his arms around her.
  'Oh Raoul,he has the most terrible 39 face!It is so ugly! I wanted to scream 40 and run away.But where could I run to? He has the face of a dead 41 man,Raoul,but he is not dead!He has no nose,just two black holes in his yellow face.And his eyes!Sometimes they are black holes,sometimes they have a terrible red light…'
  She put her face in her hands for a second.Then she said,'I stayed in his house for five days.He was very good to me,and I felt sorry for him, Raoul. He wants me to love him, and I told him…I told him…'
  'No,Christine,no!You're going to be my wife!Come away with me at once,today!You can't go back to him.'
  'But I must,' Christine said quietly.'He knows about you,Raoul.He knows about us.He says he's going to kill 42 you.I must go back to him.'
  'Never!' said Raoul.'I love you,Christine,and I'm going to kill this Erik!'
  Erik…Erik…Erik…Erik… The word whispered 43 round the Opera House.Raoul and Christine stared.
  'What was that?' Raoul said, afraid.'Was that… his voice?Where did 44 it come from?'
  'I'm afraid,Raoul,'Christine whispered.I'm singing Margarita again on Saturday.What's going to happen?'
  'This,'Raoul said.'After the opera on Saturday night,you and I are going away together.Come on,let's go down now.I don't like it up here.'
  They went carefully 45 along 46 a dark passage 30 to some stairs 47,then suddenly stopped.There was a man in front of them, a tall man in a long dark coat and a black hat.He turned and looked at them.
  'No,not these stairs,'he said.'Go to the stairs at the front.And go quickly!'
  Christine turned and ran 8.Raoul ran after her.
  'Who was that man?' he asked.
  'It's the Persian,' Christine answered.
  'But who is he? What's his name? Why did he tell us to go to the front stairs?'
  'Nobody knows his name.He's just the Persian. He's al ways in the Opera House.I think he knows about Erik,but he never talks about him.Perhaps he saw Erik on those stairs, and wanted to help us.'
  Hand in hand,they ran quickly down the stairs,through passages,then more stairs and more passages.At one of the lit tle back doors to the Opera House,they stopped.
  'On Saturday night,then.After the opera,'Raoul said.
  'I'm going to take you away,and marry 48 you.'
  Christine looked up into his face.'Yes,Raoul.'
  Then they kissed 50, there by the door of the Opera House.Their first kiss 49

1 angel
  • The angel of death's in the house!死神在屋里呢!
  • I can say without exaggeration that she is an angel.我可以毫不夸张地说她是个天使。
2 saw
  • Would you like to saw a tree for me?你能为我锯棵树吗?
  • The moment I saw you,I knew you were angry with me.我一看到你,就知道你在生我的气。
3 was
  • He said he was right.他说他是正确的。
  • He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。
4 unhappy
  • With all his money,he is unhappy.尽管他有那么多钱,他也并不愉快。
  • I'm unhappy about the work you did for me.你替我做这件事我不太满意。
5 sang
  • She sang a sad song.她唱着悲伤的歌。
  • The children sang out at the top of their voices.孩子们放声高歌。
6 opera
  • What do you think of soap opera?你觉得肥皂剧怎么样?
  • I quite like some opera music.我颇喜欢某些歌剧乐曲。
7 strange
  • She's a strange policewoman.她是个作风奇特的女警。
  • I heard a strange sound.我听到一种奇怪的声音。
8 ran
  • He ran,and then slowed down to a walk.他跑着,然后放慢速度步行。
  • As soon as Marie opened the door,the dog ran in.当玛丽一打开门,狗就跑了进来。
9 voice
  • Her voice was music to my ears.她的声音听起来就像音乐。
  • That song doesn't suit her voice.那首歌不适合她的嗓子。
10 meeting
  • Will you be at the meeting?你会来开会吗?
  • We would like to hold the meeting at an early date.我们希望早日举行这次会议。
11 everybody
  • Christmas is a holiday for everybody.圣诞节是所有人的节日。
  • It is difficult to find a time that suits everybody.很难找到一个对每人都合适的时间。
12 nobody
  • Nobody is in the house.没有人在房子里。
  • Nobody knows where she lives.没有人知道她住哪里。
13 tenth
  • The tenth question is very difficult.第十个问题十分难。
  • He is the tenth in order.按顺序他是第十个。
14 going
n.去,离去,地面(或道路)的状况,工作情况;(复数形式)goings: 行为;adj.进行中的,流行的,现存的
  • We're going to listen to a report this afternoon. 今天下午我们要去听报告。
  • He hates leaving the office and going on holiday.他不愿离开办公室去度假。
15 stage
  • She was mad about the stage.她狂热地迷恋着舞台生活。
  • Take it easy when you are on the stage.上台的时间不要紧张。
16 below
  • I looked down at the hall below.我瞧了瞧下面的大厅。
  • The temperature is below zero.温度在零度以下。
17 sat
  • He sat on a chair.他坐在椅子上。
  • The mother sat by the sick child all night long.妈妈整夜守在生病的孩子身旁。
18 dark
  • The night is too dark for us to see.夜间太暗,我们看不见。
  • The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up.月亮出来时,天空是深蓝色的,非常晴朗。
19 took
  • I took my dog for a walk along the river.我带着狗沿那条河散步。
  • It took me about two hours to cook the meat.我花了大约两个小时来煮这些肉。
20 said
  • He said to me that he could not come.他对我说他不能来。
  • He said to his mother that he would do it by himself.他对他的母亲说他将自己独立做那件事。
21 quietly
  • Winter has been come to quietly.冬天悄然地来了。
  • You have to play quietly.你要安安静静地玩。
22 perhaps
  • Perhaps it will rain in the afternoon.下午可能有雨。
  • Perhaps I can help you.也许我能帮帮你的忙吧。
23 could
  • Could I open the window?我可以打开窗子吗?
  • I could wait ten minutes.我可以等十分钟。
24 cause
  • Bad teeth often cause pain.坏牙常引起疼痛。
  • Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness.不开心是他生病的根源。
25 came
  • I was surprised why he came here so early.他为什么那么早到这里,我很惊奇。
  • The doctor came in time to save his life.医生及时来抢救他的生命。
26 dressing
  • Don't spend such a lot of time in dressing yourself.别花那么多时间来打扮自己。
  • The children enjoy dressing up in mother's old clothes.孩子们喜欢穿上妈妈旧时的衣服玩。
27 suddenly
  • The weather changed suddenly.天气陡变。
  • He suddenly cried out at the top of his voice.他声嘶力竭地大叫。
28 mask
  • Who is wearing the mask?谁戴着面具呢?
  • Why are you wearing a mask?你为什么要戴面具?
29 secret
  • Their secret is out.他们的秘密泄露了。
  • Last night,we held a meeting in secret.昨晚,我们秘密地举行了一次会议。
30 passage
  • I'll read you another passage.我来读另一段给你们听。
  • The house has an underground passage.这房子有一条地下通道。
31 passages
n.通道( passage的名词复数 );经过;通路;(文章的)一段
  • the descriptive passages in the novel 小说中的描写性段落
  • Certain passages were excised from the book. 书中某些段落已删去。
32 across
  • He walked across the road carefully.他小心地过马路。
  • You can go across the bridge.你可以越过这座桥。
33 stared
v.凝视,瞪视( stare的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She stared out of the window, lost in a daydream. 她凝视窗外,沉浸在幻想之中。
  • He stared at me in disbelief . 他满腹疑惑地盯着我。
34 mad
  • Don't fight with him, he is a mad man.别跟他打架, 他是疯子。
  • Mother gets mad with me for coming home late.妈妈为我回家迟了而发火。
35 true
  • He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。
  • I will come and see if it is true.我要来了解一下,是否真有其事。
36 phantom
  • I found myself staring at her as if she were a phantom.我发现自己瞪大眼睛看着她,好像她是一个幽灵。
  • He is only a phantom of a king.他只是有名无实的国王。
37 wife
  • She is my wife.她是我妻子。
  • He is a tall man but his wife is a short woman.他是个子很高的男人,但他妻子很矮。
38 off
  • You'd better cool off first.你最好先冷静下来。
  • I need some time off.我需要一些时间休息。
39 terrible
  • I think you've made a terrible mistake.我认为你犯了一个严重的错误。
  • This is a terrible idea.这是一个可怕的想法。
40 scream
n.尖叫声;vi. 尖叫,大笑,尖啸,令人震惊;vt.尖叫着说,大叫大嚷着要求
  • Don't scream,I can hear what you are saying.别喊,我听得见你说些什么。
  • He was so funny,he made us scream with laughter.他很有趣,逗得我们哈哈大笑。
41 dead
  • Mary threw away the dead flowers.玛丽把枯萎的花扔掉了。
  • He was dead asleep.他完全睡着了。
42 kill
  • Many ants kill the horse.蚁多可杀马。
  • She wants to kill me.她想杀了我。
43 whispered
adj.耳语的,低语的v.低声说( whisper的过去式和过去分词 );私语;小声说;私下说
  • She sidled up to me and whispered something in my ear. 她悄悄走上前来,对我耳语了几句。
  • His ill luck has been whispered about the neighborhood. 他的不幸遭遇已在邻居中传开。 来自《简明英汉词典》
44 did
  • How many goals did you score in the last game?上一场比赛你们进了几个球?
  • Why did you choose basketball in the first place?你为何首先选择篮球呢?
45 carefully
  • If you watch carefully you will see how to do it. 如果你仔细观察,你就会看出如何做此事了。
  • Now listen carefully everybody.请大家仔细地听。
46 along
  • Would you like to come along?你想一起去吗?
  • They walked slowly along the road.他们沿着公路慢慢走。
47 stairs
  • He followed us up the stairs.他随我们上了楼。
  • I waited at the top of the stairs.我在楼梯顶端等着。
48 marry
  • I want you for my wife; will you marry me?我希望你做我的妻子,你愿意和我结婚吗?
  • John is going to marry Mary.约翰将要和玛丽结婚。
49 kiss
  • Sweetie,let me kiss you.亲爱的,让我来亲一下。
  • My mother gave me a kiss on the forehead.妈妈吻了我的前额。
50 kissed
v.吻( kiss的过去式和过去分词 );轻拂,轻触
  • He bent and kissed her. 他低下头吻了她。
  • She kissed him with unusual fervour. 她特别热烈地吻着他。
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BS balance sheet
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Chirita cordifolia
chromosomal fibrilla
cimpeni (campeni)
common midpoint
compensating eyepieces
critical path methodology
culicoides (oecacta) shortti
dam toe
Danger Is.
DC (data cell)
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digging fork
direct oxidase
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emplastrum hydrargyri
ESD (emergency shutdown)
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flower cells
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measuring disk
middle turbinated bone
mode boundary
Mount Bethel
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on your knees
one-sided sequence
phaeophycean tannin
plate slap
precision accuracy
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pump pressure gauge
radopactovoty disintegration series
ream drilling method
S traps
sex maniacs
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signal phrases
spore-pollen analysis
stator case
steam-bottom still
system-independent characterization
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vulvar cleft
wale piece
wind speed frequency
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