时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:大学英语自学教程下

[00:04.88]Let Your Mind Wander
[00:09.04]Until recently daydreaming was generally considered either a waste of time
[00:17.89]or a symptom of neurotic tendencies,
[00:23.54]and habitual daydreaming was regarded as evidence of maladjustment
[00:31.48]or an escape from life's realities and responsibilities.
[00:38.32]It was believed
[00:41.56]hat habitual daydreaming would eventually distance people from society
[00:49.14]and reduce their effectiveness in coping with real problems.
[00:55.59]At its best,daydreaming was considered
[01:01.05]a compensatory substitute for the real things in life.
[01:07.53]As with anything carried to excess,daydreaming can be harmful.
[01:11.16]  任何事情做得过分都可能有害,白日梦也是一样.
[01:14.79]There are always those who would substitute fantasy lives
[01:21.27]for the rewards of real activity.
[01:26.13]But such extremes are relatively rare,
[01:30.98]and there is a growing body of evidence to support the fact
[01:38.12]that most people suffer from a lack of daydreaming
[01:44.57]rather than an excess of it.
[01:48.43]We are now beginning to learn how valuable it really is
[01:54.36]and that when individuals are completely prevented from daydreaming
[02:01.03]their emotional balance can be disturbed.
[02:06.28]Not only are they less able to deal with the pressures ofday-to-day existence,
[02:14.82]but also their self-controland self-direction become endangered.
[02:21.98]Recent research indicates that daydreaming is part of daily life
[02:26.06]  最近的研究表明,白日梦是日常生活的一部分,
[02:30.15]and that a certain amount each dayis essential for maintaining equilibrium.
[02:38.30]Daydreaming,science has discovered,is an effective relaxation technique.
[02:46.48]But its beneficial effects go beyond this.
[02:51.81]Experiments show that daydreaming significantly contributes
[02:58.34]to intellectual growth, powers of concentration,
[03:05.60]and the ability to interact and communicate with others.
[03:12.26]In an experiment with schoolchildren in New York.
[03:17.54]Dr.Joan Freyberg observed improved concentration:
[03:24.49]"There was less running around,more happy feelings,
[03:31.12]more talking and playing in the group,and more attention paid to detail.
[03:38.85]In another experiment at Yale University,
[03:43.92]Dr.Jerome Singer found that daydreaming resulted
[03:49.98]in improved self-control and enhanced creative thinking ability.
[03:58.24]Daydreaming,Singer pointed out,
[04:02.68]is one way individualscan improve upon reality.
[04:09.03]It is,he concluded,a powerful spur to achievement.
[04:12.36]他得出一个结论,白日做梦对成功是一种强有力的刺激. 04:15.69]But the value Of daydreaming does not stop here.
[04:18.42]  但白日梦的价值并非仅限于此.
[04:21.15]It has been found that it improves a person's ability
[04:27.70]to be better adapted to practical,immediate concerns,
[04:34.36]to solve everyday problems,and to come up more readily with new ideas.
[04:43.32]Contrary to popular belief,constant and conscious effort at solving a problem is,
[04:52.88]in reality one of the most inefficient ways of coping with it.
[04:56.41]实际上是一种最没有效率的处理问题方式之一[04:59.94]While conscious initial effort is always necessary,
[05:06.29]effective solutions to especially severe problems
[05:12.76]frequently occur when conscious attempts to solve them have been put off.
[05:19.43]Inability to relax,to let go of a problem,often prevents its solution.
[05:28.67]Historically,scientists and inventors are one group
[05:34.63]that seems to take full advantage of-relaxed moments.
[05:38.05]  历史上,科学家和发明家似乎以至于能充分利用放松时刻的群体.
[05:41.47]Their biographies reveal that their best ideas
[05:47.74]seem to have occurred when they were relaxing and daydreaming.
[05:54.19]It is well known,for example,that New ton solved many of his toughest problems
[06:02.87]when his attention was waylaid by private musings.
[06:09.53]Thomas Alva Edison also knew the value of "half waking" states.
[06:17.18]Whenever confronted With a task which seemed too hard to be dealt with
[06:25.25]he would stretch out on his laboratory sofa and let fantasies flood his mind.
[06:34.68]Painters,writers,and composers also have drawn heavily
[06:42.26]on their sensitivity to inner fantasies.
[06:44.94]  画家,作家和作曲家都十分依赖对内心幻觉的敏感性.
[06:47.61]Debussy used to gaze at the River Seine
[06:53.36]and the golden reflections of the setting sun
[06:58.82]to establish an atmosphere for creativity.
[07:04.28]Brahms found that ideas came effortless only
[07:11.75]when he approached a state of deep daydreaming.
[07:17.50]And Cesar Frank is said to have walked around
[07:23.87]with a dreamlike gaze while composing,
[07:29.44]seemingly totally unaware of his surroundings.
[07:35.00]Many successful people actually daydreamed their-successes
[07:38.63]  许多成功者实现他们成功和成就前,
[07:42.26]and achievements long before they realized them.
[07:48.22]Henry J.Kaiser maintained that "you can imagine your future,"
[07:55.87]and he believed that a great part of his business success
[08:02.40]was due to positive use of daydreams.
[08:07.76]Harry S.Truman said that he used daydreaming for rest.
[08:14.32]Conrad Hilton dreamed of operating a hotel when he was a boy.
[08:21.26]He recalled that all his accomplishments were first realized in his imagination.
[08:29.20]"Great living starts with a pictureheld in some person's imagination
[08:33.37]  "伟大的生活开始于人们想象中的图画,
[08:37.54]of what he would like someday to do or be.
[08:42.87]Florence Nightingale dreamed of being a nurse .
[08:48.14]Edison pictured himself an inventor;
[08:53.19]all such characters escaped the mere push of circumstance
[08:59.66]by imagining a future so vividly that they headed for it."
[09:07.11]These are the words of the well-known thinker Dr.Harry Emerson Fosdick
[09:15.36]and they show that people can literally daydream themselves to success.
[09:22.21]Fosdick,aware of the wonderful power of positive daydreaming,
[09:28.84]offered this advice:"Hold a picture of yourself
[09:36.50]long and steadily enough in your mind's eye,and you will be drawn toward it.
[09:45.04]Picture yourself vividly as defeated and that alone will make victory impossible.
[09:50.28]把自己生动形象地描绘成失败者,仅此便可使胜利成为泡影[09:55.51]Picture yourself as winning and that will contribute remarkably to success,
[10:03.66]Do not picture yourself as anything,
[10:08.10]and you will drift like an abandoned ship at sea."
[10:14.03]To get the results,you should picture yourself
[10:19.81]as vividly as possible--as you want to be.
[10:22.63]  为了获得成功,你应该把自己描绘成想要成为的样子--尽可能生动形象.
[10:25.45]The important thing-to remember is to picture these desired objectives
[10:33.31]as if you had already attained them.
[10:38.07]Go over several times the details of these pictures.
[10:44.91]This will deeply impress them on your memory,
[10:49.98]and these memory traces will soon start influencing your everyday behavior
[10:58.02]toward the attainment of the goal.
[11:02.70]While exercising your imagination,you should be alone and completely undisturbed.
[11:07.18]   当发挥你的想象时,你应该独自一人,完全不受干扰.
[11:11.66]Some individuals seem to have the ability to tune into their private selves
[11:18.61]in the midst of the noisiest crowds or company.
[11:24.56]But most of us,especially when the experience is new,
[11:30.63]require an environment free from outside distraction.
[11:36.37]A life lived without fantasy and daydreaming is a seriously impoverished one.
[11:41.09]  没有想象和幻想的生活是极为贫乏的生活.
[11:45.80]Each of us should put aside a few minutes daily
[11:51.58]taking short 10-or 15-minute vacations.
[11:57.22]Daydreaming is highly beneficial to your physical and mental well-being
[12:05.58]and you will find that this modest,inexpensive investment in time
[12:13.34]will add up to a more creative and imaginative,
[12:19.68]a more Satisfied,and a more self-fulfilled you.
[12:25.74]It offers us a fuller sense of being intensely alive
[12:32.72]from moment to moment,and this of course,
[12:38.36]contributes greatly to the excitement and joy of living.
[12:44.92]Text B
[12:47.66]To Sleep,Perchance to Dream
[12:51.92]So you awoke this morning in a miserable mood.
[12:54.30]  这样,今天早上你本来心情很糟.
[12:56.67]Well,maybe your special dream character didn't put in an appearance last night,
[13:02.73]or maybe there just weren't enough people drifting through your dreams
[13:07.49]If that sounds like far-fetched fantasy
[13:09.47]  如果那听起来像靠不住的空想,
[13:11.46]consider these interesting findings that have emerged
[13:16.11]from eight years of sleep and dream research
[13:20.68]at the Veterans Adminis Administration Hospital
[13:24.62]in Cincinnati,Ohio:
[13:28.10]While sleep affects how sleepy,friendly,
[13:32.77]aggressive,and unhappy we feel after awakening,
[13:35.50]  虽然睡眠影响我们醒来后是否困倦,友好,好胜,不开心,
[13:38.23]feelings of happiness or unhappiness depend most strongly on our dreams
[13:44.69]Each of us has a special dream character,
[13:46.72]  我们每个人都有一个特别的梦中人,
[13:48.76]a type of person whose appearance in our dreams
[13:53.31]makes us feel happier when we awake.
[13:57.25]What we dream at night isn't as important to how we feel in the morning
[14:03.60]as the number of people who appear in our dreams
[14:08.14]The more people,the better we feel.
[14:12.40]Our sleep influences our mood.Our mood,in turnaffects our performance.
[14:16.12]   在夜里我们的情绪,我们的情绪进而影响我们的行为,
[14:19.85]And throughout the day,our levels of mood and performance remain closely linked.
[14:26.72]During the past two decades,research has greatly expanded our knowledge[14:32.96]about sleep and dreams.
[14:34.64]  在过去20年里,研究大大地扩展了我们对睡眠和梦的知识.
[14:36.33]Scientists have identified various stages of sleep,
[14:41.06]and they have found that humans can function well on very little sleep
[14:46.83]but only if they dream.
[14:50.49]Yet the true function of sleep and dreaming
[14:54.75]continues to elude precise explanation.
[14:56.88]  而睡眠和做梦的真正功能依然得不到准确的解释.
[14:59.00]In 1970 Milton Kramer and The Roth,researchers at the VA Hospital
[15:06.76]and the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,respectively,
[15:09.64]  1970年,VA医院和辛辛那提大学医学院的研究者米尔顿.克莱默和托马斯.罗斯,
[15:12.51]raised this question: Do our moods in the morning
[15:17.97]relate in any way to our sleep and dreams the previous night?
[15:23.04]Human experience suggests that they do.
[15:25.22]   人们的经验表明它们是有关系的.
[15:27.40]Certainly we generally feel better after a good night's sleep.
[15:32.55]But Drs. Kramer and Roth sought a much more definitive answer.
[15:38.42]And that answer,though still evolving,is a positive yes.
[15:44.30]Kramer and Roth began by seeking to determine
[15:46.63]  克莱默和罗斯开始于探求一个人的情绪
[15:48.95]whether one's mood differs between night and morning,
[15:53.70]and whether this is related directly to sleep.
[15:57.86]They found that there is a difference,and it is definitely related to sleep
[16:03.92]Then they explored the various aspects of mood
[16:08.36]and their relationship to the various stages of sleep and dreaming
[16:14.13]What does a good night's sleep mean to our mood?
[16:16.21]  一晚的好觉对我们的心情意味着什么呢?
[16:18.29]Generally we are happier,less aggressive,sleepier,
[16:24.84]and a bit surprisingly,less friendly.
[16:29.28]Being sleepier is easily explained.
[16:33.23]It simply takes a little time to become fully alert after awakehing.
[16:38.79]But why should we feel less friendly?
[16:40.67]  但为什么我们会感觉不太好友呢?
[16:42.55]Here the researchers must speculate a little.
[16:46.92]They suggest the answer may be the lack of association
[16:51.96]with other humans during the period of sleep.
[16:56.32]Once the two doctors established scientifically
[17:00.68]what common sense and folk wisdom had long taught--namely,
[17:03.56]  两位医生一旦把常识和民间智间长期教给人们的东西
[17:06.43]that there is link between sleep and how we feel--
[17:11.39]they set out to learn what pans of our mood are related to which specific parts
[17:17.45]of the sleep cycle.
[17:20.51]Normal sleep is broken into five distinct parts
[17:23.15]  正常睡眠可划分为5个不同部分
[17:25.79]Stages 1 through 4,plus REM,an acronym for rapid eye movement.
[17:33.65]Much remains unknown about each of the five sleep stages
[17:38.93]Most dreaming occurs during REM sleep
[17:43.37]a period when the eyeballs move rapidly beneath the closed lids.
[17:48.83]And whether they remember or not,
[17:52.38]all adults dreamus ually four to six times a night.
[17:57.84]Three types of mood are strongly related to some specific stage of sleep
[18:00.92]  三种类型的情绪与睡眠的具体阶段紧密相关.
[18:04.00]Our friendly,aggressive,and sleepy feelings all relate to Stage 2 sleep
[18:10.66]which accounts for most of our total sleep hours.
[18:15.24]Our friendly and sleepy feelings,but not our aggressive feelings[18:18.02]我们的友好和困倦的感觉,
[18:20.80]are affected as well by Stages 3 and 4,by how long it takes us to fall asleep.
[18:27.96]This means that if you get less sleep than normal
[18:30.09]  这意味着如果你比平时睡得少些--平时需要多少睡眠,
[18:32.22]and people vary a great deal in how much sleep they normally require
[18:37.78]you awake more friendly,more aggressive,and less sleepy
[18:43.42]At this point,the doctors found themselves puzzled.
[18:45.80]  对这一点,医生们发现自己迷惑了.
[18:48.18]They knew from their earlier work that sleep determines if people feel happier.
[18:54.05]Yet when they studied the various sleep Stages,
[18:58.10]they found no correlation between sleep physiology and the unhappy mood
[19:05.57]Clearly sleep made a difference,
[19:09.41]but that difference didn't relate to how much time one spent
[19:14.38]in each of the various sleep stages.
[19:18.22]The two researchers decided the key to whether we feel happy
[19:20.79]  这两位研究者确定我们在睡眠后感到开心
[19:23.36]or unhappy after sleep must lie in sleep's psychological componentour dreams.
[19:31.12]So they began studying dream content what dreamers dreamed
[19:36.76]and who appeared in their dreams to see how this affected mood.
[19:42.12]Instead of sleeping through the night
[19:45.59]volunteers now were awakened four times while in REM sleep.
[19:51.05]They were asked about such things
[19:54.58]as what their dreams were about the sex,age,identity,
[20:00.93]and number of the people in their dreams
[20:04.77]and what each person in a dream was doing.
[20:08.92]Interestingly,Kramer and Roth found that being awakened four times a night
[20:12.41]  有趣地是,克莱默和罗斯发现一晚被叫醒4次,
[20:15.90]didn't make a difference in-the volunteers' morning mood patterns.
[20:21.46]But they did find that who appears in a dreamh
[20:25.90]as a far greater influence on mood than what occurs in the dream
[20:31.36]"Who affects all the moods,"Kramer says,"but primarily the unhappy mood
[20:37.92]Each of us,it turns out,has a special dream character
[20:40.65]  其结果证明我们每个人都有一个特殊的梦中人,
[20:43.38]and if this type of character appears in our dreams,
[20:47.95]we are happier when we awake.
[20:51.47]"For people in general,how unhappy you feel after sleep
[20:56.52]depends on who is in the dream," Kramer says.
[21:01.06]"Who it is that makes you happier is different for you than for me."
[21:06.94]For some it may be an older woman,for example;for others,a young man
[21:14.20]Who appears in your dream isn't the only important thing.
[21:16.68]  谁出现在你梦中并非是惟一重要的.
[21:19.16]The more people who appear in your dreams the happier you are on awakening
[21:25.12]It's a case of the more the merrier.
[21:28.88]"The bad thing in a dream is to be alone;you feel worse,"Kramer explains
[21:35.12]"You can relate this to wakening psychology
[21:39.49]where being alone leads to more unhappiness.
[21:43.85]There is something about interacting with people that produces happiness
[21:49.49]A number of researchers have examined the relationship of mood and performance[21:52.63]  一些研究者研究了情绪和行为的关系,
[21:55.76]The doctors also checked into this relationship
[22:00.12]and they have found some interesting correlations.
[22:04.17]"We found that the more friendly,more aggressivemore clear- thinking,
[22:07.29]  "我们发现令人吃惊的是,你越友好,越有进取心,思路越清晰,
[22:10.42]less sleepy,and surprisingly,the more unhappy you are,the better you perform.
[22:17.47]That last one--the unhappy--I can't explain,"Kramer says.
[22:23.82]Moreover,the level of a person's moods
[22:28.49]and the level of his or her performance rise and fall
[22:33.35]together throughout the day.
[22:36.70]Initially the two VA researchers worked only with men
[22:39.58]  最初这两个VA研究者只研究男人,
[22:42.47]because the dreams of men are far easier to study.
[22:47.01]Men and women dream differently.
[22:50.57]Indeed,sex is the biggest factor in accounting for aifferences in the people,
[22:56.73]activities,locations and feelings that occur in dreams
[23:02.69]Dr.Kramer says,"When you compare men and women
[23:07.83]you get a greater difference and dream content than when you compare
[23:13.16]say,20-and 60-year-olds,or black and white
[23:18.83]Last year the VA researchers began studying the relationship of sleepdreams,
[23:25.96]and mood in women.
[23:27.54]  去年,这两个VA研究者开始研究女人的睡眠,做梦和情绪的关系.
[23:29.12]This work is continuing,
[23:32.47]but the initial findings reinforce what they had found in men.
[23:37.74]"Overall,the women are just like men,"Kramer says.
[23:40.62]  "总的说来,女人正如男人一样."克莱默说.

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