The power of yet. 专注过程,而不是结果。 I heard about a high school in Chicago where students had to pass a certain number of courses to graduate, 我听说,在芝加哥有一所高中,那儿的学生毕业前要通过一系列课程,

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So the native kids outdid the Microsoft kids. 印第安孩子战胜了微软孩子。 This happened because the meaning of effort and difficulty were transformed. 这得以实现的原因,是努力与困难的意义在孩子心目中发生了改变。

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Are we really saying that it's not worth the risk to print an extra 200 billion for aid? 那么,为了救援而额外印多2千亿钞票这样的风险真的不值得去承担吗? Would the risks really be that different? 这些风险真的会有很

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So what can we do? 我们该怎么做呢? How can we build that bridge to yet? 如何让孩子注重过程而不是结果呢? Here are some things we can do. 我们可以做这样几件事。 First of all, we can praise wisely, not praising intel

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Election night 2008 was a night that tore me in half. 2008年的大选之夜,我激动万分。 It was the night that Barack Obama was elected. 这一夜,巴拉克奥巴马当选总统。 years after the end of slavery, 奴隶制废除后148年,

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Who is you to tell somebody who they can't have sex with, 是谁告诉你他们不能和某人做爱, who they can't be with? 不能和别人处对象? They ain't got that power. 他们没权力这么做。 Nobody has that power to say, you can't m

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The day of that march, October 11, 游行被举行的那天,也就是每年10月11日, was then declared National Coming Out Day, 被设为国家出柜日。 and is still celebrated all over the world. 今天,它仍在世界广为流传,普天同

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Let's just look at a few of these strategies. 让我们来看看其中一些策略吧: First off, it's really interesting to see, 首先,非常有趣地,如果你们回顾下, to actually visually see, how quick the gay rights movement has ma

发表于:2018-12-08 / 阅读(80) / 评论(0) 分类 TED演讲国际问题篇

Now we have instant neighborhoods outside. 现在大家都成了新的邻居。 So the Exo is designed to be simply, basically like a coffee cup. 这个房屋系统被设计的很简洁,基本上很像一个咖啡杯。 They can actually stack toge

发表于:2018-12-05 / 阅读(80) / 评论(0) 分类 TED演讲国际问题篇

Now, this quickly, my day job sent me to work out of our Milan office for a few months, 很快,因为日常工作的缘故,我会有几个月不在米兰, so I was like, what will I do? 有时候会迷惘,我要去做些啥啊? So I actuall

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And so, as we evaluated, and as the dust settled from this tragedy, 经历这个悲剧后 we realized that, of those two problems -- 我们重新思考了这两个问题 in the initial iteration of our organization, 最初我们这个组织 we were a

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So, I'm going to start off with kind of the buzzkill a little bit. 好吧,我的开场可能有点让人扫兴 Forty-two million people were displaced by natural disasters in 2010. 四千两百万人在2010年因灾成为无家可归的人。 Now,

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After a lethal 1995 heat wave 在历经了1995年致命热浪侵袭后, turned refrigerator trucks from the popular Taste of Chicago festival into make shift morgues, 它将那些在芝加哥美食庆典的冷藏车转换成临时搭建的停尸间

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I'm sure that, throughout the hundred-thousand-odd years of our species' existence, and even before, 我十分确信在人类诞生以来的大概10万多年,甚至比这更长的时间里 our ancestors looked up at the night sky, and wondered what

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Beyond these technical solutions, 除了这些技术层面的措施意外, our work at the Georgetown Climate Center with communities 我们位于乔治城气候中心和社区共同工作 encourages them to look at what existing legal and policy t

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Two years ago, after having served four years in the United States Marine Corps 两年前,我在美国海军陆战队服役了四年 and deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan, 也曾调配到伊朗和阿富汗 I found myself in Port-au-Prince, l

发表于:2018-12-05 / 阅读(88) / 评论(0) 分类 TED演讲国际问题篇

The best four minutes of my entire life were those in the Olympic stadium. 我一生中最伟大的四分钟就在这奥林匹克体育馆中。 My husband is offended when I say this 我的爱人听我这么描述,觉得没有受到尊重, altho

发表于:2018-12-02 / 阅读(98) / 评论(0) 分类 TED演讲国际问题篇

Mapendo, in Swahili, means great love. The protagonists of my books are strong and passionate women like Rose Mapendo. 在斯瓦希里语中马培德意味着爱。我的书中的主角都是坚韧且充满热情的妇女,正如罗斯马培德那样。

发表于:2018-12-02 / 阅读(109) / 评论(0) 分类 TED演讲国际问题篇

Millions of women live like this today. They are the poorest of the poor. 如今还有万千上万的妇女像这样生活着。她们是真正的最穷的穷人。 Although women do two-thirds of the world's labor, they own less than one percent of

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What kind of world do we want? This is a fundamental question that most of us are asking. 到底我们需要怎么样的世界?这是一个我们常常扪心自问的问题。 Does it make sense to participate in the existing world order? 这对已有

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