We're not at this world yet, but it's coming. 那样的世界还未到来,但很快就能实现。 Right now, it's like we're in a world that is seeing the first automobile. 现在的状况就类似于当初汽车的首次亮相。 The first crypto

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Now when this works, it's because there are large institutions underwriting every 1 or 0 that changes on a computer. 这是因为有庞大的机构来保障电脑程序里1、0之间变化的可靠性。 And when it doesn't, it's often the fault of t

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These institutions are standing in the way of innovation. 这些机构急需变革。 How many of you use Facebook photos, Google Photos, Instagram? 你们有多少人在用脸书相册、谷歌照片、Instagram呢? My photos are everywhere. They

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We're about to enter a new phase of money. 一种新的货币模式正在逐渐形成。 The future of money is programmable. 未来的货币是可以程序化的, When we combine software and currency, money becomes more than just a static unit of

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The computer that solves the puzzle publishes its solution to the rest of the network and collects its reward: new bitcoins. 解开了谜题的计算机便把结果发布到互联网上,并获得新的比特币作为奖励。 And in the act of solv

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It's the idea of permission-less innovation. 这个想法是一个不需要授予权限的革新。 The Internet caused an explosion of innovation, because it was built upon an open architecture. 互联网促成了改革爆炸,因为它是建立在一

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Have you heard the news? We're in a clean energy revolution. And where I live in Berkeley, California, 你们看新闻了吗?我们正在进行清洁能源革命。我住在加利福尼亚州伯克利市, it seems like every day I see a new roof

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Now, you might wonder, Come on, how much could five percentage points of global electricity be? 现在你可能会问,拜托,全球5%的电力能有多少? Well, it turns out to be quite a bit. 事实证明还蛮多的。 It's the equivalent of

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Let's take a closer look in the United States. 让我们来看看美国。 Over the last couple of years -- really 2013, 2014 -- we prematurely retired four nuclear power plants. 在过去的几年里,尤其是2013、14年,我们过早报废了四个

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That's why when, in California, we try to deal with all the solar we've brought online 这就是为什么在加州,我们正在尝试太阳能的完全使用, we now get about 10 percent of electricity from solar 我们现在能够从太阳能获得

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So, let's just take a closer look at nuclear. 所以,让我们好好研究一下核能。 The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has looked at the carbon content of all these different fuels, 联合国气候变化政府间协商

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We did a report: How to Make Nuclear Cheap. 我们做了一个报告:《如何降低核能价格》。 In particular, the thorium reactor shows a lot of promise. 具体来说,钍反应堆带来了光明的前景。 And so when the climate scienti

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Imagine that we had this magic paper. 假设这是张有魔法的纸。 So the way that this paper works is I can give you a sheet of it and if you write something on it, 当我把这张纸给你后,你在纸上写的任何东西 it will magically

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So what about the other reactors? There's a reactor that's coming online now, they're starting to sell it. 换作反应堆呢?现在有一款即将完成的反应堆,它即将开始售卖。 It's a high-temperature gas reactor. It can't melt down

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So when we went through the numbers, and just added that up 当我们查看这些数据的时候,把它们加起来, how much nuclear do we see China and India bringing online over the next 15 years, 未来15年内,中国和印度会建多少核电

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And what about the waste? Everyone worries about the waste. 那来自核能的废物呢?每个人都在担心废料。 Well, the interesting thing about the waste is how little of it there is. This is just from one plant. 但是有趣的是,产生的

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As I was leaving China, the engineer that brought Bill Gates there kind of pulled me aside, and he said, 当我离开中国的时候,那个请来比尔盖茨的工程师曾把我拉到一边,然后他说, You know, Michael, I appreciate your in

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Why bother? The game is rigged. My vote won't count. 为什么非要投票呢?选举被操纵了。我那一票不起作用。 The choices are terrible. Voting is for suckers. 选举的结果很糟糕。选举都是骗人的。 Perhaps you've thoug

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From the Revolution to the Civil Rights Era, the United States had a vibrant, robustly participatory and raucous culture of voting. 从美国革命到人权时代,美国选举曾经充满生机,参与者信念坚定,草根文化喧嚣一时。

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What we need today is an electoral culture that is about being together together, in person, in loud and passionate ways, 我们今天需要的是一种选举文化,人与人之间面对面交流思想,喧闹而又激情四射, that instead of

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