Prince Charles has some similarities with Nicole Kidman. 查尔斯王子和妮可基德曼就有相似之处。 They have similar sound of eyes. 他们的眼睛听起来很像。 So you relate people that you wouldn't relate, 当你将一些毫无相关

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The world is changing in some really profound ways, 这世界正在发生某些翻天覆地的变化, and I worry that investors aren't paying enough attention to some of the biggest drivers of change,especially when it comes to sustainability. 而我

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And they are really complex and they can seem really far off, that the temptation may be to do this: 这些问题确实相当复杂,又似乎离我们很遥远,这就诱使我们这样做: bury our heads in the sand and not think about it. 把头

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So awesome, right? Another example is Pentair. Pentair is a U.S. industrial conglomerate. 很棒,对吧?另一个例子是滨特尔。滨特尔是美国的工业集团。 And about a decade ago,they sold their core power tools business and reinve

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But it does illustrate that environmental leadership is compatible with good returns. 但它确实说明注重环境问题和高效益并不矛盾。 So if the returns are the same or better and the planet benefits, wouldn't this be the norm? 如果效

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I'm 150 feet down an illegal mine shaft in Ghana. 我在加纳地下50米深的一个非法矿井里。 The air is thick with heat and dust, and it's hard to breathe. 空气污浊闷热,充斥着尘土,让人很难呼吸。 I can feel the brush o

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Well, I was born with a rare visual condition called achromatopsia, which is total color blindness, 我出生在一个色彩极少的世界,世界只有明暗之分,这叫做全色盲 so I've never seen color, 所以我不知道什么是颜色, a

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But it doesn't have to end there. 而这个过程可以实现永无止境。 This is really exciting. 这是令人非常激动的。 According to Herodotus, after 18 years the famine wasn't getting better,so the king decided they would play one final

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Let's get half of us to agree to spend an hour a day playing games, 让我们中一半的人每天玩游戏一小时 until we solve real-world problems. 直至我们可以去解决现实生活中的问题 Now, I know you're asking, How are we going t

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Most of our players have kept up the habits that they learned in this game. 大部分的游戏玩家保留了他们在游戏中形成的习惯 So, for the next world-saving game, 在接下来的一款拯救世界的游戏里 we decided to aim higher:

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As a conceptual artist, 作为一位概念派艺术家, I'm constantly looking for creative ways to spark challenging conversations. 我经常寻求创新的方式,通过绘画、雕塑、视频和表演 I do this through painting, sculpture, vid

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Since 2012, the world has witnessed the killings of Trayvon Martin,Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice 2012年开始,世界见证了塔拉万马丁、迈克尔布朗、埃里克加纳,桑德拉布兰德、塔米尔莱斯 and lite

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I want to talk about sex for money. 我想讲一讲性交易。 I'm not like most of the people you'll have heard speaking about prostitution before. 我不像很多之前各位听到过的以卖淫为主题的演讲者。 I'm not a police officer or

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Maybe you've thought about them, too. 也许你们会有共鸣。 In this talk, I'll take you through the four main legal approaches 在我的演讲中,我将介绍全世界主流的四种与性工作者相关的 applied to sex work throughout the

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A couple of years ago, a friend of mine was nervous after she was attacked at work, 几年前,我的一位朋友在工作时被袭击后非常紧张, so I said that she could see her clients from my place for a while. 我让她暂时在我的地方

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So if criminalizing sex workers hurts them, why not just criminalize the people who buy sex? 那么如果判定,性工作者违法是在伤害她们,为什么不仅仅刑事处罚买春者呢? This is the aim of the third approach I want to tal

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Is this guy dangerous or just nervous? 这个人是危险的还是仅仅是比较紧张? Can you afford to take the risk? Can you afford not to? 你承担得起这个风险吗?你可以不承担吗? Something I'm often hearing is, 我经常听别

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Fear of law enforcement makes them work alone in isolated locations, 对制定法律的恐惧,让她们在僻静的角落孤独的工作 and allows clients and even cops to get abusive in the knowledge they'll get away with it. 遭受客人们甚至警

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Forced labor does occur in many industries, 强制劳动在很多国家都屡见不鲜, especially those where the workers are migrants or otherwise vulnerable, and this needs to be addressed. 尤其发生在移民劳工和其他弱势群体中,这

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This is a lesson of history. 历史的经验告诉我们 If you try to prohibit something that people want or need to do, 如果你想禁止民众想要或者需要的 whether that's drinking alcohol or crossing borders or getting an abortion or sell

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