And please buy them. And don't just buy them for your daughters, buy them for your sons. 请购买它们吧。不要只买给你们的女儿们,也买给儿子们吧。 Because it's important that boys play with and as female superheroes 因为男孩

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The conventional wisdom about our world today is that this is a time of terrible decline. 关于当今世界的传统观点认为:这是一个急剧衰退的时代 And that's not surprising, given the bad news all around us, 而这也并不令人奇怪

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Not only are there theoretical fixes; those fixes have been tried. 这里不仅仅有理论上的修复,这些修复已经被投入试验 They've worked. And they offer hope for the rest of us. 并且是起作用的。这也为我们其他人提供了

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Now, I could have taken to Twitter with the hashtag #WheresGamora, like millions of fans did across the world, 现在,我可以在Twitter上发#加美拉去哪儿了,就像世界各地成千上万的粉丝们一样。 but the truth was I wasn't

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Take Canada: when Trudeau took office, he faced two looming dangers. 就加拿大而言,当特鲁多就任时,面临两大潜在的危险。 First, though his vast, underpopulated country, badly needed more bodies, 首先,尽管他这个地广人

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The proof? When Pena was sworn in, the pact held, 证据呢?当培尼亚宣誓就职时,协议也签订了 and Mexico moved forward for the first time in years. Bueno. 而墨西哥也在这么多年来第一次朝前发展。非常好 So now we'v

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And over the next 18 months, they together passed an incredibly comprehensive set of reforms. 接下来的18个月,他们一起通过了一系列令人难以置信的全面的改革方案 They busted open Mexico's smothering monopolies. 他们破除了

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Neither immigration nor Islamic extremism are impossible to deal with. 移民问题和伊斯兰恐怖主义都不是不可能解决的 Join me now on one last trip, this time to Mexico. 现在跟我来看看最后的这个例子,这一次我们转向

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And while a few Indonesians have recently joined ISIS, 虽然最近还是有些印尼人加入伊斯兰国 their number is tiny, far fewer in per capita terms than the number of Belgians. 但他们的数量是非常少的,按人均来计算比比利时

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In 1998, the people of Indonesia took to the streets and overthrew their longtime dictator, Suharto. 1998年,印度尼西亚人民走上街头,推翻了长期的独裁者苏哈托 It was an amazing moment, but it was also a scary one. 那是一个令

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And like all hipsters, he could be infuriating at times. 跟所有的潮人一样,他有时候也会愤怒。 But he nevertheless pulled off one of the most progressive transformations any country has ever seen. 然而他却开启了一个在任何国

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Number two, there's power in promiscuous thinking. 第二,胡思乱想的力量 Another striking similarity among good problem-solvers is that they're all pragmatists. 另一个好的问题解决者的显着相似点是他们都是实用主义者 T

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Yet he chose to embrace his enemies instead, while forcing his own party to compromise. 但是他选择了拥抱自己的敌人,同时迫使他所在的政党去妥协 And Trudeau pushed everyone to stop thinking in tribal terms 特鲁多促使大家

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I'm a journalist, so I like to look for the untold stories, the lives that quietly play out under the scream of headlines. 我是一名记者,因此我乐于探寻那些鲜为人知的故事,那些夸张头条背后的平静生活。 I've also be

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Is better off finding a secure job that you can count on for the rest of your life? Those are nearly extinct. 是找到了一个稳定的工作,一辈子都不用愁,就意味着生活安逸吗?这种情况几乎不存在。 People move jobs, o

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Now, let me be very clear: the 14.8 percent of Americans living in poverty need money, plain and simple. 我说的再明白一些,就是在美国,穷人占14.8%,他们需要钱,简单易懂。 And all of us need policies that protect us from

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My great-grandfather was a drunk in Detroit, who sometimes managed to hold down a factory job. 我的曾祖父曾经住在底特律,他是个酒鬼,有时勉强去工厂工作。 He had, as unbelievable as it might sound, 21 children, with one wo

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So let's dig into this first question: How should we work? 所以,我们来探讨第一个问题:我们应当如何工作? We should work like our mothers. 我们应该像我们的母亲们那样。 That's right -- we've spent decades trying to

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Now, this means the nine-to-five no longer works for anyone. 如今,这意味着朝九晚五的工作不再适合所有人。 Punch clocks are becoming obsolete, as are career ladders. 打卡和事业的阶梯已经过时了。 Whole industries are

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Fifty million of us, for example, live in intergenerational households. 例如,我们一共有5000万人是两代人住在同一屋檐下。 This number exploded with the Great Recession, but it turns out people actually like living this way. 这个数

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