新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册 unit04 b
时间:2018-12-17 作者:英语课 分类:新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册
- 1 新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册 unit04 b
<TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
|@|<1>statement |n.|[C] sth. one says or writes |说法,叙述;声明
|| ||The minister will make a statement tomorrow on the new educational plans. |部长明天将就新的教育计划发表一项声明。
|| ||In a statement, the paper admitted that it had given incorrect information. |在一份声明中,这家报纸承认他们提供了不正确的信息。
||<2>snap|a.|done quickly and suddenly |匆忙的,仓促的
|| ||A snap judgment will not do in that case. |在那种情况下,仓促下判断是不行的。
|| ||He always makes snap decisions and never thinks about their consequences. |他总是仓促作出决定,从来不考虑后果。
|@|<3>judgment |n.|(BrE judgement)
|| ||1. [C, U] an opinion |看法,意见;判断
|| ||In his judgment, the red trousers can't match the green shirt. |在他看来,那条红裤子与那件绿衬衣不相配。
|| ||It's too soon to make a judgment about what the result will be. |现在就结果做出判断还为时过早。
|| ||2. [U] the ability to make wise decisions about what to do and when to do it |判断力;识别力
|| ||He always shows excellent judgment in his choice of staff. |他在选择员工方面总显示出非凡的判断力。
|| ||I believe his judgment and I'll follow any advice he gives me. |我相信他的判断力,他的任何建议我都会听。
||<4>seemingly |ad.|in a way it appears |从表面上看起来;似乎是
|| ||He is seemingly very clever, but in fact he isn't. |表面上他非常聪明,但实际上并非如此。
|| ||She has a seemingly endless list of complaints to make. |她的抱怨好像没完没了。
|@|<5>instant |a.|happening immediately |立即的,即刻的
|| ||The problem needs instant solution. |这个问题需要立即解决。
|| ||The film was an instant success. |这部电影一上映就获得了成功。
|@|<6>sign |n.|1. [C] an event, fact, etc. that shows sth. is happening or exists |迹象;标志
|| ||There are signs that the economy is improving. |有迹象表明经济正在好转。
|| ||Dark clouds are a sign of rain. |乌云是大雨将至的征兆。
|| ||2. [C] a piece of paper, metal, or wood with words or a picture that gives people warnings or instructions |招牌,指示牌
|| ||The sign says "No Smoking". |告示牌上写着“禁止吸烟”。
|| ||Pay attention to traffic signs. |注意交通指示牌。
|▲|<7>immaturity |n.|[U] the quality of behaving in a way that is typical of sb. much younger |不成熟
|| ||There were complaints about my immaturity. |有人抱怨我不够成熟。
|| ||The failure is due to his immaturity. |失败是由于他不成熟造成的。
|@|<8>lack |n.|[sing., U] (of) the state of not having any or enough of sth. |缺乏;不足
|| ||Lack of money is making our job more difficult. |资金匮乏使我们的工作更加困难。
|| ||There is a lack of communication between us. |我们之间缺乏交流。
|| |vt.|not have any or enough of sth. |没有;缺乏
|| ||I lack words with which to express my thanks. |我的感谢之情难以言表。
|| ||Your real problem is that you lack confidence. |你真正的问题是缺乏信心。
|@|<9>assume |vt.|think that sth. is true even though one has no evidence |假定,想当然认为
|| ||I assumed that you have telephoned her. |想必你已给她打过电话了。
|| ||We assume that interest rates will go down again soon. |我们认为利率不久又会下调。
|@|<10>acquaint |vt.|make sb. or oneself familiar with or aware of |使认识,使了解
|| ||We need to acquaint ourselves with the new environment. |我们需要熟悉新环境。
|| ||Are you acquainted with each other? |你们互相认识吗?
||<11>behavioral |a.|(BrE behavioural) relating to the way sb. behaves |行为的
|| ||behavioral science/patterns |行为科学/模式
|| ||She studied behavioral psychology at college. |她大学学的是行为心理学。
|@|<12>estimate |vt.|judge the value, size, cost, etc. of sth. |估计,判断
|| ||He estimated that the journey would take two hours. |他估计旅程需要两个小时。
|| ||We estimated the cost at about $5,000. |我们估计花费约为5,000美金。
||<13> <em>overestimate</em> |vt. |think sth. is better or higher than it really is |过高估计;过高评价
|| ||We overestimated the customers' demand for food. |我们过高估计了消费者对食品的需求。
|| ||The cost had been overestimated. |成本被高估了。
|@|<14>obvious |a.|easy to notice or understand |显然的,明显的
|| ||His joy was obvious to everyone. |每个人都看得出他很高兴。
|| ||It was obvious that he was wrong. |很明显,他错了。
||<15>partial |a.|not complete |部分的;不完全的
|| ||The meeting was only a partial success. |会议仅仅是部分的成功。
|| ||They only reached a partial agreement. |他们只达成部分一致。
||<16> <em>partially</em> |ad. |partly; not completely |部分地;不完全地
|| ||The story was partially true. |故事不完全真实。
|| ||You are partially responsible for the failure of the plan. |计划失败,你有一定责任。
|@|<17>account |vi.|1. (for) explain or give a reason for |作出解释,提出理由,说明
|| ||His illness accounted for his not being here yesterday. |他昨天缺席是因为他病了。
|| ||She was unable to account for the accident. |她无法解释事故发生的原因。
|| ||2. (for) form a particular amount or part of sth. |(在数量、比例方面)占
|| ||Female employers account for 35% of stuff in that company. |那家公司女雇员占35%。
|| ||Wheat accounts for 30% of all the income in that area. |在那个地区小麦收入占所有收入的30%。
|| |n.|1. [C] a report or description of sth. that has happened |记述,描述;报告
|| ||She gave the police a full account of the accident. |她向警察详细描述了事故的情况。
|| ||According to police accounts, he was found dead in his kitchen. |根据警察的描述,他被发现死在自己的厨房里。
|| ||2. [C] the plan by which a bank looks after money for sb. |账户
|| ||open / close an account |在一家银行开立/结清一个帐户
|| ||I need to draw some money out of my account. |我需要从自己的帐户里取一些钱。
|@|<18>imagine |vt.|1. form a picture or idea in the mind |想象,设想
|| ||I can't imagine myself cycling 20 miles a day. |我无法想象自己每天骑自行车走20英里会是什么样子。
|| ||Imagine you're lying on a beach, listening to the steady rhythm of waves lapping the shore. |想象你躺在海边,聆听海浪不停地冲击海岸的节奏。
|| ||2. think; believe| 认为,以为
|| ||He imagines that people don't like him. |他认为人们不喜欢他。
|| ||I imagine you're referring to me. |我想你是在说我吧。
||<19>briefcase |n.|[C] a flat case for carrying papers or documents |公文包
|| ||He put his briefcase on the desk and left the room. |他把公文包放在桌上就离开了房间。
|| ||He found the letter in his briefcase. |他在自己的公文包里找到了这封信。
|@|<20>rub |vt.|press and move one thing against another |擦,磨擦
|| ||He rubbed his eyes. |他擦了擦自己的双眼。
|| ||She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. |她若有所思地摸着下巴。
|@|<21>behavior |n.|[U] (BrE behaviour) the way one acts or behaves |行为,举止
|| ||Good behavior is worthy of praise. |良好的行为是值得表扬的。
|| ||Her behavior has been very strange lately. |她最近的行为举止非常怪异。
||<22>aggressive|a.|1. ready or likely to fight or argue |挑衅的;侵略的
|| ||Some people get aggressive after drinking spirits.|有些人酒后爱寻衅惹事。
|| ||This dog is very aggressive. |这条狗很好斗。
|| ||2. determined to succeed or get what one wants |积极进取的
|| ||He has always been an aggressive policeman. |她一直是一个工作积极的警察。
|| ||He is respected as a very aggressive and competitive person. |他积极进取、有竞争力,受到了人们的尊重。
|@|<23>resent |vt.|feel angry about sth. unfair |对...表示忿恨;怨恨
|| ||She bitterly resented being treated differently from the men. |她因受到与男子不同的待遇而愤愤不平。
|| ||I resent the whole business. |我对整件事情感到愤慨。
||<24> <em>resentful</em> |a. |feeling angry about sth. unfair |充满忿恨的;怨恨的
|| ||He felt very resentful at being treated unfairly. |他对自己受到不公正待遇感到忿忿不平。
|| ||At first I was resentful and angry about losing my job. |起初我对失去工作感到怨恨不止。
|@|<25>function |n.|[C, U] the purpose that sth. has |功能;作用;用途
|| ||The function of the heart is to send blood through the body. |心脏的功能是给全身供血。
|| ||Each object has its function. |每件东西自有其独特的用处。
|@|<26>status |n.|[U] sb.'s social or work position |地位;身份
|| ||Teachers have a high social status in our country. |教师在我国享有很高的社会地位。
|| ||He was trying to apply for legal immigrant status. |那时他正在申请合法移民身份。
|@|<27>aspiration|n.|[C] (usu. pl.) a strong desire to have or do sth. |强烈的愿望;志向
|| ||She has aspirations to become a scientist. |她有志于成为科学家。
|| ||I've never had any political aspirations. |我从来没有过任何政治抱负。
||<28> <em>definitely</em>|ad.|without any doubt |无疑地;肯定地
|| ||They will definitely pass the test. |他们一定会通过考试。
|| ||He stated his views very definitely. |他很有把握地陈述了自己的观点。
|@|<29>project |vt.|show or present oneself or one's qualities in a certain way |使(自己的特点)呈现;表现(自己)
|| ||He tried to project himself as kind and thoughtful. |他试图使自己表现得善良而有头脑。
|| ||He projected himself as a man worth listening to. |他表现出自己是一个值得聆听的人。
|| |n.|1. [C] a carefully planned piece of work |计划,规划;工程
|| ||A major project is needed to reduce pollution in our river. |需要一个大工程来减少我们这条河的污染。
|| ||The project aims to provide an analysis of children's emotions. |这个方案旨在提供对儿童情感的分析。
|| ||2. [C] a piece of study or research |科研项目;课题
|| ||I'm doing a project on Chinese history. |我正在做一个有关中国历史的研究课题。
|| ||We must complete the project on pollution in a week. |我们必须在一周内完成这个关于污染的研究课题。
|@|<30>promote |vt.|1. raise sb. to a higher position |提升,晋升
|| ||He's been promoted from an assistant to a manager. |他已从助理提升为经理。
|| ||He has been promoted twice in three years. |三年之内,他得到两次提升。
|| ||2. help sth. to develop or increase |促进,增进
|| ||The meetings of the officials have promoted good exchanges between the two countries. |两国官员的会晤增进了两国间的有益交流。
|| ||Something has to be done to promote economic growth. |必须采取措施来促进经济增长。
||<31>ornament |n.|[C] sth. added to make sth. else look better |装饰品;点缀品
|| ||We bought some ornaments for the Christmas tree. |我们为圣诞树买了一些装饰品。
|| ||The shelf was covered with books and ornaments. |架子上放满了书和装饰品。
||<32>jewel |n.|[C] |宝石;宝石饰物;首饰
|| ||She loved dressing up and wearing priceless jewels. |她喜欢穿最好的衣服,佩戴价值连城的首饰。
|| ||In this golden box were some precious jewels. |在这个金色的盒子里有一些珍贵的宝石饰物。
|@|<33>means |n.|[C] (pl. means) a way of doing or achieving sth. |方法,方式,手段
|| ||For most people in the city, the bus is their main means of transport. |对这个城市的大多数人来说,公共汽车是他们的主要交通工具。
|| ||Email has become an increasingly important means of business communication. |电子邮件已经成为商务联系越来越重要的一种手段。
||<34>conviction |n.|[C] a very strong belief or opinion |坚定的信仰;确信
|| ||Their religious convictions prevented them from eating meat. |他们的宗教信念使他们不能吃肉。
|| ||It's my firm conviction that all people should be treated equally. |我坚定的信念是:所有的人都应受到平等对待。
|@|<35>campaign |n.|[C] a series of things aimed to produce a particular result |运动
|| ||a political campaign |政治运动
|| ||They have started a campaign against smoking. |他们开始了一场反对吸烟的运动。
|@|<36>religious |a.|1. relating to religion |宗教的
|| ||religious faith/education |宗教信仰
|| ||2. having a strong belief in one's religion |笃信宗教的,虔诚的
|| ||She's not very religious. |她对宗教并不很虔诚。
|| ||He's deeply religious and goes to church twice a week. |他对宗教很虔诚,一周要去做两次礼拜。
||<37>token |n.|[C] sth. that stands for or is a sign of sth. else |标志,象征
|| ||Wear this ring as a token of our friendship. |戴上这个戒指,作为我们友谊的象征。
|| ||As a token of our thanks for all that you have done, we would like you to accept this small gift. |望你能接受这个小小的礼品,作为我们对你所做的一切的感谢。
||<38>membership|n.|[U] the state of being a member |会员身份,会员资格
|| ||To sign up for membership, please fill in the form. |要申请入会的话,请填表。
|| ||You have to apply for membership in the sports club. |你必须申请体育俱乐部的会员资格。
||<39>badge |n.|[C] |徽章;证章
|| ||The team members have jackets with the club badge on them. |队员都穿着带有他们俱乐部标识的夹克衫。
|| ||The badges come in different colors and shapes. |这些徽章有不同的颜色和形状。
|@|<40>economic |a.|relating to trade, industry, and the management of money |经济的
|| ||The country faces growing economic problems. |这个国家面临着越来越多的经济问题。
|| ||Slow economic growth and rising unemployment affected sales last year. |缓慢的经济增长和不断增长的失业人数影响了去年的销售。
||<41>architecture | n. |[U] the style and design of a building |建筑式样,建筑风格
|| | |Some of the buildings here are built using a foreign style of architecture. |这儿有些大楼是以国外的建筑风格建造的。
|| | |The building is a fine example of the architecture of the eighteenth century. |这座大楼是18世纪建筑的一个优秀典范。
|@|<42>rigid |a.|strict |严格的,死板的
|| ||Some students complained about the rigid rules and regulations at the school. |一些学生抱怨学校苛严的规章制度。
|| ||Some people dislike the rigid controls. |有些人不喜欢这些严格的控制。
|@|<43>norm |n.|1. (~s) generally accepted standards of social behavior |(行为)准则;(道德)规范
|| ||You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in. |你必须适应你所生活的社会的行为准则。
|| ||They have broken the norms of our society. |他们违背了我们的社会准则。
|| ||2. [C] sth. that is usual or normal |标准;准则;规范
|| ||It has become the norm for wives to work. |妻子参加工作已经成为一种正常现象。
|| ||Single parents seem to be the norm rather than the exception nowadays. |现在单亲似乎成为一种正常现象,而不是异常现象了。
|@|<44>style |n.|[C] the particular way that sb. does sth. |方式,风格
|| ||This management style has proved to be effective. |这种管理方式证明是有效的。
|| ||Different teachers may have different teaching styles. |不同的教师也许有不同的教学风格。
||<45> <em>lifestyle</em> |n. |[C, U] the way one lives |生活方式
|| ||Getting married often means a sudden change in life-style. |结婚常意味着生活方式的突然变化。
|| ||A healthy, outdoor lifestyle will be helpful to you. |健康的户外生活方式会有益于你。
<TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
||<46>the minute|as soon as |一...就...
|||I'll tell her the news the minute she gets here. |她一来这儿我就告诉她这个消息。
|||The students stopped talking the minute the bell rang for class. |上课铃一响,学生们就停止了讲话。
||<47>find out|discover |找出,查明,发现
|||I need to find out exactly what went wrong. |我需要查明到底出了什么毛病。
|||I want you to do everything you can to find out his reaction to our project. |我要你想一切办法查明他对我们项目的反应。
||<48>in relation to |relating to; concerning |有关,关于
|||We want to listen to his comments in relation to this affair. |我们想听听他关于这件事的意见。
|||A lot of questions were asked in relation to the project. |就这个项目,人们提出了许多问题。
||<49>become acquainted with|get to know sth. or sb. |与...相识,了解
|||I'm not acquainted with her father. |我不认识她父亲。
|||The party was a way for them to become acquainted with each other. |这个聚会是一种使他们互相认识的方式。
||<50>pick up|get a skill, language, a piece of information, etc. by chance |学会;得到
|||I picked up quite a lot of Japanese words during my six-month stay in Japan. |我在日本逗留了六个月,学会了许多日语单词。
|||You can pick up some really useful messages from his gestures. |你从他的手势中能够得到一些真正有用的信息。
||<51>in part|to some degree; partly |在某种程度上,部分地
|||The delay was due in part to the heavy rain. |在某种程度上讲,延误是由大雨造成的。
|||The failure of the project was due, in part, to his lack of leadership. |项目失败的部分原因是他缺乏领导才能。
||<52>be/feel at home |be/feel comfortable or relaxed in a place or situation |感到无拘束
|||They were friendly and kind and I felt at home immediately. |他们很友好和气,我立即就感到无拘无束了。
|||They feel at home with each other. |他俩之间熟不拘礼 。
||<53>be content with |be satisfied or happy with |对...感到满足
|||He's content with what he has. |他对自己所拥有的已感到心满意足了。
|||He is not content with his present situation and hopes to improve it. |他对自己目前的情况不满,希望能加以改善。
||<54>a wealth of |a large number or quantity of |大量的,丰富的
|| |There is a wealth of useful information in the document. |文件中有大量有用的信息。
|| |He has a wealth of teaching experience. |他拥有丰富的教学经验。
||<55>after all|1. used for saying that sth. is true despite what was said before |终究;最终还是
|||He passed the exam after all. |他最终还是通过了考试。
|||He wrote to say they couldn't give me a job after all. |他写信说他们还是不能给我一份工作。
|||2. used to say that sth. should be remembered or considered |毕竟
|||She can't understand. After all, she's only two. |她是不会明白的。别忘了,她只有两岁。
|||Don't work too hard. After all, work is not everything. |工作别太辛苦了;毕竟工作不是生活的全部。
<TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
||<56>Phi Beta Kappa | |PBK联谊会(美国大学优秀生和毕业生的荣誉组织,成立于1776年),PBK联谊会会员