时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册



  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>

  ||<1>website     |n.|[C] a place on the Internet where information is available |网站

  || ||For more information visit our website. |欲知详情请参观我们的网站。

  || ||The result will be posted on the website. |结果会在网站上公布。

  |@|<2>cheat |v.|act dishonestly for one's own benefit |欺骗;作弊

  || ||He failed the test because he was caught cheating. |他因作弊被抓而没有通过考试。

  || ||He's trying to cheat her out of her money. |他企图骗她的钱。

  || |n.|[C] a person who cheats |骗子

  || ||No one likes cheats. |没人会喜欢骗子。

  || ||His addiction has turned him into a cheat. |他吸毒成瘾,这使他变成了一个骗子。

  ||<3>nerve|n.|1. (~s) the state of being nervous or worried |神经过敏;紧张不安

  || ||Breathing deeply should help to calm your nerves. |深呼吸可以缓解你的紧张。

  || ||He gets nerves before every examination. |每次考试前他都紧张。

  || ||2. [C]  |神经

  || ||facial nerves |面部神经

  || ||nerve cells |神经细胞

  |@|<4>ultimate|a.|1. greatest |最大的

  || ||His ultimate goal at the moment is to go and study out of the country. |他眼下的最大目标是出国留学。

  || ||Our ultimate objective is to have as many female members of parliament as there are male. |我们的最大目标是要国会的女性成员和男性成员一样多。

  ||||2. being at the end or happening in the end |最终的,最后的

  || ||After many defeats, the war ended for us in ultimate victory. |打了许多败仗后,最终还是我们打赢了战争。

  || ||His ultimate purpose is to become a doctor. |他的最终目的是想成为一名医生。

  ||<5>nightmare   |n.|1. [C] a terrible experience or event |恐怖的经历;可怕的事情

  || ||Driving on that ice was a nightmare. |在那样的冰上开车很可怕。

  || ||The party was a nightmare. Children jumped on the furniture, broke a window, and got the floors all dirty. |那次聚会真是一团糟。孩子们跳到家具上面,打破了一扇窗户,还把地板全弄脏了。

  || ||2. [C] an unpleasant and terrible dream |恶梦

  || ||The child awoke suddenly from a nightmare. |孩子突然从恶梦中醒来。

  || ||The horror film caused her to have nightmares. |那场恐怖电影使她晚上做恶梦。

  |★|<6>illicit    |a.|not allowed by laws or rules |非法的;违规的

  || ||In the United States drinking alcohol was once regarded as illicit. |在美国,喝酒一度被看作是非法的。

  || ||Illicit diamond exports are said to be worth over $200 million. |据说非法钻石出口价值超过2亿美元。

  |@|<7>link        |n.|[C] a tie or connection |纽带

  || ||He has links with that company. |他与那个公司有联系。

  || ||Is there a link between smoking and lung diseases? |吸烟与肺病之间有没有关系?

  ||        |vt.|join or connect |连接

  || ||Strong family ties still linked them together. |牢固的家庭纽带依然将他们连在一起。

  || ||The bridge links the two sides of the river. |那座桥连接河的两岸。

  |@|<8>contemporary|a.|1. of the present time |当代的

  || ||contemporary Chinese literature |当代中国文学

  || ||He prefers classic music to contemporary music. |他喜欢古典音乐,不喜欢当代音乐。

  || ||2. of the same time |同时代的

  || ||Beethoven was contemporary with Napoleon. |贝多芬与拿破仑是同时代的人。

  || ||Contemporary reports of past events are often more interesting than modern historians' views of them. |对于历史上的事件,当时的报道往往比现代历史学家的评说更为有趣。

  || |n.|[C] a person who belongs to the same period of time |同时代的人

  || ||Beethoven and Napoleon were contemporaries. |贝多芬与拿破仑是同时代的人。

  || ||The two famous authors were contemporaries who spent a lot of time together. |那两位著名作家是同时代的人,他们在一起度过了很多时光。

  ||<9>fake        |vt. |make or copy sth. to trick people |伪造;造假

  || ||The picture was faked by sticking together two photos. |这张照片是把两张照片拼在一起伪造的。

  || ||He is trying to fake an answer. |他企图伪造一个答案。

  || |n.|[C] a copy of sth. that is intended to trick people |假货,赝品

  || ||This painting is a fake. |这幅画是赝品。

  || ||Jane found it a fake at the first sight. |简一眼就看出那是个赝品。

  || |a.|made to look like sth. real in order to trick people; unreal |假的;伪造的

  || ||These diamonds are fake. |这些钻石是假的。

  || ||The bank uses machines to detect fake money. |银行用机器鉴别假钞。

  |@|<10>appropriate|a.|proper or suitable |合适的,适当的

  || ||Clothes of this kind are not appropriate for school wear. |这种衣服不适合在学校穿。

  || ||Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word. |在每个空白处填入一个恰当的字。

  |@|<11>purchase  |vt. |buy  |购买

  || ||Tickets may be purchased in advance. |可以提前买票。

  || ||Where did you purchase the painting? |你是在哪里买到这幅画的?

  || |n.|[C] sth. that one buys |购买物

  || ||Her latest purchase was a brown coat. |她最新购买的东西是一件棕色大衣。

  || ||The statement lists all the purchases made with your credit card. |这张结算表单列出了你用信用卡采购的所有物品。

  |@|<12>download |vt.|transfer information from a network to a computer |下载

  || ||Users can download this material to a desktop. |用户可将此资料下载到桌面上。

  || ||Download your favorite songs by clicking here. |点击这里就可以下载你喜欢的歌曲。

  |@|<13>reconcile|v.|make peace or find agreement between two parties |和解;调和

  || ||He hoped to be reconciled with his wife. |他希望和妻子和解。

  || ||My brother and I managed to reconcile after a week's quarrel. |吵了一星期后,我与弟弟设法和解了。

  ||<14> <em>irreconcilable</em> |a.     |impossible to bring into agreement |不可调和的

  ||     |    |Killing in a war was irreconcilable with his religious beliefs. |战场上杀人与他的宗教信仰相违背。

  ||     |    |The conflicts between them were irreconcilable from the start. |他们间的冲突一开始就不可调和。

  |@|<15>moral      |a.     |relating to right and wrong and the way people should behave |道德的,道义的

  || ||moral standard |道德标准

  || ||The child was faced with the moral dilemma of whether to return the money he found. |这个孩子面临进退两难的道德困境,不知是否该把捡到的钱还回去。

  ||<16>dilemma    |n.|[C] a difficult choice between two things |进退两难;难处

  || ||She was in a dilemma as to whether to marry John, who was handsome, or Charles, who was wealthy. |是嫁给帅气的约翰呢还是嫁给富有的查尔斯,她陷入了进退两难的境地。

  || ||They managed to find a way out of their dilemma. |他们设法找到了一个摆脱困境的办法。

  |@|<17>expense    |n.|[C] an amount of money sb. spends on sth. |花费,费用

  || ||The traveling expense amounts to $2,000. |旅行费用达到2,000美元。

  || ||He traveled at the company's expense. |他的旅行费用是由公司负担的。

  |■|<18>on-file|a.|recorded or kept in a file or in a database |存档的

  || ||These photographs are on-file. |这些照片已经存档了。

  || ||Your suggestion will be kept on-file. |你的建议将被存档。

  |@|<19>per        |prep.|for each |每,每一

  || ||a speed limit of 80 kilometers per hour |每小时限速80公里

  || ||The park attracts one million visitors per year. |这公园每年吸引100万游客。

  ||<20>consumer   |n.|[C] a person who buys and uses goods or services |消费者

  || ||Consumer spending was down by 1% last month. |上个月,消费者的消费下降了1%。

  || ||Consumers of jeans are mostly young people. |买牛仔裤的多数是年轻人。

  ||<21>readily    |ad.|1. easily  |容易地

  || ||I don't readily make friends. |我不轻易交朋友。

  || ||These are readily available in grocery stores. |这些东西在杂货店里随时都可买到。

  ||        ||2. willingly  |乐意地

  || ||I readily accepted his invitation to a party. |我欣然接受了他的宴会邀请。

  || ||She readily agreed to be interviewed. |她欣然答应接受采访。

  ||<22>semester   |n.     |[C] (AmE) a term |学期

  || ||We'll touch upon Shakespeare's <em>Hamlet</em> this semester. |这个学期我们将讲到莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》。

  || ||Fall semester starts on the 28th of August. |秋季学期始于8月28日。

  |■|<23>emporium  |n.|[C] a large store selling many different things |商场

  || ||An emporium is a shop. |商场是个购物的场所。

  || ||He made a number of further purchases at a nearby emporium. |他在一个附近的商场买了很多东西。

  |@|<24>press|vt.|push firmly |压;按

  || ||Could you press the button for the third floor, please? |请按一下三层的按钮,好吗?

  || ||Press the button, and the light will be on. |按一下这个钮,灯就亮了。

  |||n.|[sing.] newspapers and the journalists who work for them |报界;新闻界

  || ||the national press |全国新闻界

  || ||The minister refused to speak to the press. |那位部长拒绝向新闻界发表谈话。

  ||<25>hail       |vt.    |1. say how good or important sb. or sth. is |向...欢呼;拥戴

  || ||The new service has been hailed a great success. |人们赞扬这一新服务很成功。

  || ||A young man is being hailed as a hero after rescuing two children. |一位年轻人救了两个孩子后被拥戴为英雄。

  || ||2. call out to sb. by name or in greeting |招呼

  || ||She leaned out of the window and hailed a passerby. |她探出车窗口,向一个过路人打招呼。

  || ||The hotel doorman will hail a cab for you. |旅馆门卫会给您叫出租车。

  ||<26> <em>authorship</em> |n.     |[U] the fact of being  the person who has written a book, play, poem, etc. |作者身份

  || ||an investigation into the authorship of Bible |调查《圣经》的原作者是谁

  || ||He has denied authorship of the article and refused to comment further. |他否认这篇文章是他写的,并拒绝评论。

  ||<27>authentic  |a.|real; not false or copied |真的;非复制的

  || ||an authentic work by Picasso |毕加索的真品

  || ||The wallet is made of authentic leather. |这个钱包是真皮做的。

  ||<28>perception |n.|1.[U] the ability to notice or understand sth. |洞察力;理解力

  || ||I was impressed by her perception and her grasp of the facts. |她的洞察力和把握事实的能力给我印象很深。

  || ||Human perception is highly imperfect and by definition subjective. |人的洞察力极不完善,而且从根本上说是主观的。

  || ||2.[C] a particular way of looking at or understanding sth. |看法;领悟

  || ||children's perceptions of the world |儿童对世界的看法

  || ||She doesn't have a very realistic perception of the situation. |她对形势的看法很不现实。

  ||<29> <em>perceptive</em> |a.   |quick to notice or understand things |洞察力强的;理解力强的

  || ||highly perceptive comments |极具洞察力的评论

  || ||You're right. That's very perceptive of you. |你是对的。你看问题非常深刻。

  |▲|<30>twitch    |vi.|move with a quick sharp pull of a muscle |抽动,抽搐

  || ||The rabbit twitched and then lay still. |兔子抽搐了一下,接着就躺着不动了。

  || ||When I stood up to her, her right cheek twitched. |当我站起来朝她走去时,她的右脸颊抽动了一下。

  |||n.|[C] a sudden slight movement of the body |抽动,抽搐

  || ||It's just a nervous twitch. |那是不安的抽动。

  || ||There was a twitch in my left cheek, which I couldn't control. |我的左脸颊不由自主地抽动了一下。

  ||<31>intellectual    |a.      |1. concerning the ability to think in an intelligent way and to understand things |智力的;理解力的

  ||      |      |Universities are centers of intellectual activities. |大学是智力活动的中心。

  ||      |      |Teaching is an intellectual career. |教书是一种用脑的职业。

  ||     |      |2. well educated |有知识的

  ||      |      |He is an intellectual but over-cautious man. |他是一个有知识但过于谨慎的人。

  ||      |      |They were very intellectual. |他们知识渊博。

  ||     |n.      |[C] a person who is well educated and interested in art, science, literature, etc. |知识分子

  ||      |      |Teachers, artists and other intellectuals took part in the demonstration. |教师、艺术家和其他知识分子参加了游行示威。

  ||      |      |Almost everyone in the family is an intellectual. |这家人几乎都是知识分子。

  |@|<32>property   |n.     |1. [U] the thing or things sb. owns |财产;所有物

  || ||That car is my property; you can't use it without my permission. |那辆车是我的财产,没有我的允许你不能使用。

  || ||The police found some stolen property hidden in the thief's house. |警察发现小偷的房子里藏有一些被偷的财产。

  ||||2. [C, U]  land, buildings, or both |地产;房地产

  || ||Several properties on this street are to be let. |这街道的几处房产将租出去。

  || ||Property prices have shot up recently. |最近房地产价格上涨。

  ||||3. [C] (usu. pl.) a quality or feature of sth. |属性;特性

  || ||the chemical properties of a substance |物质的化学特性

  || ||Many plants have medicinal properties.|许多植物具有药性。

  |@|<33>issue      |n.|1. [C] a subject that people discuss |问题;议题

  || ||The real issue is that we should use the Internet properly. |问题的关键是我们必须正确使用因特网。

  || ||One of the biggest issues today is education. |今天的重大议题之一是教育。

  ||||2. [C] a newspaper or magazine printed at a particular time |(杂志、报纸等)期;号

  || ||Here is today's issue of <em>China Daily</em>. |这是今天的《中国日报》。

  || ||I read that article in the most recent issue of <em>Foreign Literature</em>. |我在最近一期《外国文学》上读到了那篇文章。

  |||vt.|officially make a statement, give an order, warning, etc. |颁布;发表

  || ||The government issues a warning that those who won't pay income taxes will be billed. |政府发出了警告,凡不愿付所得税的人将被罚款。

  || ||This official paper is issued by the foreign affairs office. |这份正式文件是由外事办签发的。

  |@|<34>incline|vi. |tend to |倾向于

  || ||I'm inclined to agree with John. |我倾向于同意约翰的看法。

  || ||Those who fail incline to blame the world for their failure. |失败的人往往怨天怨地。

  ||<35>cynical |a.|not believing people are sincere or honest | 愤世嫉俗的;玩世不恭的

  || ||He has a cynical view of the world. |他以玩世不恭的态度看待世界。

  || ||I think movie stars just do charity work to get publicity —but maybe I'm too cynical. |我想电影明星做慈善工作是为了炒作自己,但我说这话也许偏激了。

  |@|<36>notion     |n. |[C] an idea, belief, or opinion |概念;观念;看法

  || ||One common notion is that red hair goes with a quick temper. |人们常常认为红头发意味脾气暴躁。

  || ||This article deals with some modern notions about the Internet. |这篇文章说的是现代人对因特网的一些看法。

  ||<37>incidence  |n.|[sing.] the number of times sth. happens |发生率

  || ||a high incidence of unemployment |高失业率

  || ||Smokers have the highest incidence of lung cancer. |吸烟者肺癌的发病率最高。

  |@|<38>honesty    |n. |[U] the quality of being honest |诚实,正直

  || ||Are you questioning my honesty? |你不相信我的诚实?

  || ||As a newspaper reporter I am committed to honesty and accuracy. |作为报纸记者,我致力于诚实和准确。

  ||<39> <em>inventive</em> |a.  |able to think of new and original ideas |善于发明的,有创造能力的

  || ||an inventive writer |有创造力的作家

  || ||He is one of the most talented and inventive drummers in modern music. |他是现代音乐界最具天赋和创造力的鼓手之一。

  |@|<40>proof      |a. |(usu. used in compounds) having or giving protection |能防...的

  || ||bullet-proof glass |防弹玻璃

  || ||The material is fire-proof. |这种材料是防火的。

  ||        |n. |[C, U] evidence that shows sth. is true  |证据

  || ||This is not automatically proof that he is wrong. |这并不一定证明他错了。

  || ||Do you have any proof to show you are very capable? |你有证据证明你有能力吗?

  ||<41> <em>cheat-proof</em> |a.    |protected against cheating |防止作弊的

  || ||The educator developed a system of test taking that made tests cheat-proof. |该教育家开发了一个防止考试作弊的参试体系。

  || ||The assignment was personal, and thus cheat-proof. |该作业涉及个人的问题,所以可以防止作弊。

  |@|<42>structure  |vt.|plan or organize sth. |组织;构造;安排

  || ||He is trying to structure a sentence. |他正在努力组织一个句子。

  || ||The exhibition was structured around the topic. |展览是围绕这个主题展开的。

  ||        |n.|[C, U] the way that the parts of sth. are put together or organized |结构;组织

  || ||the political and social structure of a country |国家的政治和社会结构

  || ||A new management structure has been introduced. |引进了新的管理结构。

  |@|<43>transform  |vt. |change sb. or sth. completely |改变,改造

  || ||The Internet transformed the way people communicate. |网络改变了人们的交流方式。

  || ||They transformed the factory into a science museum. |他们把工厂改造成了科学博物馆。

  |■|<44>handout   |n. |1. [C] a paper containing information which will be dealt with in a lecture or talk |印发的讲稿

  || ||Please read the handout carefully .|请仔细阅读讲稿。

  || ||There are also handouts, which may be copied for personal use. |还有印发的讲稿,可以为个人复印。

  ||| |2. [C] sth. given to people for free |施舍物;救济物

  || ||The unemployed need jobs, not government handouts! |失业者需要的是工作,不是政府的救济。

  || ||The poor woman asked for a handout. |那个穷女人向人乞讨施舍物。

  ||<45>drama      |n. |[C] a play |戏剧

  || ||He plays a spy in the drama. |他在戏剧中扮演一个间谍。

  || ||Which do you like better: music or drama? |音乐和戏剧,你更喜欢哪个?

  ||<46>narrative  |n. |1. [U] the process or methods of telling a story |叙述;叙述手法

  || ||He is studying different aspects of narrative of different writers. |他在研究不同作者的不同叙述手法。

  ||| |2. [C] a story or an account of sth. that has happened |故事;记叙文

  || ||The narrative is told in the first person. |故事是用第一人称叙述的。

  || ||The author was very strong on narratives. |这位作者善于讲故事。

  |@|<47>curb       |vt. |control or limit sth. that is harmful |抑制;控制

  || ||The law aims to curb pollution of rivers. |这条法律旨在抑制河流污染。

  || ||Measures should be taken to curb the spread of the virus. |应采取措施控制病毒扩散。

  |||n. |[C] a rule or control that limits sth. |抑制;控制

  || ||a curb on local government spending |控制当地政府开支

  || ||Put a curb on your temper. |收敛一下你的脾气。

  |@|<48>strategy   |n. |1. [C] a plan or method that sb. uses to achieve sth. |对策;策略;计划

  || ||Learners should find learning strategies suitable for themselves. |学习者应该寻求适合自己的学习策略。

  || ||What should our marketing strategy have achieved? |我们的销售策略本该取得什么效果?

  ||| |2. [U] the art of planning movements of armies in war |战略;兵法

  || ||Their strategy of attacking from the rear proved to be successful. |事实证明,他们从后路进攻敌人的战略方法是成功的。

  || ||It is the general's role to develop overall strategy. |应由将军来制定总体战略方针。

  ||<49>basically  |ad. |simply; essentially |基本地

  || ||All cheese are made in basically the same way. |奶酪的制作方式基本相同。

  || ||Basically, he's a nice person, but he doesn't always show it. |他本质上是个好人,但他并不常表现出来。

  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>

  ||<50>for free   |without charge or cost |免费

  || |This card can enable you to watch movies for free in this cinema. |有了这张卡,你就可以在这家影院免费看电影。

  || |People over 60 years old can use public transportation for free. |60岁以上的人可以免费乘坐公交车。

  ||<51>hand over  |give to another |递交

  || |John handed his card over to the manager. |约翰把他的名片递给了经理。

  || |Hand over your exercises the day after tomorrow. |后天交作业。

  ||<52>do the trick    |do what one wants done; accomplish the purpose |达到目的

  ||      |Sometimes a few words will do the trick.|有时候几句话就能达到目的。

  ||      |That seemed to do the trick, or at least he thought so. |那好像能管用,至少他是这么认为的。

  ||<53>hail as    |recognize sb. or sth. as being good |称赞为

  || |They hailed it as a work of art. |他们说它是件艺术品。

  || |She's being hailed as one of the most promising young dancing stars today. |她被赞誉为当今最有前途的青年舞蹈明星之一。

  ||<54>a little bit    |to a small degree |有点

  ||      |He looks a little bit like his cousin. |他看上去有点像他堂兄。

  ||      |Is that a little bit tough? | 这是不是有点儿难?

  ||<55>be inclined to  |be likely to; tend to |倾向于;容易(做)

  ||      |I'm inclined to get tired. |我容易疲劳。

  ||      |He's inclined to accept my invitation. |他倾向于接受我的邀请。

  ||<56>sort of    |to some degree |有几分;近似

  || |I'm sort of tired. |我有点累。

  || |Isn't it sort of foolish to loan money to a cheat? |把钱借给骗子不是有点傻吗?

  ||<57>be a question of sth.  |used to say what the most important fact, part, or feature of sth. is |(重要的)是...的问题

  ||     |It is a question of whether they are good at managing. |这是个他们是否善于管理的问题。

  ||     |I would love to come, but it's a question of time. |我想来,只是有个时间的问题。

  ||<58>make the most of sth.  |make the best use of sth. or get the best possible result |充分利用某物

  ||     |He told the students to make the most of the opportunity to study. |他告诉学生好好利用这次机会学习。

  ||     |He didn't do well because he didn't make the most of his ability. |他没有干好是因为他没有尽力。

  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>

  ||<59>Collegiate Care | |“大学关心”网

  ||<60>Hamlet          | |哈姆雷特(莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》的男主人公)

  ||<61>Jane Morrison   | |简·莫里森(人名)

  ||<62>Berkeley     | |(此处指)加州大学伯克利分校

  ||<63>Gary Handman    | |加里·汉德曼(人名)

  ||<64>Arianne Chernock| |阿里亚尼·彻诺克(人名)

  ||<65>Leslie Farmer   | |莱斯利·法默(人名)

a general strike
affine line
anthraquinone blue
atom-bound electron
bent his elbow
cachou extract
carious ulcer
center jump
chern simons gauge theory
chrysanthemum dicarboxylic acid
circular iris
classical management
concentrated winding
condensation-preventing chemicals
constant pressure gas turbine
cyclic timing
dock harbour
electrically programmable ROM
fatty acid amide
flame cultivation
gear movement error
given us a hand
GM curve
gross sample
haul on the wind
hide oneself
hoya kerrii craib
indirect offer
induced aerodynamics
industrial development certificate
interview for a job
inversion effect
Kommunizma, Pik
Labrador Sea
level gauge for evaporator
limbus corneae
majority logic decodable code
Middle Western
Moore, Michael
neodrymonia (polystictina) maculata
numerical examination
office profile
oxide depletion zone
parallel scan
phonologic systems
plethobasus cooperianus
preventive dentistry
problem input tape
purifier sieve
radiance thermometry
relocatable task set
ribosome binding sequence
rounded stem
rubidium sulfocyanide
saponification number
set one's heart upon
simple payment loan
strong reference
surgical boot
telephone band
the dishes
tonnage of freight arrived
tossing for
total parotidectomy
transit stadia traverse
Turochakskiy Rayon
Tutcheria acutiserrata
undergo the blood test
usual method
wideangle collimating window