时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册

新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册 unit07 b - 英语课
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  1. 1 新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册 unit07 b 英语课


<TITLE>New Words</TITLE>

|@|<1>handle      |n.|[C] the part of sth. that one holds when using it |柄,把手

||| |She turned the handle and opened the door. |她转了一下把手,开了门。

||| |The handle on this door is rather stiff. |这门上的把手很不灵活。

||        |vt. |deal with or control |处理,处置

||| |This port handles 100 million tons of goods each year. |这港口每年要处理1亿吨货物。

||| |I have a problem at work and I really don't know how to handle it. |我工作上遇到了一个问题,真不知如何来处理它。

||<2>bullet|n. |[C] |子弹

||| |The bullet hit her in the arm. |子弹射中了她的手臂。

|@|<3>advocate    |vt.|publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things |主张,拥护,提倡

||| |The minister advocated a change of the tax laws. |这位部长主张修改税法。

||| |She advocates taking a more long-term view. |她主张要有更长远的观点。

||        |n.|[C] sb. who publicly supports sb. or sth. |拥护者,提倡者

||| |She has always been an advocate of changes to the current educational system. |她一贯主张对目前的教育体制进行改革。

||| |He's a strong advocate of state ownership of the railways. |他是铁路国有化的坚决拥护者。

|@|<4>ignorance |n.|[U] lack of information or knowledge |无知,不知

||| |The mistake was due to her ignorance. |这个错误是由于她的无知造成的。

||| |His comments showed his total ignorance of the event. |他的评论表明他对此事件毫不了解。

||<5>statistics  |n.|1.(pl.) a group of numbers that represent facts or describe a situation |统计;统计数据

||| |Statistics show that 90 percent of homes in this country have a television. |统计资料表明这个国家百分之九十的家庭拥有电视机。

||| |Recent statistics support the professor's opinion. |最近的统计数据支持那位教授的观点。

||        ||2.[sing.] the science of collecting and examining numbers for patterns |统计学

||| |Statistics is a branch of mathematics. |统计学是数学的一个分支。

||| |Did you take statistics at college? |你上大学时学统计学了吗?

|@|<6>previous |a.|coming or happening before or earlier |以前的,先前的

||| |Do you have previous experiences in this type of work? |你以前有过从事这类工作的经历吗?

||| |This issue has been discussed at length in the previous chapter. |这个问题已经在上一章中详细地讨论过了。

||<7> <em>previously 1</em> |ad.  |before now or before a particular time |以前,先前(地)

||| |I had previously worked in Italy and Spain. |我移居法国前,曾在意大利和西班牙工作过。

||| |She was previously employed as a tour guide. |她此前曾是导游。

|@|<8>violence  |n.|[U] behavior that is intended to hurt other people physically 2 |暴力(行为)

||| |Never use violence against children. |千万不要对儿童实施暴力行为。

||| |There is too much violence on TV these days. |现在电视上有关暴力的内容太多。

|@|<9>violent|a. |involving actions that are intended to injure or kill people |暴力的

||| |The strike led to violent conflicts. |罢工导致了暴力冲突。

||| |The increase in violent crime is troubling the authorities. |暴力犯罪的上升使当局很头痛。

|@|<10>affect|vt.|1. influence or cause sb. or sth. to change in a particular way |影响

||| |Her personal problems seem to be affecting her work. |她个人方面的问题似乎正影响着她的工作。

||| |Loud music can affect your hearing. | 喧闹的音乐会影响你的听力。

||||2. have a strong effect on sb.'s emotion |打动;使感动

||| |The sight affected 3 her to tears. |此情此景使她感动得流泪。

||| |We were all deeply affected by her death. |她的死对我们震动很大。

|@|<11>transport  |vt.|move sb. or sth. from one place to another |运送,搬运

||| |The goods were transported by air. |这些货物是空运的。

||| |Such heavy items are expensive to transport by plane. |这么重的东西空运很贵。

||<12>residence  |n.|[C] a person's home; a large house of sb. important |住处,住宅;公馆

||| |The red building is a private residence. |那栋红楼是私人住宅。

||| |The official residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace. |白金汉宫是女王的官邸。

|@|<13>intend |vt.|1. plan, mean, or make sth. for a particular person or purpose |(为...而)准备,打算使...成为

||| |You shouldn't have read that letter; it wasn't intended for you. |你不该读那封信的,那信不是写给你的。

||| |This dictionary is intended for international learners of English. |这本词典是专为学习英语的外国学生编的。

||||2. plan or mean to do sth. |想要,打算,计划

||| |I spent more money than I had intended. |我花的钱已超过我原来的计划了。

||| |I intended to call but I completely forgot. |我原打算打电话的,可忘了个一干二净。

|@|<14>injure     |vt.|harm or hurt sb. |伤害,损害

||| |David was badly injured in the accident. |戴维在事故中伤得很重。

||| |She fell and injured her shoulder. |她摔倒了,伤了肩膀。

|@|<15>confront|vt.|1. face sb. or sth. unpleasant, difficult, etc. |使面对

||| |When the teacher confronted Tommy with the facts, he admitted it. |当这位教师把证据摆在汤米面前时,他坦白了。

||| |We try to help people confront their problems. |我们试图帮助人们去面对自己的问题。

||||2. (of problems, difficulty, etc.) appear and need to be dealt with |面临,遭遇

||| |The problems confronting us are hard to handle. |我们面临的困难很难解决。

||| |He was confronted with the biggest crisis in his political life. |他面临着政治生涯中最大的危机。

|@|<16>imagination|n.  |1. [U] sth. only existing or happening in one's mind |想象;幻觉

||| |Did you hear that noise, or was it my imagination? |你听到那声音了没有?还是我的幻觉?

||| |The problem was all in your imagination. |问题都是你想象出来的。

|||  |2. [C, U] the ability to form pictures or ideas in one's mind |想象力

||| |Children often have vivid imaginations. |孩子们常常有生动的想象力。

||| |Try to make full use of your imagination when designing the building. |设计大楼时一定要充分发挥你的想象力。

||<17>reality    |n.|[C, U] what actually happens or is true |现实,实际

||| |We had hoped that things would get easy but the reality was very different. |我们曾希望事情会变得容易些,可现实却截然不同。

||| |What we should do is face reality. |我们所要做的就是面对现实。

||<18>apartment  |n. |[C] (esp. AmE) a set of rooms for living in |一套房间;公寓套房

||| |I'll give you the keys to my apartment. |我会给你我公寓的钥匙。

||| |She lives in a small apartment. |她住在一套很小的公寓里。

|@|<19>intention|n.     |[C, U] what sb. intends to do |意图,打算,目的

||| |Our intention was to leave early in the morning. |我们打算早上早点走。

||| |I've got no intention of staying indoors on a nice sunny day like this. |像这样一个阳光明媚的日子,我根本不打算呆在屋里。

||<20> <em>intentionally 4</em> |ad.    |on purpose |故意地,有意地

||| |I can't believe the boys broke the windows intentionally. |我相信这些男孩不是故意打碎窗玻璃的。

||| |I didn't ignore her intentionally—I just didn't recognize her. |我不是故意不理她的,我就是没有认出她。

|@|<21>omit |vt.|not include sb. or sth. |省略,遗漏

||| |You can omit the last two sentences of the passage. |你可以把这篇文章的最后两句话省去。

||| |Please don't omit any details. |请不要漏掉任何细节。

|@|<22>dominate  |v. |have control over a place or a person, or be the most important person or thing |支配,统治;在...中占首要地位

||| |These two questions dominated the discussion. |在讨论中这两个问题占首要地位。

||| |The tree, which had grown too large, dominated the little garden. |这棵树长得太大了,独占了这个小庭园。

||<23> <em>dominating</em> |a.   |controlling or having a lot of influence over sb. or sth. |有支配力的,有影响力的

||| |She was certainly a dominating figure. |她当然是一个有影响力的人物。

||| |The boy was brought up by his mother, who had a dominating influence in his life. |这男孩是由他母亲养育大的,他母亲对他的一生有很大的影响。

||<24>Negro      |n.  |[C] (offensive) a black person |黑人

||| |The Negro is not someone to be laughed at. |黑人不是被取笑的。

||| |Black people now would rather be called black than Negro. |黑人现在宁愿被称为black,而不是Negro。

||<25>gas        |n.|[U] (AmE, also  gasoline) the liquid that is used as fuel for motor vehicles |汽油

||| |There is a gas station near the school. |学校附近有一个加油站。

||| |I'll stop and get some gas—we're running low. |我得停下加点油,油快用完了。

||<26>cashier    |n. |[C] sb. whose job is to receive or give money in a shop, bank, etc. |出纳员,收银员

||| |She was once a cashier. |她曾经当过出纳员。

||| |The cashier made a mistake and the manager scolded her in public. |出纳员出了差错,经理当众责备了她。

|@|<27>reveal|vt.|make sth. known; show |揭示,展现;使显露

||| |All their secrets have been revealed. |他们所有的秘密都被揭露了。

||| |He revealed that he had been in prison twice before. |他透露他以前蹲过两次牢。

|@|<28>anxiety    |n. |[C, U] a feeling of worry or fear |焦虑,担忧

||| |There are anxieties over the effects of job losses. |人们对失业的影响感到忧心忡忡。

||| |Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about their first day of school. |孩子们对第一天上学通常会感到焦虑。

||<29>automobile 5 |n. |[C] (also auto) a car |汽车

||| |The automobile industry has developed very rapidly in this country. |这个国家的汽车制造业发展得很快。

||| |There are several second-hand 6 automobile dealers 7 in the city. |这个城市有好几个二手汽车经销商。

||<30>automatic  |a.|1. (of an action) done without thinking or like a machine |不加思索的;机械的

||| |She knew the lesson so well that her answers were automatic. |她对这一课极为熟悉,能够不假思索随口回答问题。

||| |My automatic response was to pull my hand away. |我下意识的反应就是把手拿开。

||        ||2. (of a machine) that can work by itself |自动的

||        ||automatic doors |自动门

||| |He bought an automatic washing machine yesterday. |他昨天买了 一台自动洗衣机。

||<31> <em>automatically</em> |ad.    |1. without thinking about what is being done |不加思索地,无意识地

||| |"Of course," I replied automatically. |“当然啰”,我不加思索地答道。

||| |You cannot automatically assume that everything your teacher says is correct. |你不能不加思索地认为你老师说的一切都是对的。

||        ||2. by the action of a machine, without a person making it work |自动地

||| |The light will come on automatically when it gets dark.|天一黑,灯就会自动亮起来。

||| |The doors opened automatically.|门自动地打开了。

|@|<32>disgust    |vt.|make sb. feel annoyed or upset about sth. |使(某人)反感,使厌恶

||| |His rudeness disgusted us. |他的粗鲁使我们很反感。

||| |Many parents claimed to be disgusted by the amount of violence in the film. |许多家长声称他们对这部电影中的大量暴力感到厌恶。

|★|<33>confrontation 8     |n.|[C, U] a situation in which people or groups are arguing angrily or fighting |对抗,冲突

||| |Two people were killed and several wounded in the armed confrontation. |在武装冲突中死了两个人,伤了好几个。

||| |She wanted to avoid another confrontation with her father. |她想避免再次与父亲发生冲突。

|@|<34>guilty     |a. |1. feeling ashamed and sorry because one has done sth. wrong |内疚的;愧疚的

||| |I feel really guilty about not having written to you for so long.  |我这么长时间没给你写信了,感到十分内疚。

||| |I feel so guilty about forgetting her birthday. |我忘了她的生日,感到很内疚。

||        ||2. having done sth. that is a crime |有罪的;犯罪的

||| |She was found guilty of murder in the first degree. |她被发现犯有一级谋杀罪。

||| |The jury has to decide whether a person is guilty or innocent of a crime. |陪审团必须决定一个人是有罪还是无罪的。

|★|<35>guilt 9      |n.|1. [U] the feeling of having done sth. wrong |内疚

||| |She felt terrible guilt at the way she had behaved. |她对自己过去的行为深感内疚。

||| |She had feelings of guilt about leaving her children and going to work. |她对离开孩子去工作有内疚感。

||        ||2. [U] the fact that one has broken a law |罪,犯罪

||| |His guilt was not proved and so he went free.|无法证明他有罪,所以他被释放了。

||| |Both suspects admitted their guilt to the police. |两个嫌疑犯都向警察承认他们有罪。

||<36>bet |v.|(bet, bet) |

|| ||1. risk money on the result of a race, game, match, or a future event |以(钱、物等)打赌

||| |I'll bet you $100 that you can't do it. |我与你赌100美元,你干不了这件事。

||| |She bet £50,000 on the horse, which came in second. |她下了5万英镑赌那匹马赢,结果那匹马跑了第二。

||||2. be very certain |确信,敢说

||| |I bet I can run faster than you. |我敢说我能跑得比你快。

||| |I bet you (that) she's missed the bus. |我敢说她没赶上公交车。

||<37>gasoline|n.|(=gas) |汽油

||| |After the war, everything cost more: gasoline, buses, hotel accommodations, and musicians' salaries. |战后什么花费都贵了:汽油、公交车、旅馆住宿、音乐演奏家的工资。

||| |Three hundred gallons of gasoline were loaded today. |今天加了300加仑的汽油。

<TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>

||<38>be immune to   |be not affected by |不受...影响的,对...有免疫力的

||    |Most adults are immune to this disease. |大部分成年人对这种疾病有免疫力。

||    |The press had criticized her so often that in the end she was immune to it.|报纸经常批评她,到最后这些批评对她不起作用了。

||<39>believe in |consider sth. to be true; have faith or trust in |相信...的存在;信任

|||She used to say she didn't believe in marriage. |她过去常说她不相信婚姻。

|||I don't believe in miracles. |我不相信奇迹。

||<40>be capable of  |be able to |有能力(做)

||    |No one is capable of learning a foreign language within months. |谁也不可能在几个月内就学好一门外语。

||    |I think you are capable of doing the job. |我认为你有能力做这项工作。

||<41>be intended for |be provided or designed for a particular person or purpose |打算供...之用;为...而准备

||    |This course is intended for students interested in classical music. |这门课程是为对古典音乐感兴趣的学生开设的。

||    |The room is intended for the professor who will give a speech for us tomorrow.|这个房间是为明天要给我们作讲座的那位教授准备的。

||<42>hear of    |learn about; gain information about |听说,得知

|||We didn't hear of the news. |我们没听说过那个消息。

|||I've heard of him, but I've never read anything by him. |我听说过他,可是从来没有读过他写的任何东西。

||<43>at the sight of |when seeing |一看见

||    |She always faints at the sight of blood. |她一看见血就犯晕。

||    |He stopped at the sight of me. |他看到我就停了下来。

||<44>live with  |accept sth. unpleasant |忍受,容忍

|||Whether you like the new rule or not, you have to live with it. |无论你喜欢与否,你都得容忍这一新的规定。

|||You must live with the fact that you are no longer as strong as you were. |你得承认,你已经不像过去那样健壮了。

<TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>

||<45>Claiborne| |克莱尔本街(地名)

||<46>Jackson    | |杰克逊街(地名)

||<47>Carlton    | |卡尔顿街(地名)

||<48>Tulane     | |图兰街(地名)

1 previously
  • The bicycle tyre blew out at a previously damaged point.自行车胎在以前损坏过的地方又爆开了。
  • Let me digress for a moment and explain what had happened previously.让我岔开一会儿,解释原先发生了什么。
2 physically
  • He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
  • Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。
3 affected
  • She showed an affected interest in our subject.她假装对我们的课题感到兴趣。
  • His manners are affected.他的态度不自然。
4 intentionally
  • I didn't say it intentionally. 我是无心说的。
  • The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused. 当地政府裁定他是有意居无定所,因此没有资格再获得提供住房。
5 automobile
  • He is repairing the brake lever of an automobile.他正在修理汽车的刹车杆。
  • The automobile slowed down to go around the curves in the road.汽车在路上转弯时放慢了速度。
6 second-hand
  • I got this book by chance at a second-hand bookshop.我赶巧在一家旧书店里买到这本书。
  • They will put all these second-hand goods up for sale.他们将把这些旧货全部公开出售。
7 dealers
n.商人( dealer的名词复数 );贩毒者;毒品贩子;发牌者
  • There was fast bidding between private collectors and dealers. 私人收藏家和交易商急速竞相喊价。
  • The police were corrupt and were operating in collusion with the drug dealers. 警察腐败,与那伙毒品贩子内外勾结。
8 confrontation
  • We can't risk another confrontation with the union.我们不能冒再次同工会对抗的危险。
  • After years of confrontation,they finally have achieved a modus vivendi.在对抗很长时间后,他们最后达成安宁生存的非正式协议。
9 guilt
  • She tried to cover up her guilt by lying.她企图用谎言掩饰自己的罪行。
  • Don't lay a guilt trip on your child about schoolwork.别因为功课责备孩子而使他觉得很内疚。
an open wound
annual variation of wind speed
black rot of cucurbits
block models
candela (cd)
chill of abdomen
chloroplast mRNA
Chollet, Chutes
close the stable door after the horse has been stolen
cold drawn tube
continuous serving rating
cross luminance
cultivated plant
decomposite leaf
degree of cross linking
design of form
drawing of crystal
east wind
electro thermostat
enteric tuberculosis
erection space
false brill
garbage mitts
generalized inversion
gilt watch
have a change of heart
high-flash oil
hold in due course
intelligence journal
interstate commerce act
Iris kaempferi
jorunna rubescens
lax judgment
lean-to tent
logical line end symbol
map overlay
mercury vapour tube
microporus plastic shect
Middle Fiord
mud bearer
New Georgia Sd.
old whale
optimal search tree
palmar fascia
Piper senporeiense
primary photochemical reaction
purple chinese housess
relative clearance of plain bearing
serrulate seta
shifted tax
spathiopyrite (clinosafflorite)
specimen transfer mechanism
subterranean layering
Tayler standard screen scale
ultor element
United States of Brazil
unstandardized question
Va. R.