时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册



  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>

  ||<1> <em>creativity</em> |n.  |[U] the ability to create new ideas or things |创造力

  ||||A good teacher can encourage students' creativity. |好老师能够激发学生的创造力。

  ||||This exercise can encourage creativity in the use of language. |这类练习可以激发运用语言的创造力。

  ||<2>chill|v.|make or become cold |(使) 变冷;冷藏

  ||||The freezing weather chilled me to the bone. |寒冷的天气使我感到冰冷刺骨。

  ||||I put some beer in the icebox to chill. |我放了些啤酒到冰箱里冷藏。

  |||n.|[sing.] a feeling of coldness |寒冷;寒意

  ||||The sound of his boots precedes him and he brings a rush of morning chill in. |随着靴子声他进了屋, 带进一阵清晨的寒气。

  ||||Please, turn on the heater to rid us of this chill. |请把暖气打开, 帮我们赶走寒气。

  |@|<3>dip|vt.|put sth. into a liquid and lift it out again |蘸,浸

  ||||She dipped her hand in the sea to find out how cold it was. |她把手放入海水中, 想感觉一下它有多凉。

  ||||The painter dipped his brush into the paint. |画家拿画笔蘸颜料。

  |@|<4>applaud|v.|express good opinion or favor by clapping one's hands |拍手,喝彩;称赞

  ||||Everyone applauded when the play ended. |演出结束时, 大家都热烈鼓掌。

  ||||They have been applauded for their decision to close the small paint factory. |他们决定关闭这座小印染厂,得到了大家的赞扬。

  |@|<5>remark|vt.|say sth., esp. about sth. one has just noticed |评论;谈论

  ||||He remarked that we shouldn't be late again. |他说我们不应该再迟到了。

  ||||As he often remarked, one is never too old to learn. |正如他一向所说的那样, 一个人要活到老学到老。

  |||n.|[C] a comment |评论;谈论

  ||||It's impolite to make remarks on others' personal affairs. |对别人的私事说三道四是不礼貌的。

  ||||I didn't agree with his closing remarks. |我对他的闭幕词不太赞同。

  |@|<6>decade|n.|[C] a period of ten years |十年

  ||||The habit accompanied him for decades. |这个习惯伴随了他数十年。

  ||||Prices have risen continuously during the past decade. |在过去的10年里,物价一直在上涨。

  |@|<7>convince|vt.|make sb. feel certain that sth. is true |使确信,使信服

  ||||You don't have to convince me you're right. |你不必说服我相信你是对的。

  ||||It took many hours to convince the judge of his guilt. |花费了许多小时法官才相信他有罪。

  |@|<8>capacity|n.|1. [C, U] one's ability to do sth. |才能,能力

  ||||This book is within the capacity of young readers. |这本书年轻读者可以读懂。

  ||||They have improved their organization and fighting capacity. |他们提高了组织能力和战斗力。

  ||||2. [sing.] the ability to hold or contain sth. |容量,容积

  ||||This room has a seating capacity of 100 people. |这个房间可坐100人。

  ||||The university decided to increase the capacity of the lecture hall. |学校决定扩大演讲厅的容纳力。

  ||<9>impulse|n.|[C] a sudden wish to do sth. |冲动;刺激

  ||||a man of impulse |易冲动的人

  ||||She bought the dress on impulse. |她一时冲动买了这件衣服。

  |@|<10>potential|n.|[U] qualities that exist and can be developed |潜力,潜能

  ||||She shows potential as a teacher. |她表现出当教师的潜在能力。

  ||||He reached his full potential as a composer. |作为一名作曲家,他已充分发挥了自己的潜能。

  |||a.|likely to happen or become so, although not actually existing at present |潜在的

  ||||The hole in the road is a potential danger. |路上的坑是个潜在的危险。

  ||||Education develops potential abilities. |教育能开发人的潜能。

  ||<11>reservoir|n.|1. [C] a large amount of sth. that is available and has not yet been used |贮藏,蓄积

  ||||Colleges are a reservoir of talents for companies. |大学是公司的人才储备库。

  ||||She found she had a reservoir of unexpected strength. |她发现自己身上蓄积了意想不到的力量。

  ||||2. [C] |水库

  ||||If it rains heavily, the reservoir will overflow. |如果下大雨,水库里的水就会溢出来。

  ||<12>concrete|a.|definite and specific |具体的

  ||||He supported his idea with concrete examples. |他用具体例子来说明他的观点。

  ||||Have you any concrete plans about how to deal with these difficulties? |对怎样解决这些困难,你有没有什么具体的计划?

  ||<13>capture|vt.|1. catch sb. or sth. |捕获,捕捉

  ||||The criminal was captured when trying to escape from the city. |罪犯在企图逃离这座城市时被捕获。

  ||||In his traveling report, he tried to capture the beauty of the Great Waterfalls. |他努力在他的游记中记录下大瀑布的壮美。

  ||||2. seize; occupy |夺得;占领

  ||||The army fought its way down and captured many enemy camps. |部队长驱直入, 攻下许多敌军军营。

  ||||The town was captured after a siege lasting ten days. |小镇被围10天后沦陷了。

  ||<14> <em>fleeting|a.|passing quickly; not lasting long |飞逝的;短暂的

  ||||the fleeting hours |飞逝的时光

  ||||Youth is so fleeting. |青春是如此的短暂。

  ||<15>carriage|n.|[C] |四轮马车

  ||||The queen rode in a decorated carriage pulled by four white horses. |女王乘一辆由四匹白马拉着的华丽马车。

  ||||The passenger wagons were not going into town for another half hour, so I hired a carriage and went in myself. |半小时内没有客车进城, 我只能雇一辆马车, 自己前往。

  ||<16>scarcely|ad.|1. only a moment ago |仅仅;才

  ||||The meeting had scarcely begun when it was interrupted. |会议刚开始就被打断了。

  ||||Scarcely had he arrived home when it began to rain. |他一回到家就开始下雨了。

  ||||2. almost not; hardly |几乎不

  ||||He scarcely goes to cinema. |他几乎不去看电影。

  ||||I scarcely knew what to do next. |我简直不知道下一步该做什么。

  |@|<17>awake|v.|(awoke, awoken) wake up or make sb. wake up |(使)醒来;唤醒

  ||||A loud noise awoke me in the middle of the night. |夜半时分,  一声巨响将我惊醒。

  ||||He awoke to find himself alone in the room. |他醒来时发现房内只有他自己。

  |@|<18>recall|v.|bring back to memory; remember |回想,回忆起

  ||||David recalled an incident that took place in his hometown some 12 years before. |戴维回想起大约12年前发生在自己家乡的一桩事情。

  ||||I recall that on at least one occasion I saw him taking money from the office. |我想起至少有一次我看见他从办公室里拿走钱。

  ||<19>fortunately</em> |ad.    |by good chance; luckily |幸运地

  ||||Fortunately, the train was on time. |幸好火车按时到达。

  ||||Fortunately, this has not happened. |幸运的是,这一情况并没有发生。

  ||<20>sketch|v.|make a quick or simple drawing or painting |勾画,绘草图

  ||||He sketched the cat. |他给猫画了个速写。

  ||||He grabbed a piece of paper and quickly sketched the bird before it flew away. |他抓起一张纸,赶在那只鸟飞走前把它画了下来。

  ||<21>fertile|a.|1. (of a person's mind) inventive; full of new ideas |(思想、创意等) 丰富的

  ||||He is a child with a fertile imagination.  |他是个有丰富的想象力的孩子。

  ||||Ideas appear one after another in her fertile mind. |她想象力丰富,头脑里想法层出不穷。

  ||||2. (of land) able to produce good crops |(土地)肥沃的,富饶的

  ||||The land is fertile of wheat. |这片土地盛产小麦。

  ||||A large area of desert was reclaimed to return to fertile soil in the northwest. |西北地区有一大片沙漠经过改良变成了肥沃的土地。

  |@|<22>advantage|n.|[C, U] a good quality or condition |优势;有利条件

  ||||She has an obvious advantage because of her fluent English. |她说一口流利的英语,所以有明显的优势。

  ||||His teaching experience gives him an advantage over other applicants. |他的教学经历使他比别的求职者有优势。

  |@|<23>productive|a.|1. achieving a lot |有收益的,富有成效的

  ||||Talks to end the strike had not been very productive. |旨在结束罢工的谈判没有取得什么成果。

  ||||I spent a productive hour in the library. |我在图书馆的一个小时很有收获。

  ||||2. producing or able to produce goods or crops, esp. in large quantities |多产的

  ||||a productive writer |多产作家

  ||||They have found ways to make more productive use of agricultural land. |他们找到了使农业用地更多产的方法。

  |@|<24>disturb|vt.|interrupt sb. or make sb. worried or upset |打扰;妨碍; 使烦恼

  ||||He told his secretary that he was not to be disturbed. |他吩咐秘书不要让人打搅他。

  ||||Don't disturb him when he is reading. |他看书时别打扰他。

  ||<25> <em>undisturbed</em> |a.    |not being disturbed |未受打扰 (或妨碍) 的

  ||||The author went up into the mountains where he could finish writing his novel undisturbed. |作者住进了山区,那里他可以不受干扰地写完小说。

  ||||Local homeowners are soundly asleep in the early morning, undisturbed by the loud frogs. |当地的房主人清晨沉睡,未受蛙鸣的打搅。

  |@|<26>associate|n.|[C] a partner or colleague |合作人;同事

  ||||business associates |商业合作伙伴

  ||||The police caught the thief and his associates. |警察抓住了那个小偷和他的同伙。

  |@|<27>invent|vt.|make or produce a new thing or idea for the first time |发明,创造

  ||||He invented an electronic instrument that gives an alarm when an intruder comes in. |他发明的电子仪器能在有人闯入时发出警报声。

  ||||I began to invent reasons for staying away from work. |我开始为自己旷工编造理由。

  ||<28> <em>inventor</em> |n. |[C] a person who invents sth. |发明者,发明家

  ||||Alexander Graham Bell is the inventor of the telephone. |亚力山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔是电话的发明者。

  ||||Freud is the inventor of psychoanalysis. |弗洛伊德是精神分析学说的创立者。

  |@|<29>claim|vt.|state to be true, even though not proved |声称;自称

  ||||He claimed that he hadn't done it, but I didn't believe him. |他声称没有做这件事, 可是我不相信他。

  ||||People who fish and sail sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea. |渔夫和水手有时会声称在海上看到过妖怪。

  ||<30>engineering|n.|[U] the work involved in designing and building roads, bridges, machines, etc. |工程

  ||||biochemical engineering |生化工程

  ||||electrical engineering |电气工程

  |@|<31>string|n.|[C, U] a strong thread, esp. used for tying things up |细绳

  ||||The packet was tied with string. |这个包裹是用绳子捆着的。

  |■|<32>pliers|n.|(pl.) |钳子

  ||||When the knob on the television was lost, we had to use a pair of pliers to change the channel. |当电视旋钮丢失后,我们只能用钳子来换频道。

  ||||His teeth were extracted with pliers and he suffered a lot. |他的牙齿是用钳子拔掉的,痛得要命。

  |@|<33>motion|n.|[U] the act of moving from one place or position to another |运动

  ||||You must not get out of the car when it is in motion. |汽车行驶的时候千万不能下车。

  |@★|<34>pendulum|n.|[C] |钟摆

  ||||a pendulum with a 3-inch swing |摆幅为3英寸的钟摆

  ||||A pendulum is dangling from the ceiling. |从屋顶上垂下个大钟摆。

  |@|<35>swing|v.|(swung, swung) move back and forth or from one side to another from a fixed point |摇摆,摆动

  ||||the swinging of the pendulum |钟摆的摆动

  ||||The boy swung on the swing. |这个男孩荡秋千。

  |@|<36>context|n.|1. [C, U] the general conditions in which sth. takes place |(事情发生的) 环境,背景

  ||||Considering the historical context, such events were not surprising. |考虑到当时的历史背景,发生那样的事情并不让人吃惊。

  ||||In the context of the present economic crisis it seems unwise to lower government dues. |在目前经济危机的情况下,降低税金似乎是不明智的。

  ||||2. [C, U] words that come before and after a word, phrase, statement, etc. |上下文

  ||||Can you tell the meaning of this word from its context? |你能根据上下文判断出这个词的意思吗?

  ||||The context is important for understanding the meaning of a word. |上下文对理解词义很重要。

  |@|<37>transfer|v.|move from one place or job to another |转移;调动

  ||||His employer transferred him to another branch. |老板把他调到了另一个分公司。

  ||||He has transferred from the army to the navy. |他从陆军转到海军。

  |@|<38>principle|n.|[C] a basic truth, law, or theory |原则;原理

  ||||It is a principle of mine to help people when I can. |我的一个原则是尽可能地给人以帮助。

  ||||A bicycle and a motorcycle are built on the same principle, though they use different types of power. |虽然自行车和摩托车使用的动力不同,但它们的构造原理是相同的。

  |@|<39>enhance|vt.|improve |提高,增强

  ||||These measures can enhance the quality of our life. |这些措施可以提高我们的生活质量。

  ||||Health enhances beauty. |健康使人显得更美。

  ||<40>vitamin|n.|[C] |维生素

  ||||vitamin C |维生素C

  ||||Recommended diets include more vitamins and minerals. |推荐的食谱包括更多的维生素和矿物质。

  ||<41>therapy|n.|[C, U] the treatment of illness |治疗

  ||||The therapy involves getting the patient to tell the doctor about his early childhood. |治疗过程包括让病人告诉医生自己年幼时的情况。

  ||||This child is very disturbed emotionally and may require long-term therapy.  |这小孩情绪非常不稳定, 可能需要长期治疗。

  ||<42>novel|a.|not like anything known before; new |新颖的,新奇的

  ||||I spent six months living in a tiny village in northern India, which was a novel experience. |我在印度北部的一个小村子里住过6个月,这对我来说是全新的体验。

  ||||He has come up with a novel way of catching fish. |他提出了一个捕鱼的新方法。

  ||<43> <em>potentially</em> |ad.    |possibly true in the future, but not true now |可能地;潜在地

  ||||Their difference in interests is a potentially serious threat to their marriage. |他们的兴趣差异对他们的婚姻是个潜在的严重威胁。

  ||||Smoking is a potentially harmful habit. |吸烟是个有潜在危害的习惯。

  ||<44>fascinating|v.|extremely interesting |迷人的;有吸引力的

  ||||Shanghai is one of the most fascinating cities in the world. |上海是世界上最迷人的城市之一。

  ||||It was a fascinating painting, with clever use of color and light. |这是一幅吸引人的绘画,色彩和光线的使用都十分巧妙。

  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>

  ||<45>right away|at once; without delay |立刻

  |||I am going there right away. |我现在就到那里去。

  |||I have something to say to you right away. |我有话要马上跟你说。

  ||<46>act on / upon|act according to |依照...行动

  |||The lawyer will act on your instructions. |律师会按照您的吩咐行事。

  |||The group acted upon the statements the researchers made. |这个小组是按照研究人员的建议行事的。

  ||<47>come one's way|occur so that one has it or gets it |发生在某人身上;可以被某人利用

  |||Take advantage of the opportunities coming your way. |有机会时要好好利用它。

  |||I'm waiting for a big break to come my way. |我希望好运降临在我身上。

  ||<48>fall asleep|go into a state of sleep |睡着

  |||He fell asleep soon after he turned off the light. |他关上灯很快就睡着了。

  |||Her three-year-old daughter fell asleep while we talked. |我们谈话时她3岁的女儿睡着了。

  ||<49>take advantage of|1. make use of |利用

  |||I took advantage of the moment to leave the room. |我利用这个时机离开了屋子。

  |||The students took advantage of the fine weather to play tennis. |学生们利用好天气打网球。

  |||2. treat sb. unfairly in order to get sth. |(不公正地)利用某人

  |||The thief took advantage of her innocence. |小偷利用了她的天真。

  |||The robber took advantage of the old woman's kindness by cheating her to open the door. |那个抢劫犯利用老人的善良骗她打开门。

  ||<50>bring sb. together|arrange for people to meet and do sth. together |使聚在一起;使联合

  |||We brought the researchers together to finish the project. |我们将研究人员聚在一起完成这项工程。

  |||The event is unique in bringing together people of common interest. |将志趣相投的人聚在一起实属难得。

  ||<51>lead to|cause sth. to happen |引发,导致

  |||The driver's carelessness led to the accident. |驾驶员的粗心大意导致了这场车祸。

  |||His ignorance led to his failure. |他失败是由于无知。

  ||<52>at once|at the same time; all at one time |同时

  |||Don't eat and talk at once. |不要一边吃饭一边说话。

  |||I can't do two things at once. |我不能同时做两件事情。

  ||<53>set (sth.) in motion|cause (sth.) to start moving or happening |使...运转起来 ;启动

  |||Pull this handle to set the machine in motion. |拉动这个手柄就可以使机器运转起来。

  |||The discovery set in motion a new round of searching for the missing boy. |那个发现开始了又一轮寻找失踪男孩的过程。

  ||<54>back and forth|going in one direction and then in the opposite direction |来回,前后

  |||Someone was pacing back and forth behind the curtain. |有人在幕布后踱来踱去。

  |||She walked back and forth along the shore of the sea, anxiously waiting for the fishing boats to return. |她沿着海岸走来走去, 焦急地等待着渔船的返回。

  ||<55>take up|start doing sth. as a habit, job, or interest |开始从事;对...产生兴趣

  |||He took up art while at school. |他在学校时开始学习艺术。

  |||When he left school he took up news writing. |他毕业后开始从事新闻写作。

  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>

  ||<56>Edison   | |爱迪生(1847—1931,美国发明家)

  ||<57>Picasso   | |毕加索(1881—1973,西班牙画家)

  ||<58>Shakespeare   | |莎士比亚(1564—1616,英国戏剧家和诗人)

  ||<59>Ludwig van Beethoven   | |路德维希·凡·贝多芬(1770—1827,德国作曲家)

  ||<60>Salvador Dali | |萨尔瓦多·达利(1904—1989,西班牙超现实主义画家)

  ||<61>Edwin Land   | |埃德温·兰德(1909—1991,美国发明家,宝丽来相机的发明者)

  ||<62>Polaroid   | |宝丽来相机

  ||<63>Santa Fe   | |圣菲(美国新墨西哥州首府)

acid soot
Aifu Nuangong Wan
break-even points
building thermodynamics
common source connection
curried squid
defence expenditure
defence reactions
design period
don't take this the wrong way, but
drought stress
edge dressing machine
equipment for collision avoidance
evangelista torricellis
expansion tank
field riveting
flower of Chinese scholartree
for the umpteenth time
gastric sarcoma
Gauss objective lens
Hall-effect relay
helix angle of thread
high-k gate stack
initial decay
intercostobrachial nerve
interlacing impedance voltage
Italian hot sausage
jet on balanced condition
lateral ligaments of joints of toes
left horizontal stabilizer
lifting fall
limitation fund
melanin granule
multiphonon process
neuron transplantation
phase load
pop regulator
production of physical materials
recemic form
ridgy cop
sardinella zunasi
schedule of transfer
school excursion
shack job
sonobuoy equipment
spied upon
Sterba beam antenna
sterculia acerifolias
systematized sales management
tacheometric nomogram
thin bed technique
Tietê, R.
transitive relationship
us led
western snowberry
Z-buffer algorithm