Lying is more than an occasional experience for many people on blind dates. I'll keep in touch is the lie most frequently employed by single people. 许多男女相亲时都有过说谎的经历,以后再联系是最常见的谎话。 Recently a ma
职场上的交往,很多时候,认识就比不认识强,怎样才算是认识了呢?大家可能首先想到互通姓名,今天的节目就是告诉大家如何礼貌的询问他人的姓名。 What name shall I say? 您怎么称呼? May I h
馅饼(pie)和蛋糕(cake)是老外爱吃的东西。因为与他们的日常生活密切相关,所以被用以喻人喻事也就不足为怪了。 馅饼蛋糕 1. take the cake: 名列第一;优胜 Of all the hard-hearted women, she take
一提到分手,你总会想到break up或split up一类的短语,可是在英文里它们还有很多别的表达哦~ 你能看出这是在说分手吗? 除了break up还能如何表达分手? 一提到分手,你总会想到break up或spli
这里列出了说nice to meet you的一些常见的表达,还包括一些回答,这样无论你是否是话题的发起者,你都会知道如何去回答。 Formal: 正式用语 1) Pleased to meet you 很高兴见到你 2) Pleased to meet you
1. start a hobo trash fire 【原句】You're starting a hobo trash fire in our apartment? (S03E09) 【翻译】你居然在公寓里像流浪汉一样烧垃圾生火! 【场景】Max如愿通过烘焙学校的考核可以入学,但通知的学费金
Here are 10 idioms with the verb eat in English. Read the definition and example sentences for each of the 10 idioms. Next, take the idioms with eat quiz to check your knowledge. Finally, find a friend and have a discussion using these idioms. To lea
Here are 10 idioms with the verb eat in English. Read the definition and example sentences for each of the 10 idioms. Next, take the idioms with eat quiz to check your knowledge. Finally, find a friend and have a discussion using these idioms. To lea
Here are 10 idioms with the verb eat in English. Read the definition and example sentences for each of the 10 idioms. Next, take the idioms with eat quiz to check your knowledge. Finally, find a friend and have a discussion using these idioms. To lea
当你想用英语表达今天很开心的时候,你会怎么说? 你很 happy ? 那除了 happy 呢? Very happy ? 不不不,老外可能被你弄得一头雾水。 大家应该也知道,happy 不光被翻译为快乐,他也被翻译成幸福
也许正是因为小狗吐着舌头的样子憨态可掬,把炎热的夏天表现的淋漓尽致,所以英文中,有了the dog days of summer的说法。这是指夏天最热的日子,也就是我们中国人说的三伏天。 【例如】We
政坛名人时常语出惊人,好比委内瑞拉总统查韦斯,在拉美首脑峰会上与哥伦比亚总统互掐,逼得对方冒出一句to be a man,随即被无数人引用,成为新的政坛流行语。 俄罗斯总理普京也有许多
这TM都是套路!!!所有的所谓的把妹神技都是套路!这个世界就不能少一点套路多一点真诚吗!!! 不过套路的英文你真的会说吗? 【网络流行语出处】 微博和朋友圈中,有一段微信对话的截图受到大
给力,秒杀,围观等这些嘴边常说的潮词你经常用,那他们的英文表达你造么? 富二代:the rich second generation 团购:group purchase 脑残:brain-impaired 给力:gelivable 秒杀:Instant Kill 围观:circuse
It's December. So it's time to do a year-end summary! According to Evening Peak News of Voice of China, Chinese netizens have summed up top 7 network buzzwords of 2014, listed in no particular order. Dare you say you've never said one of them? 12月来
规则就是用你最快的速度说绕口令5遍! 1. Peggy Babcock. 人名吧? 2. Red leather yellow leather. 红皮衣黄皮衣。 3. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Peter Piper挑了一peck腌青椒。(P.S. peck是1个计量单位,就
The Transatlantic accent, also called a Mid-Atlantic accent, is a way of speaking English that is halfway between American and British. It makes you sound like you have a good education but no one can tell quite where you are from. You hear it in old
学了十几年的英语,仍然是聋子、是哑巴 就 中式英语是中国特色的英语教育和英语教学的杰出成果。我眼中的中国特色,是指学生在当前的教育下,学了十几年的英语,除了会考试,生活和工作中仍
Your spoken english is pretty good. Please tell me your experience in learning English. I don't know what to say. What do you want to know? What's your method of learning? Let me think a minute. I think I always try to take every chance of practice.
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- 十部美剧,完胜各种英语学习资料!
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- 实用英语口语:日常交际用语之回家后
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