1.poker face 面无表情的人 例如: I never know whether my boss likes my work or not -- he is a real poker face! 我从来也不知道我的老板到底喜不喜欢我的工作。他脸上可真是一点表情都没有。 2.The shoe is on the

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发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(87) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

Children who lead inactive lives are likely to grow up to become middle-aged couch potatoes, a study suggests。 一项研究表明,儿时不喜欢运动的人长大之后会变成懒人。 Researchers compared the TV viewing habits of more than 6,

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Stephen Hawking may belauded as one of the most brilliant people living today, but can he make sense of Zayn Malik's decision to leave British boy band One Direction? Yes, yes he can. 史蒂芬霍金也许能被誉为现今在世最杰出的人之一,

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第一条微博如下: Greetings to my friends in China! It has been too long! I last visited China in 2006 when I took part in a physics conference in Beijing. It was an extraordinary experience. My first trip was in 1985 when I travelled across y

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Professor Stephen Hawking's revealed how he has always tried to 'lead as full a life as possible,' in response to a plea for inspiring message. 在受邀分享一些励志金句时,斯蒂芬霍金教授表示,他总是尽己所能,过充实的生

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What is the cosmological effect of singer Zayn Malik leaving the best-selling boy band One Direction and consequently disappointing millions of teenage girls around the world? 歌手泽恩马利克退出热门的单向男孩乐队,进而导致数以百

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Professor Stephen Hawking, the physicist, would consider assisted suicide if he felt he had nothing more to contribute to the world and was merely a burden, he has said. 物理学家史蒂芬?霍金教授曾表示,如果他觉得自己无法再对这

发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(136) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

Like Einstein, he is as famous for his story as for his science. 他和爱因斯坦一样,人生经历与科学成就同样为人乐道。 At the age of 21, the British physicist Stephen Hawking was found to have 2)amyotrophic lateral sclerosi Lou

发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(99) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

Millions of us could be putting our lives at risk by not applying sunscreen properly, experts have warned. 专家警告说,数百万英国人因为涂抹防晒霜的方法不当而对自己的生命构成了威胁。 An online poll from the British

发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(123) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

Forget flip flops and sun tan lotion, it's coffee and ketchup that holidaymakers consider their packing essentials, according to a new study. 一项最新研究显示,度假行李中的必备物品根本不是人字拖和防晒霜,而是咖啡和番

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The world of cookies is vast. Chocolate chip cookies alone present a plethora of options, from chips to chunks, crisp to chewy, nutty to gluten free. 世界上有成千上万种类型的曲奇。仅说巧克力豆曲奇这一个品种就已经为人们

发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(87) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

Beijing's traffic may now be the worst in the world, but natives have long known the capital's streets aren't as hard to navigate as its housing. 北京的交通可能是世界上最糟糕的,但北京人长期以来就知道,北京的街道还不像

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I mostly consider my freebie and free sample addiction as a fun hobby, but throughout the years I have learned that are a few dependable freebies that make it possible to not spend any money at all in certain areas of my life. 很多时候我将自己对

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First, let me explain what awesome careers look like. They don't look like nice linear graphs, where you're moving up a little bit each month. (Heck, even so-so careers don't look like that. You don't move up every month. You get a bit better at your

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Most of us are used to seeing traffic lights above eye level. Whether we are driving, biking, or walking, traffic signals help us know when to stop and when it is safe to proceed. 我们多数人都习惯看和我们眼睛一个高度的红绿灯。无

发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(107) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

白羊Aries Assertive = 武断 Risk-taking = 爱冒险 Independent =独立 Easily-angered =易怒 Strong-willed =意志力强 金牛Taurus Territorial = 占有欲强 Achievers =事业有成 Utilizers = 善于最有效利用事物 Responsible = 有责任

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Aries 白羊座 The Aries 2016 horoscope predicts that this will be a year of windfalls with its share of obstacles for the Arians. It will be filled with fun but at the same time can be stressful if you are not careful. Innovation will be the key to

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ARIES: 白羊座: The fire element of Arise brings assertive I energy. 火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。 Tips:Your persistence will lead you to success. But your impulsive temper may cause problems. 学习相:坚持会

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