模仿句子: So we kind of reached out to John and about six months later, he was generous enough to kind of share with us this audio archive which is a little box of dusty C90 cassettes which were kind of laying undisturbed on the shelf in his of
模仿句子:Now what happens when Catholic priests break the rules, when men whose job is to be holier than the rest of us become sinners themselves? 翻译:如果一个职业神圣过人的天主教神父破了戒,成为了罪人,那会怎样
【模仿句子】 The interior ministry says four security officers were killed and five others wounded in the attack. 概况:据英国广播公司(BBC)7月5日报道,沙特圣城麦地那发生一起自杀爆炸案,事发地点靠近伊斯兰教
模仿句子:Steel analyst Peter Brennan of SP Global Platts is monitoring developments. I asked him what was happening to the global steel price. 翻译:来自标准普尔全球普氏的钢铁业分析人士Peter Brennan一直在关注事情的进
模仿句子: The hosts beat the world champions Germany 2-0, Antoine Griezmann with both the goals. At the full-time whistle, here were the thoughts of Alan Green and the former England International's Chris Waddle and Danny Mills. Mustafi was dow
模仿句子:The donkey could carry her bags and could provide her with much-needed company on the six-month adventure. 翻译:驴子不但可以帮她扛包,还能在6个月的冒险旅途中为她提供必要的陪伴。
【模仿句子】 But first a small detachment of Afghan government forces is reported to be hold up in a military base in the south of the country, surrounded by the Taliban.
模仿句子 'Let's take back control of our country.' That was a slogan of the campaign calling for Britain to leave the European Union, but who exactly is steering the UK economy and markets through the choppy waters of Brexit?
模仿句子:Austria's highest court has ordered a re-run of the country's presidential election, giving a right-wing Eurosceptic candidate Norbert Hofer a second chance after he narrowly lost in May. 翻译:就在今日,奥地利最高法院做出
模仿句子: But many people will also have seen the video footage now where he's there, he's sort of sweating, and then he's wearing his blue shirt, and he's getting all excited. Brilliant stuff, it's fantastic to watch. 翻译: 但是现在许多
【模仿句子】 But first Britain's economic standing has suffered a fresh blow in the wake of its decision to leave the European Union with two credit rating agencies downgrading its prospects. 概况:由于预期脱欧将损害英国经济,国
模仿句子:Some are calling it hyperinflation, a situation where prices rise so fast that people are desperate to spend their cash before it loses even more value, and it often goes with major social and political breakdown. 翻译:一些人称之
模仿句子:When he was six months old, his father who opposed the Soviet government was arrested, but he managed to escape from prison and the whole family fled to Iran where they lived as refugees. 翻译:他6个月大的时候,父亲因反对
模仿句子: Okay. Well, let's hear Rosberg coming back when I asked him some questions after the race about the Championship, about the engine issue. And it all comes down to crosswords. I'll explain more after Rosberg. 翻译: 好。那么,比
模仿句子: I felt very lost and rather scared by the river. And I used to walk with my baby over the bridge and everybody would talk to me and they'd be gathering round. And I began to talk to them, began to like them, began to be happy there.
原版句子 The rate of Chinese urbanisation over the last few decades has been astonishing.
模仿句子: I began by asking Megan Murphy to explain that great fall and then rise in China's stock market. I t 翻译:我们先请Megan Murphy来讲讲中国股市最近的跌宕起伏。
模仿文本: Well, it may not have been at their most fluent and the two goals may not have been collector's pieces. But it matters not. Chelsea are through. Throughout the season, Jos Mourinho has expressed frustration about his strikers. He's kn
模仿文本: You're with Outlook from the BBC World Service. I'm Matthew Bannister. Coming up in the next half hour, the British couple who are travelling around the world, trying out weddings in every country they come to. We'll meet them later.
模仿句子:At its most basic, it's a system built around internet companies that serve as marketplaces, matching people who provide a service with others looking to pay for it. 翻译:互联网企业充当了市场,共享经济根本上是一个
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- 【英音模仿秀】英超开始魔鬼赛程 利物浦成焦点
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- 【英音模仿秀】纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然
- 【英音模仿秀】小声音 大作用
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- 【英音模仿秀】一路向南
- 【英音模仿秀】娥舒广袖 落月虹湾
- 【英音模仿秀】嫦娥奔月,玉兔留痕
- 【英音模仿秀】煤完煤了
- 【英音模仿秀】皮囊之下
- 【英音模仿秀】前狼后虎
- 【英音模仿秀】菜品国风
- 【英音模仿秀】英超开始魔鬼赛程 利物浦成焦点
- 【英音模仿秀】白日梦想家
- 【英音模仿秀】钢琴神童
- 【英音模仿秀】游戏不是男人的天下
- 【英音模仿秀】西班牙欲修正历史错误回归正常时区
- 【英音模仿秀】欧冠淘汰赛曼城巴萨狭路碰 拜仁枪手再相逢
- 【英音模仿秀】舒马赫妻子请媒体离开医院
- 【英音模仿秀】纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然
- 【英音模仿秀】小声音 大作用
- 【英音模仿秀】发展中国家肥胖问题堪忧
- 【英音模仿秀】萨帕塔民族解放斗争
- 【英音模仿秀】美食拯救街道
- 【英音模仿秀】曼德拉传:漫漫自由路
- 【英音模仿秀】一路向南