【英音模仿秀】欧冠淘汰赛曼城巴萨狭路碰 拜仁枪手再相逢
模仿文本: Staying with football, defending champions Bayern Munich will face Arsenal 1 in the last 16 of the European Champions League and in another outstanding tie Manchester City will face Barcelona. So less than a week after defeating Bayern in Munich, City Manager Manuel Pellegrini has another European giant to look forward to.
译文:继续关注足球,卫冕冠军拜仁慕尼黑将在欧冠16强中对阵阿森纳,另一焦点对战则是曼城即将对阵巴塞罗那。曼城在慕尼黑击败拜仁后才一周不到的时间,曼城主帅曼努埃尔•佩莱格里尼(Manuel Pellegrini)又将迎来另一欧洲豪门的挑战。
译文:继续关注足球,卫冕冠军拜仁慕尼黑将在欧冠16强中对阵阿森纳,另一焦点对战则是曼城即将对阵巴塞罗那。曼城在慕尼黑击败拜仁后才一周不到的时间,曼城主帅曼努埃尔•佩莱格里尼(Manuel Pellegrini)又将迎来另一欧洲豪门的挑战。