本杰明接到雪莉的电话,匆匆赶来家电商场,最终雪莉买了那款她钟情的微波炉了吗? Listen Read Learn Benjamin: A microwave oven? Shirley: Yes, it's really two-pence colored. Benjamin: Okay, honey, we already have two. There is no more space for a third on
妈妈准备买几样蔬菜和肉回家做晚饭,选好以后和店员讨价还价。妈妈的砍价技术如何,我们来看看吧。 Listen Read Learn Mom: Excuse me, how much is the spin age? Vendor: 3 Yuan per kilogram. Mom: That's too expensive. What about the carrots? Vendor: The same
外面天气比较凉爽,阿美和丹尼尔一块儿带着他们家的狗芭比来到了社区的院子里玩耍。两人聊起了各自喜欢的天气,他们都会喜欢什么样的天气呢? Listen Read Learn May: Hurry up, Daniel, it's Barbie time. Daniel: All right, Sis! May: Come on, it's cool outside.
阿美和丹尼尔放学回家,在布告栏处看见了停电通知。停电了,丹尼尔就看不了他最爱的动画片《奥特曼》了,同时爸爸也看不了《美国偶像》了。于是两人决定带着家里的小狗芭比去玩。 Listen Read Learn Daniel: Oh, come on, Ultraman! May: What's up, Bro? What's in th
买完菜后,妈妈和丹尼尔走出菜场,妈妈边走边随手指着蔬菜,教丹尼尔辨识颜色,但尼尔好像不愿听这个哦,来看看是为什么吧! Listen Read Learn Mom: Honey, do you know what color the carrot is? Daniel: Mom, it's orange? Mom: Wow, my son is so clever. (Daniel
在了解到汤姆喜欢猫之后,丹尼尔就问汤姆最喜欢的体育运动。结果,汤姆的回答却很令丹尼尔吃惊。那么汤姆的回答到底是什么呢? Listen Read Learn Daniel: Do you often do exercise? Tom: Certainly. Daniel: OK, and what kind of sports do you usually play? Tom:
探险运动和人类历史 Adventure and Human History 探险总是能勾起人们的幻想。翻过下一座山就会有令人激动和感觉到神奇,这样的想法是人类与生俱来的。 Listen Read Learn The idea of adventure has always captured the imagination. The idea that just over the ne
Topic 001 看电视 Watching TV 看电视是好是坏?每个家庭都会讨论一番。可这次爸爸不许丹尼尔看动画片,却为自己开了绿灯,怪不得丹尼尔大喊不公平呢! 难度系数:GESE3,PETS1 Dad: Daniel, have you finished your homework? Daniel: Not yet, Dad. I am watching Ult
Topic 002 奥运梦 Olympic Dreams 奥运就要来了,大家都在关注,阿美和丹尼尔正在讨论奥运梦想,可是这对姐弟好像从来也谈不到一块儿。 Listen Read Learn May: Hi, Daniel. Daniel: Hi, May. Is dinner ready? May: What's up? Daniel: I'm so hungry I could eat a h
Topic 003 客人来访 Vistors 利萨是丹尼尔家的远房亲戚,彼此有三年时间没见过面了。她现在是北京大学一年级的学生,利用课余时间去拜访丹尼尔一家。 Listen Read Learn Benjamin: Lisa, I'm so glad to see you. How are you doing? Lisa: Fine. I miss you so much,
利萨离开之后,阿美和妈妈聊起了利萨,利萨取得了英语口语竞赛的一等奖,而阿美却想哭,为什么呢? Listen Read Learn May: Lisa wins the first prize in the English speech contest of her college. Mom: Really? That's really wonderful. I'm so happy for her. M
今天,本杰明带着罗拉来参观故宫博物馆。故宫里面非凡的建筑和景观把罗拉惊呆了,本杰明则在一边细心地讲解着。 Listen Read Learn Laura: Uncle Ben, how did the Forbidden City get this name? Benjamin: Well, in the feudal society, emperors had supreme power,
在当今的中国,我们可以看到由于不均衡的饮食和缺乏运动所引发的越来越多的健康问题。我们需要采取行动来解决这一问题。 Listen Read Learn Today in China, we are beginning to see more and more health problems because of poor diet and little exercise. It's h
One Introduction Dialogue 1 May I introduce Tom to you?He's from America. George,may I introduce Tom to you?He's from America. Nice to meet you.I am Tom.It's very kind of you to come to branch compartment. Thanks. Do you have anything first to do? P
Dialogue Completion: Listen to the tape repeatedly and try to complete the following dialogues, using the exact words or phrases that you hear on the tape. A Receptionist: _________ will you be ____ us? Mr. Collier: Uh, just ______ will be ____. Rece
Lesson Two 1.Conversations: (Find a partner and practice these dialogues.) A: Victor:Laura, I have a surprise for your birthday. Laura:Oh, good! I love surprises. Victor:It's outside! Laura:Oh, wow! It's too big to bring inside!(They walk out of th
C: Laura:Aha! 8 o'clock! Made it. Ready. This outfit should make up for all the times I was late. Hmmph! Now Victor's five minutes late. Who does he think he is, keeping me waiting? I went to a lot of trouble to look awesome! Twenty-five minutes alre
B: Laura:Hi, Victor! I'm finished. Okay. I'm ready to go on our date. Victor:It's too late to catch the movie. Laura:Give me another chance. Please! Victor:Well, okay. I'll pick you up at 8 p.m. sharp. We'll go dancing.
- 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 9A
- 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 8B
- 王强口语 第二册 Read Text 013
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- 王强口语 第二册 Dictation 003
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- 王强口语 第二册 Read Text 004
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- 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 9A
- 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 8B
- 王强口语 第二册 Read Text 013
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- 王强口语 第二册 Dictation 003
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- 王强口语 第二册 Read Text 004
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- 王强口语 第二册 Dictation 020