婚前想想 Am I a parent or a partner? 我是家长还是伴侣? Taking care of someone you love is agreat thing to do, but when you feel like you're raising a boyfriend orworse, a husband things get a little complicated. Youll resent his childis
婚前想想 Do I really trust my partner? 我真的信任我的伴侣吗? For some, the immediate response to thiscan be devastating. If you're one of them, it's time to ask why and how you can begin to build or rebuild trust. Without it, theres n
婚前想想 Can we have fun together? 我们可以玩到一起吗? Have you ever seen two people sit acrossfrom one another in silence at brunch as though they are being forced to walkthrough their day together? Not. fun. 你可曾见过两个人在
婚前想想 Am I happy to be in this relationship? 这段感情能让我愉悦吗? The idea of sharing a life together is not to find someone to complete you or make you happy. 找个人分享人生并非是找个人来让你感觉圆满感觉快乐
Is for better or worse making me betteror worse? 会让自己变得更好还是更差? Does your partner encourage you to beyour best self, or does he or she get intimidated by any triumphs and feel moresecure when you're not putting your best foot
Why are you not reaching the success? 你为什么没有成功? You fear success. 你害怕成功 Forget fear of failure, its fear of success that kicks us the hardest. It's the darnedest thing, too the kind of thing that you don't imagine possible
Why are you not reaching the success? 你为什么没有成功? You use up yourreserves. 你耗尽了储备。 When I've found myself at my lowest points, it's always been for lack of a reserve whether of money, of time, or most crucially of energy
Why are you not reaching the success? 你为什么没有成功? You worry about being copied. 你担心被复制。 Often we close ourselves off from otherpeople not because we're afraid that they will influence us but that we willinfluence them, t
Why are you not reaching the success? 你为什么没有成功? You reject outside influences. 你拒绝外部的影响。 A lot of people see the influence ofothers as a weakness, or worse, a restriction or even pollution of their innate creativit
婚前想想 Am I feeling trapped? 我有受到束缚的感觉吗? Do you really want to be in this relationship the majority of the time or do you find yourself wishing for a wayout? Do you stay because you've invested time or are you really inves
老板不在意 Where you went to college 你在哪上的大学 When it comes to higher education, whatyou studied is more important than where you earned your degree, the survey found. 调查显示,对于高等教育而言,你学的什么比你在
Why are you not reaching the success? 你为什么没有成功? You don't learn from your mistakes. 你没有从错误中吸取教训。 A lot of people take their mistakes assigns of their unworthiness. 许多人都认为错误是毫无价值的迹象
Why are you not reaching the success? 你为什么没有成功? You're too certain. 你太固执。 Too much certainty createsinflexibility. If you're sure that your plan is correct, and refuse to acceptthe possibility of error, you may well find y
Why are you not reaching the success? 你为什么没有成功? You don't have a plan. 你没有一个计划。 If goals are your destination and avision is your fuel, your plan is the map to get you there; without a plan, youhave no idea what imme
Why are you not reaching the success? 你为什么没有成功? You don't have avision. 你没有一个远景。 Setting goals is important but isn't enough to drive you to the finish line; it's important, too, to be able to imagine yourself as the
Why are you not reaching the success? 你为什么没有成功? You don't have a goal. 你没有一个目标。 A lot of time we find ourselves spinning our wheels, struggling through a day-to-day routine that isn't getting us anywhere because we d
老板不在意 Whether your cover letter is addressed to a specific person 你的求职信是否有具体的收件人 Obviously, if a name is mentioned in thejob advertisement, use it. But if it's not immediately obvious who will bereading your lett
老板不在意 Minor interview mistakes 面试中的小失误 Even the most prepared job seekers occasionally make interview mistakes. Although interview blunders may be embarrassing, candidates who can quickly recover might actually turn an awkward
老板不在意 Your GPA 你的GPA(平均绩点) In a 2016 survey conducted by theNational Association of Colleges and Employers, having a high GPA only moderately influenced a company's decision to hire a new grad. More importantwas your major a
老板不在意 Don't care about! How flashy your resume is 你的简历有多花哨 Having a flashy resume is less importantthan having one that's easy for employers to read. Even in creative fields, 78%of executives said they preferred traditiona
- 【英语原版童书】彼得兔的故事(2)
- 生活必备技能-基础会计和理财
- 成功者的忠告-做一个有行动的人(5)
- 自我提高法-看住自己的钢镚儿(6)
- 巧妙拒绝别人-对事不对人(7)
- 每天一提醒-我值得拥有最好的(7)
- 浪费钱的小习惯-你总买些莫名其妙的东西
- 提升运气-抢占先机(4)
- 人生忠告-结婚前要深思熟虑(4)
- 阳光每一天-之于裂痕,要么修复,要么忘怀(3)
- 活到老学到老-早上十五分钟
- 活到老学到老-付诸实践
- 真正的朋友-值得信赖
- 出行礼仪禁忌-新加坡(4)
- 如何摆脱拖延症-只需迈出第一步(3)
- 做最好的自己-不要再欺骗自己
- 早睡的十大好处
- 后悔备忘录-追求一份更有意义的职业
- 后悔备忘录-交更多的朋友
- 后悔备忘录-更积极向上的生活方式
- 【英语原版童书】彼得兔的故事(2)
- 生活必备技能-基础会计和理财
- 成功者的忠告-做一个有行动的人(5)
- 自我提高法-看住自己的钢镚儿(6)
- 巧妙拒绝别人-对事不对人(7)
- 每天一提醒-我值得拥有最好的(7)
- 浪费钱的小习惯-你总买些莫名其妙的东西
- 提升运气-抢占先机(4)
- 人生忠告-结婚前要深思熟虑(4)
- 阳光每一天-之于裂痕,要么修复,要么忘怀(3)
- 活到老学到老-早上十五分钟
- 活到老学到老-付诸实践
- 真正的朋友-值得信赖
- 出行礼仪禁忌-新加坡(4)
- 如何摆脱拖延症-只需迈出第一步(3)
- 做最好的自己-不要再欺骗自己
- 早睡的十大好处
- 后悔备忘录-追求一份更有意义的职业
- 后悔备忘录-交更多的朋友
- 后悔备忘录-更积极向上的生活方式