Honeybees in Winter 一只蜜蜂无法度过严寒的冬天。一群蜜蜂则不同。据说蜂箱中的蜜蜂要过冬的时候,往往要抱成一团。最外面的一层是工蜂,它们拼命地煽动着翅膀,像厚厚的衣服一样阻隔着外

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Algae Biofuel 作为不依赖于化石资源的燃料,生物燃料逐渐得到普遍认可。但在应用上,使用高等植物的现有手段还存在极限。其原因在于单位面积的收获量较小,并且还会浪费珍贵的水资源。作

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The Physics of Water Towers 水塔,一般居民区里蓄水作用,有些还是水厂生产工艺的一个重要组成部分,用于保持和调节给水管网中的水量和水压。主要由水柜、基础和连接两者的支筒或支架组成。

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Not So Silly Geese 雁群为什么总排成一字或人字形队伍飞行呢?这是因为大雁飞行的路程很长,它们除了靠扇动翅膀飞行之外,也常利用上升气流在天空中滑翔,使翅膀得到间断地休息空隙,以节

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Boiling Water Under Boiling Clouds You may be surprised to hear that its actually easier to boil water on stormy days than it is when the weather is clear and sunny. Can you guess why? The reason is that the boiling point of water changes slightly in

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Havent We Met 面孔失认症是一种神经心理性疾病,表现为对熟悉面孔的识别能力降低或丧失。一般来讲,面孔失认症病人不能再认出以往熟悉的知名人士及亲朋好友的面孔 。虽然面孔失认症病人

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No Need to Panic 惊恐发作( panic attacks),亦称为急性焦虑发作。患者突然发生强烈不适,可有胸闷、气透不过来的感觉、心悸、出汗、胃不适、颤抖、手足发麻、濒死感、要发疯感或失去控制感

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Camels 骆驼,被称做为沙漠之舟,它能够忍耐干燥酷热的环境,并且可以在水源极其缺乏的浩瀚沙漠里长途跋涉,是人们沙漠之旅中不可缺少的伙伴.那么,人们是不是真的了解骆驼呢?曾经有两位美国科

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Glass Beaches 在佛罗里达州的罗德岱堡,当你欣赏美丽的海岸景色时,试想一下,你脚底下踩着的沙子在阳光下闪闪发光会是什么景象。如今,面对佛罗里达海岸遭到持续侵蚀的情况,布劳沃德县

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A Scientist in the Locker Room How do you improve at any sport? You train, train, train. But how you train is just as important as how much. Armed with the science of exercise physiology, todays olympic-class coaches design sophisticated programs for

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Taking a Volcanos Temperature 火山喷发(volcanic eruption)是一种奇特的地质现象,是地壳运动的一种表现形式,也是地球内部热能在地表的一种最强烈的显示。是岩浆等喷出物在短时间内从火山口向地

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What a Fetus Hears 医学界认定胎儿在孕期十六周即有完好的触觉和味觉。十八周的的胎儿对光已经会产生反应。二十周的胎儿则发展出听觉,此时的胎儿并有做梦、记忆和思考的能力。就是说,除

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Early-morning Shivers 清晨为何冷得发抖? 自然界、生物界都有它本身的特有的严谨的节律。人体的生物节律与自然节律相适应,人类才得以生存下来。地球上亿万年的昼来夜往,永不停息。人体的

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It Pays to Be an Optimist 做个乐观主义者 Research shows that whether a person is an optimist or a pessimist is related to their quality of life, including their physical health. The subjects involved first took personality tests in the 1960s a

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Caterpillar VS Plant 植物大战毛毛虫 If you have kids, youve probably read the children's book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar , see, at least five thousand times. If you havent had the pleasure, heres a brief plot summary. A caterpillar hatch es

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Buckminster Fuller and His Geodesic Dome 巴克敏斯特福乐和他的球型屋顶 Ever heard of a man named Buckminster Fuller, or Bucky, as his friends called him? R. Buckminster Fuller was a twentieth century scientist, philosopher , inventor, an

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Silk 蚕丝 Silk is the strongest natural fiber in the world, as far as we know. Scientists long to understand just how exactly the silkworm manages the process of silk weaving, so they can replicate the process in order to manufacture such things as

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E. T. Phoned. Now What? 外星人来电 Suppose one day scientists pick up a transmission they think is generated by alien s . Now what? Do we build a landing strip and break out the welcome wagon? Well heres the thing about picking up alien broadcas

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Vesta 灶神星 You can see the planet Jupiter on a clear night, but Jupiter is humongous. Mars and Mercury are smaller than that, and you can see them, too. Wait a minute, our moon is even smaller, and you can see that. Could anything smaller than t

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Celebrity Worshiper s 你崇拜明星吗? Are you a celebrity worshiper ? If so, that might say something about the kind of person you are. Psychologists have found that people who believe in a just world are more likely to worship celebrities, whe

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