Pretty much,Pretty much.You know,my sister actually has a son Michel 多少都会的啦 你知道吧 我的妹妹有个儿子Michel and he looks a lot like me,especially Sheldon which is very weird. 看起来跟我蛮像的 更像Sheldon 这件事很诡
And have you bought your mother a car or anything like that yet? 那你给你妈妈买车或者其他类似的东西了吗 No,no.No,I mean,I sounded like I've been stingy with her. 没啊 没有 不是 听起来像是我对她一直很吝啬 All it's
Now,will you like,Do you work out,or are you athletic as a kid?Oh,no,no no no.No? 那你现在还像小时候那样锻炼身体么 噢 没有 没有 没有吗 I really wasn't.And I tell you what,I am a sport fanatic.You are. 我小时候都不怎么锻
Hi,jakie,how are you doing.Surprise. Jakie 你好 惊喜吧 You're sitting there,you don't think you'll be sitting there don't you. 你坐在这儿 没想过自己会坐在这儿吧 No,no.You just thought you just come to show or something like that.
and probably,well you don't care,I was gonna say controversial but 也许 你并不关心 或者你并不想议论这些 但是 who do you think well you can give your opinion if we have no say of who wins 你认为谁 你可以给出你的意见 如果
Are these available for the public,yeah. 这些可以播出来么 可以的 I'm telling you that I don't mean to just endorse your underwear,but they're really super comfortable underwear 说实话 我不是想为你打广告 但是这些内衣真的超
But,but it still doesn't help,because it gets in every cavity.Yeah. 但是 但是还是不管用 因为水从哪都能进去 对 Well,and your character doesn't seem to mind, 不过你的角色好像不怎么介意 you just spit the water out.yeah,sp
That's a scene from his new movie,Safe House, 刚才是他的新电影《藏身之所》的一个场景 With Ryan Reynolds,and you've got hurt in that,right? 和Ryan Reynolds一起演的 你在那里面受伤了是吗 I'm handcuffed,and like I cut th
Um,yeah,I remember my mother,because you know they have the Governors ball. 嗯 记得 我记得我妈妈 因为你知道 他们会举行颁奖礼晚宴 Right,you brought her with you?Yeah,she was there. 是的 你带着你妈妈去的吗 是的 她在
I like reality more,just bacause I feel the same way, 我更喜欢现实剧 因为我和你有同样的感觉 you can kind of figure things out and it's hard, 你会猜到结果 所以很难 I like more documentary types of stuff. 我喜欢纪实性强
And the rest are actors or are production?Only one actor,only one actor. 其他的呢 演员还是制作 只有一个是演员 只有一个是演员 All producing side,and my youngest boy,twin,he's starting to carry camera now. 其他都在制作 我最
In fact I was met Justin Tuck the other day,Nobody knows who Justin Tuck is,he plays the lines,he's lines for the Giants.and that was a thrill. 事实上前几天我才见到Justin Tuck 没人知道Justin Tuck是谁 他是巨人队的边锋 见到他很
Our first guest is one of the Hollywood true movie stars with films like Glory,Malcolm X and Philadelphia. 我们的第一位嘉宾是真正的好莱坞明星 他拍过《光荣》《黑潮》《费城故事》 His latest movie Safe House opens today
All right,don't be nervous.This is exciting and you wanna remember this moment,not that you have to, 好的 别紧张 真令人激动 你会记得这一切的 不是说你一定要记住 because we'll show it on tape over and over and over again. 因为
And Ryan Reynolds is a young,like a CIA guy. Rayan Reynolds演一个年轻的中情局特工 They bring me to his safe house,where he's sitting and waiting for someone to be brought there. 他们把我带到他的藏身之所 在那他坐等有人被带
All right,I have two tickets for the Grammys this weekend, 好了 我有这周末格莱美的两张票 and I was gonna go but I heard they won't be over till nine, 我本来打算去 可是我听说他们到九点都不会结束 it's passed my bedtim
where do you sell them,I sell them...On the internet? 你在哪里销售这个 我...在网上吗 On the internet.On the website. 在网上 通过网站销售 How much do they sell for.2.99,Oh,I was gonna for 5.98 价格是多少呢 2.99美元 哦 我打
Listen, I shouldn't judge cause i think it would be hard to learn a new language entirely 听着 我没有资格评判 因为我觉得学习一门新的语言是很难的 So I couldn't do it I couldn't move to another country and learn another langua
I think everything is moderation. I don't go crazy,Alright, you should do things you enjoy 我认为我都是适量运动 我不会很疯狂 你应该做你喜欢的运动 That's great if you like to dance,And you must have so much fun on that show 如
But those are not Columbia legs!Not definately 但是那绝对不是哥伦比亚人的腿 绝对不是 That was one of that What are you talking about,I mean your version 那也是其中之一 你在说什么呢 我的意思是你的版本 Can I have
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