时间:2018-12-27 作者:英语课 分类:Step by Step2000


Unit 6 Science and Technology

Part I Warming up


1. This news item is about a kind of new bulletproof vest made of silk.

2. This news item is about research done by American and Japanese researchers to predict severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean.

3. This news item is about a chess match between a world champion and the rest of the world on the Internet.

4. This news item is about an experiment carried out by the U. S. scientists to train rats to operate a robot arms by using the electrical signals in their brains.

5. This news item is about NEC's new robot that talks and under-stands orders.


1. While silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn 1 than copper 2 threads.

2. American and Japanese researchers have discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean.

3. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.

4. The rats had earlier been trained to obtain a reward by pressing a lever to move the arm.

5. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs, VCRs and air conditioners.


1. Thai silk is known for its beauty and elegance 3. But a research team has found a new use for it. A bulletproof vest made of silk was put to the test at a shooting range in Thailand. After several rounds of gunfire, the vest was examined. The bullets were stuck in the first layer of fifteen pieces of silk. A member of the research team says while silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads, the material used in regular bulletproof vests.

2. American and Japanese researchers say they are a step closer to predicting severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean. Researchers have analyzed 4 weather data from the region over the past 40 years and they've discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean. A BBC science correspondent says the findings could make it easier to predict droughts or, indeed, periods of heavy rainfall.

3. The world chess champion Garry Kasparov began a match against the rest of the world on the Internet. Kasparov made his first move with a meter-high pawn 5 before an audience of chess fans at a park in New York. The move was immediately posted on a special website set up by the Microsoft corporation. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.

4. Scientists in the United States have trained rats to operate robot arms using only the electrical signals in their brains. The scientists attach special electrodes to the animals' brains and link them through a simple computer to a robotic arm. The rats had earlier been trained to obtain a reward by pressing a lever to move the arm.

5. Some say it's hard to find good help these days, but a Japanese electronics firm thinks it's found the answer. It's a robot that talks and understands orders. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs and VCRs. And if it's becoming a bit warm for you, one simple command and the robot will switch on the air conditioner.

B. Tapescript:

1 .... Yes, you see, it's the force of attraction between any two objects. The strength of the force depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. Er... the most obvious effect is the way objects on the surface of the earth are attracted towards the center of the earth...

2 .... as it comes down it goes relatively 6 slowly 100 to 1,000 miles per hour and you can't see it, but the return stroke goes up from the earth to the cloud and it goes at over 87,000 miles per hour and that's the one you can see, you see, the one that goes back up. It's really just a very large, powerful spark. The distance in miles you are away from it is the time in seconds between it and the sound you hear...

3 .... Well, they were first discovered in 1895 and they can penetrate 7 matter that is opaque 8 to light. Some matter is more transparent 9 to them than others, which means you can see inside somebody. They are actually quite dangerous and people who work with them wear special protective clothing...

4 .... ordinary light consists of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies and phase(s). This is a bundle of waves of the same frequency and phase. You can create the beams from a ruby 10 rod or a tube of carbon dioxide that's stimulated 11 with flashes of ordinary light. The word is an acronym 12 for light amplification 13 by the stimulated emission 14 of radiation. Now, does anybody ...

5 .... they're all types of fungus 15. There are many different kinds of them but the best known are the ones used in cooking and brewing 16. When they're mixed with sugar they cause the sugar to ferment 17 and two things happen: first carbon dioxide is given off and second alcohol is formed, but when the proportion reaches 12%, it's all killed off naturally...

6 .... in contact with each other, there's a resistance to movement between them. The main reason why we use ball bearings and lubricating oil is to counteract 18 this; the main reason why rubber is used in tires and shoes is to increase the effect of it ...

7 .... No, it's the process whereby materials are used again. Normally, it is cheaper to do this because it's more energy-efficient. On the other hand, one material that's hard to deal with in this way is plastic -- there are so many types that it's very difficult to separate ...

Part II Latest breakthroughs in technology


1. What is the trend for electronics in the future?

Integrated, smaller, faster, better

2. What is the theme for electronics in the future?

The combination of computers and communications and then having them disappear from our sight



"Everybody thinks of technology as somebody in a lab coat, you know, tinkering with computer chips, but technology is really about how we live and how we communicate."

Suzanne Cantra is the "What's New?" editor at Popular Science magazine, a magazine that has been following advances in technology for more than a hundred years.

The most fanciful dream of mankind is today a startling reality." Remember when television was considered a fad 19 of the future? "It may not be long before our news events and current world happenings will be witnessed in thousands of homes." Boy, were they wrong?

This recorder shows how far television has come. T-Bo's personal TV, an NBC investment, is one of the products that caught Cantra's eye.

"One of the benefits of having a computer recording 20 video is that the computer can read the video broadcast as it comes in so if the phone rings, you can hit pause on a live broadcast."

And not only that, this sort of smart VCR learns which TV shows and characters you like to watch and records them for you. This device is only one of a hundred items, Cantra says, best represents the future. And while we couldn't show you all of them, here are a few that reflect some of the new trends.

Like Ericsson's R380. You can make calls, browse 21 the web, check your calendar and send and receive email, all in this one device.

"This cell phone actually shows us the future of integrated devices."

And I bet you can't guess what this is? Although it looks like a watch, in fact, it's a camera. That's right. A camera.

"The P3 wrist camera sort of talks to that whole concept of miniaturization and having devices integrated into things that you wouldn't think of."

And while the pictures are pretty good, only you can decide whether they're worth two grand.

And how about this? It's a prototype computer that puts your mobile laptop to shame.

"The IBM wearable PC definitely gives you a vision into what's gonna be coming down the line. We will be carrying these kinds of computing 22 devices and you will need to only access the information somehow. Whether that's through an earpiece or whether it's just integrated into your clothing."

The PC weighs less than a pound and clips onto your belt. The monitor, about the size of a pen cap rests an inch from your eye.

But if you don't necessarily wanna work during your down time, something like the Panasonic portable DVD player might be the gadget 23 for you.

"The ability to have a very small compact device where you can watch movies or listen to CDs is something that any business traveler will tell you is a great benefit."

If you're more the adventurous 24 type, then Casio's GPS watch is a must (to) have.

"A few years down the line, instead of just having, you know, your coordinates 25, it can actually tell you where you are on a map and give you directions."

Over the past several years, we've seen electronics get smaller, faster and better and that trend is going to continue into the next century.

"The theme for electronics in the future is the combination of computers and communications and then having them disappear from our sight."

But Cantra says these new technologies are not just about bits and bites.

"When you look at new technologies, they're based on the past and what we think that we need, but a lot of times it's just sheer human inventiveness that takes it to this next step. And there's nothing more exciting than finding a new way of being able to reach out and share information."

Part III Nobel prize winners in physics and chemistry


1. The common theme in the award-winning research is the huge advances made in electronics and information technology.

2. The physics prize is about the electronics of today and the chemistry prize is about the electronics of the future.

3. The new Nobel physics laureates have laid a stable foundation for modern information technology.

4. Kilby's invention is more pervasive 26 and more influential 27 today than any invention of the 20th century.

B. Tapescript:

Four Americans, a Russian and a Japanese scientist have won this year's Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry. The common theme in the award-winning research is the huge advances made in electronics and information technology.

The physics prize is about the electronics of today and the chemistry prize is about the electronics of the future. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which awards them, says the new Nobel physics laureates have laid a stable foundation for modern information technology. Marc Brodsky, the director of the American Institute of Physics, puts it another way.

"I think it's recognizing what you might call the clever physics inventions behind much of today's electronic technology."

Half the 915-thousand-dollar physics prize goes to Jack 28 Kilby of the United States. As a Texas Instruments Corporation researcher in the late 1950s, he co-invented the integrated circuit on a silicon 29 chip -- the heart of today's miniature electronics.

The other half of the money is split between Zhores Alferov of the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia and Herbert Kroemer, a German-born researcher at the University of California at Santa Barbara. The Swedish Academy is honoring them for their inventions of fast optical and microelectronic components 30 found in compact disk players and bar code readers and which help push information through the Internet's optical fibers 31.

Of all the work, Marc Brodsky assigns the greatest importance to that of Jack Kilby for the integrated circuit.

"Clearly Kilby's is more pervasive and more influential today than perhaps any invention of the 20th century. He invented the integrated circuit along with Bob Noyce, who independently did it. Bob Noyce was one of the founders 32 of Intel. Of course, Noyce has passed away, so not eligible 33 for Nobel Prize."

The integrated circuit combines many transistors 34 on a single tiny silicon chip.

"It took transistors from being just a replacement 35 for tubes --one element in a circuit -- to (being) able to put them all together on a single chip, a single piece of silicon no bigger than a fingernail, and have millions if not billions of circuits on a single chip."

The integration 36 of transistors and further miniaturization led to more efficient packaging, allowing a flood of small, speedy electronic devices like calculators and eventually personal computers.

Meanwhile, the Nobel chemistry prize goes to Alan Heeger of the University of California at Santa Barbara, Alan MacDiarmid of the University of Pennsylvania, and Hideki Shirakawa of the University of Tsukuba in Japan.

The Swedish Academy recognizes them for their revolutionary discovery at the end of the 1970s that plastic can --- with certain chemical modifications 37 -- conduct electricity.

The result has led to lighter 38 weight, cheaper plastic versions of many electronic devices, such as the light emitting diodes that illuminate 39 digital clock numerals. In addition, the discovery provides a foundation for the development of molecular 40 computers. Transistors and other electronic components may one day consist of individual molecules 41, which will reduce the size and weight of our computers as dramatically as the integrated circuit has.

1 yarn
  • I stopped to have a yarn with him.我停下来跟他聊天。
  • The basic structural unit of yarn is the fiber.纤维是纱的基本结构单元。
2 copper
  • The students are asked to prove the purity of copper.要求学生们检验铜的纯度。
  • Copper is a good medium for the conduction of heat and electricity.铜是热和电的良导体。
3 elegance
  • The furnishings in the room imparted an air of elegance.这个房间的家具带给这房间一种优雅的气氛。
  • John has been known for his sartorial elegance.约翰因为衣着讲究而出名。
4 analyzed
v.分析( analyze的过去式和过去分词 );分解;解释;对…进行心理分析
  • The doctors analyzed the blood sample for anemia. 医生们分析了贫血的血样。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The young man did not analyze the process of his captivation and enrapturement, for love to him was a mystery and could not be analyzed. 这年轻人没有分析自己蛊惑著迷的过程,因为对他来说,爱是个不可分析的迷。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 pawn
  • He is contemplating pawning his watch.他正在考虑抵押他的手表。
  • It looks as though he is being used as a political pawn by the President.看起来他似乎被总统当作了政治卒子。
6 relatively
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
7 penetrate
  • Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.西方观念逐渐传入东方。
  • The sunshine could not penetrate where the trees were thickest.阳光不能透入树木最浓密的地方。
8 opaque
  • The windows are of opaque glass.这些窗户装着不透明玻璃。
  • Their intentions remained opaque.他们的意图仍然令人费解。
9 transparent
  • The water is so transparent that we can see the fishes swimming.水清澈透明,可以看到鱼儿游来游去。
  • The window glass is transparent.窗玻璃是透明的。
10 ruby
  • She is wearing a small ruby earring.她戴着一枚红宝石小耳环。
  • On the handle of his sword sat the biggest ruby in the world.他的剑柄上镶有一颗世上最大的红宝石。
11 stimulated
  • The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work. 展览增进了人们对她作品的兴趣。
  • The award has stimulated her into working still harder. 奖金促使她更加努力地工作。
12 acronym
  • That's a mouthful of an acronym for a very simple technology.对于一项非常简单的技术来说,这是一个很绕口的缩写词。
  • TSDF is an acronym for Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities.TSDF是处理,储存和处置设施的一个缩写。
13 amplification
  • The voice of despair may be weak and need amplification.绝望的呼声可能很微弱,需要扩大。
  • Some of them require further amplification.其中有些内容需进一步详细阐明。
14 emission
  • Rigorous measures will be taken to reduce the total pollutant emission.采取严格有力措施,降低污染物排放总量。
  • Finally,the way to effectively control particulate emission is pointed out.最后,指出有效降低颗粒排放的方向。
15 fungus
  • Mushrooms are a type of fungus.蘑菇是一种真菌。
  • This fungus can just be detected by the unaided eye.这种真菌只用肉眼就能检查出。
16 brewing
  • Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time.果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
  • The sixties were a time of theological ferment.六十年代是神学上骚动的时代。
17 counteract
  • The doctor gave him some medicine to counteract the effect of the poison.医生给他些药解毒。
  • Our work calls for mutual support.We shouldn't counteract each other's efforts.工作要互相支持,不要互相拆台。
18 fad
  • His interest in photography is only a passing fad.他对摄影的兴趣只是一时的爱好罢了。
  • A hot business opportunity is based on a long-term trend not a short-lived fad.一个热门的商机指的是长期的趋势而非一时的流行。
19 recording
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
20 browse
  • I had a browse through the books on her shelf.我浏览了一下她书架上的书。
  • It is a good idea to browse through it first.最好先通篇浏览一遍。
21 computing
  • to work in computing 从事信息处理
  • Back in the dark ages of computing, in about 1980, they started a software company. 早在计算机尚未普及的时代(约1980年),他们就创办了软件公司。
22 gadget
  • This gadget isn't much good.这小机械没什么用处。
  • She has invented a nifty little gadget for undoing stubborn nuts and bolts.她发明了一种灵巧的小工具用来松开紧固的螺母和螺栓。
23 adventurous
  • I was filled with envy at their adventurous lifestyle.我很羨慕他们敢于冒险的生活方式。
  • He was predestined to lead an adventurous life.他注定要过冒险的生活。
24 coordinates
n.相配之衣物;坐标( coordinate的名词复数 );(颜色协调的)配套服装;[复数]女套服;同等重要的人(或物)v.使协调,使调和( coordinate的第三人称单数 );协调;协同;成为同等
  • The town coordinates on this map are 695037. 该镇在这幅地图上的坐标是695037。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, headed by the Emergency Relief Coordinator, coordinates all UN emergency relief. 联合国人道主义事务协调厅在紧急救济协调员领导下,负责协调联合国的所有紧急救济工作。 来自《简明英汉词典》
25 pervasive
  • It is the most pervasive compound on earth.它是地球上最普遍的化合物。
  • The adverse health effects of car exhaust are pervasive and difficult to measure.汽车尾气对人类健康所构成的有害影响是普遍的,并且难以估算。
26 influential
  • He always tries to get in with the most influential people.他总是试图巴结最有影响的人物。
  • He is a very influential man in the government.他在政府中是个很有影响的人物。
27 jack
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
28 silicon
  • This company pioneered the use of silicon chip.这家公司开创了使用硅片的方法。
  • A chip is a piece of silicon about the size of a postage stamp.芯片就是一枚邮票大小的硅片。
29 components
(机器、设备等的)构成要素,零件,成分; 成分( component的名词复数 ); [物理化学]组分; [数学]分量; (混合物的)组成部分
  • the components of a machine 机器部件
  • Our chemistry teacher often reduces a compound to its components in lab. 在实验室中化学老师常把化合物分解为各种成分。
30 fibers
光纤( fiber的名词复数 ); (织物的)质地; 纤维,纤维物质
  • Thesolution of collagen-PVA was wet spined with the sodium sulfate as coagulant and collagen-PVA composite fibers were prepared. 在此基础上,以硫酸钠为凝固剂,对胶原-PVA共混溶液进行湿法纺丝,制备了胶原-PVA复合纤维。
  • Sympathetic fibers are distributed to all regions of the heart. 交感神经纤维分布于心脏的所有部分。
31 founders
n.创始人( founder的名词复数 )
  • He was one of the founders of the university's medical faculty. 他是该大学医学院的创建人之一。 来自辞典例句
  • The founders of our religion made this a cornerstone of morality. 我们宗教的创始人把这看作是道德的基石。 来自辞典例句
32 eligible
  • He is an eligible young man.他是一个合格的年轻人。
  • Helen married an eligible bachelor.海伦嫁给了一个中意的单身汉。
33 transistors
晶体管( transistor的名词复数 ); 晶体管收音机,半导体收音机
  • In semiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes. 在半导体收音机中晶体管代替了真空管。
  • We often turn to this handbook for information on transistors. 我们常从这本手册查阅有关晶体管的资料。
34 replacement
  • We are hard put to find a replacement for our assistant.我们很难找到一个人来代替我们的助手。
  • They put all the students through the replacement examination.他们让所有的学生参加分班考试。
35 integration
  • We are working to bring about closer political integration in the EU.我们正在努力实现欧盟內部更加紧密的政治一体化。
  • This was the greatest event in the annals of European integration.这是欧洲统一史上最重大的事件。
36 modifications
n.缓和( modification的名词复数 );限制;更改;改变
  • The engine was pulled apart for modifications and then reassembled. 发动机被拆开改型,然后再组装起来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The original plan had undergone fairly extensive modifications. 原计划已经作了相当大的修改。 来自《简明英汉词典》
37 lighter
  • The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.这张画经过润色,色调明朗了一些。
  • The lighter works off the car battery.引燃器利用汽车蓄电池打火。
38 illuminate
  • Dreams kindle a flame to illuminate our dark roads.梦想点燃火炬照亮我们黑暗的道路。
  • They use games and drawings to illuminate their subject.他们用游戏和图画来阐明他们的主题。
39 molecular
  • The research will provide direct insight into molecular mechanisms.这项研究将使人能够直接地了解分子的机理。
  • For the pressure to become zero, molecular bombardment must cease.当压强趋近于零时,分子的碰撞就停止了。
40 molecules
分子( molecule的名词复数 )
  • The structure of molecules can be seen under an electron microscope. 分子的结构可在电子显微镜下观察到。
  • Inside the reactor the large molecules are cracked into smaller molecules. 在反应堆里,大分子裂变为小分子。
a job of work
advertising policy
aged meat
and that sort of thing
bronchial breathing sound
burnt offerings
caustic magnesite
Central Air Documents Office
Chao Phraya River
characteristic tide level
chiasmatype theory
copperply wire
corsinia marchantioides raddi
Courant, Richard
depth line accuracy
differential-mode signal
electric resistance weld mill
engaging pressure
EW equipment
exclusive stress on material benefits
fertilization substance
file number
filtration barrier
genus lobelias
genus Trichomanes
glass silk-wrapped enameled copper wire
grey system
group devisible incomplete block design
gyro flux-gate compass
hang glide
ignace paderewskis
II-VI group solar cell
insulating measuring bench
interstate commerce act
iron family
janiceps asymmetros
la fille du pharaon
leaching rate
lefft-hand rule
made an exception of
magnetic boundary
melaminylphenylstibonic acid
method of fractional steps
mouse roller
natural hat trick
No bottom sounding!
ore conditioning
pore diffusion resistance
Priotropis cytisoides
procumbent teeth
propyl radicals
raster unit
resultant touch
revenue funds
Schallibaum's solution
Sorbus alnifolia
spreading ridge
subjective units of distress scale (suds)
take somebody's life
turret steamer
ultimate holding company
unbounded set
universal lacquer
uranyl sulfide
water attack