时间:2018-11-28 作者:英语课 分类:零距离李阳疯狂英语口语



[00:-1.00]Nice to meet you.


[00:-2.00]Nice to see you again.


[00:-3.00]Nice to be back home again.


[00:-4.00]Nice meeting you.


[00:-5.00]Nice talking to you.


[00:-6.00]A:Excuse me.I have to go to the library.Nice talking to you.


[00:-7.00]B:Me too.See you later!


[00:-8.00]A:See you!


[00:-9.00]2.How is/was...?


[00:10.00]A:How's/How is your family?


[00:11.00]B:Everyone is doing great.How about yours?


[00:12.00]A:How's/How is your girlfriend?


[00:13.00]B:Didn't you hear?We broke up a week ago.


[00:14.00]A:How's/How is your work?


[00:15.00]B:I'm really busy.I barely 1 have time to sit down.


[00:16.00]A:How's/How is your English study?


[00:17.00]B:Terrific.I'm really making a lot of progress.It's amazing.


[00:18.00]A:How's/How is everything?


[00:19.00]B:Couldn't be better!


[00:20.00]A:How's it going?


[00:21.00]B:Everything is going just great.And you?


[00:22.00]A:How's your new project going?


[00:23.00]B:It's a disaster!We are so far behind,doubt we'll ever finish!


[00:24.00]A:How's your sister doing?


[00:25.00]B:She's doing great.Thanks!


[00:26.00]A:How was your trip?


[00:27.00]B:It was fantastic!I really had a great time.


[00:28.00]A:How was your vacation?


[00:29.00]B:Awful!It rained every day and my wife got sick.


[00:30.00]A:How was your interview?


[00:31.00]B:My interview was super.I think I spoke 2 better English than the man who interviewed me!


[00:32.00]A:How was your TOEFL exam?


[00:33.00]B:Damn hard!I'm just glad it's over.


[00:34.00]How was your meeting?


[00:35.00]How was your day?


[00:36.00]How was your date?


[00:37.00]How was your test?


[00:38.00]How was your party?


[00:39.00]How was your dinner?


[00:40.00]How was your nap 3?


[00:41.00]How was your picnic?


[00:42.00]3.Let me...


[00:43.00]Top 1:Let me help you.


[00:44.00]Top 2:Let me show you how to do it.


[00:45.00]Top 3:Let me give you some advice.


[00:46.00]Let me hold this for you.


[00:47.00]Let me introduce myself.


[00:48.00]Let me drive you home.


[00:49.00]Let me tell you the truth.


[00:50.00]Let me get the doctor.


[00:51.00]Let me think.


[00:52.00]Let me see.


[00:53.00]Let me have a look.


[00:54.00]Let me check.


[00:55.00]Let me try.


[00:56.00]Let me hear from you.


[00:57.00]Let me see if I will have time.


[00:58.00]Let me catch you bullying 4 my brother again.


[00:59.00]Let me alone.


[-1:00.00]Let me in.


[-1:-1.00]Let me out of here.


[-1:-2.00]Let's go.


[-1:-3.00]Let's stop here and have lunch!


[-1:-4.00]Let's not forget the reason for this meeting.


[-1:-5.00]Let's not make a big deal out of this.


[-1:-6.00]Let's not keep the good news a secret.


[-1:-7.00]Let's not take a break until we finish.


[-1:-8.00]Let's not let our country down.


[-1:-9.00]Don't let me down.I need you.


[-1:10.00]I'm coming on you to support me-don't let me down.


[-1:11.00]4.I'd like to...


[-1:12.00]Top 1:I'd like to talk to you for a minute.


[-1:13.00]Top 2:I'd like to introduce myself.


[-1:14.00]Top 3:I'd like to see you again.


[-1:15.00]I'd like to buy a ticket to Beijing.


[-1:16.00]I'd like to make an appointment with Mr.Green.


[-1:17.00]I'd like to have dinner with you.


[-1:18.00]I'd like to know more about China.


[-1:19.00]A:I'd like to go out with you this weekend.


[-1:20.00]B:Really?I'd love to go out with you this weekend!


[-1:21.00]5.I need...


[-1:22.00]Top 1:I need your help.


[-1:23.00]Top 2:I need more time.


[-1:24.00]Top 3:I need more money.


[-1:25.00]I need an assistant.


[-1:26.00]I need your support on this matter.


[-1:27.00]A:I need a vacation.I'm really stressed 5 out.


[-1:28.00]B:Yeah,you look awful.You do need to relax a little.


[-1:29.00]I need to finish my paper tonight.


[-1:30.00]I need to go to the post-office to send a package.


[-1:31.00]I need to upgrade 6 my computer.


[-1:32.00]I need to think about it before I make a decision.


[-1:33.00]A:I need to find a part-time job to supplement 7 my meager 8 salary.


[-1:34.00]B:Your English is so good,you should be able to find a great job.


[-1:35.00]6.I want to...


[-1:36.00]Top 1:I want to be somebody.


[-1:37.00]Top 2:I want to thank you for everything.


[-1:38.00]Top 3:I want to go to America.


[-1:39.00]I want to take a rest.


[-1:40.00]I want to buy a ticket to Beijing.


[-1:41.00]7.May I...?


[-1:42.00]Top 1:May I help you?


[-1:43.00]Top 2:May I sit down?


[-1:44.00]Top 3:May I be excused?


[-1:45.00]May I sit here?


[-1:46.00]May I ask you a question?


[-1:47.00]May I speak to Linda,please?


[-1:48.00]A:May I come in?


[-1:49.00]B:Yes.Come on in.


[-1:50.00]A:May I help you?


[-1:51.00]B:No,I'm just looking./No,not right now,thanks.


[-1:52.00]8.Can you...?


[-1:53.00]Top 1:Can you wait a minute?


[-1:54.00]Top 2:Can you help me?


[-1:55.00]Top 3:Can you call me back later?


[-1:56.00]Can you lend me your car?


[-1:57.00]Can you give me some money?


[-1:58.00]Can you share your house with me?


[-1:59.00]A:Can you do me a favor 9?


[-2:00.00]B:Sure.What is it?Just ask.


[-2:-1.00]9.Would you please...?


[-2:-2.00]Top 1:Would you please give me a ride?


[-2:-3.00]Top 2:Would you please calm down?


[-2:-4.00]Top 3:Would you please give me a chance to explain?


[-2:-5.00]A:Would you please give me a hand?


[-2:-6.00]B:Sure.What can I do for you?


[-2:-7.00]A:Would you please speak a little more slowly?


[-2:-8.00]B:Suer,I'm sorry.Let me repeat what I just said.


[-2:-9.00]10.That sounds...


[-2:10.00]Top 1:That sounds great.


[-2:11.00]Top 2:That sounds like a good idea.


[-2:12.00]Top 3:That sounds like a lot of fun.


[-2:13.00]A:I was thinking of taking you somewhere special for dinner tonight.


[-2:14.00]B:That sounds nice!


[-2:15.00]A:Let's take that Crazy English class together.We can help each other study.


[-2:16.00]B:That sounds like a great idea.


[-2:17.00]A:I am thinking of becoming a professional 10 tour guide and traveling around the country.


[-2:18.00]B:That sounds interesting.


[-2:19.00]A:I was thinking about shaving my head,getting a tattoo,opening a bakery where they play rock music and charging people just to come inside.


[-2:20.00]B:(Says)That sounds interesting.(Thinks)You are a jerk 11.


[-2:21.00]A:Hello,Christopher.Nice to see you again.


[-2:22.00]B:Nice to see you too!


[-2:23.00]A:How's everything going?How was your trip?


[-2:24.00]B:It was fantastic.Let me show you some pictures.


[-2:25.00]A:I'd like to see them,but I don't have much time.


[-2:26.00]B:Oh,that's too bad.Why are you in such a hurry?


[-2:27.00]A:I need to pick up my son from school and I need to stop at the supermarket and I need to go to the bank.I really want to get finished with all my errands 12 before it starts to rain.


[-2:28.00]B:I want to get home before this storm too.


[-2:29.00]A:May I take a look at them some other time?


[-2:30.00]B:Sure,can you come over to my house tonight?I am having some friends over.


[-2:31.00]A:That sounds great.Would you please call me and remind me later this afternoon?


[-2:32.00]B:Sure,I'd be glad to.


[-2:33.00]A:OK,I'll talk to you later then.



1 barely
  • The male bird is barely distinguishable from the female.雄鸟和雌鸟几乎无法辨别。
  • He took barely enough money to keep the children in bread.他赚很少的钱仅够孩子们勉强糊口。
2 spoke
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
3 nap
  • The nap of the coat has been worn off.外衣上的绒毛已经磨掉了。
  • Don't bother me while I am taking my nap.我小睡的时候不要打扰我。
4 bullying
v.恐吓,威逼( bully的现在分词 );豪;跋扈
  • Many cases of bullying go unreported . 很多恐吓案件都没有人告发。
  • All cases of bullying will be severely dealt with. 所有以大欺小的情况都将受到严肃处理。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 stressed
  • Loud music makes me stressed out.大声的音乐让我很紧张。
  • He stressed that we should always be honest.他强调我们应该永远诚实。
6 upgrade
  • We need to upgrade the status of teachers.我们需要提升老师的地位。
  • To upgrade a clerk to manager.将办事员提升为经理。
7 supplement
  • A supplement to this dictionary may be published next year.该词典的补编或许将于明年出版。
  • They had to get a job to supplement the family income.他们不得不找一份工作以贴补家庭收入。
8 meager
  • He could not support his family on his meager salary.他靠微薄的工资无法养家。
  • The two men and the woman grouped about the fire and began their meager meal.两个男人同一个女人围着火,开始吃起少得可怜的午饭。
9 favor
  • She is out of favor with her employer.她失去了雇主的欢心。
  • The new teacher finds favor in the eyes of the parents.那位新老师很受家长的欢迎。
10 professional
  • He is a professional tennis player.他是一名职业网球运动员。
  • I need a professional to sort out my finances.我需要专业人士为我管理财务。
11 jerk
  • Just keep that jerk off me.让那个笨蛋离开我。
  • The knife was stuck but she pulled it out with a jerk.那把刀子被卡住了,她猛地一拔,把它拔了出来。
12 errands
n.errand的复数;差使( errand的名词复数 );差事
  • He often runs errands for his grandmother. 他经常给他的祖母跑腿儿。
  • I have a few errands to do in the town. 我在城里有些差事要办。 来自《简明英汉词典》
a growing girl
alarm hammer shaft
analytical triangulation
ASEAN Regional Forum
Bank discount basis
brant geese
bring sb. to heel
Burnett, Frances Eliza Hodgson
cat (computerized adaptive testing)
Chain Fracture Zone
Changchengian System
Cherry Burton
complaints department
control stick grip
cosmetic psychology
Cupressns Tourn.
detector output
disuse atrophy
entrance channel spin
furmethide iodide
great barracudas
grid therapy
Gymnopetalum chinense
head position pulse
high duty boiler
hold sb in honor
hydromatic continuous sterilizer
in a state of denial
luminance matching
magnetoresistive magnetometer
malacological systematics
maxillary area
measures to be taken
mental incapacity
microelectronic planar field-effect transistor
midshipman's butter
national tree
order of permutation
phase confounded design
proprietary inculant
psychogalvanic responses
Quercus setulosa
railroad engineering
rectified value of alternating quantity
rocking valve
scolecobasidium verruculosum
sedimentation trough
semi-skilled labor
service door clear width
shield against
sideband generator
start-up delay
staying out
step-up transformers
taking water
tamarix parviflora dc.
teeing up
telephone handset
the Great Compromiser
ungual mycoma
variable water level method
what's the problem
wheat rosette stunt
yolk sac tumor