时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:CRI实用英语课堂


Part 1 Weight Problem 体重问题 

Dialogue Script 对话原文

Anne: My sister Ellie, who recently lost 20 pounds, has been pressuring me to lose weight too.
Joe: It's a good thing for her to fulfill 1 that, isn't it?
Anne: Good?! Yes, it's good for her but not good for me. You see, she tells me that I'll feel better about myself if I slim down and keeps giving me newspaper clippings about the latest miracle diet or exercise plan and insists that I join a health club, as she has.
Joe: So you mean you don't think you are fat and need to lose weight?
Anne: I simply can't bear it that Ellie made me feel like a child who was pigging out on junk food.
Joe: Come on, there must be something wrong.
Anne: Yes, the other night when I asked for a second helping 2 of the low-fat casserole she served for dinner she totally went off on me. "That's why you have a weight problem." she chided, "You never know when you've already had enough!" I felt so humiliated 3 by this and left right after dinner and haven't spoken to her since.
Joe: Yes, I understand. You are happy the way you are. But you can't stop talking to your sister for good, can you?
Anne: No, I can't. But I'm not going to put up with this nagging 4. I know if she doesn't let up soon, I'm going to blow up at her. How do I handle this without ruining our relationship?
Joe: Tell her that you already feel good about yourself...


1. 这段对话中Anne在向Joe抱怨她妹妹强迫她减肥的事。lose weight,减肥,那减掉了多少重量,就是lose直接加上重量就可以了。

2. Anne的妹妹对她说,如果能瘦下来会让自己感觉好得多。feel good about oneself,自我感觉不错,slim down 就是瘦下来,slim是苗条的意思,在加上一个down,让人有体重掉下来的感觉,很形象。

3. newspaper clippings,剪下来的报花。Anne的妹妹一直给她看报纸上的一些介绍最新减肥计划和减肥食品的内容,latest miracle diet,最新的神奇减肥食谱,这里latest相当于newest,最近的,最新的。diet是指人或动物的日常的饮食,但是diet还表示节食,例如:She's on diet. 她在节食。He began his diet a week ago.他在一星期前开始节食。

4. diet food,减肥食品, diet pill ,减肥药。Ellie还劝 Anne报名参加健身俱乐部,a health club,其实有点像我们的减肥中心。但是Anne却对所有这一切感到反感。为什么呢?因为她的妹妹让她感觉自己像一个乱吃垃圾食品的小孩子。pig out on something 狼吞虎咽地吃东西,这里pig 这个词成了动词。junk food 垃圾食品,像油炸食品等,有很高的热量但是却没有营养,最容易导致肥胖。

5. 对话中一天晚上Anne到他妹妹家吃饭,Ellie就因为她的饮食习惯大发脾气。当Anne还想再要一份砂锅炖菜的时候,Ellie 就开始发火,go off on someone,跟某人发脾气。她说That's why you have a weight problem. You never know when you've already had enough. 这就是为什么你有体重问题的原因,你从来不知道适可而止。

6. 这让Anne感觉到很受侮辱,feel humiliated,感到羞辱。Joe 对Anne的反应表示理解,You are happy the way you are. 你对自己的现在感到满意。for good 是forever的意思,也就是Anne不能就因为这件事情就永远不跟她妹妹说话了呀。

7. 但是Anne并不想忍受她妹妹的唠叨,can't put up with this nagging,put up with someone/something,容忍某人某物。nag,就是“唠叨“的意思,常和at连用,例如: Stop nagging at me。别唠叨了。

8. let up 在口语当中是“闭嘴”的意思,相当于“shut up”,blow up at someone, 冲某人大发脾气,跟上面的go off on someone 一样。如果Ellie再不停止唠叨的话,Anne也要发火了。

Part 2 Why Are We Overweight?我们为什么会肥胖?

Dialogue Script 对话原文

Susan: Why are there still so many people overweight despite the current fitness craze?
Jack 5: I don't know. But there are some factors that affect people's size.
Susan: What are they?
Jack: One study said that low-income groups have a higher percentage of over-weight people than higher income families.
Susan: Are there any other factors?
Jack: Yes, the study also said that the hotter the climate, the lower the percentage of obese 6 people.
Susan: That makes sense. When it's hot, you don't feel like eating a lot.
Jack: And the diet has a lot fat and oil. We eat a lot of meat. And also we eat more sugar and junk food. But there is another reason why so many people are fat.
Susan: What's that?
Jack: Nobody exercises anymore---not even kids. The average American home has the TV on for six hours a day!
Susan: Wow! No wonder people are so fat. You don't get enough exercise. Say, Jack, aren't you getting a little bigger in the waist?
Jack: Yeah, I guess so.
Susan: You really need to watch what you eat and get some exercise.
Jack: Hey, I started a diet and lost 10 pounds.
Susan: So what happened?
Jack: Well, I quit and gained it back plus 5 pounds.
Susan: You should have kept trying.


1. 这里Susan 和Jack在讨论肥胖的原因。造成肥胖的原因非常复杂。people's size,人体的体形、体重。肥胖不只是因为吃得太多或是运动不足所引起的,虽然饮食不当及运动不足可能导致体重过重,但事实上还有很多原因也会造成肥胖。 比如,基础代谢率低、身体活动量少、遗传基因等等。

2. 在这段对话当中说了几个原因, 第一个就是One study said that low-income groups have a higher percentage of over-weight people than higher income families. 低收入人群超重的比例比高收入人群高。overweight超重,那么underweight就是低于正常体重。  

3. 对话中出现的第二个原因就是越热的地区,肥胖的人就越少, the hotter the climate, the lower the percentage of obese people. 这个形式大家要注意,用形容词的比较级来表示 “越…,就越…”。例如:The more, the better. 多多益善。

4. Anne表示同意,她说,That makes sense. make sense表示“有意义;意思清楚;有道理”。例如:It doesn't make any sense to me. 我完全不明白。feel like doing something 愿意或想做某事,比如对话中的 I don't feel like eating a lot. 我不想吃太多。

5. 第三个原因就是饮食习惯不好,And the diet has a lot fat and oil. 我们的食物当中有很多脂肪和油。Jack提到了肉,糖和垃圾食品。吃的太多当然会长胖。

6. Jack又接着说了第四个原因,Nobody exercises anymore---not even kids. 现在没有人锻炼了,甚至是孩子们。吃的多,动的少,当然体重会飙升。exercise表示“做运动,锻炼身体”,例如: You don't exercise enough. 你锻炼不够。或者是You don't get enough exercise. 还可以用work out 这个词组来表示,Peter works out in the gym everyday.彼得每天都在健身房锻炼。

7. 那不做运动做什么呢?The average American home has the TV on for six hours a day! 一个美国普通家庭平均每天看电视的时间是6个小时。has the TV on 让电视打着,就是看电视。No wonder people are so fat. 怪不得人们变的那么胖,缺乏锻炼。no wonder 这个短语表示“怪不得”,后面直接加上句子就行了。

8. Susan觉得Jack的腰又胖了一点,她是这么说的,aren't you getting a little bigger in the waist? get bigger in 加上身体部位,表示“身体的某部分开始发胖”。 但是Jack说他前一阵子已经开始节食了,并且减掉了10磅,但是没多久就放弃了,所以又胖回来了,还比原来重了5磅,I quit and gained it back plus 5 pounds.

9. 看来减肥是一项长期而艰巨的任务,否则就前功尽弃了,还特别容易反弹,所以那些在减肥或是打算减肥的朋友们,一定要坚持住啊,Keep Trying!

Part3 Diet Craze 疯狂节食 

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1

Den 7: Hi, Anne, what's up?
Anne: I look awful in a swimsuit. I am thinking of getting my clothes at "Big and Beautiful".
Den: Well, you're pleasantly plump, but you aren't obese.
Anne: By the way, how was your drink with Stan?
Den: OK, he thinks I'm getting fat.
Anne: To be honest, you're a little pudgier.
Den: That's it. I have to take off some weight!
Anne: Well, before that, I made your favorite dinner.
Den: Why is there only one plate setting?
Anne: I'm only having juice for dinner.
Den: There you go with your crazy diet. How are you going to get enough vitamins and minerals?
Anne: I have my multivitamin and mineral supplements.
Den: At least have some green beans.
Anne: There's butter in them. There are at least 5 grams of fat in each serving.
Den: How about half of this steak?
Anne: They say you are what you eat. And I don't wanna look like a cow. But you go ahead.
Den: How about this salad? What could an innocent salad do to you?
Anne: Think about the calories in the dressing 8!
Den: Is the ice cream dessert out of the question?
Anne: If I were to eat it, there wouldn't be enough for you. You go ahead.
Den: Well, you have your low-calorie apple juice.
Anne: Actually, carrot juice would be better. It's even lower in calories.
Den: Well, then, better yet, why don't just have water?
Anne: Good idea. But I was actually thinking of going on a two-day starvation diet.


1. 这段对话中Anne觉的自己很胖,决定用节食的办法来减肥。I look awful in a swimsuit. 我穿泳衣太难看了。look awful 看起来很糟糕,例如:You look awful today. 你今天看起来很憔悴。

2. Big and Beautiful 就是指专卖大号衣服的那种店。Den安慰她说,you're pleasantly plump, but you aren't obese. 你很丰满,但你不算非常胖的那种。plump 是一个褒义词,所以如果下一次你看见一位胖胖的女士,就要说她plump,而不要说fat, 因为fat让人听了不舒服。obese 极度肥胖的。同样,说人家很瘦的时候呢,也最好不要用thin,可以用slim,苗条的,lean瘦而结实的。

3. Anne 觉得Den好像也胖了一点,她说的是you're a little pudgier。pudgy是矮胖的意思。Den为自己的体重发愁,That's it. I have to take off some weight! 我受够了,我要减肥。That's it.这句话可以用在两种情况下,一个是表示不耐烦,不愿意再继续下去的时候,例如: That's it! You're late again! 我受够了!你又迟到了!另一个就是表示“到此为止”、“所有的都在这了”。例如:That's it. All my boxes are here. 好了,我所有的箱子都在这了。

4. take off some weight 减肥,相当于lose some weight。正当Den决定减肥,Anne又为他做了一顿丰盛的晚餐。但是Anne却不想吃,所以只摆了一副餐具,there is only one plate setting, plate setting 是一副餐具的意思。那饭前摆放餐具这个动作就是set the table for dinner.

5. Anne晚餐只喝果汁。果汁是“juice”,比较浓稠。Den问道,How are you going to get enough vitamins and minerals? 你怎么摄入足够的维他命和矿物质呢?vitamins and minerals维他命和矿物质,是人体必需的。Anne自有办法,那就是吃multivitamin and mineral supplements,多维片和矿物质补充剂。

6. Den劝Anne吃些四季豆和牛排,但是Anne怕里面的脂肪太多,她的理由是you are what you eat,吃什么补什么,如果吃了牛排,就会长的像牛一样了,这个理由真是荒谬,不过节食的人都会找各种理由来拒绝食物的。下面Anne又说了一大堆这个东西不能吃,那个东西不能吃,连沙拉也不行。Den不明白,What could an innocent salad do to you? 这些无辜的沙拉又能把你怎样呢?这是一种幽默的说法。

7. Anne辩解到,Think about the calories in the dressing! 想想沙拉酱的热量吧。Calorie就是我们平常说的卡路里,是热量单位的一种。等于食物中所含的被人体氧化后而释放的热量。例如:One can eat only 1500 calories a day on this diet. 按这个节食法,我们每天只能吃一千五百卡路里。

8. 那冰淇淋甜品就更不行了,The ice cream dessert is out of the question. out of the question 不可能,例如:Marrying Jack is out of the question. 跟Jack结婚是绝 对不可能的。还有一个跟它非常相近的词组,out of question 毫无疑问,没有问题。Money is out of question. 钱没有问题,尽管用好了。大家一定要区分开。

9. 开始Den还以为Anne喝的是苹果汁,但是Anne喝的是胡萝卜汁,因为carrot juice is even lower in calories. 胡萝卜汁的卡路里更低。这里的“in”就表示某物中含有的某种东西,比如:Orange is high in Vitamin C. 橙子维他命C含量高。Den开玩笑说那还不如喝水呢,结果Anne还当真了,竟然说要来个两日断食法,go on a two-day starvation diet . starvation挨饿,动词形式是starve,例如:I'm starving.我很饿。

Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2

Sally: You're just having two apples for lunch?
Will: Your juice diet wasn't working. I was told that you can take off two kilograms in a week on this apple diet.
Sally: If that doesn't work, have you thought about acupressure?
Will: Hmmm. Maybe I can do acupressure along with this apple diet.
Sally: Hey, that could work well. I'll go on this diet with you. My aunt also let me in on one of her secrets: cellophane tape.
Will: Really? Let me how it works. Well, I have to say, I have had enough of this roller coaster.
Sally: I know what you mean. I'm like a yo-yo. Last week I was down to 60 kilos. This weekend I had one donut too many. Now I'm up to 62 kilos.



2. Will 觉得这个建议不错,说Maybe I can do acupressure along with this apple diet. 做穴道按摩,这里说的是do acupressure, along with和...一起。

3. Sally说她的阿姨还偷偷告诉她一种减肥的秘密武器,那(某人)透漏消息这个表达方法就是someone let someone else in on something,直译也就是“让某人进入而有机会得知”,当得知一个秘密或谣言时就可以用这个短语了。例如:---You've already 60? You look so young! ---I'll let you in on my little secret. I drink eight cups of water everyday.

4. 那这个秘密武器是什么呢?就是cellophane tape,是一种类似保鲜膜的透明胶带,就是用这种胶带缠在身上,然后做运动,就会出很多汗,从而达到减肥的目的。

5. Will迫不及待地想知道这种胶带的功效,他说I have had enough of this roller coaster. 我实在厌烦了像坐过山车一样体重高高低低的。Roller coaster, 过山车,这个比喻很恰当。Sally 也说I'm like a yo-yo. 我就像一个溜溜球,体重上上下下的。 体重上升至…公斤,就用be up to,那么下降至…公斤,就用be down to…。

6. Sally 解释了原因,This weekend I had one donut too many. 这周末我只多吃了一个多纳圈。

Part 4 Weight Loss Competition 减肥大比拼 

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1

Angel: Why don't go on this juice diet with me? It's a weight loss diet Sally is on.
Peter: I'm not doing any of those crazy diets.
Angel: It may be crazy, but I just know it works. You'll take off kilos, like magic.
Peter: You go on you gimmicky 9 diets. I'll go for a jog everyday.
Angel: Let's make a bet. Let's see what works better, boring exercise or magical diets! We each get a month!
Peter: If I am the winner, what will I get?
Angel: I will be the winner. And you, as the loser, will have to take me out to dinner.


1. 对话中Angel用节食的方法, Peter用运动的方法,打赌看谁能在一个月中减去更多的体重。刚开始的时候Angel 劝Peter跟她一起节食,Peter 不屑一顾,说I'm not doing any of those crazy diets. 我可不想吃那些神经兮兮的减肥餐。里面用了do 这个动词。do这个词在英语当中真是万能的,意义是最广泛的,凡是表示做某事都可以用它来表示,例如:We will do a play on Broadway. 我们讲再百老汇演一场戏。Mike did her face. 麦克给她化了妆。用好这个do 是非常关键的,希望大家平常能多注意积累。

2. Angel 说这种减肥餐很好用,You'll take off kilos, like magic. 你会一下子减掉几公斤,像变魔术一样。kilo是kilogram的缩写,公斤。Peter还是不信,说You go on you gimmicky diets. I'll go for a jog everyday. 你去试那些唬人的减肥餐吧,我要每天慢跑了。gimmicky是“巧妙手法的,有噱头”的意思。go for something,有“想做某事的”的意思,还表示“追求”,例如当你想鼓励别人做什么事的时候,可以说: Go for it! 尽力去做吧。

3. Let's make a bet. 我们来打赌吧。这句话经常用在你相信自己的判断正确,对方获胜的机会较小的时候。

4. Peter也不示弱,问道If I am the winner, what will I get? 如果我赢了,我能得到什么呢?Angel胸有成竹,说I will be the winner. And you, as the loser, will have to take me out to dinner. 我才会赢,而你这个赌输了的人,得请我吃饭。winner和 loser 这两个词大家应该知道,其中loser还常被用作一个贬义词,指那些在某些方面失败的人或物,例如:That book is a real loser. 那本书真差劲。Mike is such a loser at school. 麦克在学校很不受欢迎。He is a good loser. 他是一个输得起的人。还有一句关于loser的谚语,Losers are always in the wrong. 也就是我们说的“胜者为王, 败者为寇。”

5. take someone out to dinner,请某人出去吃饭。

Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2

Peter: How are you, Angel?
Angel: Well…
Peter: Don't take that chair! That's for those who are slim and trim.
Angel: That's the pot calling kettle black. When did you last see your toes?
Peter: I've lost one kilo already.
Angel: Not bad. But we have three more weeks to go. By the way, I have some donuts here. Want one?
Peter: Ahhh. I see right through you. You want to get me fat.
Angel: You think I'm that sneaky?
Peter: Oh, right. That would be giving you too much credit.
Angel: I'm just too kind. Even if we're in competition, I still want the best for you.
Peter: By the way, what has been the cost of all these diet gimmicks 11 of yours?
Angel: Ummm, well, about 3,000 yuan.
Peter: It's only been 300 yuan for me---on running shoes!


1. 现在过了一个星期了,Angel和Peter有见面了,真是“敌人相见,分外眼红”啊,两个人开始先互相取笑一番。Peter说:Don't take that chair! That's for those who are slim and trim. 别坐那张椅子,那是给苗条的人坐的,言外之意就是说Angel太胖了,搞不好会把椅子坐坏了。slim 苗条的,trim 匀称的。

2. Angel也绝不示弱,回敬他道That's the pot calling kettle black. When did you last see your toes? 真是五十步笑百步,你最后看到自己的脚指头是什么时候?That's the pot calling kettle black. 字面意思是“锅嘲笑水壶黑“,也就是跟我们说的“五十步笑百步”差不多,大家都一样胖,谁也别嘲笑谁。

3. Peter 说他已经减掉一公斤了。但是Angel说we have three more weeks to go. 还有三个星期呢,就是告诉Peter别高兴的太早,这个表达方式也非常有用,比如:You still have half an hour to go. 你还有半个小时的时间。That's a long way to go.任重而道远。

4. Angel问Peter要不要吃donut, Peter说 I see right through you. You want to get me fat. 啊,我看透你了,你想让我变胖。see right through someone,看透某人,拆穿某人的诡计,有开玩笑和讽刺的意思。

5. Angel觉得受了冤枉,说You think I'm that sneaky? 你觉得我有那么卑鄙吗?sneaky鬼鬼祟祟的, 卑鄙的,动词形式是sneak 10,鬼鬼祟祟做事,偷偷摸摸地做,有一个短语大家可以用的上,sneak up on someone,偷偷地走近某人,蹑手蹑脚地靠近,例如:Don't you ever sneak up on me like that! 别再偷偷走到我背后吓唬我!

6. Peter开玩笑地说That would be giving you too much credit. 那还算把你说的太好了呢。give someone too much credit, 给某人过高的评价,用在看走眼,没认清事实,过于信任某个人给他高度赞美的时候。

7. Angel 说Even if we're in competition, I still want the best for you. 虽然我们在比赛,但是我还是在为你着想。Be in competition,在比赛当中,want the best for someone,为某人着想,给某人最好的,例如:Parents always want the best for their children. 父母总是想给孩子最好的。

Dialogue Script 3 对话原文 3

Peter: It looks like I'm the champion! I've taken off three kilograms this month.
Angel: Not only have I not taken off weight, I've gotten fatter!
Peter: Oh, honestly, that just makes more of you to like.
Angel: I seriously have to get my clothes at the House of Large Sizes now. It's not a joke any more.
Peter: If you came with me on my runs, you too could do away with your love handles. I have!
Angel: You've done away with your love handles and now you have a big head!


1. 一个月过去了,到底谁赌赢了呢? Peter说It looks like I'm the champion! 看起来赢的人是我了。I've taken off three kilograms this month. 我这个月瘦了三公斤。

2. Angel就比较惨了,她不仅没有减掉体重,反倒变得更胖了。这里用了,not only...but also,不仅...而且...。 这个表达方式,只是省略掉了but also。

3. Peter 安慰她说,that just makes more of you to like. 你这样还更讨人喜欢了。Angel很悲观,说 I seriously have to get my clothes at the House of Large Sizes now. It's not a joke any more. 我真的得到大号服装店买东西了,这可不是开玩笑了。the House of Large Sizes 跟前面说的the Big and Beautiful一样,指专卖大号衣服的服装店。

4. Peter 说If you came with me on my runs, you too could do away with your love handles. I have! 如果你跟我一起跑步的话,你也可以甩掉你的游泳圈。do away with something除去,摆脱某物。love handles 指腰间赘肉,现在我们都把它形容为游泳圈。

5. Angel 不服气,说you've done away with your love handles and now you have a big head! 你的游泳圈没有了,但你现在却有个大头。a big head,还指自负、骄傲的人。

Part 5 How to Lose Weight 减肥方法

    To permanently 12 lose weight you need to commit to making some changes in your life. Here are some suggestions to help you begin an effective weight loss routine:


    Everyone wants immediate 13 results. This is not going to happen. Long term weight loss takes time and once you have achieved it the benefits will make all the effort seem worthwhile. Before you embark 14 upon your new healthy lifestyle think about these questions:

    Why do I want to lose weight? What are the benefits of losing weight? What are the challenges to losing weight?

    Answer these questions and carry them with you. This will help you through the more difficult times.

    Below are some ideas to help you out:

    I want to lose weight to … be healthier /be more energetic /wear smaller clothes /get dressed more easily /feel comfortable in a bathing suit and so on.

    Your weight loss goals are personal to you. When you set your goals, choose targets for each week and month.

    Remember you should lose weight gradually. Weight gain happens over a long period of time so you cannot expect to lose your excess weight overnight. Slow, steady weight loss helps your body adjust to the amount of food you are eating.

    Create a Healthy diet:

    Healthy eating is enjoyable! But be realistic. Changing your eating habits takes time.

    1. Make a new change every week
    No-one can change everything overnight. Try to make one new change every week, and one that you can live with! For instance, if you do not eat fruit often during the day, start by adding one piece of fruit every day. Concentrate on a few hours of your day first. If you find the last two hours of the day are when you eat the most, decide on small changes that you can make during this time.

    2. Adopt a healthy diet
    The food pyramid shows you what proportions you should have from the different food groups. The base should be carbohydrates 15; bread, cereals, rice and pasta. These foods you can eat often every day. The top of the pyramid; fat, oils and nuts, are to be used sparingly, because they contain a lot of fat and calories.

    3.Three Meals Every Day
    Try to eat three meals every day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. To skip meals is not a good way of losing weight, because it often makes you so hungry that you over-eat at the next meal. Also, your metabolism 16 will slow down if the time between meals is too long. Therefore, try to aim for a regular eating schedule. This does not necessarily mean eating at conventional times, but rather that you should find a schedule that works for you.

    Increase Your Everyday Activity:

    Even small increases in activity will help you to lose additional weight. Think about what you do every day and how you can increase your physical activity.

    Here are some ideas: Walk short distances instead of driving /Climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator /Park farther away from store entrances /Clean one part of your home every day /Use fewer labour-saving devices, such as television remote, electric mixer or riding lawnmower. Try gradually increasing to 30 minutes of physical activity each day. One way to do this is to divide your activity into shorter sessions throughout the day. For example, take three 10-minute walks instead of one 30-minute walk. You will be amazed how these small changes can help you.




1 fulfill
  • If you make a promise you should fulfill it.如果你许诺了,你就要履行你的诺言。
  • This company should be able to fulfill our requirements.这家公司应该能够满足我们的要求。
2 helping
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
3 humiliated
  • Parents are humiliated if their children behave badly when guests are present. 子女在客人面前举止失当,父母也失体面。
  • He was ashamed and bitterly humiliated. 他感到羞耻,丢尽了面子。
4 nagging
adj.唠叨的,挑剔的;使人不得安宁的v.不断地挑剔或批评(某人)( nag的现在分词 );不断地烦扰或伤害(某人);无休止地抱怨;不断指责
  • Stop nagging—I'll do it as soon as I can. 别唠叨了—我会尽快做的。
  • I've got a nagging pain in my lower back. 我后背下方老是疼。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 jack
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
6 obese
  • The old man is really obese,it can't be healthy.那位老人确实过于肥胖了,不能算是健康。
  • Being obese and lazy is dangerous to health.又胖又懒危害健康。
7 den
  • There is a big fox den on the back hill.后山有一个很大的狐狸窝。
  • The only way to catch tiger cubs is to go into tiger's den.不入虎穴焉得虎子。
8 dressing
  • Don't spend such a lot of time in dressing yourself.别花那么多时间来打扮自己。
  • The children enjoy dressing up in mother's old clothes.孩子们喜欢穿上妈妈旧时的衣服玩。
9 gimmicky
  • A gimmicky or imbalanced team relies on one powerful tactic to win. 投机取巧的团队依靠单一的强力战术制胜。 来自互联网
10 sneak
  • He raised his spear and sneak forward.他提起长矛悄悄地前进。
  • I saw him sneak away from us.我看见他悄悄地从我们身边走开。
11 gimmicks
n.花招,诡计,骗人的玩意儿( gimmick的名词复数 )
  • Financial institutions are also often expected yield of gimmicks. 金融机构也往往以预期收益率为噱头。 来自互联网
  • However these are just marketing gimmicks that propagate the myth. 然而这些只是噱头的营销传播的神话。 来自互联网
12 permanently
  • The accident left him permanently scarred.那次事故给他留下了永久的伤疤。
  • The ship is now permanently moored on the Thames in London.该船现在永久地停泊在伦敦泰晤士河边。
13 immediate
  • His immediate neighbours felt it their duty to call.他的近邻认为他们有责任去拜访。
  • We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.我们主张立即召开这个会议。
14 embark
  • He is about to embark on a new business venture.他就要开始新的商业冒险活动。
  • Many people embark for Europe at New York harbor.许多人在纽约港乘船去欧洲。
15 carbohydrates
n.碳水化合物,糖类( carbohydrate的名词复数 );淀粉质或糖类食物
  • The plant uses the carbohydrates to make cellulose. 植物用碳水化合物制造纤维素。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • All carbohydrates originate from plants. 所有的碳水化合物均来自植物。 来自辞典例句
16 metabolism
  • After years of dieting,Carol's metabolism was completely out of whack.经过数年的节食,卡罗尔的新陈代谢完全紊乱了。
  • All living matter undergoes a process of metabolism.生物都有新陈代谢。
accounting elements
acridotheres tristiss
alphabetical order
announce amnesty
anomalous threshold
application piston graduating spring
associated state
auto model
bhimavaram (bheemavaram)
boiler control box
building damage statistics
burst-key delay control
centesimal balance
chased thread
clear headded
combustion chamber hopper
converted wave
corner the market
critical theory
cyclamen purpurascenss
deformed nuclear
fluidized bed boiler
focusing electrophoresis
foramina of Monro
general ledger
gravity abutment of arch dam
growing enterprise market
highest high water level
horizontal mixing
index of pollution
injector stage
interlaced code
j (a) form
Keogh plan
literacy campaign
media trial
method of quadrature
news fasting
nickelous carbonate
noise of forecd air cooling
nth harmonic
oesophagostomum columbianum
one layer
Opposition Party
order comment
penetrative sex
poultry epidemiology
Q. O. R.
rate limit
receiving slip
redox polymerization
ribbon slitter
run out of memory
Saxifraga daochengensis
scattering plane
seismic absorption band
silicone insulation
single biased relay
thermoelectric equivelant
toll communication network
tryblionella littoralis
villous vertigo
VME bus