时间:2018-12-06 作者:英语课 分类:吸血鬼日记第四季


   Previously 1 on "The Vampire 2 Diaries"... 《吸血鬼日记》前情提要

  He's dead. 他已经死了
  No, no! I can't, I can't, I can't. 不,不,我做不到,我做不到
  We all want the cure. Where is it? 我们都想找到治愈方法,它在哪
  I know someone has it. 我知道有人拿到了
  Katherine. 凯瑟琳
  The doppelganger? 二重身
  She had someone on the inside. 她有内应
  Hayley, what did you do? 海莉,你做了什么
  Where did Katherine find her? 凯瑟琳在哪找到她的
  New Orleans. 新奥尔良
  I can help you. Turn it off. 我能帮你,关掉
  Her humanity, Damon. 她的人性,达蒙
  That was all she had left. 那是她仅剩的东西
  Humanity means nothing 在乎的人都不在了
  when you don't have anyone to care about, Stefan. 要人性干什么,斯特凡
  Every inch of this house 这栋房子的每一寸
  It's filled with memories of the people that have died. 都满是我死去的至亲之人的回忆
  We're gonna lose her, Damon. 我们会失去她的,达蒙
  She needs time. It's only been a couple of days. 她需要时间,这才过了几天
  Her humanity is off. 她关闭了人性
  She's basically numb 3 to everything that makes her who she is. 她感觉不到一切她该有的感情
  She's a vampire. 她是个吸血鬼
  The off switch is one of the biggest perks 4. 关闭人性是最大的好处之一
  When being undead gets you down, voila. 成为不死之身让你心情低落时,瞧
  Vampire prozac. 吸血鬼百忧解(抗精神抑郁药物)
  She burned down her family home 她烧光了自己家
  with her brother's dead body still inside. 还连同她弟弟的尸体
  Saves us the trouble of having to do it ourselves. 省得我们去火化他了
  I call that a win. 我觉得这样很不错
  Worstcase scenario 5, 最坏的情况
  I'll invoke 6 the sire bond 我利用认祖归忠
  and tell her to turn it back on. 让她再恢复人性
  No. Her brother just died. 不,她弟弟刚死
  You force all that grief on her at once, 你让那些悲伤一下涌上她心头
  it's gonna overwhelm her. 会淹没她的
  We need to give her a reason to want to turn it on. 我们得给她一个想要恢复人性的理由
  Fine. We'll show her a good time. 好吧,我们带她去找找乐子
  I know it's controversial, Stefan, 斯特凡,我知道这很有争议
  But people actually like to have fun. 但人们确实喜欢找乐子
  You really think that's gonna work? 你真觉得这样有用吗
  There's only one way to find out. 有没有用,试试便知
  Are you all right? 你没事吧
  Was there an accident? Where are you hurt? Are you in pain? 出车祸了吗,你受伤了吗,疼吗
  I don't feel anything. 我没有任何感觉
  I have a blanket in my car. 我车里有条毯子
  Try not to move. I'll call for help. 尽量别动,我打电话求救
  What are you doing? 你在干什么
  That's enough. 够了
  I said that's enough. 我说够了
  We agreed no killing 7. 我们说好不杀人
  This is the first person I've seen in days 这是我几天来第一次碰到
  whose body isn't laced with vervain, and I'm hungry. 体内没有马鞭草的人,我很饿
  You leave a trail of bodies, 你留下尸体
  people are gonna start asking questions. 人们就会开始问东问西
  I don't care. 我不在乎
  I can't believe you're making me say this. 真不敢相信你逼我说这话
  Show a little restraint. 有点节制
  I thought this was supposed to be fun. 你不是说要找乐子吗
  Have a care, mate. 当心点,伙计
  That's no way to treat a lady. 这么对女士可不对
  You came. 你来了
  Well, you did say it was urgent. 你说是要紧事嘛
  Oh, don't worry about him, love. 不用担心他,亲爱的
  He'll never make it through tomorrow night. 他活不过明晚的
  What if there are more? 如果还有呢
  You were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova. 你蠢到跟凯瑟琳·佩特洛娃做交易
  She used you to find the cure, 她利用你找到治愈方法
  and now you're nothing but a loose end. 你现在对她就是个麻烦
  You'll be lucky if she lets you live. 她不来杀你算你走运了
  You said you would protect me. 你说过会保护我的
  And I will, 我会的
  just as soon as you tell me everything you know about Katerina. 你得先告诉我关于凯瑟琳的一切
  So that's the plan? 这就是你的计划
  You're gonna take her back to school? 你要带她回学校
  Well, the fun route didn't exactly pay off, did it? 找乐子不是没成功吗
  I don't know. We got a free meal out of it. 难说,我们吃了一顿免费大餐
  Look. Do you think I want to go to school and play chaperone? 你以为我想回学校扮演监护人吗
  You can't go because you're not a student. 你不能去因为你不是学生
  Besides, you've got to go look for Katherine. 再说,你还要去查凯瑟琳的下落
  I mean, Elena needs this cure now more than ever. 埃琳娜现在十分需要治愈方法
  Not that anyone asked me, 虽然没人问我
  but I think taking her back to school is a great idea. 但是我认为带她回学校是个好主意
  Why are you here? 你怎么在这里
  Blame it on your fancy water filters. 都怪你家超棒的滤水器
  Your house has the only vervainfree showers in town. 你们家有镇上唯一的无马鞭草淋浴
  Oh, yeah. The mayor put vervain in the water supply. 是啊,镇长在供水系统里加了马鞭草
  So many people to kill. 这么多人要杀
  Yeah, and my mom says it's about to get worse, 是啊,我妈说情况还会更坏
  so she could use a little help. 所以她需要一点帮助
  Fine. I'll go after the psychotic doppelganger. 好吧,我去找那个精神病二重身
  Stefan, you gonna go talk to the sheriff? 斯特凡,你去找警长谈谈
  Blondie, take her to school. 芭比,带她去学校
  Sounds like fun. 听起来真好玩
  What? It's nothing you guys haven't seen before. 怎么了,你们又不是没见过
  And as for the "Going to school" idea... 至于去学校这个主意
  I've got nothing better to do. 反正我也没别的事好做
  Elena, it would make me very happy 埃琳娜,我十分希望
  if you were in school today 你今天能去学校
  and studied hard 并且努力学习
  you know, get involved in whatever activities, 参加点什么活动之类的
  and please, for me, no matter what, 还有拜托,就算为了我,无论如何
  don't eat anyone. 不要吸食任何人
  Ok? 好吗
  Tyler. It's me checking in. 泰勒,我打电话问候你一声
  Things are just getting back to normal here, 这里一切又恢复正常了
  sort of. 算是吧
  Elena's not quite there, 埃琳娜还没完全恢复
  but we're working on it. 但我们还在想办法
  Look, I know that you can't call me back, 我知道你不能回电话给我
  but I keep thinking if I just leave these messages 但是我在想,如果我一直给你留言
  that when you do come home it'll be like you never left. 等你回来时,就会像你根本没离开过
  Or that's the hope. 至少我希望如此
  I'd better go. 我要挂了
  I love you, Tyler. 泰勒,我爱你
  Have you seen Bonnie? 你见到邦妮了吗
  Yeah. I called her last night. She's fine. 我昨晚给她打了电话,她没事
  She's just a little drained from, you know, everything. 只是这一连串的事让她很累
  Can't really blame her. 也不能怪她
  Yeah. 是啊
  I have an idea. 我有个主意
  Can you get me my old spot back on the cheerleading squad 8? 你能帮我重回啦啦队吗
  I mean, technically 9, yeah. 应该是没问题
  I'm captain, but I thought you hated cheerleading. 我是队长,但你不是讨厌啦啦队吗
  I did, and now I think it would be really fun 之前是,但现在我觉得跳来跳去
  to jump around and toss people up in the air. 把人扔到空中会很有意思
  It's not like the routines are that hard. 这些动作对我不在话下
  I...think that would make Damon really happy. 我觉得这会让达蒙很高兴的
  Ah, what an unpleasant surprise. 多么讨厌的意外啊
  So I just came up with a list 我列了个清单
  called things you suck at. 列出了你做得不好的事
  Number one: finding Katherine, ever. 第一条,找到凯瑟琳
  Number two: covering up your secret phone conversations 第二条,隐瞒你和歹毒的海莉
  to that little backstabber Hayley. 暗地里的联络
  Yeah, so where is she, 是啊,她在哪里
  and what does she know about Katherine? 关于凯瑟琳,她都知道什么
  I should help you? 要我帮你吗
  After you lot killed my brother 你们杀了我弟弟
  and imprisoned 10 me in the Gilbert living room? 又把我困在吉尔伯特家的客厅
  You might want to prioritize, Klaus. 克劳斯,你得分轻重缓急
  You have much bigger problems. 有个更让你头疼的问题
  Katherine has the cure. 凯瑟琳得到了治愈方法
  My guess is she's gonna want to cram 11 it down your throat. 我猜她会把它用在你身上
  You help me find Katherine, 你帮我找到凯瑟琳
  I'll get the cure, I'll give it to Elena, 让我拿到治愈方法,我把它给埃琳娜
  everybody wins. 皆大欢喜
  Just let me question Hayley about Katherine. 让我去审问海莉凯瑟琳的下落吧
  Can't help you, mate. 恕我爱莫能助
  Hayley's all mine. 海莉你碰不得
  Although I did have a runin 不过我碰到了一个吸血鬼
  with a vampire who may know where Katerina is. 他也许知道凯瑟琳的下落
  Too bad for you I bit halfway 12 through his bloody 13 neck. 只可惜,我几乎咬断了他的脖子
  He probably won't have much time for chitchat. 估计他没多少时间跟你闲聊了
  The entire supply of blood from the hospital, 医院血库的所有血袋
  all the reserves, gone, just vanished. 全部不翼而飞
  I don't understand. Are you accusing us? 我不明白,你认为是我们偷的吗
  No, I'm not accusing you, 不,我没这意思
  but this town is at a tipping point. 但小镇现在已经岌岌可危
  Any more unexplained house fires, 再来一起房屋神秘失火案
  and things are gonna boil over. 局面就会彻底失控
  I'm sorry. I know it's not your fault. 抱歉,我知道不是你的错
  It's been a rough week. 这周发生的事太多了
  Miranda Gilbert was one of my best friends in high school. 米兰达·吉尔伯特是我高中的闺蜜之一
  To see what's happened to her family 看到她家变成现在这样
  It's just... 真让我
  Look, Liz... 莉兹
  If there's anything I can do to help, 如果需要我帮忙
  I promise I will. 我一定尽力
  Good. You need to. 很好,你得帮忙
  Whoever stole that blood 不管是谁偷了血袋
  put a lot of lives in danger 危及了很多人的生命
  and risks exposing all of you, 你们,包括我女儿的身份
  my daughter included. 都可能会曝光
  So who can you think of who wants blood that bad, 你觉得会是谁那么想吸血
  who would be so careless? 又会那么冒失
  The uniform still fits. 队服依旧合身
  You look fantastic. 你看起来真美
  We are totally gonna kick Grove 14 Hill's ass 15. 我们绝对会完胜林峦队的
  Yeah. Should be fun. 是啊,会很好玩的
  My god. You guys, I left my makeup 16 back on the bus. 天啊,姑娘们,我把化妆包忘在车上了
  The competition's bigger than last year. 今年参赛队伍比去年多了不少
  I'm gonna go stretch. 我去做伸展练习
  I like your ribbon. 我喜欢你的发带
  Thanks. 谢谢
  I want it. 我想要
  Yeah, but I'm using it, so go get your own. 是吗,可我正戴着呢,自己去买个吧
  Where were you? We're going on any minute. 你去哪了,马上就上场了
  I'm here, aren't I? 我这不是回来了嘛
  What's with the ribbon? 你的发带哪来的
  That's not even our colors. 和我们的队服一点都不搭
  Are you out of your mind? 你是不是疯了
  What is your problem? 你是怎么回事
  Feeding on the competition? 比赛当天还吸人血
  Hello. Did you not hear what Damon told you? 你没听到达蒙对你说的吗
  I did, but who cares? I'll do whatever I want. 听到了,但管他呢,我爱怎样就怎样
  Everything all right? 没事吧
  Yeah, as soon as the queen backs off, 嗯,只要女王别多管闲事
  everything will be fine. 就一切完美
  Remember how Damon sired her to behave? 达蒙不是利用认祖归忠让她听话吗
  It didn't really work. 根本没用
  What do you mean, she fed? 你说什么,她吸血了
  I specifically told her, no feeding. 我特别嘱咐她,不能吸血
  The sire bond should make her listen. 认祖归忠能让她服从
  Right. That's what I'm saying. 没错,我就是这意思
  The sire bond isn't working. 认祖归忠失效了
  That's impossible. 这绝不可能
  Think about it. 你好好想想
  Elena's sire bond stems from her feelings for you, right? 埃琳娜认祖归忠是因为对你有感情
  With her humanity off, she has no feelings. 一旦她屏蔽人性,就失去了感情
  All I wanted was to break that damn bond. 我一心想解除认祖归忠
  You're telling me now this whole time 你是说折腾了这么久
  all she had to do was turn it off? 其实只要关掉她人性就好了
  What happens if she turns it back on? 她恢复了人性会怎样
  I don't know, but more importantly, 我不知道,但更要紧的是
  where are you right now? 你现在人在哪里
  I'm at a truck stop in the boonies 我在郊区一个货车停车场
  looking for a dead vampire 找一个死掉的吸血鬼
  that might lead to Katherine and the cure. 也许能找到凯瑟琳和治愈方法
  Look, just grab her and get her home. 你就先把她弄回家
  I'll be there when I can. 我一有空就回去
  You. 是你
  I thought you were still vacationing on numbskull island. 我以为你还在那座鸟不拉屎的岛上度假呢
  Well, I was looking for answers, 我想追寻答案
  and all I found was your professor Shane, dead, 却只发现,你们的肖恩教授死了
  and with him, anything anyone knows about the cure. 关于治愈方法的一切也随他埋没了
  Guess you won't turn into a real girl after all. 就知道不会变得这么好心
  I'll get the cure. 我会找到治愈方法的
  I just need Katherine, and I'm betting you can help me find her. 我只要找到凯瑟琳,这你肯定能帮我
  Why would I help you? 我为什么要帮你
  Because I was smart enough to bring a pinch of my brother's blood. 因为我明智地带了一些我哥哥的血
  How else would you interrogate 17 否则你打算怎么审
  a vampire who's practically dead from a wolf bite? 一个被狼人咬伤濒死的吸血鬼呢
  Fine. Follow me. 好吧,跟我走
  I might know where to look. 我也许知道去哪找
  So you're rested, 现在你休息好了
  you're fed. 吃饱了
  Tell me about Katerina. 跟我说说凯瑟琳
  Most men get their power kick from torture and intimidation 18. 大部分男人靠拷问和恐吓满足权欲
  With you, it's drinks and fine dining. 你却好吃好喝款待我
  Well, in your case, I favor hospitality over unpleasantness, 对于你,我宁愿殷勤款待而不是厉色相逼
  but I have been known to change my mind on a whim 19. 但我向来都是个善变的人
  Where is Katerina? 凯瑟琳在哪里
  You seriously think I know? 你真的认为我知道吗
  You tipped her off as to what we were up to 你把我们的目标告诉了她
  and set her on a course to find the cure. 让她决心去寻找治愈方法
  In return, she sent her lackey 20 to snuff you out. 作为回报,她却派人来杀你
  Tell me, 告诉我
  what did Katerina promise you? 凯瑟琳给了你什么承诺
  I was in New Orleans 我本来在新奥尔良
  trying to find information about my real parents. 搜寻我亲生父母的信息
  Katherine found me and told me she could help. 凯瑟琳找到我,说她能帮我
  An orphan 21? 是个孤儿啊
  Well, that does explain your charming bravado 22. 怪不得你总是色厉内荏
  Abandonment issues will do it every time. 被父母抛弃的孩子就是这样
  Sounds like you would know. 听起来你也深有体会啊
  I'm the only one that can protect you. 我是唯一能保护你的人
  I'm happy to do so, provided you cooperate. 如果你肯合作,我很乐意提供保护
  Hey, we need to talk. 我们得谈谈
  So talk. You can help me stretch. 那就谈呗,你可以帮我伸展一下
  Ok. 好吧
  Did you feed on that cheerleader? 你吸了那个啦啦队员的血吗
  Maybe. 也许吧
  I see. 我知道了
  You wouldn't happen to know anything 你不会恰好跟
  about the hospital's missing blood supply, would you? 医院遗失血袋的事有关吧
  Trust me. I'm sick of blood bags. 相信我,我厌恶血袋
  I prefer something a little warmer. 我喜欢有点温度的
  Look, Elena, I know what you're going through. 埃琳娜,我理解你现在的心情
  I was having the time of my life when I first turned, too. 我刚转化的时候也玩得很疯
  I didn't start ripping people's heads off until 1912. 直到1912年,我才开始杀人
  The next thing I know, I was killing an entire village. 接下来,我就屠杀了整个村庄
  Am I supposed to be scared of becoming you? 我该害怕变成你那样吗
  Yeah, you are, 你是该害怕
  because I know how deep down you can fall, 因为我知道你能堕落到什么程度
  and I know how difficult it is to climb back out. 也知道从那深渊里爬出来有多困难
  Come on. 别这样
  You're better than this. 你不是这种人
  I don't know. Maybe this is the better version of me. 不好说,或许这就是更好的我
  Up next, Mystic Falls' very own lady Timberwolves. 下一组,神秘瀑布镇森林狼啦啦队
  No way. You are not cheering. 不准去,你心情不佳
  Let's see you try and stop me. 看你能不能阻止我
  Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们先生们
  Give it up for your very own lady Timberwolves. 掌声欢迎森林狼啦啦队
  Ready! 准备
  Lol omg Lol, omg
  You're looking at Mystic Falls varsity! 我们是神秘瀑布镇高中代表队
  Beat, beat those caps. Beat  击败对手
  Beat, beat those caps! Beat  击败对手
  Nice move. 漂亮
  What do you do for an encore? 你们安可跳什么
  I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve another condescending 23 lecture. 肯定不会再有人居高临下地训我了
  No. I was impressed. 不,你很厉害嘛
  Getting yourself on the cheerleading squad. 把自己弄进啦啦队
  Plenty of vervainfree victims bused in for the competition. 大批无马鞭草的可怜虫乘大巴来比赛
  You played us all really well. 你把我们都耍了
  It wasn't that hard. 也没那么难
  You want me to be OK so badly 你们太希望我没事
  That you hear whatever I want you to. 就只能听到我的谎言
  Right. Well, you know, the problem with the gymnasium is, 好吧,但体育馆的问题就是
  too many witnesses. 目击者太多
  You got to go somewhere a little more private for some real fun. 得找个僻静的地方才能找乐子
  Oh, yeah? Where? 是吗,去哪
  I know this little dive bar off the beaten path. 我知道一个冷僻的酒吧
  Come on. 开吧
  You're bluffing 24. 你骗人
  You're forgetting that I had my switch flipped 25 in this town too. 别忘了我也在这镇上撒过疯
  I know where to take someone to have a good time. 我知道带人去哪能找到乐子
  But first, a little vervain. 但首先,来一点马鞭草
  Just to take the edge off. 让你消消气
  Why exactly would you think 你为什么觉得
  a sick vampire would check into a hospital? 一个虚弱的吸血鬼会跑到医院来
  See that little bright thing in the sky? 看到天上发光的东西了吗
  It's called the sun. 那叫太阳
  He needs to avoid that. 他需要逃避光照
  Plus the hospital is open 24/7. 况且医院全天开放
  Not to mention he's hungry and delusional 26. 况且他现在饥饿还看到幻象
  Impressive. You're like Sherlock Holmes with brain damage. 了不起,你就像脑残版的夏洛克·福尔摩斯
  Stefan said the Mystic Falls hospital 斯特凡说神秘瀑布镇医院的
  had its entire blood bank raided too. 血袋也被洗劫一空
  It looks like our vampire gets around. 看来那个吸血鬼还到处跑
  No. The guy's dying of a werewolf bite. 不,那家伙中了狼毒要死了
  He wouldn't have time to steal from both hospitals. 他不会有时间偷两家医院
  This is someone else. 这是其他人干的
  Who? 谁
  That's another problem. 这又是一个难题
  But on the plus side, if our guy did by chance come here, 但话说回来,如果他确实来过
  He's got nothing, which means he's nearby and he's hungry. 必然一无所获,那他就饥肠辘辘地待在附近
  This better not be a wild goose chase. 最好不是白跑一趟
  I want to find Katherine as much as you do. 我和你一样想找到凯瑟琳
  Really? Why? 真的吗,为什么
  I heard your little chat with Stefan. 我听到了你和斯特凡的谈话
  I know Elena has broken the sire bond. 我知道埃琳娜打破了认祖归忠
  So why would you want to find the cure? 你为什么还想找到治愈方法
  You'd just cure her back to loving your brother. 治好她,她只会重回你弟弟的怀抱
  I think you're best off leaving it for me. 你还是把这事交给我吧
  Hate that. 我不喜欢这张
  Too much. 太过了
  I don't get that. 无法理解
  I don't care. 不喜欢
  Hmm. This one. 这一张
  It doesn't make me want to puke. 不至于让我想吐
  Why'd you paint it? 你为什么画它
  Painting is a metaphor 27 for control. 绘画是控制的一种体现
  Every choice is mine... 我做出一切选择
  The canvas, the color. 从画布到颜色
  As a child, I had neither a sense of the world 小时候,我既不了解世界
  nor my place in it, but art taught me 也无立足之地,但艺术让我知道
  that one's vision can be achieved with sheer force of will. 坚定的意志可以实现梦想
  The same is true of life. 生活中也一样
  Provided one refuses to let anything stand in one's way. 不能让任何事阻碍自己的脚步
  So this is your thing... 这就是你的伎俩
  Show a girl a few mediocre 28 paintings, 给女孩看几幅平庸的画
  whine 29 about your childhood, 对童年发发牢骚
  and I swoon and spill all my dirty secrets? 就想套出我所有的小秘密
  I felt I had many charms, 我觉得我有很多迷人之处
  but, uh, regardless, I'm enjoying myself. 但无论如何,我都自得其乐
  And you do whatever you enjoy. 你会做任何你喜欢的事
  Up to and including hunting my friend Tyler for the next century. 包括追杀我朋友泰勒一百年
  Oh, surely not the next century. 不会追一百年
  Only until I kill him. 追到我杀了他就好
  You talk a good game, 你说得倒好
  but the truth is you let him go. 但实际上你放他走了
  My guess? You know if you kill him 我猜...你知道如果你杀了他
  Caroline will hate you forever. 卡罗琳会永远恨你
  If I simply killed Tyler 如果我就那么杀了泰勒
  my revenge would be over in a moment. 我的复仇一下就结束了
  Sentencing him to a lifetime of paranoia 30 and fear 让他永远担惊受怕,草木皆兵
  that's Tyler's true punishment. 这才是对他真正的惩罚
  But come now. 得了吧
  You never really thought there was a future for you two, did you? 你不会真以为你俩还能有什么吧
  I don't know. 我不知道
  He might have left Caroline for me 如果我用治愈方法杀了你
  if I'd used the cure to kill you. 他搞不好会离开卡罗琳和我在一起
  You know, if Tyler has even half your resolve 你知道吗,如果泰勒有你一半的决心
  he may actually make it through the year. 他可能就能活过今年
  It doesn't take resolve. 这无关决心
  It takes allies 是需要盟友
  a network of people willing to do anything for you, 需要一帮愿意为你做任何事盟友
  including chase down loose ends to their death. 包括追到天涯海角杀人灭口
  That's how Katherine escaped you all this time. 所以凯瑟琳总能逃脱你的追踪
  Perhaps you know the names of katerina's special little helpers. 或许你知道凯瑟琳那些盟友是谁
  Maybe I know one or two. 或许知道一两个
  Maybe I'll even tell you. 或许我会告诉你
  What'd you do to me? 你对我做了什么
  Brought you home before you can cause any more trouble. 在你制造更多麻烦之前带你回家了
  So you're grounding me 那你是在软禁我喽
  because I dropped Caroline on her thick head. 就因为我让卡罗琳跌了一跤
  No, because you fed on someone... in public. 不是,是因为你在公共场合...吸血了
  So? I was hungry. 那又怎样,我饿了
  You're really gonna keep stripping in front of me? 你真要总这么在我面前脱衣服吗
  It's real mature. 真够成熟的
  I'm done cheering, so I'm gonna change. 啦啦队比赛结束了,所以我要换衣服
  Sure. When in doubt manipulate people with sex. 当然,心怀疑虑时,用性去摆布他人
  You know, that's the same trick Katherine used to pull. 凯瑟琳以前也使这一招
  Don't compare me to Katherine. 别拿我跟凯瑟琳比
  She's been running so long 她逃了那么久
  she's afraid of her own shadow. 连自己的影子都怕
  I am not afraid of anything. 而我什么都不怕
  I've shut it all offall of it, 我把情感都关闭了,全都关闭了
  including my feelings for you. 包括对你的感情
  But don't get me wrong. 别误会
  I mean, I see you standing 31 there 看你站在那儿
  and you look good. 依然很帅
  I remember our sex, and it was good sex. 我记得我们缠绵的感觉,很棒
  I just don't feel anything about it anymore. 我只是对那些都没什么感觉了
  Though you clearly do. 但你显然还有
  Why do you care what I do and who I kill? 你为什么在乎我做了什么,杀了谁呢
  Because it's my fault that you're like this. 因为你变成这样是我的错
  I brought this into your life. 我把这一切带入了你的生活
  Look, I've killed hundreds of people 听着,我杀过很多人
  and I have to live with that, 我必须承受这个事实
  But I'm not gonna live with the people that you kill 但我无法承受你杀的那些人
  or what that'll do to you. 以及这对你的影响
  Who are you texting? 你在给谁发信息
  Look at you. Your whole world revolves 32 around me. 看看你,你就知道围着我转
  Maybe you're the one that needs to turn it all off. 或许你才是那个该关闭感情的人
  What is that? 什么声音
  So that's what all this texting was about? 你发信息就是在干这个
  You invited all these people over here. 你把这些人都请了过来
  You were trying to keep me from throwing the party 你不想让我出去参加派对
  so...I brought the party here. 所以...我就把派对搬到这儿来了
  Great. 很好
  That's great. 真是太好了
  I got here as soon as I could. This is insane. 我尽快赶过来了,这真是疯了
  Yeah. It won't last. 是啊,但不会持续太久的
  They'll either drink all the booze and get bored, 要么他们把酒喝光,无聊走人
  or Damon will come home and kill everyone. 要么达蒙回来,把所有人都杀了
  We can't compel them to leave. 我们没法迫使他们离开
  The locals are all on vervain from the town water supply. 镇供水系统的马鞭草让大家都免疫了
  Yeah. 是啊
  So, what do we do? 那我们怎么办
  I don't know. 我也不知道
  Enjoy the party 享受派对
  keep Elena from butchering Grove Hill's cheerleading squad. 别让埃琳娜屠杀林峦啦啦队队员
  Great. And where is she? 真好,她在哪
  Where do you think? 你觉得呢
  I almost forgot what that was like. 我都快忘了那是什么感觉
  What? Elena smiling? 什么,埃琳娜笑吗
  No. Fun. 不是,是乐趣
  I mean, look at her. 你看看她
  Yes, this is all very bad, 的确,这一切都很糟糕
  But doesn't she make you just want to let go? 但你看着她,不会有放松一把的冲动吗
  Well, unfortunately I have this little problem 不幸的是,我太过尽兴的时候
  when I, uh, party too hard. 会出个小问题
  I end up killing people. 我会杀人
  Well, your sober coach is giving you the green light. 作为你的戒血教练,我允许你这么做
  I mean, come on. You are at a kegger full of hot girls, 这可是一个辣妹如云的啤酒聚会
  and you're single, and you're, well, you. 你是单身,你是斯特凡
  So, what am I supposed to do? 那我该怎么做
  Just grab some girl, throw her over my shoulder, 随便抓个女孩,扔在我肩上
  take her out onto the dance floor? 带她进舞池吗
  Just take your own advice. 听你自己的
  Have fun, you know? 找点乐子
  We deserve a little bit of fun. 我们也该开心一下了
  Ok. 好吧
  Whoa! I didn't mean me! 没让你找我啊
  Well, nobody could ever mistake you for subtle. 你绝对不是个低调的人
  You have to take pride in your work. 你得为自己做的事感到骄傲
  It's ok. Come here. 没事,过来
  Now you're gonna walk very slowly to your car. 你要慢慢走向自己的车
  Off you go. 去吧
  You know, I just don't see how this increases our odds 33 any. 我真不知道这对我们有什么帮助
  I've been on the other side of a wolf bite. 我也被狼人咬过
  First you get really sick. 刚开始会觉得不舒服
  Then you get really hungry. 然后就会感到特别饿
  Since the sun's gone down, 太阳已经下山
  I'm imagining he's gonna be looking for his last supper. 他肯定会出来寻觅最后的晚餐了
  I just laid out a 3course, 115pound meal for him. 我刚为他准备了115磅三道菜的晚餐
  Damon? 达蒙
  Will? 威尔
  Hey, buddy 34. 兄弟
  I think there's something wrong with me. 我觉得我有点不对头
  I need help. 我需要帮助
  Yeah. It's ok. 没事的
  I know what to do. 我知道该怎么做
  What the bloody hell are you doing? 你到底在搞什么鬼
  Too far gone. 太晚了
  Put him out of his misery 35. 结束他的痛苦
  My sister informs me that your vampire assailant is dead, 我妹妹说攻击你的吸血鬼已经死了
  so you're safe and free to go. 你安全了,可以走了
  Or stay. 也可以留下
  I could be persuaded to stay, 你好好说我或许会的
  enjoy some of the good life. 享受下美好的生活
  And maybe I could drum up a few more of Katherine's secrets 或许我也可以透露凯瑟琳的一些秘密
  and you could do something for me. 你也可以为我做点什么
  Oh, I'm sorry, love. 亲爱的,对不起
  You'll never convince me to let Tyler go free. 你永远别想劝我放过泰勒
  Well, then, I guess I'll never get my chance with Tyler 那我也没机会和泰勒在一起了
  any more than you'll get a shot with Caroline. 你和卡罗琳也没希望了
  Do you want to know why I like that painting? 你想知道我为什么喜欢那幅画吗
  Well, perhaps it was because it allowed you 或许是因为它能让你
  to see into my deep, wounded soul. 看到我饱受伤害的心灵
  I saw how twisted it really is. 我看到你心里有多纠结
  And maybe I can relate. 这我也有几分体会
  So what's it gonna be? 你到底怎么决定
  Going... 离开
  or staying? 还是留下
  You like to be in control, you told me. 你告诉过我,你喜欢控制
  Look who finally joined the party. 看谁终于也派对起来了
  Yeah. Why? Are you jealous or something? 怎么了,你嫉妒吗
  No. That would imply emotions. 不啊,得有感情才会那样
  And we've already established those are useless. 我们已经认定感情是无用的
  Come on, Elena. Just dance with us. 来吧,埃琳娜,和我们一起跳吧
  No. You guys look good together. 你俩在一起很般配
  By all means, Care, just take him out for a spin. 说真的,卡罗琳,带他去兜风吧
  He could use it. 他也该兜兜风了
  Elena. 埃琳娜
  What's going on in here? 这儿是怎么回事
  Just some underage drinking and drug use. 只是一些未成年人在喝酒,嗑药
  Where's stefan? 斯特凡呢
  He's actually busy flirting 36 with your daughter. 他正忙着和你女儿调情呢
  But I think he's a good rebound 37 for her 不过她正好可以用他来
  because of the whole Tyler thing. 忘记泰勒的事
  I'm shutting this down right now. 派对到此为止
  Liz, please. Why don't you just stay and have a drink? 莉兹,别这样,坐下来喝一杯嘛
  Elena, take your hand off me. 埃琳娜,把你的手拿开
  Either you have a drink, or I will. 你要是不喝,那我就要喝了
  Mom! 妈妈
  I'm fine. 我没事
  Caroline, calm down. 卡罗琳,冷静点
  Calm down? I'm gonna wring 38 her skinny little neck! 冷静,我要拧断她那小脖子
  Elena! 埃琳娜
  Where the hell is she? 见鬼她去哪了
  Right where she wants to be. 这正合她的心意
  This is completely calculated. 一切都设计好了
  She drew all those people to the house, 她把那些人引进家里
  waited for an opportunity to distract us, 等待时机分散我们的注意力
  and now she's free. 现在她自由了
  I can't believe she's doing this. 真不敢相信她会这么做
  I mean, she hurt my mom, Stefan. 她伤了我妈妈,斯特凡
  All right, listen. 好了,听着
  You search the woods. I'll check the road. 你去林子里找,我去路上找
  If you see her, don't hesitate. 只要找到她,不要犹豫
  Just snap her neck, all right? 拧断她脖子,好吗
  Yeah. 好吧
  Ok. 好
  Thank you. 谢了
  Will you please just take a hint and leave me alone? 你能不能识趣点,让我静一静
  What are you hiding? 你在隐藏什么
  I know you knew that vampire. 我知道你认识那个吸血鬼
  I know a lot of dead people. 我认识很多死人
  You killed him to prevent me from finding Katherine 你杀他是为阻止我找到凯瑟琳
  to keep me from getting the cure. 找到治愈方法
  Do you really want the cure? 你真的想要治愈方法吗
  I mean really? 真心想吗
  Look. Let me give you a little bit of advice. 听着,我给你点小建议
  See these girls? 看见这些姑娘了吗
  They look happy now. 她们现在看上去很快乐
  In 5 years, 五年之后
  they're gonna settle for a mediocre starter husband 她们就会找个平庸的老公一份乏味的工作
  and a mindnumbing career, 安顿下来
  And about that time, they're gonna realize 到时候,她们就会明白
  something you're never gonna have to learn. 一件你永远不必领会的事
  And what would that be? 你指什么
  Life sucks when you're ordinary. 平庸的人生很可怕
  And what makes you exactly not like them? 你和她们最本质的区别是什么呢
  You're a vampire. 你是个吸血鬼
  You take that cure, become human, 你使用治愈方法,变回人类
  well, you're no one, nothing. 你就什么都不是了
  Trust me. Losing this cure 相信我,丢了那治愈方法
  is the best damn thing that ever happened to you. 对你来说绝对是最好的事
  Elena! 埃琳娜
  Don't make me fight you, Elena! 别逼我和你动手,埃琳娜
  I'm stronger than you, and I don't want to hurt you. 我比你强壮,我不想伤害你
  Who's gonna get hurt? 谁会受伤还不一定呢
  Not bad. Not technically good, 不错嘛,但也好不到哪去
  but then again, Alaric didn't train you. 不过,阿拉里克没教过你嘛
  You were probably too busy butting 39 into people's business! 你净忙着多管闲事了
  Oh, just stop! 住手
  God. This isn't you, and you know it! 天呐,这不是你自己,你知道的
  You hurt my mom, Elena. 你伤了我妈妈,埃琳娜
  How far are you gonna take this? 你打算闹到什么时候
  Are you trying to make me feel bad for hurting your mom? 你想让我为伤了你妈而感到内疚吗
  Don't you get it? I don't care. 还不明白吗,我不在乎
  I mean, maybe you should try to turn it all off. 也许你也该把感情关闭
  Who knows? 谁知道呢
  You might stop whining 40 about how Tyler left you. 你或许就不会再抱怨泰勒离开你了
  An added bonus: 更好的是
  You won't have to feel guilty 你也不用为
  about all the dirty thoughts you have about Klaus. 你对克劳斯的感情而内疚了
  Shut up. 闭嘴
  Make me. 你试试
  You fight like a girl. 打得像娘们儿一样
  Let go of me! 放开我
  I admit, under any other circumstances, 我承认,其他情况下
  this would be a major turnon. 这肯定让我有"性致"
  Get her out of here. 把她带走
  Hey, Tyler. It's me. 泰勒,是我
  You'll never believe the crazy day I've had. 你无法想象我今天是多么疯狂
  Look, I know that you said you wouldn't, 我知道你说过不会接电话
  but I really wish that you would answer. 但我还是希望你会接
  It would be great to talk to you. 我真的很想跟你聊聊
  You all right? 你没事吧
  Besides the fact that my best friend tried to kill me? 除了我最好的朋友想杀我吗
  Look, it's not her. You have to remember that. 那不是真正的她,你要记住这一点
  With her emotions off, she's the worst version of herself. 她关掉了感情,这是她最糟的一面
  So how do we get her back? 那我们怎么让真正的她回来
  Or what if we can't? 要是我们做不到呢
  Why would she choose to turn her emotions back on? 她为什么要找回自己的感情
  She's an orphan. She just lost her brother. 她是个孤儿,弟弟刚刚去世了
  Her life sucks, Stefan. 她的生活一团糟,斯特凡
  So why would she come back to us? 她为什么要回来
  Even when I was at my worst, 即使在我最糟的时候
  Elena didn't give up on me. 埃琳娜也没放弃我
  So we can't give up on her. 所以我们也不能放弃她
  Deal? 一言为定
  How much longer am I supposed to sit here? 我还得在这里坐多久
  Well, I'm not big on goalsetting, 我不太擅长制定目标
  but let's just imagine a time 但是就坐到
  when you don't want to kill your best friend. 你不想杀你最好的朋友的时候吧
  Are you judging me? 你是在批评我吗
  How many times have you tried to kill Stefan? 你又有多少次想杀斯特凡
  What is that? 那是什么
  One of life's many mysteries. 生命中众多谜题之一
  Elena, look 埃琳娜,听着
  Don't. 别说了
  Every time someone starts with "Elena," 每次有人说话以"埃琳娜"开头时
  I get some stupid lecture. 我就得挨一顿训
  Everyone just needs to stop telling me 你们都别再跟我说
  that I need to feel. 我需要感觉了
  I do feel, Damon. I feel amazing. 我有感觉,达蒙,我感觉很棒
  You don't want to be like this. 你不想这样下去
  Then how should I be? 那我应该怎样
  Should I go back to being the scared little girl 变回从前那个害怕的小女孩
  who couldn't admit what she wants? 连自己想要什么都不敢承认吗
  Is that how you'd prefer me to go back to being, or 你希望我变成那样吗,还是...
  Look. 听着
  For the longest time, you wanted to be with me, 一直以来你都想跟我在一起
  but you were scared that I'd find out how awful you are. 但又担心我会知道你这人有多糟糕
  But it doesn't matter anymore 但现在这些都不重要了
  because I don't care. 因为我不在乎了
  Be honest. 说实话吧
  You like me better like this. 你更喜欢这样的我
  Matt? 马特
  Care. 卡罗琳
  Matt, why can't I get inside? 马特,我怎么进不去了
  Come in. 进来吧
  Matt, what's going on? 马特,怎么回事
  Tyler sent me this package in the mail. 泰勒给我邮了一个包裹
  This is for you. 这是给你的
  Dear Care, 亲爱的卡罗琳
  I miss you more than I can put into words. 千言万语都无法表达我想你的心情
  But I know as long as Klaus is alive, 但我知道只要克劳斯还活着
  I can't come home. 我就不能回家
  He won't stop trying to kill me, 他不会停止追杀我的脚步
  and you won't stop trying to protect me, 而你不会停止保护我
  which means the only way to make sure you're safe 所以要想确保你的安全
  is for me to go and never come back. 我只能离开,并且永不回去
  I left Matt the deed to the house. 我把房契留给马特了
  It will protect you in ways I can't anymore. 这样它就能代替我来保护你
  I will always love you. 永远爱你
  He's not coming back. 他不会回来了
  Sorry. 抱歉
  Running away, little wolf? 想跑吗,小狼人
  What? 怎么了
  That mark. I've seen it before. 我见过这个印记
  Yeah. It's a birthmark. 是块胎记
  People have those. 很多人都有
  In my considerable lifetime, 在我漫长的一生里
  I've only seen that mark on a handful of others, 我只在几个人身上见过这样的印记
  all from the same bloodline, 都来自同一条血脉
  a werewolf clan 41 that once thrived 一个曾在如今的
  throughout much of what we now call Louisiana. 路易斯安那州兴旺一时的狼族
  Don't lie to me 别骗我
  Not about this. 别在这事上骗我
  I wouldn't dare. 我可不敢
  Matters of family are sacred. 家人的事可是神圣的
  Tell me. 告诉我
  Sheriff Forbes. Everything OK? 福布斯警长,有事吗
  No, we have a big problem. 有,我们有大麻烦了
  Where the hell are you? 你在哪里
  Out for a drive. I need some space. 兜风呢,我需要点空间
  It's not me. It's you. 不是我的问题,都怪你
  Well, we got a little problem. 我们有点小麻烦
  You said blood was stolen from Grove Hill's hospital. 你说林峦医院的血都被偷了
  The sheriff said there's been reports 警长说据报告称
  of 6 other blood bank thefts 神秘瀑布镇方圆30英里内
  all within 30 miles of Mystic Falls. 另有6个血库被盗了
  Somebody's stockpiling blood. 有人在屯血
  It wasn't Elena, and it's not us. 不是埃琳娜干的,也不是我们
  OK, so... 也就是说...
  I think Silas followed us back from that island. 我觉得赛拉斯跟我们从岛上回来了
  He hasn't fed in 2,000 years, 他已经两千年没喝血了
  so he would need to gorge 42 on blood. 肯定得暴饮一番
  It explains the thefts. 所以才会发生失窃
  You know, I'm really not in the mood 我现在没心情
  to scooby doo our way through the case of the stolen blood supply. 调查血库失窃案
  So why don't you hold the fort down until I get back, 我回去之前,你就先辛苦一下吧
  and I'll be in touch, brother. 回头和你联系,弟弟
  He's gonna hate you for that. 他会为此记恨你的
  Yeah, well, emotions are overrated. 感情也没什么了不起
  So where are we going? 我们去哪里
  A place every newbie vampire 每个新吸血鬼
  should go at least once in their life 一生至少该去一次的地方
  New York. 纽约
  The city that never sleeps. 不眠之城

1 previously
  • The bicycle tyre blew out at a previously damaged point.自行车胎在以前损坏过的地方又爆开了。
  • Let me digress for a moment and explain what had happened previously.让我岔开一会儿,解释原先发生了什么。
2 vampire
  • It wasn't a wife waiting there for him but a blood sucking vampire!家里的不是个老婆,而是个吸人血的妖精!
  • Children were afraid to go to sleep at night because of the many legends of vampire.由于听过许多有关吸血鬼的传说,孩子们晚上不敢去睡觉。
3 numb
  • His fingers were numb with cold.他的手冻得发麻。
  • Numb with cold,we urged the weary horses forward.我们冻得发僵,催着疲惫的马继续往前走。
4 perks
额外津贴,附带福利,外快( perk的名词复数 )
  • Perks offered by the firm include a car and free health insurance. 公司给予的额外待遇包括一辆汽车和免费健康保险。
  • Are there any perks that go with your job? 你的工作有什么津贴吗?
5 scenario
  • But the birth scenario is not completely accurate.然而分娩脚本并非完全准确的。
  • This is a totally different scenario.这是完全不同的剧本。
6 invoke
  • Let us invoke the blessings of peace.让我们祈求和平之福。
  • I hope I'll never have to invoke this clause and lodge a claim with you.我希望我永远不会使用这个条款向你们索赔。
7 killing
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
8 squad
  • The squad leader ordered the men to mark time.班长命令战士们原地踏步。
  • A squad is the smallest unit in an army.班是军队的最小构成单位。
9 technically
  • Technically it is the most advanced equipment ever.从技术上说,这是最先进的设备。
  • The tomato is technically a fruit,although it is eaten as a vegetable.严格地说,西红柿是一种水果,尽管它是当作蔬菜吃的。
10 imprisoned
下狱,监禁( imprison的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He was imprisoned for two concurrent terms of 30 months and 18 months. 他被判处30个月和18个月的监禁,合并执行。
  • They were imprisoned for possession of drugs. 他们因拥有毒品而被监禁。
11 cram
  • There was such a cram in the church.教堂里拥挤得要命。
  • The room's full,we can't cram any more people in.屋里满满的,再也挤不进去人了。
12 halfway
  • We had got only halfway when it began to get dark.走到半路,天就黑了。
  • In study the worst danger is give up halfway.在学习上,最忌讳的是有始无终。
13 bloody
  • He got a bloody nose in the fight.他在打斗中被打得鼻子流血。
  • He is a bloody fool.他是一个十足的笨蛋。
14 grove
  • On top of the hill was a grove of tall trees.山顶上一片高大的树林。
  • The scent of lemons filled the grove.柠檬香味充满了小树林。
15 ass
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
16 makeup
  • Those who failed the exam take a makeup exam.这次考试不及格的人必须参加补考。
  • Do you think her beauty could makeup for her stupidity?你认为她的美丽能弥补她的愚蠢吗?
17 interrogate
  • The lawyer took a long time to interrogate the witness fully.律师花了很长时间仔细询问目击者。
  • We will interrogate the two suspects separately.我们要对这两个嫌疑人单独进行审讯。
18 intimidation
  • The Opposition alleged voter intimidation by the army.反对党声称投票者受到军方的恐吓。
  • The gang silenced witnesses by intimidation.恶帮用恐吓的手段使得证人不敢说话。
19 whim
  • I bought the encyclopedia on a whim.我凭一时的兴致买了这本百科全书。
  • He had a sudden whim to go sailing today.今天他突然想要去航海。
20 lackey
  • I'm not staying as a paid lackey to act as your yes-man.我不要再做拿钱任你使唤的应声虫。
  • Who would have thought that Fredo would become a lackey of women?谁能料到弗烈特竟堕落成女人脚下的哈叭狗?
21 orphan
  • He brought up the orphan and passed onto him his knowledge of medicine.他把一个孤儿养大,并且把自己的医术传给了他。
  • The orphan had been reared in a convent by some good sisters.这个孤儿在一所修道院里被几个好心的修女带大。
22 bravado
  • Their behaviour was just sheer bravado. 他们的行为完全是虚张声势。
  • He flourished the weapon in an attempt at bravado. 他挥舞武器意在虚张声势。
23 condescending
  • He has a condescending attitude towards women. 他对女性总是居高临下。
  • He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women. 和年轻女子说话时,他喜欢摆出一副高高在上的姿态。
24 bluffing
轻弹( flip的过去式和过去分词 ); 按(开关); 快速翻转; 急挥
  • The plane flipped and crashed. 飞机猛地翻转,撞毁了。
  • The carter flipped at the horse with his whip. 赶大车的人扬鞭朝着马轻轻地抽打。
25 delusional
  • You became delusional and attacked several people trying to escape. 你产生了错觉并攻击了许多人还试图逃走。 来自电影对白
  • He is incoherent, delusional, suffering auditory hallucinations. 他出现无逻辑的,妄想的,幻听的症状。 来自电影对白
26 metaphor
  • Using metaphor,we say that computers have senses and a memory.打个比方,我们可以说计算机有感觉和记忆力。
  • In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
27 mediocre
  • The student tried hard,but his work is mediocre. 该生学习刻苦,但学业平庸。
  • Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together.只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。
28 whine
  • You are getting paid to think,not to whine.支付给你工资是让你思考而不是哀怨的。
  • The bullet hit a rock and rocketed with a sharp whine.子弹打在一块岩石上,一声尖厉的呼啸,跳飞开去。
29 paranoia
  • Her passion for cleanliness borders on paranoia.她的洁癖近乎偏执。
  • The push for reform is also motivated by political paranoia.竞选的改革运动也受到政治偏执狂症的推动。
30 standing
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
31 revolves
v.(使)旋转( revolve的第三人称单数 );细想
  • The earth revolves both round the sun and on its own axis. 地球既公转又自转。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Thus a wheel revolves on its axle. 于是,轮子在轴上旋转。 来自《简明英汉词典》
32 odds
  • The odds are 5 to 1 that she will win.她获胜的机会是五比一。
  • Do you know the odds of winning the lottery once?你知道赢得一次彩票的几率多大吗?
33 buddy
  • Calm down,buddy.What's the trouble?压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?
  • Get out of my way,buddy!别挡道了,你这家伙!
34 misery
  • Business depression usually causes misery among the working class.商业不景气常使工薪阶层受苦。
  • He has rescued me from the mire of misery.他把我从苦海里救了出来。
35 flirting
v.调情,打情骂俏( flirt的现在分词 )
  • Don't take her too seriously; she's only flirting with you. 别把她太当真,她只不过是在和你调情罢了。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • 'she's always flirting with that new fellow Tseng!" “她还同新来厂里那个姓曾的吊膀子! 来自子夜部分
36 rebound
  • The vibrations accompanying the rebound are the earth quake.伴随这种回弹的振动就是地震。
  • Our evil example will rebound upon ourselves.我们的坏榜样会回到我们自己头上的。
37 wring
  • My socks were so wet that I had to wring them.我的袜子很湿,我不得不拧干它们。
  • I'll wring your neck if you don't behave!你要是不规矩,我就拧断你的脖子。
38 butting
  • When they were talking Mary kept butting in. 当他们在谈话时,玛丽老是插嘴。
  • A couple of goats are butting each other. 两只山羊在用角互相顶撞。
39 whining
  • She ranks as my junior in the clan.她的辈分比我小。
  • The Chinese Christians,therefore,practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan.所以,中国的基督徒简直是被逐出了自己的家族了。
40 gorge
  • East of the gorge leveled out.峡谷东面地势变得平坦起来。
  • It made my gorge rise to hear the news.这消息令我作呕。
标签: 吸血鬼日记
ammonia is composed of nitrogen and hydrogen
automatic warehouse
average inventory of items
azimuth marker generator
Bernoulli processes
cabbage harvester
can sealing machine
channeler, channeller
Chrey Khmum
coil side
completely developed barrier
confront sb with sth
Corrib, L.
dealer operations
disc drive
dot-matrix printing
dutching of cocoa
dynamic vertical sensor
electrical alarm
Eragrostis tef
extra-light reflector
Forster's shifting type
Halsbury's Statutes of England
holophrastic sentence
illegal control message error
J & T Analysis (Job & Task Analysis
Java binding Java
joins in
main object
method of reinforcement and reduction
micro-wind filter cartridge
middle terms
molar volume
New Yorkese
no par value capital stock
opisthograptis punctilineata
Palang Gerd
Paries caroticus
payroll department
photogrammetric plot
play film
process module
ptygmatic vein
public context
rang land conservation
recent situation
richard jordan gatlings
roll off frequency
roofing fabric
sex linkages
surveillance network
switch engine
tat tvam asi
temporary word descriptor table
triangular division
turbulence stimulator
turn story
urea melamine formaldehyde resin
viewdata system
virtual ampere-turn