吸血鬼日记第四季:第8集 埃琳娜情感受考验
时间:2019-01-01 作者:英语课 分类:吸血鬼日记第四季
吸血鬼日记第四季:第8集 埃琳娜情感受考验
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- 1 吸血鬼日记第四季:第8集 埃琳娜情感受考验
Mystic Falls... I was born here. 神秘瀑布镇,我在这里出生
This is my home. 这里是我的家
And mine. And mine. 也是我的,还有我
For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us. 几个世纪以来,超自然生物生活在我们之中
They were vampires 2, werewolves, doppelgangers.. 有吸血鬼,狼人,二重身
witches. And even hybrids 4. 女巫,甚至还有混血儿
Now I'm one of them a vampire 1, 我现在是吸血鬼的一员
Since she's turned, 自从她转化后
everything about her is different. 一切都变得不同了
Something has changed between Damon and me. 我和达蒙之间,有些东西改变了
Stefan wants to fix me, and Caroline flat out admitted 斯特凡想要把我变回人类,卡罗琳直接说
that she doesn't like me this way. 她不喜欢我现在这样
I don't think I've ever seen you more alive. 我觉得我从未见过你如此鲜活
And now we know why. 而今我们找到了原因
Elena is sired to Damon. 埃琳娜对达蒙认祖归忠了
Elena? 埃琳娜
Thought you might have left. 我以为你走了
No. I don't have to be at school for... 不,20分钟前,我就
at least 20 minutes ago. 该去上学了
What's that face? 你表情怎么这样
What face? 什么表情
That face. 这种表情
I'm happy. 我很开心
This is a disaster. 这简直是场灾难
Look. We don't know anything for sure. 听着,所有事我们都不确定
Yes, we do. 确定无疑
Elena is sired to Damon, 埃琳娜对达蒙认祖归忠了
which means her one singular burning desire 这意味着,她此生的唯一渴望
is to make him happy, just like Klaus and his hybrids. 就是让达蒙开心,就像混血儿对克劳斯一样
No. It's not. 不,不是那样
A vampire sired to another vampire is one in a million. 吸血鬼认祖归忠的概率仅为百万分之一
Maybe it won't affect her the same way. 也许不会对她造成相同的影响
We already know it's affecting her. 我们都知道她已经受影响了
She's become Damon's lapdog. 她都变成达蒙的宠物了
It's true. 确实如此
Everything he says, she agrees with. 他说的她都认同
Everything he asks her to do, she does. 他要求的,她都会做到
We need to do something. 我们得采取措施
Wait. No. Hold on. 等等,不,等一下
Caroline, this isn't gossip. 卡罗琳,这不是随便乱讲的八卦
You can't just drop this on her 在我们确定事实之前
before we know what's happening for sure. 不能随便吓她
I need to talk to Tyler, ok? 至少让我和泰勒谈谈
Maybe he'll know what to do. All right. 也许他知道怎么解决,好吧
Talk to tyler, but please don't tell anyone else. 告诉泰勒,但不要告诉其他人
If this is true, then it may have influence 埃琳娜现在是吸血鬼了,如果此事属实
Elena's every action and emotion 她的所有行为和情绪
since she became a vampire. 一定会受到影响
Please, no more. I can't. 请停止吧,我受不了了
Yes, you can. Block out the pain. 你可以的,熬过痛苦
That's enough. This is torture. 够了,这简直是折磨
Kim, stop. He needs to finish. 金姆,住手,让他完成变身
Not today, he doesn't. 今天不行,他撑不住了
Yes, today. 就在今天
Nate, Dean, and Chris are all dead, 现在内特,迪恩和克里斯都死了
which makes Adrian Klaus' right hand. 克劳斯就会重用艾德里安
We can't let Adrian anywhere near Klaus 如果艾德里安不能打破认祖归忠
until his sire bond is completely broken. 我们就不能让他接近克劳斯
Hayley is right. 海莉说得对
The bond isn't broken until he doesn't feel 如果他不能摆脱变身之痛
the pain of transformation 5 anymore. 就没法打破认祖归忠
If we want to get back at Klaus 克劳斯这样对待我们
for everything he's done to us, 如果想让他付出代价
Adrian has to keep turning. 艾德里安就必须完成变身
He doesn't have to do anything. 他什么都不用做
Isn't that the point of breaking the sire bond 这不正是打破认祖归忠的目的吗
Free will? 意志自由
Let's go, Adrian. 艾德里安,我们走
Bag. 带上书包
I got it. 知道
Scarf. What 围巾,什么
Listen, Damon. We need to 听我说,达蒙,我们得
No. No, no, no. Don't ruin it. 别说话,什么都别说,别破坏气氛
You don't even know what I was gonna say. 你都不知道我要说什么
I'm assuming it starts with, "What are we?" 我才你大概会以"我们现在算什么"开头
And then ends with going to tell Stefan. 然后以告诉斯特凡结束
He should know. I know he should know. 他应该知道,我知道该告诉他
Just don't know when he should know it. 只是不知道该什么时候告诉他
He knows that something is going on between us. 他知道我们产生了感情
I mean, it's the reason that he and I broke up. 这也是我和他分手的原因
Yeah, but can't we just let ourselves 我懂,但我们就不能自私地
enjoy one secret, selfish day 带着这个秘密享受一天吗
before we destroy his? 在我们毁了他美好一天之前
Maybe we shouldn't No, Elena. 或许我们不该,不是,埃琳娜
This is our time. 这是属于我们俩的一天
It's never been right before, and it's right now. 此前从未如此契合过,然而现在正是时候
Just one day? 就一天
One day? 一天,好吗
Ok. One day. 好吧,就一天
See you in history? 历史课上见
Yeah. 好啊
Listen. 听我说
We need to talk. 我们得谈谈
Sired? Really, Stefan? 认祖归忠,说真的吗,斯特凡
That is the most pathetic nonsense 这是我从你嘴里听说过
I've ever heard come out of your mouth, 最悲悯的废话了
and you've said some crap in your day. 你一生已经说了够多废话了
It was your blood that turned her, right? 是你的血转化了她,没错吧
I mean, she's been different since day one because of you. 因为你,她转化后的第一天就不同
You can't deny that. 这点你不容否认
Sure, I can. 当然,我能否认
I finally got Elena to a good place 我终于让埃琳娜的吸血鬼之路
about being a vampire. 有了个不错的开端
You two idiots can't stand that she's happy 你们两个蠢货不能忍受
because of me. 她的开心是因为我
All right. You know what? Prove me wrong. 就算是这样,那就证明我是错的
Tell her it's ok to drink from a blood bag. 告诉她可以吸食血袋里的血
She can't. 她不能够
Her weird 8 doppelganger body 她奇特的二重身体质
rejected the blood from the bag. 抗拒血袋里的血
Right, because you told her to. 没错,因为是你告诉她不能吸食的
You said she had to drink warm human blood 你说她必须要直接吸食
straight from the vein 9. 人体血管里的温血
She almost died to make you happy. 为了取悦你,她几乎葬送了性命
Look. Just ask her to drink from a blood bag. 只要让她吸食血袋里的血
Make sure you tell her how happy you'll be if it works, 你确保要告诉她,她要吸食了你会有多开心
and if I'm wrong, I'll be the first to apologize. 要是我错了的话,我会第一个向你道歉
When her body rejects this blood, which it will, 当她的体质抗拒血袋时
your apology better be epic 10. 你的致歉最好是史诗般的
Elena, hey, is everything ok? 埃琳娜,一切都好吧
Yeah. Why wouldn't it be? 挺好,何来不好呢
Well, Caroline told me you 卡罗琳告诉我
had to move out to stay away from Jeremy. 你不得不搬出来远离杰里米
Matt is at the house staying with him right now 目前马特在家陪他
to make sure he keeps all of his hunter stuff in control. 以确保所有的猎人事情能在掌控之中
He's ok. 他没事
But are you? 但是你呢
I mean, clearly, they don't have a flat iron at hotel Salvatore. 我是说塞尔瓦托家里显然没有熨斗
Oh. I was in a rush. I meanlook 我出来得太匆忙了
do you girls have any plans tonight? 你们晚上有安排吗
I'm in desperate need of some girl talk. 我极度需要闺蜜悄悄话
I'm in. 算我一个
Shane taught me some small spells I've been wanting to try. 肖恩教了我几招小法术,我一直想试试
Oh, creepy professor guy is just Shane now. 让人毛骨悚然的教授男现在就叫成肖恩了
He is, he's not creepy. 他才不恐怖
We're not judging. I am. 我们可不知在评头论足,我是
Don't listen to her. 别听她瞎扯
So girls' night? 说好闺蜜之夜了
We can raid the Salvatore wine cellar. 我们能横扫塞尔瓦托家的酒窖
Are you sure that Stefan and Damon are cool 你确定斯特凡和达蒙
with us crashing at their place? 不介意我们闯入他们家吗
I can't go home because my brother is trying to kill me. 我不能回自己家,因为我弟弟还想着杀我
So their place is mine now, too. 所以他们家现在也成了我家
I'll see you in a bit. 一会儿见
You being here makes your selfish, secret day 你的出现让这自私,秘密的一天
a little difficult, don't you think? 有点难熬,不这么觉得吗
Forget your lunch. 忘拿你的午餐了
I can't. You know I can't. 我不能喝,你知道我喝不下
Well, last time you tried it, 上次你喝的时候
the circumstances were less than optimal 11, 还不是最佳情形
and I think maybe you should just give it another try, 或许你应该再试试
see if it works. 看看能不能喝下去
I really think it will. 我真心觉得能行
Please...for me? 为我再试试
You ok? 还好吗
I'm fine. 我没事
It tastes like blood. 喝起来像是血的味道
Last time, it was like hot garbage. 上次喝着就像垃圾
You sure you're ok? 确定你没事吗
I'm better than ok. 我好的不能再好
I mean, maybe last time, it was a bad batch 12 or something. 或许上次喝得是坏了的或是诸如此类的
I can't believe this, Damon. 达蒙,我简直不敢相信
I don't have to hurt people anymore. 以后我都不用再伤害无辜了
I have to get to class. 我得去上课了
Thank you. 谢谢
Trespassing 13, breaking and entering, all before noon? 还没到满月,就开始擅闯别人地盘了
Having trouble breaking Adrian. 艾德里安有点不受控制
Don't worry about it. 别担心
You already got the 12 hybrids I need. 你已经完成了我12个混血儿的要求
We have 11. 我们有11个
I told you, Tyler Lockwood isn't part of the deal. 我告诉你了泰勒·洛克伍德不算在内
Well, now there's 11 hybrids. 好吧,现在只有11个
You deliver me 12 without loyalties 14 to Klaus, 你给我12个不忠心于克劳斯的混血儿
or your friend Tyler becomes fair game. 或者是泰勒也加入游戏
You haven't held up your end of the bargain. 你还是没完玩没了地讨价还价
This is everything you always wanted to know 这里有你一直想要的
about your biological parents, 所有关于你亲生父母的信息
and it's encoded 它被加密了
in case you're thinking of the smash and grab. 以防你想抢走或者彻底损坏
Just bring me 12 unsired hybrids, and it's yours. 只要给我12个混血儿,它就是你的
I talked to Tyler. 我和泰勒谈过了
And? 然后
The sire bound exists because the hybrids 认祖归忠的存在
are grateful to Klaus for relieving them 是因为混血儿们对于克劳斯把他们从
from the pain of having to wolf out every full moon, 满月变成狼人的痛苦中解救出来
and that's why they have to turn 所以这就是为什么打破认祖归忠
until they're not ruled by the pain anymore. 就要一直变身到不再痛苦为止
Right, but Elena is not a werewolf. 没错,但是埃琳娜不是狼人
So what's the vampire equivalent? 那么吸血鬼又是什么定律呢
Well, that's the problem. There isn't one. 这就是问题,没有这样的说法
What are you doing? 你在干什么
Elena is sired. 埃琳娜的确认祖归忠了
You were right. I was wrong. Happy? 你是对的,我错了,开心吗
No. I'm not happy, 不,我一点不开心
but what are we gonna do about it? 我们该怎么做
Well, I'm working on it. 我正在寻找方法
Here. Remember that? 这个,还记得吗
New Orleans. 新奥尔良
1942, to be exact. 1942年,更准确的说
What was in New Orleans in 1942? 1942年在新奥尔良发生了什么
Other that Bourbon and beads 15, us, Stefan. 除了波本威士忌和玻璃粉,还有我们,斯特凡
What was the name of that girl 那女孩叫什么
you used to hang out with? 你之前约会的那一位
That was no ordinary girl. 不是个普通的女孩
That was Charlotte. 是夏洛特
She was crazy about me from the minute we met. 打我们第一次见面她就对我很痴迷
So, of course, when she asked me 当然,在她要求我把她
to turn her into a vampire, I did. 变成吸血鬼,我照做了
So did you decide 你决定
who you would like to have for dinner tonight? 今晚谁会成为你的盘中餐了吗
Him. 他
He looks tasty. 他看起来很美味
That's a very fine choice, Miss Charlotte. 真是个很好的选择,夏洛特小姐
I will go set that up. 我去准备一下
Now, if anyone tries to touch my drink, 现在,要是有人动我的酒
you show them no mercy, ok? 就不要给他们好脸,好吗
Drop by after your set. Come join us. 正巧路过,过来加入我们
You spilled my man's drink. 你把我男人的酒弄撒了
Sorry. It's crowded in here. 对不起,这里太挤了
That's no excuse. 没有任何借口
Hey, take it easy, lady. 女士,别这么认真
I'm not gonna take it easy. 我不会就这么算了
What did you do? 你在干什么
He touched your drink. You said show no mercy. 他动了你的酒,你说过不能给好脸
I thought you'd be happy. 我以为你会开心
That was my first clue. 那是我第一个线索
She was sired to you, 她对你认祖归忠了
and I can only assume you took full advantage of that 我想你是占尽了便宜
until you got bored of her, right? 直到你厌倦了她,对吗
More like when she went all "Fatal attraction" on me. 更像是我对她有致命的诱惑
Then I had to make a clean break. 然后我只能干脆地分手
How'd you do that? 你是怎么做的
Here. 这里
Who's Valerie la Marche? 谁是瓦莱丽·马尔什
The witch that I found to help me break 帮助我打破夏洛特认祖归忠的
Little Charlotte's sire bond. 一个女巫
Pack your bags, baby bro. 收拾行李,亲爱的弟弟
We're going to Bourbon Street. 我们回波本街一趟
One for you, one for you. 一个给你,另一个是你的
I'm assuming this is for Caroline. 我想那一定是给卡罗琳的
Actually, it's for me. 事实上,是我的
Oh, I thought... Are you saying that 我以为,你是说...
Thanks to Damon, I am now a functional 16 dysfunctional vampire. 多亏达蒙,我现在是一个功能紊乱的吸血鬼
That's amazing. 那太好了
What do you mean, thanks to Damon? 什么意思,多亏达蒙
Well, he suggested that I try it again. 他建议我再试试
So I did, and it worked. 我就试了,很有效
No more snatch, eat, and erase 17. 不用再咬一口,吸血,删除记忆了
So where is my least favorite Salvatore? 我最讨厌的那个塞尔瓦托去哪儿了
"Out with Stefan for the night." 晚上和斯特凡出门
Don't wait up. Brother bonding." 别等我,兄弟叙叙旧"
So you guys checkin text now? 你俩开始短信汇报情况了啊
What else do you do? 你们还干什么
I know that you're not the biggest fan, 我知道你不看好我俩
but he kind of just changed my life. 但某种意义上,他改变了我的生活
Would you mind laying off on all the hate? 你能不能不那么讨厌他
Ok. New girls' night rule 好了,闺蜜之夜新规矩
No boy talk, yeah? 不许谈男孩,好吗
Plus, why talk when we have this? 而且,有了这些还谈他们干什么
Is that stoner tea? 那是毒茶吗
It's spirit tea. 是灵魂之茶
It opens up your chi or whatever. 可以增强元气什么乱七八糟的
Come on. It's not drugs. 少来,又不是药品
Shane is helping 18 me do natural magic 肖恩帮助我在不需通灵的情况下
without having to access the spirits. 做一些自然魔法
Don't judge. 别评头论足
Ok. Fine. 好吧
I hereby vow 19 not to be judgmental 我特此发誓,今晚聊天
for the rest of the evening. 绝不再评头论足了
Even if you two are potentially ruining your lives 即便你俩不经意地自毁前途
as I stand idly by, it's your choice. 而我只好袖手旁观,因为是你们的决定
I'll drink to that. 那样的话我得喝一杯
Cheers. 干杯
Well, the city is the same, 城市还是老样子
just brighter. 亮了不少
Have you been back here since '42? 1942年之后你这是第一次来吗
Nope, not since I shipped off 不是,我曾经被遣送到这里
to join the war effort and you didn't. 来参战,而你没有
Somebody had to entertain the ladies 姑娘们的男人都走了
who had been left by their menfolk. 总得有人来陪陪她们吧
Hey, good news. 好消息
Elena is at the house with the girls 埃琳娜现在和她闺蜜们谈心呢
where she can't get in trouble. 在那里就不用担心她惹麻烦了
Bad news they got into the Dom. 坏消息是,她们在喝法国廊酒
Told her to make herself at home. 我告诉她让她放开了玩儿吧
Yeah. You told her, so she does, right? 是啊,你告诉她她就照办,是吧
Sire bond is not that literal, Stefan. 认祖归忠不只是字面上的,斯特凡
Really? 真的吗
Name one thing that you've asked her to do 随便说出一件你让她做
that you haven't gotten, huh? 而你没有得到的事
You know what I haven't gotten? 你知道我没有得到什么吗
Blame, guilt 20. I get it, Stefan. 责备,负罪感,我明白,斯特凡
I get it that you're pissed that Elena dumped you 埃琳娜对我有感觉而甩了你
because she has feelings for me. 我知道你因为这很恼火
Bet you blame the sire bond for that, too. 我就知道你会用认祖归忠来找原因
Yeah. You know what? I absolutely do. 是啊,你知道吗,我确实这么想
Why, because it's impossible to think 为什么,难道承认她对我有感觉
she could have feelings for me? 就这么难吗
No, because it's impossible 不,而是因为
for her to be so blind that she doesn't see 她不可能盲目到无法意识到
how wrong you are for her. 她和你是多么的不配
Hey, wait, Damon. I'm sorry. 等等,达蒙,对不起
What'd you say? 你说什么
"I'm sorry I blame you for my bloodlust" 我抱歉我责备你让我产生对血的欲望
"and for me becoming a ripper. " 让我变成了开膛手
It wasn't your fault." 都不是你的错"
Do I really have to say it wasn't his fault, Lexi? 真的要承认那些不是他的错吗,莱希
Yes. Keep going. 是的,继续
"You're the only brother I have, " 你是我唯一的哥哥
and I hope that we can be friends again." 我希望能继续我们的友谊"
Perfect. 完美
Now, just remember, we're here 现在只要记住,我们来
to talk to Damon, not to yell, 是为了和达蒙谈的,而不是喊的
not to dredge up the past, and most definitely 不能提起往事,而且
not to pick a fight. 绝对不能打架
That's the real trick, isn't it? 那才是关键,对吧
You've spent the last 20 years turning your life around. 过去的二十年你们关系都那么紧张
It's time to make nice with your brother. 是时候该和你哥哥和好了
You look like a guy I used to know. 你长得真像我以前认识的某人
Hello, Damon. 你好啊,达蒙
Come to put a stake in my heart? 你打算用木桩杀死我吗
More like bury the hatchet 21. 我是来和解的
Egypt. 埃及
Finally gonna get to see the pyramids. 终于能看看金字塔了
I doubt I'll be doing much sightseeing 开着救护车奔赴前线
driving an ambulance through the front lines, 这种情况下参观金字塔有点难啊
butyeah, yeahEgypt. 但是,对,埃及
Think they have room for another driver? 你觉得还能再容下一个司机吗
I could handle some war 要是能和我弟弟一起好好相处
if it meant spending quality time with my little brother. 搞定点战争是没问题的
Tell you what. I'll talk to my C.O.. 那好,我会问问指挥官的
I might get this another round. 我还要再喝一轮
You're not going. 你不能去
I don't like you. 我不喜欢你
In 1912, you pressured Stefan to drink human blood. 1912年,你强迫斯特凡喝人血
He's been trying to put his ripper days behind him, 他一直想把他杀人狂的日子忘记
but he needs to see death and blood 但是他需要多看看死亡和鲜血
and deal with them as a part of life. 这样才能把它们变成生活的一部分
He needs balance, restraint. 他需要平衡和节制
What makes you think I'm not balanced and restrained? 你凭什么以为我就不平衡不节制
The fact that you never have been. 凭你从未如此的事实
You think of what you want first, second, and third. 想要什么你自己一清二楚
Stefan is better off alone than in your company. 与其让你在身边,还不如让斯特凡自己待着
Well, I beg to differ. 我可不敢苟同
To the Salvatores in Egypt. 为在埃及的塞尔瓦托兄弟
Cheers. Cheers. 干杯,干杯
Cheers. 干杯
Damon... 达蒙
Did you forget you were supposed to meet us for dinner? 你是不是忘了今晚应该和我们一起吃晚餐
Sorry. I lost track of time. 抱歉,我忘记时间了
I brought you leftovers 22. 我把剩饭给你带过来了
Charlotte! 夏洛特
Get away from him. 离他远一点
Stefan... 斯特凡
Stefan. 斯特凡
I I 我...我...
Stefan 斯特凡
She's better off without you, too. 要是没有你她也会更好
I apologize, all right? 我向你道歉好吗
As much as I hate this sire bond thing, 虽然我很恨什么认祖归忠
I shouldn't take it out on you. 但是不应该用来针对你
It's not really your fault. 这真的不是你的错
Well, don't get all warm and fuzzy on me yet. 先别对我这么好
It's where the witch lived. 女巫就住在这里
What, you weren't expecting 你不会是想着
to find the same exact witch in the same place. 在同样的地方会找到同样的女巫吧
No, but since I couldn't remember where the store was, 没有,不过我忘记商店在什么地方了
figured I'd get us a start. 我还想从那里着手呢
Maybe there's another place to start. 或许可以从其它地方着手
You think Charlotte might be in New Orleans? 你觉得夏洛特会在新奥尔良吗
Yeah, maybe. 可能吧
Where's the last place you saw her? 你最后一次见她是在哪里
Corner of Bourbon and Dumaine. 波本和杜梅因街的拐角处
Kind of told her to count every brick 我好像告诉过她,数完
in every building in New Orleans, 新奥尔良所有建筑的砖后
and I'd meet her at the corner. 我就会在拐角处见她
I was gone by the morning. 第二天早上我就走了
Where you going? 你去哪里
Corner of Bourbon and Dumaine. 波本和杜梅因街拐角
See how literal the sire bond is. 我要看看认祖归忠的力量
They're gonna get us both killed, 他们会把我们两个人都害死的
and we're just sitting here. 可是我们就干坐在这里
Kim is right. 金姆说得对
The point of breaking the sire bond is being free. 打破认祖归忠的意义就是自由
They don't have to listen to me. 他们不需要听我的
Yes, they do, Ty. You can make them. 他们应该听你的,泰,你要让他们听你的
Hybrids are werewolves first. 混血儿首先是狼人
Wolves run in packs, 狼是群居动物
and every pack needs an alpha, 每个狼群都会有名头领
or they end up challenging each other for dominance. 否则他们就会为了地盘不断斗争
Kim is challenging your position as alpha. 金姆现在是在挑战你头领的地位
You need to put her in her place...now. 你需要让她知道自己的位置,马上
Long day tomorrow, Adrian. 明天会很漫长啊,艾德里安
You want it to go better than today, 你要想明天比今天更好
you need to get some rest. 就得去休息休息
Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁
The guy telling you to call it a night. 让你今天到此为止的人
This could get a lot uglier right now, 现在我们就可以撕破脸皮
but I'm not gonna let it. 但是我不会这样做
Challenge me again, this conversation will end differently. 你再挑衅我,这次谈话就不会这样结束了
You understand? Fine. Whatever you say. 明白了吗,好吧,随你
Finish your drink and get Adrian back to the stables. 喝完酒,然后让艾德里安回马厩去
We'll meet you there. 我们那里见
Where we going? 我们要去哪里
To pick a fight. 去打一架
No way is she gonna be in the same spot after 70 years. 她不可能70年后还在原地
So what are we gonna tell Elena? 那我们要怎么跟埃琳娜说
I was hoping we wouldn't have to tell her anything. 我希望我们什么都不要告诉她
Well, we can't just lie to her. 可我们不能跟她说谎
It's not a lie. 这不是说谎
It's an omission 23 for the greater good. 不告诉她对大家都好
Oh, I see. I see. 我懂了
That's Damon speak for, "Let's not do the right thing. 你的意思不就是"别做该做的
Let's just do what's right for me." 做对我有好处的"
Oh, what about you, o selfless one? 那你呢,高尚男
Are you doing what's best for Elena or what's best for you? 你是真为了埃琳娜好呢还是为了自己
Because it looks to me like 我怎么就觉得
the only reason you want to break Elena's sire bond 你想解除埃琳娜的认祖归忠不过是
is to restore her original factory 为了让她变回那个对你死心塌地的
team Stefan settings. "原装"埃琳娜
I'm gonna go get a drink. 我要去喝一杯
Hunt me down when you stop being a dick. 你恢复正常了再来找我
What the hell just happened? 刚刚怎么回事
She kissed me. 她亲了我
Damon, I always knew you'd come back for me. 达蒙,我就知道你会回来找我的
I must have counted literally 24 every brick 我一定是数遍了新奥尔良
on every building in all of New Orleans. 每一栋楼房上的每一块砖
Literally every brick? 当真是一块块数吗
Uh, Charlotte heh heh 夏洛特,别,别
Please tell me you had a full life 告诉我,你过得不错吧
and that you've done something other than counting bricks. 除了数砖头你有干别的事吧
Of course I have. I'm not crazy. 当然,我又没疯
Then why are you still here? 那你为什么还在这儿
You know, when someone breaks up with you 如果有人和你分手了
and there's a song that reminds you of them, 而一首歌能勾起你的回忆
first, you hate it, 起先你还会反感
but then it brings back all the good memories of them. 但不久它就让你回忆起所有的美好往事
Counting the bricks is my song, 对我来说数砖块就像是我的歌
and I've been playing it for decades. 我数十年如一日在聆听这首歌
That's a really long time 那你执念于同一首歌
stuck listening to the same song. 时间还真不算短啊
Yeah. Heh. 是啊
Well, you know, in the plus column, 不过话说回来
you know New Orleans better than anyone in the world, 你对新奥尔良的了解这么透彻
which is really nice 这可是件好事
because we need your help finding someone. 我们要你帮忙找个人
Check this out vamp speed video. 看这个,吸血鬼速度短片
I look like superman. 我看起来像个超人啊
Watch this. 看这个
This year's christmas card. 今年的圣诞贺卡
Being a vampire is so weird. 当吸血鬼的感觉真的好怪
Oh, my god, I love this bathtub. 天啊,我爱这个浴缸
Why don't we come and hang out here more often? 我们干嘛不在这儿多聚几次呢
I'll tell you why. Cooties. 因为有虱子
Think of all the germridden skanks 想想这间藏污纳垢的房子里
that Damon has lured 25 into his den 7 of iniquity 26. 住过多少达蒙勾引来的浑身细菌的香客啊
Ok. I'm sorry. I've been good all night. 抱歉,今晚我一直表现不错
I am stopping now. 我这就住口了
No. Don't stop on my account. 别停,不用顾虑我
Rip away. 尽情说吧
I mean, it's only Damon, right? 你就是不满达蒙,不是吗
Well, say what you want about ripper Stefan, 不管你对开膛手斯特凡有什么意见
but at least he wasn't a man slut. 起码他可没处处留情
Come on. 别这样
So what exactly was it about him 到底他的哪一点
that made you jump right into bed with him 让你一认识他就毫不犹豫地
as soon as you met him? 和他同一战线
I didn't know what a sociopathic narcissist 27 he was. 我可不知道他是个反社会自大狂
He's always been there for me when I needed him. 他总在我需要的时候出现
Yeah, because he's hoping you'll sleep with him. 因为他想让你和他上床
Well, maybe I did. 可能我是和他上床了吧
You did what? You didn't. 你做了什么,不是吧
Yeah. I did. 我已经和他上床了
Look. I know you two have issues with him, 我知道你们俩对他有想法
but I'm happy, and I wanted to spend tonight 但我和他一起很快乐,今晚叫你们过来
with my best friends so that I could tell them about it. 我本来就是想告诉你们这个
Can I help you, gentlemen? 有什么能帮你们的吗,先生们
Hi. Looking for a witch. 我们在找一个女巫
Sorry. No time for pleasantries. 真不好意思,没时间客套了
I'm sorry. I don't understand. 抱歉,我不明白
Look Nandi, is it? 南迪,没错吧
Let's skip the part where you pretend 省点儿力气吧
like you don't know what we're talking about. 别装作不明白我们的意思
We need a spell that could break a vampire sire bond. 我们需要解除吸血鬼认祖归忠的咒语
Now, there was a witch here named Val. 以前这里有个叫瓦尔的女巫
Ring any bells? 耳熟吗
She was my greatgrandmother. 她是我的曾祖母
She had a grimoire, and it had a spell. 她有本魔法书,里面有这样的咒语
The magic you're talking about 你需要的那种巫术
is dark, powerful. 黑暗而强大
Magic like this doesn't come cheap. 这种巫术可不便宜
How much? 要多少钱
Money won't cut it here, pretty one. 钱可不作数,亲爱的
Dark magic draws power from dark places. 黑魔法的法力来自于暗黑的地方
Casting the spell you need 施一道你要的咒符
requires the sacrifice of 12 human souls. 需要12个人类的灵魂献祭
A sacrifice? 献祭
You brought me here knowing that the spell 你带我来之前就知道施咒
required a human sacrifice. 需要人祭
Well, I was hoping the recipe had changed. 我以为这方子不一样了
Look. There's no magic like that here. 听着,这里没有那种魔法
I sell herbs and homeopathic remedies 我只是卖给游客草药和用一些顺势疗法
and dress it up with a little witchywoo for the tourists, 然后加点巫术把戏糊弄一下
but I don't practice. 但我从没使用过
Ok. Fine. Listen. 好吧
Just tell us where we can find someone 你就告诉我们上哪去找
like your greatgrandma who can break the sire bond 像你曾祖母那样能打破认祖归忠的人
and won't flake 28 out on us like old Val did. 并且不会像老瓦尔那样放我们鸽子
There's no one. 没有
All of her stuff is gone the grimoires, her journals. 她的遗物都不在了,魔法书还有她的日记
We lost it all during Katrina. 所有东西都在那场卡特里娜飓风中丢失了
If a spell like that ever existed, 就算曾经真的有那样一道符咒
it's gone for good. 它失传也是好事
Elena, come on. 埃琳娜,别这样
Party is over. You guys need to leave. 派对结束了,你们得回家了
Don't be mad, ok? We're just looking out for you. 别生气好吗,我们只是关心你
Do you think it makes me happy 你觉得你们讨厌他
that you guys hate him? 能让我开心吗
I get it. 我知道
His track record has been kind of spotty, 他过去劣迹斑斑
But I don't hate him. 但我不讨厌他
I can't. He's 我做不到,他...
I think I'm falling in love with him. 我想我是爱上他了
Ugh, you're not falling in love with him, Elena. 你没有爱上他,埃琳娜
You're sired to him. 你是对他认祖归忠了
What? 什么
What are you talking about? 你在说什么
I 我...
Look. I'm sorry that it came out like that, 我很抱歉是这么回事
but it's true. 但这是事实
Damon's blood turned you. 达蒙的血转化了你
You couldn't feed from animals or blood bags 你没法喝动物或者血袋的血
because he told you so. 是因为他是这么和你说的
Then he suggested that you try again with blood bags, 然后他建议你再试试喝血袋的血
And suddenly 突然间...
No. 不
There's no way. I 不可能,我...
Are you sure? 你确定吗
Yeah. Ask Stefan about it. 当然,你去问斯特凡
He can explain it better than I can. 他会比我解释得更清楚
I'm sorry. You talked to Stefan about this? 什么,你跟斯特凡说过这事
It's not your fault, Elena, ok? 埃琳娜这不是你的错好吗
Damon took advantage of you. 达蒙在占你便宜
Ok. You need to leave... 请你离开...
Now. 现在
Elena 埃琳娜
Come on. 别这样
I said leave. 我说了离开
Hello, girls. 好啊,美女们
Stop. 住手
One bite from a hybrid 3, and she's dead, remember? 混血儿只要咬她一口,她就没命了,记得吗
Caroline. 卡罗琳
Witch is lying. 那女巫在说谎
Doesn't practice magic, my ass 6. 她不施魔法才怪
Human sacrifice? 那人祭呢
Did you really think that I would go for this? 你真的认为我会这么做吗
Extreme circumstances call for extreme measures. 特殊情况特殊对待
Did you kill those 12 people in 1942? 那你1942年杀了那12个人吗
Absolutely, I did, and I'd do it again 我当然杀了,并且如果这能让埃琳娜重生
in a heartbeat if it meant a clean slate 29 with Elena. 我会毫不犹豫的再做一次
Are you gonna help me good cop/bad cop this witch, or not? 你是打算在这跟我唱黑红脸还是帮我
I get it, Hayley. 我知道了,海莉
I'll find them, and I'll get them in line. 我会找到他们,我会制服他们的
Bonnie says no luck with the locator spell. 邦妮说定位咒失效了
They've got to be here. 他们肯定在这里
They're not dumb enough to risk getting caught by Klaus in town. 他们还没蠢到冒险在镇上被克劳斯逮住
Well, what do they want with Caroline? 那他们想对卡罗琳干什么
Kim is trying to prove she's the alpha. 金姆是想证明她是老大
If I can make her submit, the pack will fall in line, 如果我能让她屈从我,那整个狼群都会服从
and we can finally get them free of Klaus. 最后我们就可以让他们摆脱克劳斯
You'd think they'd play along with how much they hate him. 你要知道他们有多恨他
But Adrian doesn't, does he? 可艾德里安并没有,不是吗
I mean, he's still sired to Klaus. 他仍然对克劳斯认祖归忠
Being sired doesn't mean you feel differently about someone. 对一个人认祖归忠并不代表是你自愿的
I hated Klaus, but I still did everything he said. 我恨克劳斯,但我还会做他要求我做的
The bond affects how you act, 认祖归忠影响的是你的行为
not how you feel. 不是你的感觉
Caroline. 是卡罗琳
What are you doing here? 你来这里干什么
Calling you out. 戳穿你
You're not Val's greatgranddaughter. 你不是瓦尔的曾孙女
You're her daughter. 你是她女儿
You're 80 years old. You don't look a day over 50. 你80岁了,可你看上去还不到50
You're a practicing witch. 你一直在练习巫术
Get out of my store. 滚出我的店
Give me what I want. 帮我接触认祖归忠
I gave you a chance to leave with your life. 我给过你机会活下去
Wait, wait, wait, wait. 等等,等一下
We don't want any trouble, ok? 我们不想惹上什么麻烦,好吗
We just need your help. That's all. 我们只是想要你的帮助,就这么多
I told you, 我告诉过你了
there's no one here who can help you. 这里没有人能帮助你们
The kind of magic my mother practiced, it's unnatural 30. 我妈妈练习的那种巫术是非自然的
Witches don't even call it magic. 女巫们甚至都不认为那是魔法
We call it expression. 我们称之为表达
Is that like black magic? 那是黑魔法吗
Worse. 比那更糟糕
Channeling the power of human sacrifices 挑战人类牺牲的力量
calls on darkness that can't exist on this plane 召唤不能存于世上的黑暗
without swallowing it whole. 不顾一切
She sold you a bill of goods about breaking the sire bond 她告诉你怎么能破除认祖归忠
because she wanted access to that power, 是因为她想要得到那种力量
and you gave it to her when you killed those 12 people. 当你杀了12个人的时候就给了她那力量
Are you saying there's no spell? 你是说根本没有什么咒语
The bond can't be broken with magic. 认祖归忠不能用魔法破除
A vampire only bonds to her sire 只有一个吸血鬼对她的祖先有感情
when she has feelings for him 才会对他认祖归忠
before she turns, human feelings. 在她变成吸血鬼之前只是单纯的人类情感
Vampirism only heightens those emotions. 变成吸血鬼只能放大那些感情
You want her free? You have to set her free. 你想让她自由吗,那就必须放她走
Tell her to live her life without you 告诉她没有你一样可以生活
and never think of you again, 让她再也不要想起你
to stop caring about you, 再也不要在乎你
and then leave her. 然后离开她
That's the only way around the sire bond. 这是唯一可以打破认祖归忠的方法
Why are you doing this? 你为什么要这么做
To show Tyler who's in charge. 让泰勒知道到底谁是老大
Stop it. Stop it, Kim. 停下,住手,金姆
Caroline is with us, all right? 卡罗琳是跟我们一帮的
We're all on the same team. 我们都是一帮的
She's on your team, not mine. 她是你那帮的,与我无关
Stop it! Stop! 住手,停下
Ease up, Kim. Klaus won't like this. 放松,金姆,克劳斯不会喜欢这样的
Huh, that's a very good point. 这句话说的不错
Do you think he'll like this? 你觉得他会不会喜欢这样
Kim, don't do it. I swear to god 金姆,住手,我发誓
No. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 停下,等等,等一下
If you really want to hit Klaus where it hurts, 如果你真的想要刺激克劳斯的软肋
then torture me instead. 那就折磨我吧
He's fixated on keeping me alive. 他一直固执地想让我继续活下去
You want real revenge, or not? 你是想要真正的复仇,不是吗
Stay back! 都退后
I'll rip her heart out right now. 否则我现在就把她的心脏掏出来
Kim put you all at risk today, 金姆今天把你们所有人都置于危险当中
and I'm not gonna hurt her. 但我不会伤害她
I'm not Klaus. 我不是克劳斯
I don't kill and torture my own friends to get what I want. 我不会杀死或者折磨朋友来得到我想要的
Now, we broke the sire bond, 现在我们解除了认祖归忠
but if you want to be free, 但是如果你们想要自由
we have to work together. 我们就要齐心协力
No one can step out of line. 没人可以越矩
Now, you're either with me 现在,你们要不选择跟我一道
or you're against me. 要不选择跟我对立
Submit. 服从我
Submit, or you die. 服从,或者死亡
I'm I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
So you're just leaving me again? 你又要离开我了吗
No. I need to get on with my life, 不,我要继续我的生活
and so do you. 你也要继续你的生活
I don't want to live without you. 我不想要没有你的生活
If you want to make me happy, you will. 要是你想让我高兴的话就会的
You just forget about me. 你只要忘了我
You'll never think of me again, 再也不会想起我
and you'll find someone new, and you'll be happier than ever. 你会找到新的爱人,会永远快乐
Please just stop crying. 拜托你别哭了
I'm never gonna be able to forget about you. 我永远都无法忘记你
Yes. You are, 你会的
and I'm never gonna be happy until you realize 若你不能意识到,你生活中有我
that you're never gonna have the life that you deserve 就永远得不到你该有的生活
if I'm in it. 这样我也会难过
Goodbye, Charlotte. 再见,夏洛特
How'd it go? Set her free. 怎么样,还她自由了
Must've been hard, doing the right thing, 要做正确的事情,很难吧
especially when it's not something you want to do. 特别是你不想这么做的时候
Get to the point, Stefan. 斯特凡,直说吧
You don't think I'm gonna be able to do what I need to 你觉得当我不得不告诉埃琳娜
when I have to tell Elena to stay away from me. 远离我的时候,我做不到
Well, I mean, selflessness isn't exactly 达蒙,我想说无私恰好
one of your most obvious character traits, Damon. 不是你显着性格特点之一
Yeah? Well, one of these days, you're gonna realize 是吗,总有一天,你会意识到
you don't know me half as well as you think. 你对我的了解连真实的我的一半都没有
All right. 好
Damon... 达蒙
I know what you did, 我知道你做了什么
and you're not going overseas with Stefan. 你不能不带斯特凡就独自出国
Do you understand me? 你懂吗
Well, Uncle Sam begs to differ 山姆大叔(美国政府的绰号)可不这么认为
You just killed 12 innocent people. 你杀了十二个无辜的人
How do you know they didn't have it coming? 你怎么知道他们不是死有应得呢
Your brother has spent the last 20 years 过去的二十年里,你的弟弟
racked with guilt, fighting the temptation 饱受内疚的折磨,抗拒
to drink human blood. 吸食人血的欲望
He's serving in war as penance 31 他参军是为了那些
for the pain that he's caused. 他所造成的伤痛而苦行赎罪
If he finds out what you did, 如果他发现你所做的一切
he'll want to know how it is you function 他会想知道你是如何能够
without guilt for the things that you do. 对自己的行为毫不内疚的
He'll turn to you for guidance like he did before, 他会像以前一样,寻求你的指引
and he'll become the ripper of Monterey 他会再一次,变成
all over again. 蒙特里的开膛手
I've pretty much been on my own 自从1912年我们小吵了一架之后
since our little falling out in 1912. 我基本都是独来独往的
Did you ever think that I just need my little brother? 你从没想过我需要我弟弟吗
And that's why you can't go. 正是如此你才不能去
It might be good for you, Damon, 达蒙,这样也许对你有好处
but it will destroy Stefan. 但是这样会毁了斯特凡
For once, you need to put someone else 仅此一次,你需要先为
in front of yourself. 他人着想
You need to let him go. 你得让他离开
Good luck, brother. 祝你好运,老弟
I didn't know about that. 我一直不知道这事
Yeah. Well, next time, I'll hang a billboard 32. 是啊,下次,我会先挂个广告牌的
I know it may seem like I'm being unfair about this, 我知道看起来似乎是我对这事有点不公平
like I'm upset about losing Elena to you, 好像是我很失望因为她爱上了你
and I am, 我的确如此
but after all this is over, 但这一切结束之后
if she never feels the same way about me 如果她对我的感觉再也不能
as she used to, at least it'll be her choice. 和以前一样,至少这也是她的选择
The dreaded 33 cword. 丧气话
I know what I have to do, Stefan. 斯特凡,我知道自己该做什么
I'm sorry. 对不起
Hey, if you don't start hugging me back, 如果你不赶紧回抱住我
this is gonna get really awkward really fast. 这很快就会变得非常尴尬了
You've got my hands pinned down. 你把我的手都束住了
I'm a jerk. 我是混蛋
I promise to never again judge ever. 我保证再也不会评头论足了
Just please don't tell Stefan about me and Damon. 拜托不要告诉斯特凡我和达蒙的事情
I promise that I'll tell him. 我保证我会告诉他的
I just need to figure out some stuff first. 我只是需要先搞清楚一些事情
Of course. 当然
You guys friends again? 你们和好了
Thank god. 谢天谢地
Well, she saved my life, 她救了我
in spite of me being the nasty, bad witch. 尽管我表现得像个脾气暴躁的坏女巫
Thankfully, we had our good witch. 万幸的是,我们有个好女巫
You know, your hottie creepy professor 你知道吗,你的性感的古怪的教授
really knows his stuff, Bonnie. 真的非常专业,邦妮
It's been baby steps, but he's helping 这才是起步阶段,但是他帮我
with a whole new kind of magic. 施展一个全新的魔法
He calls it expression. 他叫它表达
You ever hear of a text message, 你听说过有种东西叫短信吗
maybe just give a guy a headsup? 也许就能给人先提个醒
Adrian finished breaking the sire bond. 艾德里安打破认祖归忠了
You have your 12 hybrids. 你已经有十二个混血儿了
Now, where are my parents? 现在,我父母在哪里
They're dead. 他们已经死了
You lied to me? No. 你是骗我的吗,不是
I didn't lie to you. 我没有骗你
I said I'd tell you where to find them. 我说过我会告诉你去哪里能找到他们
This is everything you ever wanted to know, 这里面有所有你想知道的东西
including where they're buried. 包括他们葬在哪里
You just picked a fight with a werewolf. 你刚挑起了和一个狼人的战争
You know that, right? 你知道吗
Easy, killer 34, all right? 放轻松,好吗,杀手
I'm not declaring war here. 我不是要挑起战争
Just because they're dead 他们已经死去了
doesn't mean you can't see them again. 并不代表你不能再见到他们
What? 什么
Oh, this is far from over, Hayley. 海莉,这一切离结束还远着呢
We are the beginning. 我们才刚刚开始
You feel sorry for him? 你为他感到难过吗
Look. There's no other way to break a vampire's sire bond. 听着,没有打破吸血鬼之间认祖归忠的方法
As much as you and I both hate it, 不管我们都多恨这一点
Damon does love Elena. 达蒙是真的爱埃琳娜
Now he has to completely let her go. 而现在,他必须彻底放手
Can you imagine having to do that? 你能想象被迫这样做的感觉吗
I'm sorry I told her, ok? 对不起,我告诉她了
I kind of didn't have a choice. 我似乎没有选择
All I know is, he better do what he's supposed to do. 我只知道,他最好是做他该做的事
He'll do it. 他会的
He's not as bad as he wants you to think. 他没有你想的那么坏
He'll do what he needs to do. 他会做他需要做的事情
He told me he would. 他告诉我他会的
Is that all he told you? 他只告诉你这些吗
What do you mean? 什么意思
Nothing. It's just 没什么,就是
It's just... 就只是
How can you trust him? 你怎么能相信他
Because I think he loves her as much as I do. 因为我觉得,他和我一样爱她
He can't be selfish with her, 他不会对她自私的
not anymore. 再也不会了
We're back. 我们回来了
How was your night? 晚上过得怎么样
Awful. Yours? 很糟糕,你呢
Same. 一样
Elena, we need to talk. 埃琳娜,我们得谈谈
I know that I'm sired to you, Damon. 我知道我对你认祖归忠了,达蒙
Caroline told me. 卡罗琳告诉我了
That's what you and Stefan were doing, wasn't it? 你和斯特凡就是在处理这件事情,对吗
Is there a way to break it? 有办法打破它吗
Not exactly... 没有
Which is why we need to talk. 所以我们需要谈一谈
Tyler told me the bond doesn't affect how I feel, 泰勒告诉我,认祖归忠并不影响我的感情
just the way I act. 只是影响我的行为
My feelings for you haven't changed, Damon. 我对你的感情并没有变,达蒙
Nothing has changed. 什么都没有变
Everything has changed, Elena. 什么都变了,埃琳娜
Ok. Fine. Yeah. I mean, I've changed. 好吧,是的,我变了
So have you, Damon, 你也变了,达蒙
and I'm happy, 但是我很开心
just like you were yesterday morning 就像昨天早上我们什么都还不知道的时候
before we knew about any of this. 你也很开心一样
You know what would make me happy? 你知道什么会让我开心吗
To know that this entire time 知道从始至终
that I've been completely in love with you 我全心全意爱着你
that what you actually felt for me was real. 知道你对我的感情,都是真的
It is real. I know that it is, Damon. 都是真的,我知道那是真的,达蒙
I know what you're about to do. 我知道你要做什么
Please don't do this to me. 求你了,不要这样对我
I don't want to do this, Elena. 我不想这样的,埃琳娜
I'm not the good guy, remember? 我不是那个好人,记得吗
I'm the selfish one. I take what I want. 我是自私的那个,我要我所要
I do what I want. I lie to my brother. 我做我想做的事,我欺骗我的弟弟
I fall in love with his girl. 我爱上他的女友
I don't do the right thing... 我不做正确的事情
But I have to do the right thing by you. 但是为了你,我必须要做对的事
Does this feel wrong? 这感觉错了吗
Does this feel wrong? 这感觉不对吗
- It wasn't a wife waiting there for him but a blood sucking vampire!家里的不是个老婆,而是个吸人血的妖精!
- Children were afraid to go to sleep at night because of the many legends of vampire.由于听过许多有关吸血鬼的传说,孩子们晚上不敢去睡觉。
n.吸血鬼( vampire的名词复数 );吸血蝠;高利贷者;(舞台上的)活板门
- The most effective weapon against the vampires is avampire itself. 对付吸血鬼最有效的武器就是吸血鬼自己。 来自电影对白
- If vampires existed, don`t you think we would`ve found them by now? 如果真有吸血鬼,那我们怎么还没有找到他们呢? 来自电影对白
- That is a hybrid perpetual rose.那是一株杂交的四季开花的蔷薇。
- The hybrid was tall,handsome,and intelligent.那混血儿高大、英俊、又聪明。
n.杂交生成的生物体( hybrid的名词复数 );杂交植物(或动物);杂种;(不同事物的)混合物
- All these brightly coloured hybrids are so lovely in the garden. 花园里所有这些色彩鲜艳的杂交花真美丽。 来自辞典例句
- The notion that interspecific hybrids are rare is ill-founded. 有一种看法认为种间杂种是罕见的,这种看法是无根据的。 来自辞典例句
- Going to college brought about a dramatic transformation in her outlook.上大学使她的观念发生了巨大的变化。
- He was struggling to make the transformation from single man to responsible husband.他正在努力使自己由单身汉变为可靠的丈夫。
- He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
- An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
- There is a big fox den on the back hill.后山有一个很大的狐狸窝。
- The only way to catch tiger cubs is to go into tiger's den.不入虎穴焉得虎子。
- From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
- His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
- The girl is not in the vein for singing today.那女孩今天没有心情唱歌。
- The doctor injects glucose into the patient's vein.医生把葡萄糖注射入病人的静脉。
- I gave up my epic and wrote this little tale instead.我放弃了写叙事诗,而写了这个小故事。
- They held a banquet of epic proportions.他们举行了盛大的宴会。
- What is the optimal mix of private and public property rights in natural resources?私人和国家的自然资源产权的最适宜的组合是什么?
- Optimal path planning is a key link for the sailing contest.帆船最优行驶路径规划是帆船比赛取胜的关键环节。
- The first batch of cakes was burnt.第一炉蛋糕烤焦了。
- I have a batch of letters to answer.我有一批信要回复。
- He told me I was trespassing on private land. 他说我在擅闯私人土地。
- Don't come trespassing on my land again. 别再闯入我的地界了。
n.忠诚( loyalty的名词复数 );忠心;忠于…感情;要忠于…的强烈感情
- an intricate network of loyalties and relationships 忠诚与义气构成的盘根错节的网络
- Rows with one's in-laws often create divided loyalties. 与姻亲之间的矛盾常常让人两面为难。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.(空心)小珠子( bead的名词复数 );水珠;珠子项链
- a necklace of wooden beads 一条木珠项链
- Beads of perspiration stood out on his forehead. 他的前额上挂着汗珠。
- The telephone was out of order,but is functional now.电话刚才坏了,但现在可以用了。
- The furniture is not fancy,just functional.这些家具不是摆着好看的,只是为了实用。
- He tried to erase the idea from his mind.他试图从头脑中抹掉这个想法。
- Please erase my name from the list.请把我的名字从名单上擦去。
- The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
- By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
- My parents are under a vow to go to church every Sunday.我父母许愿,每星期日都去做礼拜。
- I am under a vow to drink no wine.我已立誓戒酒。
- She tried to cover up her guilt by lying.她企图用谎言掩饰自己的罪行。
- Don't lay a guilt trip on your child about schoolwork.别因为功课责备孩子而使他觉得很内疚。
- I shall have to take a hatchet to that stump.我得用一把短柄斧来劈这树桩。
- Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet.别用斧头拍打朋友额头上的苍蝇。
- He can do miracles with a few kitchen leftovers.他能用厨房里几样剩饭做出一顿美餐。
- She made supper from leftovers she had thrown together.她用吃剩的食物拼凑成一顿晚饭。
- The omission of the girls was unfair.把女孩排除在外是不公平的。
- The omission of this chapter from the third edition was a gross oversight.第三版漏印这一章是个大疏忽。
- He translated the passage literally.他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字。
- Sometimes she would not sit down till she was literally faint.有时候,她不走到真正要昏厥了,决不肯坐下来。
- The child was lured into a car but managed to escape. 那小孩被诱骗上了车,但又设法逃掉了。
- Lured by the lust of gold,the pioneers pushed onward. 开拓者在黄金的诱惑下,继续奋力向前。
- Research has revealed that he is a monster of iniquity.调查结果显示他是一个不法之徒。
- The iniquity of the transaction aroused general indignation.这笔交易的不公引起了普遍的愤怒。
- Don't get caught in the trap of always trying to please a narcissist. 不要让自己一直陷入讨好自恋者的困境中。 来自互联网
- Drain the salmon,discard the skin,crush the bones and flake the salmon with a fork.将鲑鱼沥干,去表皮,粉碎鱼骨并用餐叉子将鱼肉切成小薄片状。
- The paint's beginning to flake.油漆开始剥落了。
- The nominating committee laid its slate before the board.提名委员会把候选人名单提交全体委员会讨论。
- What kind of job uses stained wood and slate? 什么工作会接触木头污浊和石板呢?
- Did her behaviour seem unnatural in any way?她有任何反常表现吗?
- She has an unnatural smile on her face.她脸上挂着做作的微笑。
- They had confessed their sins and done their penance.他们已经告罪并做了补赎。
- She knelt at her mother's feet in penance.她忏悔地跪在母亲脚下。
- He ploughed his energies into his father's billboard business.他把精力投入到父亲的广告牌业务中。
- Billboard spreads will be simpler and more eye-catching.广告牌广告会比较简单且更引人注目。
adj.令人畏惧的;害怕的v.害怕,恐惧,担心( dread的过去式和过去分词)
- The dreaded moment had finally arrived. 可怕的时刻终于来到了。
- He dreaded having to spend Christmas in hospital. 他害怕非得在医院过圣诞节不可。 来自《用法词典》