时间:2019-02-04 作者:英语课 分类:英文语法词汇



dis,dict 源自拉丁文动词dicare,有 [说话] 之意. dict 的拼法出自 dicare 的 过去分词 dictus. 例如: addict 1 v. [使热 中,专心於] 源自拉丁文动词 addicere 与 形容词 addictus. 字首 ad 有 to 的意思, addicere 为 [赞同,判决],引申又成 [让 与],而 addictus 由前述动词 [让与] 的 意义,便衍生出 [献与,致力於] 的解释, 因此 addict 才有 [耽溺] 的意思.
abdicate 2 让(位),放弃
addict 使热中,专心於
benediction 3 祝福,恩赐
contradict 相反,反对,否定
contradictious 矛盾,好反驳的
dedicate 献身,委身
dictate 4 口授令人笔录,命令
dictator 独裁者
dictatorial 5 独裁,专横的
diction 用字遣词,词藻,语法
dictum 格言
edict 诏书,敕令
indicate 显示
indict 6 控告
interdict 7 禁止
jurisdiction 8 管辖权,司法权
malediction 9 诅咒
predicament 困境
predicate 宣称,断定,使有根据
predict 预测,预知,预言
syndicate 企业组合
valediction 10 告别辞,告别
verdict 判断,判决
vindicate 11 辩明,保护

字根 equ 源出拉丁文形容词 aequus,原义 为equal. 例如: adequate a. [适量,足够 的] 出自拉丁文形容词 adaequatus,字首 ad 为 to 的意思,因此原为 [相等的] 之 意. 借入英文之后,由 [相等,等量] 的原 义,衍变成 [适量,足够的]; 其反义字 inadequate 13,相对的成为 [不充分的] 的意 思. 以 equ 组成的单字有些比较偏难,例 如: equation n. [等式方程式],equator n. [赤道],equiangular a. [等角的], equilateral a. [等边的],equinox n. [ 春分,秋分] 等等. 须特别注意另有一字根 equ [马],拼法与本文介绍的 equ [均等] 相同,但 equ [马] 系源出於拉丁文名词 equus [马],组成的英文单字数量少,如: equestrian 14 a. [马术的],equitataion n. [骑术] 等.
adequate 适量,足够的
eauable 稳定,平静的
equal 相等,同样的
equality 平等,相等
equanimity 15 平静,镇定
equate 12 使乡等
equilibrate 使平衡,使相称
equilibrium 16 平衡,均衡
equipoise 平衡,均衡,使平衡
equitable 17 公平,公正的
equity 18 公平,公正
equivalent 相等,等量的
equivocal 模棱两可,可疑的
inadequate 不充分的
iniquitous 19 不公平的,邪恶,不法的
iniquity 20 邪恶,不义之行为


源自拉丁文动词 facere,有 do,make 之 意. fac,fact,fect,fic,fict源出拉丁 文 facer 的种种动,名词变化; fair 直接 借自法文; 而 feat,feit,fit 则间接受 过法文影响. 除了上述九种字根形态,尚可 转成一个动词字尾 fy,意思也是 do 或 make. fy 是个异常重要的字尾,如: beatify v. [赐福],rectify v. [修正], diversify 22 v. [使多样化],simplify v. [简化],fortify v. [加强],identify v. [确认],terrify v. [恐惧],purify v. [净化] 等.
affair 事情
affect 影响,感动,假装
affectation 假装,虚饰行为
affection 爱,情感
affectionate 挚爱的
artifact 人工制品
artifice 23 策略,诡计
artificial 人造,虚伪的
benefaction 捐助
beneficent 仁慈的
beneficial 有益的
beneficiary 受惠者
benefit 益处,裨益,有益於
confection 混合,调制
counterfeit 25 伪造,伪装,假,伪造的
defeat 失败,征服,击败
defect 缺点,投奔敌方,变节,叛变
deficient 26 有缺点,缺乏的
difficult 困难,费力的
difficulty 经济之困难,困难,障碍,困境
effect 效力,结果,影响,印象,意义
effective 有力的
effectual 有效的
effectuate 使实现,实践
efficacious 有效的
efficient 有能力,有效的
facile 青而易举的,随和的
facilitate 使容易
facility 熟练,灵巧,设备
facsimile 复制
fact 事实
faction 24 小派系,小组
factious 27 党派性,喜倾轧的
factitious 虚假的
factor 原动力,因素
factory 工厂
faculty 28 全体教师,能力
feasible 切实可行的
feat 功绩,伟业
feature 组成要素,特色,特徵,特性
forfeit 29 丧失
imperfect 不完全,有缺点的
infect 影响,使受感染,传染
infectious 有传染性的
magnificence 富丽堂皇
magnificent 壮丽,华丽的
malefaction 30 罪行,犯罪
manufacture 制造
perfect 研美,全然的,使完美无瑕,改进
proficiency 31 熟练,精通
proficient 32 精通,熟谙的
profit 利润,收益,利益,获利
sacrifice 牺牲的行为,损失,携牲,献祭
suffice 足够,使满足
sufficient 足够,充分的
surfeit 33 使餍足,使饮食过度,过度,过量


字根 fer 源出拉丁文动词 ferre,有 carry,bear 之意. 下文例字以 defer 34 v. 比较特别,既可作 [延缓],也可作 [服从] ,两种字义在英文虽共用 defer 一个字, 但是字源却不尽相同. defer 作 [延缓] 源 自拉丁文动词 differe,字首 dif 有 away 的意思; 作 [顺作] 解释的 defer 则源自 deferre,字首可作 down 的意思. 原拉丁 文本分为两个字,后进入古法文仍分 differer 和 deferer 两字,到了英文因拼 法,念法均相似,方才合而为今日所见的 defer.
circumference 35 圆周,周围
confer 商议,赐予,颁与
conference 会议
defer 延缓,展期,顺从
deference 36 敬意,尊重
deferential 37 恭顺的
differ 不同,相异
difference 不同,差异
different 不同,差异的
differentiate 38 辨别,使有区别
ferry 渡船,以船渡(人,货),用飞机运送
fertile 肥沃,多产的
indifferent 不感兴趣,漠不关心的
infer 推知
inference 推论,结论
offer 提供,提出,提议,出价
prefer 教喜,宁爱
proffer 39 提供,提出
refer 言及,提到,归之於,交给,提交
referee 40 仲裁者,裁判
suffer 受苦,忍受
transfer 迁移,转学,调职,移转

FIN 41

fin 源自拉丁文动词 finire [限制,结束] 和名词finis n.f. [界限,结束]. 例如: finance n. [财务,财源] 出自古法文名词 finance,意为 [结束],特别是 [结束财务 纠纷],进入英文之后,仍保有这两种字义, 后来现代法文将 finance 引申成 [财务, 财政],英文也随而受到法文的影响,而成 了 [财务,财源]. 例如: fine a. [细致, 美好的] 源出古法文形容词 fin,原有 [结 束] 的意思,其字义衍变可以藉 finish v. [完成] 一字来解释. finish 除 [完成] 的 意思之外,并可作 [修饰,使完美] 之意.
confine 控制,限於范围内,幽禁,范围
define 阐释,下定义,为...之特质
definite 明确,正确的
final 最后的
finale 最后一幕,结局
finance 财务,财源,供以经费
fine 细致的,美好的,卓越的,罚金
finesse 42 细致,技术
finish 完成,结束,完美
finished 完美的
finite 有限的
indefinite 无限期,模糊的
infinite 无穷,极大的
refine 使精美,使文雅
refined 文雅,精确的


fleect,flex 出自拉丁文动词 flectere 和 名词 flexio,两字都有 [弯曲] 之意. 以 这个字根组成的单字,尚有一些不属常用字 汇 范围,列出如下以供参考: flexor n. [屈 肌],genuflect v. [屈膝,跪拜] 等.
deflect 44 使转向,使偏斜
flex 弯曲
flexible 易弯,柔顺的,易说服,温顺的
flexuous 动摇不定,弯曲的
inflect 改变,转向,弯曲
inflexible 45 不屈,强硬的
reflect 反射,反映,考虑,思考
reflective 反射,反映的,沈思的
reflex 反映,反照,不自主,非意志所控制的


字根 flu 出自拉丁文动词 fluere,意思即 为 [流动]. 这个字根有拉丁文字源,如: fluen,fluct,flux 46 等拼法. 另外有两种 拼法 flum,fluy,也是源自拉丁文 flu 字 根的各类变化,组成的单字较为罕见,如: flume n. [峡沟,溪涧] (出自古法文 flum 和拉丁文 flumen [河流] ),fluvial a. [河川的] (出自法文 fluvial 和拉丁文 fluvialis [河川的] )等.
affluence 47 丰富,富裕
affluent 48 丰富的,富裕的
confluence 49 汇流(处),群集
fluctuate 波动,变动
fluency 50 健言,流畅
fluent 流畅的
fluid 流体,液体,流畅,易改变的
flux 变迁,流动,改变
influence 影响
influential 51 有势力的
influx 52 流入,注入
reflux 退潮
superfluity 过多,过量
superfluous 53 不必要,过多的


字根 found,fus 源出拉丁文动词 fundere ,有 [倾流,熔铸] 两种解释. found 的拼 法出自法文的 fondre v. [熔铸],但字源 仍是拉丁文 fundere; fus 则来自拉丁文 fundere 的过去分词 fusus. 如: refuse 源自法文 refuser v. [拒绝] 更早系出自 拉丁文动词 refundere,字首 re 有 back 的意思,本义为 pour back 或 return,引 申而有 [拒绝] 的意思.
circumfuse 展开,散布,围绕
confound 分不清,混淆,使混乱,使惊讶,使惶惑
confuse 使混淆,使混乱,使困惑,使惶惑不安
diffuse 54 分散,扩散,冗长的
effuse 洋溢,散发,流出
found 铸造
fuse 熔合,熔化,结合一起,合并
fusion 55 融解,融合一起的东西,联合
futile 56 徒劳,无效果的
infuse 灌输
interfuse 使融合,使混合
perfuse 使充满,撒满
profuse 57 很多,浪费的
profusion 58 挥霍,浪费
refuse 拒绝
suffuse 59 布满,充盈
transfuse 60 灌输,使渗入


字根fract,frag,frang,fring 源出拉丁 文动词 frangera,原有 break 之意. fract 的拼法出自拉丁文 fractus 的过去 分词fractus; frag 出自 fragilis a. [易 碎的],fragmen n.n. [碎片],fragor n. [破裂声] 等字; frang 出自上述的 frangere; 而 fring 则源出拉丁文本身的 字根变化,如拉丁文 infringere v. [撞破 ,打倒]. 此外意义衍变比较特别的,有 infringe 61 v. [侵犯,违背],refract v. [使折射],refractory 62 a. [难驾驭,倔强 的] 等字. refract 源出拉丁文动词 refringere,有 break off [冲破,打断] 的意思,因此若是将光源 [打断],则可引 申成 [使折射]. refractory 源出拉丁文形 容词 refractarius,在拉丁文已由前述动 词 refringere [冲破,打断] 的意思,引 申成 [好吵架,喧闹],后又转成 [难驾驭, 顽固].
fraction 微量,部分,片
fractional 极小,极少的
fracture 破裂,打断,破碎
fragile 虚弱,易碎的
fragment 破片,片断,成为碎片,打破
frail 63 脆弱,不坚实的
frailty 64 脆弱,缺点,过失
frangible 易破,易碎的
infract 破坏,侵犯
infrangible 不能破坏,不可侵犯的
infringe 侵犯,违背
refract 使折射
refractory 难驾御,固执的

duc,duct 出自拉丁文动词 ducere,原义为 lead,其中 duct 的拼法来自 ducere 的过 去分词 ductus. 这个字根除了上述两种拼 法外,并有 subdue 65 v. [镇压,征服] 的变 体. subdue 的字源有很多说法,有人认为 系拉丁文动词subducere [拖,抽取,结算] 转义而成,有人则认为由拉丁文subdere v. [置放,抑制,征服] 变形而成,但尚无定 论.
abduct 拐走,绑架
adduce 举出,引证
adduct 并拢
aqueduct 水道,沟渠
conduce 助成,贡献,引起
conduct 引导,管理,指挥,行为,举动
deduce 推论,演绎
deduct 扣除,减除
duct 管,输送管
ductile 可延展,柔软的
educate 教育,培育
educe 引出,令显出
induce 引诱,诱使,引起
induct 使正式就职
introduce 引进,介绍,介绍认识
produce 提出,生产
product 产物,生产品,结果
reduce 减少,减低
seduce 引诱
subdue 使服从,征服,抑制

  • He became gambling addict,and lost all his possessions.他习染上了赌博,最终输掉了全部家产。
  • He assisted a drug addict to escape from drug but failed firstly.一开始他帮助一个吸毒者戒毒但失败了。
  • The reason I wnat to abdicate is to try something different.我辞职是因为我想尝试些不一样的东西。
  • Yuan Shikai forced emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him.袁世凯逼迫皇帝逊位,把政权交给了他。
  • The priest pronounced a benediction over the couple at the end of the marriage ceremony.牧师在婚礼结束时为新婚夫妇祈求上帝赐福。
  • He went abroad with his parents' benediction.他带着父母的祝福出国去了。
  • It took him a long time to dictate this letter.口述这封信花了他很长时间。
  • What right have you to dictate to others?你有什么资格向别人发号施令?
adj. 独裁的,专断的
  • Her father is very dictatorial.她父亲很专横。
  • For years the nation had been under the heel of a dictatorial regime.多年来这个国家一直在独裁政权的铁蹄下。
  • You can't indict whole people for the crudeness of a few.您不能因少数人的粗暴行为就控诉整个民族。
  • I can indict you for abducting high school student.我可以告你诱拐中学生。
  • Troops could be ferried in to interdict drug shipments.可以把军队渡运过来阻截毒品的装运。
  • Interdict could also be sought for the protection of public interests.禁令也可以用于保护公共利益。
  • It doesn't lie within my jurisdiction to set you free.我无权将你释放。
  • Changzhou is under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province.常州隶属江苏省。
  • He was answered with a torrent of malediction.他得到的回答是滔滔不绝的诅咒。
  • Shakespeare's remains were guarded by a malediction.莎士比亚的遗骸被诅咒给守护著。
  • He gave a touching valediction at graduation.他在毕业典礼上发表了动人的告别辞。
  • I came here just for a valediction.我来仅仅是向你告别。
  • He tried hard to vindicate his honor.他拼命维护自己的名誉。
  • How can you vindicate your behavior to the teacher?你怎样才能向老师证明你的行为是对的呢?
  • You can't equate passing examination and being intelligent.你不能把考试及格看成是聪明。
  • You cannot equate his poems with his plays.你不可以把他的诗歌和他的剧本相提并论。
  • The supply is inadequate to meet the demand.供不应求。
  • She was inadequate to the demands that were made on her.她还无力满足对她提出的各项要求。
  • They all showed extraordinary equestrian skills.他们的骑术都很高超。
  • I want to book two equestrian tickets.我想订两张马术比赛的票。
  • She went again,and in so doing temporarily recovered her equanimity.她又去看了戏,而且这样一来又暂时恢复了她的平静。
  • The defeat was taken with equanimity by the leadership.领导层坦然地接受了失败。
  • Change in the world around us disturbs our inner equilibrium.我们周围世界的变化扰乱了我们内心的平静。
  • This is best expressed in the form of an equilibrium constant.这最好用平衡常数的形式来表示。
  • This is an equitable solution to the dispute. 这是对该项争议的公正解决。
  • Paying a person what he has earned is equitable. 酬其应得,乃公平之事。
  • They shared the work of the house with equity.他们公平地分担家务。
  • To capture his equity,Murphy must either sell or refinance.要获得资产净值,墨菲必须出售或者重新融资。
  • Many historians,of course,regard this as iniquitous.当然,许多历史学家认为这是极不公正的。
  • Men of feeling may at any moment be killed outright by the iniquitous and the callous.多愁善感的人会立即被罪恶的人和无情的人彻底消灭。
  • Research has revealed that he is a monster of iniquity.调查结果显示他是一个不法之徒。
  • The iniquity of the transaction aroused general indignation.这笔交易的不公引起了普遍的愤怒。
  • Man's first landing on the moon was a feat of great daring.人类首次登月是一个勇敢的壮举。
  • He received a medal for his heroic feat.他因其英雄业绩而获得一枚勋章。
  • Our company is trying to diversify.我们公司正力图往多样化方面发展。
  • Hills and woods diversify the landscape.山陵和树木点缀景色。
  • The use of mirrors in a room is an artifice to make the room look larger.利用镜子装饰房间是使房间显得大一点的巧妙办法。
  • He displayed a great deal of artifice in decorating his new house.他在布置新房子中表现出富有的技巧。
  • Faction and self-interest appear to be the norm.派系之争和自私自利看来非常普遍。
  • I now understood clearly that I was caught between the king and the Bunam's faction.我现在完全明白自己已陷入困境,在国王与布纳姆集团之间左右为难。
  • It is a crime to counterfeit money.伪造货币是犯罪行为。
  • The painting looked old but was a recent counterfeit.这幅画看上去年代久远,实际是最近的一幅赝品。
  • The crops are suffering from deficient rain.庄稼因雨量不足而遭受损害。
  • I always have been deficient in selfconfidence and decision.我向来缺乏自信和果断。
  • Many of the old puritan colonist retain their factious temperament in the new world.许多清教徒殖民者在新大陆仍保持他们好争论的脾气。
  • Fabvier was factious;Bavoux was revolutionary.法布维埃是暴动分子,巴武是革命党人。
  • He has a great faculty for learning foreign languages.他有学习外语的天赋。
  • He has the faculty of saying the right thing at the right time.他有在恰当的时候说恰当的话的才智。
  • If you continue to tell lies,you will forfeit the good opinion of everyone.你如果继续撒谎,就会失掉大家对你的好感。
  • Please pay for the forfeit before you borrow book.在你借书之前请先付清罚款。
  • He plied his trade and gained proficiency in it.他勤习手艺,技术渐渐达到了十分娴熟的地步。
  • How do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken English?你认为你的书面英语和口语熟练程度如何?
  • She is proficient at swimming.她精通游泳。
  • I think I'm quite proficient in both written and spoken English.我认为我在英语读写方面相当熟练。
  • The voters are pretty sick of such a surfeit of primary sloganeering.选民们对于初选时没完没了地空喊口号的现象感到发腻了。
  • A surfeit of food makes one sick.饮食过量使人生病。
  • We wish to defer our decision until next week.我们希望推迟到下星期再作出决定。
  • We will defer to whatever the committee decides.我们遵从委员会作出的任何决定。
  • It's a mile round the circumference of the field.运动场周长一英里。
  • The diameter and the circumference of a circle correlate.圆的直径与圆周有相互关系。
  • Do you treat your parents and teachers with deference?你对父母师长尊敬吗?
  • The major defect of their work was deference to authority.他们的主要缺陷是趋从权威。
adj. 敬意的,恭敬的
  • They like five-star hotels and deferential treatment.他们喜欢五星级的宾馆和毕恭毕敬的接待。
  • I am deferential and respectful in the presence of artists.我一向恭敬、尊重艺术家。
  • You can differentiate between the houses by the shape of their chimneys.你可以凭借烟囱形状的不同来区分这两幢房子。
  • He never learned to differentiate between good and evil.他从未学会分辨善恶。
  • He rose and proffered a silver box full of cigarettes.他站起身,伸手递过一个装满香烟的银盒子。
  • I proffer to lend him one.我表示愿意借他一个。
  • The team was left raging at the referee's decision.队员们对裁判员的裁决感到非常气愤。
  • The referee blew a whistle at the end of the game.裁判在比赛结束时吹响了哨子。
  • They swim using a small fin on their back.它们用背上的小鳍游动。
  • The aircraft has a long tail fin.那架飞机有一个长长的尾翼。
  • It was a disappointing performance which lacked finesse.那场演出缺乏技巧,令人失望。
  • Lillian Hellman's plays are marked by insight and finesse.莉莲.赫尔曼的巨作以富有洞察力和写作技巧著称。
  • We wound off a couple of yards of wire for a new lamp flex.我们解开几码电线作为新的电灯花线。
  • He gave his biceps a flex to impress the ladies.他收缩他的肱二头肌以吸引那些女士们的目光。
  • Never let a little problem deflect you.决不要因一点小问题就半途而废。
  • They decided to deflect from the original plan.他们决定改变原计划。
  • Charles was a man of settled habits and inflexible routine.查尔斯是一个恪守习惯、生活规律不容打乱的人。
  • The new plastic is completely inflexible.这种新塑料是完全不可弯曲的。
  • The market is in a constant state of flux.市场行情在不断变化。
  • In most reactors,there is a significant flux of fast neutrons.在大部分反应堆中都有一定强度的快中子流。
  • Their affluence is more apparent than real.他们的富有是虚有其表。
  • There is a lot of affluence in this part of the state because it has many businesses.这个州的这一部分相当富有,因为它有很多商行。
  • He hails from an affluent background.他出身于一个富有的家庭。
  • His parents were very affluent.他的父母很富裕。
  • They built the city at the confluence of two rivers.他们建造了城市的汇合两条河流。
  • The whole DV movements actually was a confluence of several trends.整个当时的DV运动,实际上是几股潮流的同谋。
  • More practice will make you speak with greater fluency.多练习就可以使你的口语更流利。
  • Some young children achieve great fluency in their reading.一些孩子小小年纪阅读已经非常流畅。
  • He always tries to get in with the most influential people.他总是试图巴结最有影响的人物。
  • He is a very influential man in the government.他在政府中是个很有影响的人物。
  • The country simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees.这个国家实在不能接纳这么多涌入的难民。
  • Textile workers favoured protection because they feared an influx of cheap cloth.纺织工人拥护贸易保护措施,因为他们担心涌入廉价纺织品。
  • She fined away superfluous matter in the design. 她删去了这图案中多余的东西。
  • That request seemed superfluous when I wrote it.我这样写的时候觉得这个请求似乎是多此一举。
  • Direct light is better for reading than diffuse light.直射光比漫射光更有利于阅读。
  • His talk was so diffuse that I missed his point.他的谈话漫无边际,我抓不住他的要点。
  • Brass is formed by the fusion of copper and zinc. 黄铜是通过铜和锌的熔合而成的。
  • This alloy is formed by the fusion of two types of metal.这种合金是用两种金属熔合而成的。
  • They were killed,to the last man,in a futile attack.因为进攻失败,他们全部被杀,无一幸免。
  • Their efforts to revive him were futile.他们对他抢救无效。
  • The hostess is profuse in her hospitality.女主人招待得十分周到。
  • There was a profuse crop of hair impending over the top of his face.一大绺头发垂在他额头上。
  • He is liberal to profusion.他挥霍无度。
  • The leaves are falling in profusion.落叶纷纷。
  • A dull red flush suffused Selby's face.塞尔比的脸庞泛起了淡淡的红晕。
  • The evening sky was suffused with crimson.黄昏时分天空红霞灿灿。
  • He cannot transfuse the knowledge into your brain.他不能把知识灌入您的脑子。
  • In the past,the flow of vein transfuse belonged to pure technology flow.过去的静脉输液流程是纯技术流程。
  • The jury ruled that he had infringed no rules.陪审团裁决他没有违反任何规定。
  • He occasionally infringe the law by parking near a junction.他因偶尔将车停放在交叉口附近而违反规定。
  • He is a very refractory child.他是一个很倔强的孩子。
  • Silicate minerals are characteristically refractory and difficult to break down.硅酸盐矿物的特点是耐熔和难以分离。
  • Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself.华纳太太已经九十六岁了,身体虚弱,不便独居。
  • She lay in bed looking particularly frail.她躺在床上,看上去特别虚弱。
  • Despite increasing physical frailty,he continued to write stories.尽管身体越来越虛弱,他仍然继续写小说。
  • He paused and suddenly all the frailty and fatigue showed.他顿住了,虚弱与疲惫一下子显露出来。
  • She tried to subdue her anger.她尽力压制自己的怒火。
  • He forced himself to subdue and overcome his fears.他强迫自己克制并战胜恐惧心理。