英语诗歌:Move him into the sun
Move him into the sun -
Gently its touch awoke him once,
At home, whispering of fields unsown.
Always it woke him, even in France,
Until this morning and this snow.
If anything might rouse him now
The kind old sun will know.
Think how it wakes the seeds, -
Woke, once, the clays of a cold star.
Are limbs, so dear-achieved, are sides,
Full-nerved,- still warm,- too hard to stir?
Was it for this the clay grew tall?
- O what made fatuous 1 sunbeams toil 2
To break earth's sleep at all?
to whisper: to speak softly
unsown: not planted with seeds
to rouse: to wake
limb: an arm or leg
fatuous: silly and without purpose
Futility by Wilfred Owen
- He seems to get pride in fatuous remarks.说起这番蠢话来他似乎还挺得意。
- After his boring speech for over an hour,fatuous speaker waited for applause from the audience.经过超过一小时的烦闷的演讲,那个愚昧的演讲者还等着观众的掌声。