单词:pseudoseptate 相关文章
Forcing Electrons into Superconducting Line In a study in the journal Nature researchers created a pseudo gap, in which electrons in superconducting materials line up just before flowing resistance-free. Sonya Buyting reports Imagine a world with lev
7.ARYA 第七章艾莉亚 Aryas stitches were crooked again. 艾莉亚的缝衣针又歪了。 She frowned down at them with dismay and glanced over to where her sister Sansa sat among the other girls. 她懊恼地皱起眉头,看着手里那团乱
Septa Mordane called after her. Arya, come back here! Dont you take another step! Your lady mother will hear of this. 茉丹修女在她背后叫道:艾莉亚,你给我回来,你再走一步试试看!我会把这件事告诉你母亲大人。
That brought more laughter from the Lannisters, more curses from Robb. Ser Rodriks face was beet-red with fury under the white of his whiskers. 此话一出,兰尼斯特的部属们笑得更开心,罗柏也骂得更大声。罗德利克爵士气得
Nymeria was waiting for her in the guardroom at the base of the stairs. She bounded to her feet as soon as she caught sight of Arya. 娜梅莉亚一直在楼梯底部的守卫室里等着她。一见艾莉亚的身影,她立刻跳将起来, Arya
Hes our brother, Arya said, much too loudly. Her voice cut through the afternoon quiet of the tower room. 他是我们的哥哥。艾莉亚回嘴,却说得大声了。她的声音划破了塔顶房间午后的静谧。 Septa Mordane raised her eyes
Septa Mordane, Jon told her. I dont think shed like Nymeria helping, either. 茉丹修女会啰。琼恩告诉她,而且我想她一定不喜欢娜梅莉亚这样帮忙的。 The she-wolf regarded him silently with her dark golden eyes. Its just as
d-Pinoresinoldi-O-b-glucopyranoside 松脂酚双吡喃葡萄糖甙 d-Pinoresinol d-松脂素 Piperitone 胡椒酮 Plantaginin 车前甙 Platycodin A, C, D 桔梗皂甙A,C,D Podophyllotoxin 鬼臼毒
假的,都是假的,真的我一定不会是这样的成绩的。 fake adj. 假的;冒充的 n. 仿造品;冒充者;骗子 v. 伪造;捏造;冒充;假装;欺骗 Im sure that I take a fake examination. 我确定我考了一个假试。 sham adj. 虚
Chapter 15 SANSA 第15章 珊莎 Eddard Stark had left before dawn, Septa Mordane informed Sansa as they broke their fast. The king sent for him. 早餐的时候,茉丹修女告诉珊莎,艾德史塔克大人天亮前就离了营。国王找他去的
Mine. Arya had almost forgotten Needle, in her hand. 我的。艾莉亚忘了缝衣针还握在自己手里。 Give it to me. 给我。 Reluctantly Arya surrendered her sword, wondering if she would ever hold it again. Her father turned it in the lig
Arya spun around, with Needle in her hand. You better not come in here! she warned. She slashed at the air savagely. 艾莉亚倏地转身,手中紧握缝衣针。你不要进来!她出声警告,一边对着空气疯狂挥砍。 The Hand will h
You may not, the septa said. You have scarcely touched your food. You will sit down and clean your plate. 还不行,修女说,你的东西几乎都没吃,请你坐下来先把盘里的食物清干净。 You clean it! Before anyone could stop he
He held Needle out to her, hilt first. Here. 他把缝衣针递给她,剑柄在前。拿去罢。 She looked at the sword with wonder in her eyes. 她惊讶地盯着剑, For a moment she was afraid to touch it, afraid that if she reached for it i
This one is your father, he said. This one here. Dog, turn it around so she can see him. 这个是你父亲,他说,这边这个。狗,把头转过来给她瞧。 Sandor Clegane took the head by the hair and turned it. 桑铎克里冈伸手到半空
Topic 1-Scarce Students in Rural Schools There is a primary school that only has one student in Wuzhai County of Shanxi Province. It is not a school for the super rich, but rather a rural school in remote areas. In fact, we are seeing more schools li
Sansa started as Joffrey laid his hand on her arm. 乔佛里伸手放在珊莎手臂上,把她吓了一跳。 It grows late, the prince said. He had a queer look on his face, as if he were not seeing her at all. Do you need an escort back to the ca
Instead Joffrey smiled and kissed her hand, handsome and gallant as any prince in the songs, and said, Ser Loras has a keen eye for beauty, sweet lady. 结果乔佛里不仅面带微笑,还吻了她的手,跟歌谣里的王子一样英气勃发。他
Who do you belong to, boy? the septa demanded. Answer me. What's wrong with you, are you mute? 小弟弟,你是谁家的孩子?修女质问,告诉我。你怎么了?你是哑巴吗? Arya's voice caught in her throat. If she answered, Tommen
Startled, Arya dropped the cat and whirled toward the voice. 艾莉亚吓了一跳,松开猫,旋身面对声音的来源。 The tom bounded off in the blink of an eye. 公猫转瞬间便一溜烟逃走。 At the end of the alley stood a girl with