音标:[lait] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 光, 光亮, 灯, 日光, 发光体, 光源, 杰出人物, 火花, 眼光
a. 轻的, 少量的, 轻微的, 轻快的, 轻浮的, 明亮的, 淡色的, 容易的
vt. 点燃, 照亮
vi. 点着, 变亮, 突降, 偶然碰到
adv. 轻地
n. (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation
n. any device serving as a source of illumination
n. a particular perspective or aspect of a situation
n. an illuminated area
词型变化:名词复数形式 : lights ; 过去式 : lit ; 过去分词 : lit ; 现在分词 : lighting ; 第三人称单数 : lights ; 形容词比较级 : lighter ; 形容词最高级 : lightest



  1. I try to see but I'm blinded by the white light.我试着去看,但是有道白光让我什么都看不到。
  2. I can't read while you are standing in my light.你挡住了我的光线,我没法看书。
  3. He turned off the light before going out.他出门前把灯关掉。
  4. It was getting dark, so we switched on the light.天色暗了,于是我们打开了灯。
  5. Excuse me, have you get a light by any chance?对不起,你碰巧有打火机吗?
  6. If you think about it, you will eventually see the light.如果你想一想,你就会最终领悟的。
  7. The portrait shows fine effects of light and shade.这幅肖像画的浓淡色调表现得很好。
  1. This is a heavy box, and that is a light one.这是一个重箱子,那是一个轻箱子。
  2. She bent forward, and her fine light hair fell over her cheeks.她向前探出身子,她的浅色的美丽头发遮住了脸颊。
  3. It's beginning to get light.天渐渐亮了。
  4. He prefers light fictions to serious novels.比起严肃小说来,他更喜欢轻松的小说。
  5. Since her accident she can only do light work.她出事以后只能做轻活儿了。
  6. I advise you to go on a light diet for a while.我建议你一段时间内多吃些清淡的东西。
  1. I saw him enter the room, sit down and light a cigarette.我看见他走进房间,坐了下来,点燃了一根香烟。
  2. Her face lit up when she saw he was coming.当她看到他走过来的时候,她的脸亮了起来。
  3. He struck a match to light the room.他划了根火柴来照亮房间。


  1. The sun was setting fast, but there was still ample light.夕阳西下,天很快暗下来,但是还有足够的昼光。
  2. In the early morning light we could just make out the dark forms of the mountains.在晨曦中我们只能看见群山的轮廓。
  3. A fire is comparable with the sun;both give light and heat.火和太阳相似,两者均可放出光和热。
  4. The light in this room is poor.这房间里的光线不充足。
  5. A dim light came from afar.一缕暗淡的光线从远处射来。
  6. The moon yields less light than the sun.月亮的光线比太阳弱。
  7. The diamond sparkles with brilliant light.钻石闪烁出灿烂的光辉。
  8. That great tree takes away all the light.那棵大树把光线全遮住了。
  9. Turn the light off, please.请关灯。
  10. Please turn on the overhead light.请打开吊灯。
  11. A light was still burning in his study.他的书房里仍亮着灯光。
  12. The house was dark, not a light on.屋子漆黑,没有一盏灯开着。
  13. The street looks gay with bright flags and coloured lights.街上旗帜鲜艳,彩灯缤纷,显出一派欢乐景象。
  14. When the traffic lights turn green you can go.交通讯号灯转为绿色时你就可以通行。
  15. It is illegal to cycle without a light after dark.天黑后骑车不开灯违反规定。
  16. The last person to leave should turn off the light.最后离开的人应该关灯。
  17. Have you got a light?你有火吗?
  18. He struck a light and set the candle going.他擦了一根火柴,点燃了蜡烛。
  19. The workers and the employers see the situation in quite a different light.工人们与雇主对形势的看法大相径庭。
  20. He looked at her action in a favourable light.他以赞成的态度看待她的行动。
  21. I got on electric shook from that faulty light switch.当我触到那个有毛病的电灯开关时,被电击了一下。
用作定语~+ n.
  1. This is a nice light room.这是一间光线明亮的房间。
  2. Light colours suit you best.你最适于穿浅色衣服。
  3. She wore a light green skirt.她穿着一件浅绿色的裙子。
  4. I bought a light suitcase.我买了一只轻便手提箱。
  5. The old bridge can only be used by light vehicles.那座旧桥只能走轻型车辆。
  6. When I was reading someone gave me a light touch on the shoulder.当我正看书时,有人轻轻地拍了拍我的肩头。
  7. A light breeze stirred the curtains.微风吹动窗帘。
  8. She is a light dancer.她舞步轻盈。
  9. This is light work.这是轻而易举的工作。
  10. The children help with light housework.孩子们帮着干些轻的家务活。
  11. Since her accident she can only do light work.出事以后,她只能做轻活了。
  12. This book is the kind of light reading I like.这本书是我所喜欢的那类轻松读物。
  13. Then they passed on to lighter topics.接着,他们谈论了一些较为轻松的话题。
  14. That's a light beer.那是一种淡啤酒。
  15. The river was visible through a light mist.透过薄雾,那河隐约可见。
  16. This plant will only grow in light soil.这种植物在轻质土壤中才能生长。
  17. I had light fish this lunch.今天午饭我吃了少量的鱼。
  18. Please don't make any noise— my mother's a very light sleeper.请安静——我母亲容易被吵醒。
  19. I've had quite a light day today.我今天相当清闲。
  20. The beautiful day puts us in a light mood.美好的天气使我们心情愉快。
  1. In spring the evenings start to get lighter.春天,天渐渐黑得晚了。
  2. This room is very light.这个房间非常亮。
  3. Carry this bag—it's the lightest.背上这个袋子——它最轻。
  4. This coat is light but very warm.这件大衣很轻,但非常暖和。
  5. This sack of potatoes is five kilos light.这袋土豆少5公斤。
  6. The company was fined £1000, which critics said was too light.公司被罚1000英镑,评论者称,惩处过轻。
  7. Your duties will be light.你的关税将很轻。
  8. The conversation is light and gay.谈话轻松愉快。
  9. The wind is very light.风很小。
  10. Trading on the Stock Exchange was light today.证券交易所今日交易清淡。
S+be+~+to- v
  1. The suitcase was light to carry, being empty except for two shirts.这只箱子提着很轻,因为里面只有两件衬衣。
It is/was+~+that-clause
  1. It's so light that a child could lift it.这东西太轻了,孩子都能拿起来。
  1. Wet wood doesn't light easily.湿木不易点燃。
  2. The match lights easily.这火柴容易点燃。
  3. The fuse lighted at once.保险丝立即被烧断了。
  4. Her face lighted when she saw who it was.当她弄明白这是谁时,脸上露出了喜色。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. The spark lighted the dry wood.火星燃着了干柴。
  2. We lit the candle and the candle lit the room.我们点燃了蜡烛,烛光照亮了房间。
  3. We tried to light the wood but it was wet and wouldn't light easily.我们想点燃这木柴,可是太湿了,一下子点不着。
  4. Crusoe lit a fire and from it took a burning stick.克鲁索点起了一堆火,从中抽出一根燃着的柴棍。
  5. He lit a cigarette and puffed at it furiously.他点燃了一支香烟,狂吸了几口。
  6. She swiftly lit the third fuse.她敏捷地点着了第三根导火索。
  7. One large lamp lighted the room.一盏大灯照亮了房间。
  8. Electricity lights our houses.电灯照亮了我们的房子。
  9. Another flash lit the staircase.电光又是一闪,照亮了楼口。
  10. A quick animation lit her face.突来的兴奋情绪令她容光焕发。
  11. A smile lit his face.他的脸上露出了微笑。
  12. 1
  13. The match is lit.火柴点燃了。
  14. The apartment is lit by electricity.这套公寓用电灯照明。
  15. Our streets were badly lit fifty years ago.50年前我们的街道照明很差。
  16. The stage is lit by spotlights.舞台由聚光灯照明。
  17. Her face was lighted by the news.她听到这个消息后面露喜色。


according to one's (own) lights
    按照自己的认识,根据自己的能力 in conformity with one's beliefs, attitudes or abilities
bring to light
    揭露,暴露,发现 make sth knownbring sth to light

    I will bring to light the truth.


    His enemies brought to light some foolish things he had done while young.


    The investigation brought to light a number of interesting facts.


    Many things left by the ancient Egyptians in tombs have been brought to light.


    Her little secret was soon brought to light.


    The crime was brought to light years later.


cast light on
    使…显得非常清楚,阐明,使人了解 make sth clearer
come to light
    显露,曝光,成为众所周知 be revealed;become known
hide one's light under a bushel
    含蓄不外露,过分谦逊 be very shy and modest and not show one's abilities or talents;be too modest in letting others see what one can do
in (the) light of
    鉴于,由于,按照 in view of sth;considering sth
light at the end of the tunnel
    成功之望 success, happiness, etc. after a long period of difficulty or hardship
see the light
    出版,发表 be made public
make light of
    对…不在乎,轻视 treat sth as unimportant
light on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    (偶然)发现 discover sth, especially by chancelight on〔upon〕 sth

    Tell us how you lit upon the idea for your invention.


light up (v.+adv.)
    开街灯或车灯 switch on light in a street or carlight up

    The room suddenly lit up.


    The neon signs lit up.


    light up sth

    The search-light lit up the whole area.


    The lamp lit up the room.


    The light rays from the sun light up the globe.


    The house was lit up as though a big celebration was going on.


    All the streets were lit up with electricity.


    light up

    He usually lights up immediately after supper.


    The men settled down in their chairs and lit up.


    He struck a match and lit up.


    You must not light up after the formal dinner until the Queen's health has been drunk.


    light up

    Her face lit up when she heard the news.


    Mary's face lit up when she saw her old friend.


    Her eyes lit up when I mentioned a holiday.


    light up sth

    A smile lit up her face.


    At last he had a fortunate idea, and when it fell into his brain, it lit up his whole head with an evil joy.


    light up with sth

    When our delegation passed, her eyes lighted up with recognition.


    His face lit up with pleasure.


    light up

    At this time of the year, the official hour to light up is six-thirty.


    Be sure to light up as soon as the sun sets, or the police may stop your car.



用作名词 (n.)
  • adjust light调整光亮
  • bathe in light日光浴
  • blow out a light熄灯
  • bring light带来光明
  • come to light显露出,暴露出
  • douse light熄灯
  • flash a light闪光,使光闪烁
  • get a light有火(柴等)
  • give off light放光,发光
  • give the green light to sb给某人开绿灯,批准某人
  • go out the light熄灯
  • have a light有火(柴等)
  • pass a red light(汽车等)闯红灯
  • produce light发光
  • put on a light开灯
  • put out the light熄灯
  • see the light出世,(书籍等)问世,领悟
  • shine a light用灯照亮
  • shoot a red light(汽车等)闯红灯
  • shut off the light关灯
  • strike a light擦火柴
  • take away all the light遮光
  • turn off a light关灯
  • turn on a light开灯
  • turn out a light熄灯
  • blinding light眼花缭乱的(灯)光
  • bright light明亮的(灯)光
  • broken light折线光
  • calm light平静的灯光
  • clear light清晰的光线
  • curious light稀奇的灯光
  • dark light暗淡的光线
  • deep light深深的光线
  • dirty light脏的灯,混浊的光线
  • distant light远处的灯光
  • dry light干涸的灯
  • dying light要灭的灯
  • earliest light最早的光线
  • early light晨光
  • electric light电灯
  • enough light光线充足
  • falling light要灭的灯
  • flash light闪光灯
  • gentle light柔和的灯光
  • hard light强光
  • little light一点点光
  • lovely light可爱的灯光
  • native light自制灯
  • northern light北方的光线
  • patient light温和的光
  • poor light昏暗的光线
  • pure light单一的光线
  • red light警报信号,危险
  • rising light正在升起的光
  • rush light闪电,迅速移动的光线
  • side light侧光
  • soft light柔和的光线
  • strange light奇怪的(灯)光
  • strong light强光
  • warm light温暖的光
  • weak light暗淡的光
  • white light白光
  • ceiling light吊灯
  • center light中心光线
  • day light日光
  • evening light夜光
  • floor light落地灯
  • head light车前灯
  • midday light正午的光线
  • minute light带时钟的灯
  • moon light月光
  • morning light早晨的光线
  • parking light停车灯
  • pilot light领航灯
  • stop light(汽车车尾)制动灯,交通指示灯
  • summer light夏季的阳光
  • sun light日光
  • sunset light落日余光
  • tail light尾灯
  • traffic light交通灯
  • light beacon灯标
  • light beam光柱
  • light bomb照明弹
  • light button光按钮
  • light filter滤光器
  • light house灯塔
  • light year光年
  • at a light在交通灯处
  • between the lights在黄昏,在傍晚
  • by the light of借助,根据
  • in light被光线照着,在阳光〔灯光〕下
  • in a bad light在光线差的地方
  • in a good light在亮处,在有利的地位
  • in a new light用新的眼光
  • in the light of依照,根据,当作
  • in the true light从真实的观点看
  • a flood of light一片强光
  • light of a lamp灯光
  • light of fire火光
  • lights of London伦敦的万家灯火
  • light of the moon月光
  • light of the sun阳光
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • light aircraft轻型飞机
  • light blue淡蓝色
  • light bridge轻便桥梁
  • light clothes轻装
  • light clothing轻便的衣物
  • light crop of wheat小麦歉收
  • light exercise轻度锻炼
  • light food易消化食物
  • light green淡绿色
  • light heart轻松愉快的心情
  • light load轻负荷
  • light luggage轻便的行李
  • light lunch清淡的午餐
  • light metal轻金属
  • light music轻音乐
  • light shoes轻便的鞋
  • light shower of rain小阵雨
  • light soil轻质土壤
  • light soup清淡的汤
  • light supper少量的晚餐
  • light tap轻轻一拍
  • light traffic稀少的行人车辆
  • light voice柔和的声音
  • light white wine低度白葡萄酒
  • light wind微风,和风
  • light woman水性杨花的女人
  • light work轻活
  • extremely light极轻的
  • so light清淡的
  • very light非常轻的
  • light in hand(马等)容易驾驭的,(人)容易相处的
  • light in weight重量轻
  • light on one's feet脚步轻快
用作动词 (v.)
  • light a candle点蜡烛
  • light a cigarette点香烟
  • light a fire生火
  • light flames点燃熊熊烈火
  • light a lamp点灯
  • light one's way照亮道路
  • light the gas点燃煤气
  • light the house照亮房屋
  • light the stove点燃炉子
  • light the street照亮街道
  • light the whole street照亮整条街
  • light abruptly突然地点火
  • light automatically自动点火
  • light bewilderingly使人迷惑地点火
  • light breathlessly匆忙地点火
  • light briskly轻松地点火
  • light calmly平静地点火
  • light carefully小心地点火
  • light cautiously小心翼翼地点火
  • light cheerfully兴高采烈地点火
  • light comprehensively全面地点火
  • light confidently满怀信心地点火
  • light consciously自觉地点火
  • light courageously勇敢地点火
  • light daringly大胆地点火
  • light decisively果断地点火
  • light desperately毫无顾忌地点火
  • light disastrously灾难性地点火
  • light earnestly非常认真地点火
  • light effectively给人印象深刻地点火
  • light eventually终于点火
  • light expertly熟练地点火
  • light falteringly犹豫地点火
  • light gloriously壮丽地点火
  • light grotesquely可笑地点火
  • light hurriedly匆忙地点火
  • light ingeniously巧妙地点火
  • light laboriously吃力地点火
  • light mysteriously神秘地点火
  • light noiselessly悄悄地点火
  • light professionally熟练地点火
  • light prudently谨慎地点火
  • light punctually准时点火
  • light reasonably合理地点火
  • light reluctantly不情愿地点火
  • light ruthlessly无情地点火
  • light satisfactorily令人满意地点火
  • light scientifically科学地点火
  • light scrupulously谨慎地点火
  • light selectively有选择地点火
  • light sensibly合理地点火
  • light simultaneously同一时间点火
  • light slowly慢慢地点火
  • light studiously小心地点火
  • light symbolically象征性地点火
  • light systematically有规律地点火
  • light temporarily暂时点火
  • light unaccountably莫名其妙地点火
  • light out突然发出
  • light up点燃
  • light up sb's face使某人容光焕发
  • light up with pleasure(脸)露出高兴的表情
  • light on〔upon〕偶然发现,偶然获得…


  • Coming out..into the light after being..in the darkness inside the hill.

    出自:A. Ransome
  • After dark, they worked by the light of the city's fires.

    出自:J. Hersey
  • A match flared, and in its momentary light Kino saw..the men were sleeping.

    出自:J. Steinbeck
  • Starting at early light from the old fort.

    出自:Frank Thompson
  • We skated..on into the evening by the light of fires.

    出自:H. E. Bates
  • She had only a candle's light to see by.

    出自:J. Fowles
  • Their luggage..was light enough to be entirely empty.

    出自:R. Bradbury
  • A girl in a light summer dress.

    出自:R. Brautigan
  • She was so light, he could pick her up..like a baby.

    出自:B. Gilroy
  • Light traffic..at the time of the accident was..the reason more vehicles were not involved.

    出自:Los Angeles Times
  • He piled these ancient books together and set them all on a light fire.

    出自:J. Jortin
  • Stern Hassan..from his horse Disdains to light.

  • The taper which was lighting in the room was burnt out.

  • To travel in America one must travel light.

    出自:Cecil Roberts
  • His engine ran light from Orpington to Kent House.

    出自:Railway Magazine

【句子对照】 I ran a marathon last week. It was so long and I was so tired. I didn't really feel like there was a light at the end of the tunnel until I saw the finish line. 我上周参加了马拉松赛跑。路程太长了,我非常地累,直到看到终点线,我才感觉有一

发表于:2018-12-02 / 阅读(150) / 评论(0) 分类 俚语口头禅

Traveling Light Joel Hanson Sara Groves Well I was doubling over the load on my shoulders Was a weight I carried with me everyday Crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging Picking up stones I found along the way I staggered and I stumbled do

发表于:2018-12-08 / 阅读(91) / 评论(0) 分类 英语金曲精听

[00:16.53]The Green Light [00:21.86]绿光 [00:32.80]That night, [00:34.00]I was having that problem of not being able to sleep [00:37.71]and kept looking out my window for the tooth fairy. [00:42.09]Keep in mind that this was a basement window [00:45.

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[00:16.55]The Green Light [00:21.86]绿光 [00:35.60]I watched it float softly toward my bed [00:39.46]and along the side of the rail that kept me from falling. [00:43.49]I quickly closed my eyes as it drew nearer [00:47.75]because I knew that the toot

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You Light Up My Life So many nights I*d sit by my window, waiting for someone to sing me his song. So many dreams I kept deep inside me, alone in the dark, but now you*ve come along. And you light up

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说一口流利的英语,从简单的单词开始。 听听,读读,背背,今天你的词汇量又增加了5个。 单词/词义 中英例句 单词听读 arrive [ E5raiv ] Her baby arrived dur

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(89) / 评论(0) 分类 每日攻克5词

说一口流利的英语,从简单的单词开始。 听听,读读,背背,今天你的词汇量又增加了5个。 单词/词义 中英例句 单词听读 shorts [ FC:ts ] The one with a pair o

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(120) / 评论(0) 分类 每日攻克5词

Traveling Light Joel HansonSara Groves 卸下重负,轻装前行。 Well I was doubling over the load on my shoulders Traveling Light Was a weight I carried with me everyday Crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging Picking up stones I fou

发表于:2019-01-03 / 阅读(106) / 评论(0) 分类 电影歌曲

you light up my life 你照亮我的生命 演唱者:westlife 黎安莱姆丝、西城男孩都是翻唱的,是同名电影的主题曲。这里是westlife的版本。一支经典情歌啦你给我前行的希望,你照亮我的时光;仿佛海

发表于:2019-01-03 / 阅读(169) / 评论(0) 分类 电影歌曲

Green thumb Green light 今天美国两个很有名的年轻电影明星,一个叫Paul Newman,另一个叫Tom Cruise。不久前他们一起拍了一部电影,叫「绿钞票」。这是因为美国

发表于:2019-01-06 / 阅读(144) / 评论(0) 分类 美国习惯用语

Green Light Roll Deep put your hands up, take it to the floor you already give me the green light baby, put your glass up, pour a little more, you already give me the green light i was lookin for the green light, cuz when i take me home yeah she migh

发表于:2019-01-10 / 阅读(123) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲

追寻阳光 Newton Faulkner - To The Light I'm taking a break because I'm losing it again And I wanna relate without you thinking I'm insane. Oh, it's the same another train. Just sitting around with record in my brain. You could have everything you

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(122) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲

这是一首可以使心情以下子就放松的歌曲,今晨走在上班的路上,当耳机塞进耳朵 欢快的节奏吉他声立即以其迅雷不及掩耳的速度穿过耳膜,冲进大脑, 随大脑丰富的血液流淌至双肺, 它又混合了清晨清新的空气来到我的心脏,轻轻敲打,当心脏完全被击中 不可抗拒其魅力而兴

发表于:2019-02-04 / 阅读(159) / 评论(0) 分类 音乐咖啡厅

饶舌:Roll Deep - Green Light 相关介绍 :Roll Deep是一个来自伦敦的乐队,他们从未签约过唱片公司,一直是独立出碟。 这个组合的八位成员大都是出身地下音乐的MC说唱歌手,好几位还是出身牙买加

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(112) / 评论(0) 分类 节奏布鲁斯

听歌学英语:Traveling Light 演唱者Joel Hanson和Sara Groves是两个乡村歌手,Joel 是一个优秀吉他弹奏者,在与Sara Groves合作前发行过两张专辑《broken》和《Interview》。与Sara Groves合作的第一支单曲就是《

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(154) / 评论(0) 分类 听歌学英语

英榜冠军单曲:Roll Deep - Green Light Roll Deep是伦敦的一只乐队,自成立以来从未签约过唱片公司,一直是独立出碟。本周他们的新单曲Green Light为什么一看到就想起孙燕姿的那首《绿光》的说强势

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(108) / 评论(0) 分类 流行英文歌曲

【经典】日落之后,期待曙光:The Light Of Day 汶川两周年,悄无声息之间,灾难原来已经离我们那么远了。今天不知道有多少人在回想当初的伤痛,这一首The Light Of Day送给所有走出阴霾拥抱明

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(106) / 评论(0) 分类 经典英文歌曲

you light up my life 歌手:westlife 专辑:the love album So many nights, I'd sit by my window, Waiting for someone to sing me her song. So many dreams, I kept deep inside me, Alone in the dark, but now you've come along. And you light up my lif

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(156) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲

今天我们要学的词是green light。 Green light, 是绿灯的意思。My proposal received the green light from the board, 我的提案得到了理事会的批准。The U.S. Senate voted to give the green light to the health care reform bill, 美

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(88) / 评论(0) 分类 英语单词荟萃

第七季美国偶像冠军David Cook 于近日公布了他的首支个人单曲《Light On》。《Light On》由格莱美金牌制作人Rob Cavallo打造,该单曲已于9月30日在iTunes销售,并在多家电台播放。David Cook签约19 Recordings/RCA 公司夺冠后的首张专辑预计于11月18日正式发行。 Artis

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(152) / 评论(0) 分类 音乐咖啡厅
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Eupatorium lindleyanum
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granular vesicle
Hatano Seiichi
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Mandai Dist.
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Porto do Barka
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Pǎdurea Neagrǎ
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Rhododendron papillatum
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Van Duuren radiotelegraph system
Victoria, County of.
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