时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-肖申克的救赎


  [00:02.08]Gave him a thrill to help a youngster 1 crawl off the shit heap. 助人向上令他兴奋

[00:06.36]But that wasn't the only reason. 但动机不止于此

[00:09.24]Prison time is slow time. 牢狱生活缓慢得很

[00:10.92]So you do what you can to keep going. 必须找事打发时间

[00:13.64]Some fellas collect stamps. 有人集邮

[00:17.52]Others build matchstick houses. 有人盖火柴屋

[00:20.80]Andy built a library. 安迪成立了图书馆

[00:24.48]Now he needed a new project. 如今他需要新计划

[00:26.72]Tommy was it. 就是汤米

[00:29.24]It was the same reason he spent years shaping and polishing those rocks. 这跟他长年刻石一样

[00:32.40]The same reason he hung his fantasy girlies on the wall. 也跟他挂美女图一样

[00:36.96]In prison 在牢里

[00:37.08]a man will do most anything to keep his mind occupied. 没事也得找事做

[00:43.12]By 1966, right about the time Tommy was getting ready to take his exams 1966年  就在汤米应考之前

[00:48.52]it was lovely Raquel. 换上拉寇儿·薇芝了

[01:06.52]Time. 时间到

[01:13.68]Well? 怎样?

[01:15.12]Well, it's for shit. 烂透了

[01:19.64]I wasted a whole year of my time with this bullshit. 我他妈白费一整年

[01:22.80]It's probably not that bad. 也许没那么糟

[01:23.60]I didn't get a thing right.It might as well have been in Chinese. 更糟啦  没一题做对  简直像中文一样看不懂

[01:29.36]Let's see how the score comes out. 分数出来再说

[01:31.08]I'll tell you how the goddamn score comes out. 我告诉你几分吧

[01:35.72]Two points, right there! 两分入网

[01:37.20]Goddamn cats crawling up trees,5 times 5 is 25 什么猫爬树  五五二十五

[01:43.76]Fuck this place! 去他妈的蛋

[01:45.20]Fuck it! 去他妈的

[02:06.24]I let him down. 让他失望

[02:06.36]I feel bad. 真后悔

[02:08.84]That's crap, kid. 胡说

[02:10.60]He's proud of you. 他以你为荣

[02:11.24]We're old friends,I know him as good as anybody. 多年的交情  我摸透他了

[02:14.52]Smart fellow, ain't he? 他是聪明人

[02:15.60]Smart as they come. He was a banker on the outside. 绝顶聪明  曾是银行家

[02:19.96]What's he in here for anyway? 他究竟为何入狱?

[02:21.12]Murder. 谋杀

[02:24.96]The hell, you say. 你少扯了

[02:27.00]You wouldn't think it to look at the guy. 看他外表是想不到

[02:32.28]Caught his wife in bed with some golf pro 2. Greased 3 them both. 捉到老婆跟高球教练在床  两个全干了

[02:44.72]What? 怎么了?

[02:45.08]About four years ago 大约四年前

[02:50.40]I was in Thomaston on a two-to-three stretch. 我在汤犸斯监狱服刑

[02:53.36]I stole a car. 我偷了车

[02:54.04]It was a dumb-fuck thing to do. 实在愚蠢

[02:58.72]About six months left to go 剩下半年时

[02:59.84]I get a new cellmate in. 来了新室友

[03:01.28]Elmo Blatch. 名叫厄摩

[03:04.60]Big, twitchy fucker. 大个子  紧张狂

[03:07.40]IKind of roomie you pray you don't get. You know what I'm saying? 谁都怕碰上这种室友

[03:10.24]Six-to-twelve, armed burglary. 入室行窃  服刑6至12年

[03:13.24]Said he pulled hundreds of jobs. 他说他干过好几百票

[03:17.12]Hard to believe, high-strung as he was.You cut a loud fart, he jumped three feet. 想不到有那么神经的人  闻到屁味也跳到半天高

[03:23.12]Talked all the time too. That's the other thing. He never shut up. 他的嘴永远闭不上

[03:27.48]Places he'd been in 他去过的地方

[03:29.24]jobs he'd pulled, women he fucked. 犯的罪  玩过的女人

[03:33.44]Even people he killed. 甚至杀过的人

[03:35.20]People who "gave him shit." 他说杀人

[03:39.96]That's how he put it. 是因为不爽

[03:42.40]So one night, like a joke 有一晚  我当做玩笑

[03:45.32]I say to him,"Elmo, who did you kill?" 我问他"你杀过谁?"

[03:50.44]I got me this job one time,busing tables at a country club 我在俱乐部收盘子

[03:51.24]So he says: 他说

[03:57.00]so I could case all these bigrich pricks 5 that come in. 趁机观察阔人下手

[04:03.04]So I pick out this guy 我相中一人

[04:05.64]go in one night 在晚上

[04:06.72]and do his place. 摸进他家

[04:10.40]He wakes up 他醒来

[04:12.68]and gives me shit. 惹的我不爽

[04:15.00]So I killed him. 我就宰了他

[04:19.76]Him and this tasty bitch he was with. 和他身边那骚货

[04:21.72]And that's the best part. 精彩的是

[04:24.44]She's fucking this prick 4, see 她搞上高球教练

  [04:29.12]this golf pro,but she's married to some other guy. 家有老公

[04:31.80]Some hotshot banker. 一个大银行家

[04:35.84]And he's the one they pinned it on. 却成了代罪羔羊

[04:49.76]I have to say that's the most amazing story I ever heard. 我从未听过如此惊人的故事

[04:55.32]What amazes me most is you'd be taken in by it. 最惊人的是你居然受骗

[04:59.24]Sir? 什么?

[05:00.08]It's obvious this fellow Williams is impressed with you. 显然汤米对你颇有好感

1 youngster
  • I rode the youngster on my back.我让小孩骑在背上。
  • That youngster works with a will.这小伙子干活有股傻劲儿。
2 pro
  • The two debating teams argued the question pro and con.辩论的两组从赞成与反对两方面辩这一问题。
  • Are you pro or con nuclear disarmament?你是赞成还是反对核裁军?
3 greased
  • Iron corrodes unless it is greased or kept clean. 如果不涂油或保持清洁铁便会腐蚀。
  • I greased front and rear hubs and adjusted the brakes. 我在前后轮毂上都抹了润滑油,还调校了刹车。
4 prick
  • He felt a sharp prick when he stepped on an upturned nail.当他踩在一个尖朝上的钉子上时,他感到剧烈的疼痛。
  • He burst the balloon with a prick of the pin.他用针一戳,气球就爆了。
5 pricks
刺痛( prick的名词复数 ); 刺孔; 刺痕; 植物的刺
  • My skin pricks sometimes. 我的皮肤有时感到刺痛。
  • You must obey the rule. It is useless for you to kick against the pricks. 你必须遵守规定,对抗对你是无益的。
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