美国指责赞比亚限制言论自由 Many in the international community held high hopes that the 2016 elections in Zambia would signal yet another win for democracy in Africa. 国际社会的很多人都对赞比亚2016年的选举抱以厚望,希
土耳其为其公民的欧洲梦争取免签旅游资格 The Kurdish village of Goma Seydo, high in the mountains of Turkey's Erzurum province, little hasn't changed here in centuries. And for the young, the lure of a new life in Europe is strong. 库
又一家美国组织被俄拉入不受欢迎组织黑名单 The Russian government has designated yet another non-governmental organization as a so-called foreign agent. The United States is deeply troubled by the action taken against the Levada Cen
刚果开展黄热病疫苗接种工作 A preventive vaccination campaign against yellow fever was launched on August 17th in the Democratic Republic of Congo by the government. The United States, through USAID and Centers for Disease Control and Pre
也门内战升级 Eighteen months ago, a conflict between Yemen's elected Sunni government and the Houthi opposition, allied with elements loyal to the country's former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, escalated into a civil war. Subsequently, at the
- VOA常速英语2016--美国与孟加拉国站定反恐之路
- VOA常速英语2016--年轻人应合理利用信用卡 构筑自身信贷能力
- VOA常速英语2016--美国大学生热衷学俄语
- VOA常速英语2016--尼日利亚重拳反腐 决心可见一斑
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- VOA常速英语2016--委内瑞拉当局囚禁政治反对派领袖
- VOA标准英语2016--Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Sept. 17
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- VOA常速英语2016--为候鸟营造一片家园
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- Eye Test May Reveal Parkinson’s Disease Earlier
- VOA常速英语2016--一间坐落在农村小镇的书店获得巨大成功分享到:
- Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Sept. 10
- New Data Adds to Understanding of 'Black Holes'
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- VOA常速英语2016--美国与孟加拉国站定反恐之路
- VOA常速英语2016--年轻人应合理利用信用卡 构筑自身信贷能力
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- VOA标准英语2016--Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Sept. 17
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- VOA常速英语2016--为候鸟营造一片家园
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- VOA常速英语20116--南苏丹内战双方征用童兵
- Eye Test May Reveal Parkinson’s Disease Earlier
- VOA常速英语2016--一间坐落在农村小镇的书店获得巨大成功分享到:
- Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Sept. 10
- New Data Adds to Understanding of 'Black Holes'
- VOA常速英语2016--阿富汗多地适龄女孩无法上学
- VOA常速英语2016--欧盟签证协议引起了土耳其东部偏远村庄住民们的兴趣
- VOA标准英语2016--美国专家怀疑俄罗斯黑客攻击美国政治体系
- VOA常速英语2016--俄罗斯欲促阿巴斯与内塔尼亚胡会面
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