
伦敦科学博物馆展览呈现达芬奇奇思妙想发明创意 It took a whole day for a team of technicians at London's Science Museum to assemble a life-size model of a construction crane, built according to da Vinci's 15th-century drawings. 伦敦

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美国应该接收更多非洲难民 On the edge of downtown Los Angeles, a group of people, mainly from the Democratic Republic of Congo, gather here once a week for a little piece of home. About one-third of them arrived in the U.S. as refugees. 在洛

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巴黎餐厅厨师提供助益气候菜单 Paris is synonymous with good food, good wine and good times. 巴黎是美食美酒及美好时光的代名词。 At lEpi Dupin, Chef Francois Pasteau wants your meal to have one more bit of goodness: good f

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Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Jan. 30 Were unveiling the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles Chart, for the week ending January 30, 2016. The new year seems to have awakened the hit list, as we welcome a new title. Number 5: Se

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Merkel Under Pressure After Migrant Influx 难民涌入给默克尔带来压力 BERLIN German Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing mounting political pressure over the number of migrants arriving in her country with regional authorities demanding that

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First-Time Homebuyers Find Affordable Units in Kenya NAIROBI, KENYA A 2011 World Bank survey found that only about one-tenth of Kenya's population earned enough to support a mortgage. However, that situation may be changing, with more affordable apar

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Website Claims Russian Battalion-owned Missile Downed MH17 记者宣称掌握俄罗斯击落MH17的证据 LONDON A team of investigative journalists claims to have evidence showing that the missile that shot down a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine in

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威斯康星州工人阶级对特郎普感到愤怒Standing in line among thousands hoping to see Donald Trump at the Janesville Conference Center was a last-minute decision for accountant William Collett.和成千上万人一起排队等着唐纳德

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密闭房屋节约能源成本 We may not be aware of it, but ordinary family homes in the U.S. and, indeed, the rest of the world are not energy-efficient. 我们或许没有意识到,但是美国和世界其他地方的普通家庭不是那么能源

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西方志愿者协力对抗达伊沙 In the recent months, dozens of fighters from North American and European countries have travelled to Syria to try to stop Islamic State, or Daesh, attacks both in the region and abroad. The woman who leads the Ku

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肯尼亚人民通过掌上微借贷平台进行创业 Samuel Kinuthia, a chef in Nairobi, begins his workday by preparing ingredients for the day's special. He has been a chef for the last 18 years and started his own catering business last year to

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巴拿马城原帮派成员现在摇身一变成导游 Gang graffiti still defaces some of the walls in Panama City's once-impoverished neighborhood of San Felipe, but many of the beautiful old homes have been refurbished. 巴拿马城圣费利佩昔日

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Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Feb. 27 Were counting down the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending February 27, 2016. Its another active chart, welcoming one new single and one re-entry. Number 5: Flo R

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缓解疼痛皮肤贴或摆脱副作用困扰 A clear skin patch called TEPI delivers the painkiller ibuprofen right where it hurts. While pills can cause stomach upset,but not the patch.Scientists at the University of Warwick in England developed it

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发表于:2018-12-08 / 阅读(255) / 评论(0) 分类 未知分类

Ivory Coast Fights Child Labor on Cocoa Plantations 关注象牙海岸可可童工 ABIDJAN Seventy percent of the worlds cocoa comes from West Africa, most of it from Ivory Coast. Child labor on cocoa plantations has been well documented and persists

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Working-Class Anger Fuels Trumps Popularity in Wisconsin JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN The campaign to collect more delegates on the road to the Republican nomination for U.S. president winds its way through the state of Wisconsin, home of Speaker of the Hou

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Smart Cars for the Smartphone Generation 智能手机时代的智能汽车 NEW YORK Automakers are taking their cues from smartphones, incorporating new services and features that work with a quick tap or swipe. The technologies being bundled into to

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欧洲各国为大量滞留难民问题窝里斗 希腊召回维也纳大使 Several thousand refugees are stranded on Greece's border with Macedonia, after travel restrictions were imposed Sunday. 自周日希腊实施出入境限制以来,滞留在

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汽车制造商通过手机开启智能化汽车时代We spend a lot of time on our mobile devices these days and automakers have taken note, rolling out connected cars that make it easy to do nearly everything from your phone.现如今我们在移动

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admission passage
Alcan aluminium
brain picker
British Shorthairs
canonical distribution function
cationic head
common lawyers
cornua sacralia
crab rooting
dall's porpoise
demulsificating agent
depreciation charges
diammine palladous bromide
diaphragm follower
Dioscorea decipiens
dunce caps
El Islote
EMCON (emergency condition)
end on barrel steering gear
erythema punctatum
exhaust temperature at cylinder head outlet
fall into something
floating conveyor
furan(e) resin
gauging signal
grammitis okuboi
graph isomorphism
harbor superintendency administration
heart-assist device
help sb on with
information management package
intercapital veins
investment holding
jack flag
lethal stand-off distance
low sun gear
make an address
material percentage method
meretrix lusoria
mobile catering
monozygotic twins
occasional enquiry
packet error rate
phenolte-traiodophthalein sodium
piss you off
plain surface machine
power band
power factor measurement
recent period
rectifier type
Salmonella orion
segmented polymer
sky rug
stage for operation
sudor anglicus
take the bit between your teeth
Toro, Pta.
two-spool compressor
us tobacco
V-type ammonia compressor
velocity spectrum
water-level controller
white-bellied nothura