TBBT101-4 生活大爆炸之来了新邻居penny(1) Sheldon: Are you still mad about the sperm bank? Leonard: No. Sheldon: You want to hear an interesting thing about stairs? Leonard: Not really. Sheldon: If the height of a single step is off by
TBBT101-5 生活大爆炸之来了新邻居penny(2) Leonard: Should we have invited her for lunch?(注:should sb have done 即虚拟语气) Sheldon: No. Were going to start Season Two of Battlestar Galactica. Leonard: We already watched the Seaso
TBBT101-3 生活大爆炸之精子银行(3) Leonard: Well, what do you want to do? Sheldon: I want to leave. Leonard: Okay. Sheldon: Whats the protocol for leaving? Leonard: I dont know, Ive never reneged on a proffer of sperm before. Sheldon: Le
TBBT101-2 生活大爆炸之精子银行(2) Leonard: Sheldon, this was your idea. A little extra money to get fractional T1 bandwidth in the apartment. Sheldon: I know, and I do yearn for faster downloads, but theres some poor woman is going to p
TBBT101-1生活大爆炸之精子银行(1) Sheldon: So if a photon is directed through a plane with two slits in it and either slit is observed it will not go through both slits. If its unobserved it will, however, if its observed after its left
TBBT101-6 生活大爆炸之来了新邻居penny(3) (Penny opens door). Leonard: Hi. Again. Penny: Hi. Sheldon: Hi. Leonard: Hi. Penny: Hi. Leonard: Anyway, um. We brought home Indian food. And, um. I know that moving can be stressful, and I find
TBBT101-31 生活大爆炸之外出就餐(1) Leonard: Is Thai food okay with you Penny? Penny: Sure. Sheldon: We cant have Thai food, we had Indian for lunch. Penny: So? Sheldon: Theyre both curry based cuisines. (注: n+based+n) Penny: So? Sheld
TBBT101-32 生活大爆炸之外出就餐(2) Howard: Turn left on Lake Street and head up to Colorado. I know a wonderful little sushi bar that has karaoke. Penny: That sounds like fun. Howard (sings): Baby, baby dont get hooked on me. Uh, baby,
Gloria请Mitchell帮她处理交通事故,Manny却偷偷说那都是Gloria超速的错,原来大家只是想让Mitchell告诉Gloria她车技太烂的实话。Claire 和旧时同事聚会,同事成为公司的风云人物,Claire带着同事来家
Jay对Manny打败击剑对手感到自豪,Mitchell对父亲从未为他感到自豪而耿耿于怀。Phil和Claire 对于几个孩子没有长处感到发愁,Phil却突然发现了Luke的长处。Manny不想与女孩子进行决赛,被Jay 和Gl
Phil对Claire送的纪念日礼物不太满意,故意用自己送的厚礼点醒Claire,醒悟过来的Claire回赠了份厚礼。Haley极不愿参加外公的派对,可是Haley又怎么能逃过Jay的法眼呢。Mitchell 和Cameron努力使好友
Phil 和Claire决定为Luke办个生日Party,Phil自作主张地操办了一切。生日会上,Manny还是得不到女孩们的青睐。Cameron装成小丑为Luke庆生,没想Phil对小丑有恐惧症。Haley因妒意放出了展览的蝎子,生
Claire发现Luke用她的电脑看黄色照片,扬言要好好教育Luke,Phil主动要求解决此事。Cameron总是无法拒绝帮助别人,这让Mitchell 不胜其烦。Luke 偷看了Haley的日记,而Haley却以为是Alex偷看的。
情人节,Jay带着Gloria去听脱口秀,没想到的是他倒成了被取笑的对象。Mitchell 和Cameron带着Manny去夺回他的情人节约会,Mitchell发挥了他的律师口才。Phil则带着Claire出外吃饭,Claire外套衣带被电
Claire被校方通知Luke和人打架,可Claire没料到对方那个孩子居然是Manny,Claire 和Gloria因为各自的孩子开始较上了劲。孩子们说出争吵的原因,Gloria听到Claire说她傍大款极为生气,她要Claire穿着衣
开学第一天,Phil本想好好陪陪Claire,却不小心挑起了夫妻间的竞争。Mitchell 不小心让Lily撞到了头,随之又把 Lily锁在了车里。Jay对Manny穿着传统斗蓬上学校极力反对,Gloria对斗蓬没有意见,可
Jay的前妻De为之前在Jay 和Gloria婚礼上的闹场特地前来道歉,Mitchell试图劝说Claire原谅母亲。Claire不让Haley去听音乐会,而De却揭穿Claire年轻时的荒唐事。Gloria真的能原谅De吗? 而De是真心来乞求原
- omg美语:1204 OMG! 美语 No Prob! Any Time!
- omg美语:1210 OMG! 美语 UP!!
- omg美语:0613 OMG! 美语 Face Time
- omg美语:0615 OMG! 美语 You're Such a Schmoozer!
- omg美语:0420 OMG! 美语 Mohawk!
- omg美语:0418 OMG! 美语 Haircut!
- omg美语:0502 OMG! 美语 Isn't that cool!? :)
- omg美语:0503 OMG! 美语 Jeggings!
- omg美语:0629 OMG! 美语 Spring的美语说法!
- omg美语:0703 OMG! 美语 Banana Split!
- omg美语:0723 OMG! 美语 Isn't that cool!? :)
- omg美语:0724 OMG! 美语 Crazy Jealous
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- omg美语:1204 OMG! 美语 No Prob! Any Time!
- omg美语:1210 OMG! 美语 UP!!
- omg美语:0613 OMG! 美语 Face Time
- omg美语:0615 OMG! 美语 You're Such a Schmoozer!
- omg美语:0420 OMG! 美语 Mohawk!
- omg美语:0418 OMG! 美语 Haircut!
- omg美语:0502 OMG! 美语 Isn't that cool!? :)
- omg美语:0503 OMG! 美语 Jeggings!
- omg美语:0629 OMG! 美语 Spring的美语说法!
- omg美语:0703 OMG! 美语 Banana Split!
- omg美语:0723 OMG! 美语 Isn't that cool!? :)
- omg美语:0724 OMG! 美语 Crazy Jealous
- CCTV9英语新闻:China tends to ease tensions in the South China Sea
- CCTV9英语新闻:Young people's lifestyle choices in 2015
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- CCTV9英语新闻:Chinese youngsters swear adulthood oaths
- CCTV9英语新闻:Holiday commemorates May 4th Movement
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