The One With Two Parties 本集简介: Rachel's surprise birthday party is split in two to keep her divorcing parents from running into each other. Monica makes flan instead of cake. Phoebe smuggles guests out of Monica's boring party and into Chand
The One With the Baby on the Bus 本集简介: Ben always cries when he's near Monica. Ross has an allergic reaction to Monica's Kiwi Lime Pie; his tongue swells up and he has to go to the hospital. Chandler and Joey take care of Ben for the day, bu
本集简介: 乔伊为赚钱去捐精,但当他和新女友一个果篮制造商日益情浓,事情变得有点麻烦。大家一起烧烤为瑞秋庆祝生日,罗斯刚放下生日礼物就急着上路,他说要远赴中国为博物馆取回
本集简介: 莫妮卡带瑞秋上医院; 瑞秋没买保险,所以她和莫妮卡身份互换 当两名帅哥医生(由《ER急诊室的春天》里的乔治克鲁尼(wa!)和诺亚怀利客串演出)要约会她俩时,情况变得复杂
双胞胎两部曲(一) 本集简介: 钱德和乔伊碰到了菲比的孪生姐姐乌苏拉;乔伊和她约会,这可惹恼了和姐姐关系僵持的菲比。 罗斯和卡萝及苏珊一起参加助产课程;卡萝对分娩心怀恐惧;罗
Lex地道里秘密实验战神计划正进行着韦斯被改造成身手敏捷、会隐身且刀枪不入人前提条件受Lex控制 莱诺反复看着神秘怪物录像写出氪星文字这时候克拉克找到莱诺想知道为什么要逼Lana嫁给Lex?莱诺不愿透露任何消息 路易斯对伯克议员展开调查想知道为什么户头上会有不明来
圣保罗某贫民窟中一老年人犯病抽搐巫医试图给治病这时候克拉克火星朋友出现试图拯救这名老人但突然遭到此人攻击飞速逃离与此同时Lex带着搜捕队赶到现场试图抓到寄生老人体内外星生物不料被它逃走Lex一直坚持着战神计划并且需要外星生物DNA才能组建自己军队 莱诺找到Lex
1995年克罗伊母亲被疗养院带走12年后一个晚上Lex回家路上遭袭凶手居然克罗伊更让人不可思议:克罗伊居然自己都不知道发生过什么事情但类似梦游情况却发生过几回了不禁怀疑起自己否开始出现陨石怪症状了? Lana怀疑流产跟自己身体有关系决定做一次全面身体检查 克拉克和
莱诺和Lex一条地道里面寻找着什么莱恩突然提到了一个战神计划没说完就发现有人地道里搞破坏把地道炸了莱诺被炸晕Lex被打昏后遭绑架 神秘女人告诉Lex丈夫韦斯被卢瑟企业所杀害想从Lex口中找到答案Lex告诉韦斯死于枪杀卢瑟企业试图用试验设备挽救可惜没能成功神秘女人知
最近陨石怪多了很多绿箭告诉克拉克一条惊人消息:网上居然有氪星人搏击会克拉克通过对视频观察发现里面主人公泰坦从幻影区逃出来通过对蛛丝马迹调查克罗伊发现这个搏击会和贝尔里夫疗养院陨石怪有关联同时路易斯居然意外发现了此事线索于只身前往调查不幸被抓 克洛伊和
Thailands Senate, or upper house, has agreed to draft a roadmap aimed at resolving the countrys prolonged political turmoil as early Friday. This comes after a two-day Senate meeting where many divergent suggestions were proposed. Some lawmakers push
Chinese police have recommended prosecution for bribery by UK pharmaceutical firm GlaxoSmithKline. After a 10 month investigation, police found that William Mark Reilly, a British national and executive of GSK China, had ordered his subordinates to c
To celebrate the upcoming Halloween on October 31st, Language Tips has invited three foreigners-Nancy Matos from Canada, Casey Chin from America and Guanny Liu from New Zealand, at the China Daily website to have a chat about it. Here comes the inter
In the United States the number of homeless people is falling.... but homelessness remains a big problem. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development says nearly 634,000 Americans are homeless. 21-percent of them are in California where one Ch
Over the coming months, the few parts of Antarctic that are ice-free will be the stage on which 5 million Adlies will build their nests. 在未来的几个月,一些南极的无冰地区,将有5万阿黛利企鹅筑巢。 To construct one, they n
Oh he's teaching them how to dance. Cheerleaders? Really? Why does he in every video? wow Athens Greece, cool! oh,that's awesome!That's so cool,oh my gosh,that's the coolest one. why didnt this person burn out?That's where is justin bieber from
- omg美语:1204 OMG! 美语 No Prob! Any Time!
- omg美语:1210 OMG! 美语 UP!!
- omg美语:0613 OMG! 美语 Face Time
- omg美语:0615 OMG! 美语 You're Such a Schmoozer!
- omg美语:0420 OMG! 美语 Mohawk!
- omg美语:0418 OMG! 美语 Haircut!
- omg美语:0502 OMG! 美语 Isn't that cool!? :)
- omg美语:0503 OMG! 美语 Jeggings!
- omg美语:0629 OMG! 美语 Spring的美语说法!
- omg美语:0703 OMG! 美语 Banana Split!
- omg美语:0723 OMG! 美语 Isn't that cool!? :)
- omg美语:0724 OMG! 美语 Crazy Jealous
- CCTV9英语新闻:China tends to ease tensions in the South China Sea
- CCTV9英语新闻:Young people's lifestyle choices in 2015
- CCTV9英语新闻:China sends drinking water to southern Yangon
- CCTV9英语新闻:Yan'an University passes on revolutionary spirit
- CCTV9英语新闻:Chinese youngsters swear adulthood oaths
- CCTV9英语新闻:Holiday commemorates May 4th Movement
- CCTV9英语新闻:Internet to be priority over next 5 years
- CCTV9英语新闻:Young talents speak of meeting with President Xi
- omg美语:1204 OMG! 美语 No Prob! Any Time!
- omg美语:1210 OMG! 美语 UP!!
- omg美语:0613 OMG! 美语 Face Time
- omg美语:0615 OMG! 美语 You're Such a Schmoozer!
- omg美语:0420 OMG! 美语 Mohawk!
- omg美语:0418 OMG! 美语 Haircut!
- omg美语:0502 OMG! 美语 Isn't that cool!? :)
- omg美语:0503 OMG! 美语 Jeggings!
- omg美语:0629 OMG! 美语 Spring的美语说法!
- omg美语:0703 OMG! 美语 Banana Split!
- omg美语:0723 OMG! 美语 Isn't that cool!? :)
- omg美语:0724 OMG! 美语 Crazy Jealous
- CCTV9英语新闻:China tends to ease tensions in the South China Sea
- CCTV9英语新闻:Young people's lifestyle choices in 2015
- CCTV9英语新闻:China sends drinking water to southern Yangon
- CCTV9英语新闻:Yan'an University passes on revolutionary spirit
- CCTV9英语新闻:Chinese youngsters swear adulthood oaths
- CCTV9英语新闻:Holiday commemorates May 4th Movement
- CCTV9英语新闻:Internet to be priority over next 5 years
- CCTV9英语新闻:Young talents speak of meeting with President Xi