苏轼《念奴娇赤壁怀古》 Charm of a Maiden Singer Su Shi 大江东去, 浪淘尽, 千古风流人物。 故垒西边, 人道是, 三国周郎赤壁。 The endless river eastward flows; With its huge waves are gone all those Gallant h
I will never forget the lessen which Mr. Li gave us. One day Mr. Li was speaking to us in our school meeting room. He began his speech by holding up a ¥100 bill. He asked, Who would like this ¥100 bill? Most of us put up our hands quickly. Then h
A man lying at the point of death called his wife to his bedside and said: I am about to leave you forever; give me, therefore, one last proof of your affection and fidelity, for, according to our holy religion, a married man seeking admittance at th
Good Thoughts to Keep in Mind Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them: Work, Family, Health, Friends, Spirit. And you're keeping all these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber b
When someone disagrees with you or offends you, dont lose your temper. Why? Because it is of no use to do so. You ought to (should) be patient and keep calm lest you should quarrel with him. You must know that patience is not cowardice, but a virtue.
How Small People Make A Big Difference 成长的过程中,你是否也有过同样的困惑?在这里,马丁路德金的我有一个梦想获得了不一样的诠释,希望能对你有所帮助。 Repression Today, as I was relaxing at the be
Three Good FriendsOne day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can't swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit
Stars on a Snowy Night The thermometer had dropped to 18 degrees below zero, but still chose to sleep in the porch as usual. In the evening, the most familiar sight to me would be stars in the sky. Though they were a mere sprinkle of twinkling dots,
We Never Told Him He Couldnt Do ItMy son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors assured us that with treatment he would be able to walk normally - but would never run very well. The first three years of his life were spent in surgery, casts and br
A Coke and a SmileI know now that the man who sat with me on the old wooden stairs that hot summer night over thirty-five years ago was not a tall man. But to a five-year-old, he was a giant. We sat side by side, watching the sun go down behind the o
Dreamed Up Number Leads Man to a Bride谁是我的梦中情人? A British man has met and married a 22-year-old woman after, by his own account, dreaming of her phone number and then sending her a text message. David Brown, 24, says he woke up one mo
这是一个令人心酸的故事,每个人都有权憧景新的生活,但年仅八岁的Philip除外,因为他缺乏憧憬未来的必要条件一个健康鲜活的生命,所以看看他的new life愿望吧,你一定被会为你的幸福感动
特蕾莎修女在接受诺贝尔和平奖时曾说过:你能为促进世界和平做些什么呢?回家爱你的家人吧。 这是一个平凡的故事,也是一个感人的故事Freda Bright says, Only in opera do people die of love. It's true