To realize the value of one year:要想知道一年的价值 Ask a student who has failed a final exam.就去问期末考试不及格的同学 To realize the value of one month: 要想知道一个月的价值 Ask a mother who has given birth to a pre
Why Is Sleep So Important? 为何睡眠如此重要? If you have sleep deficit it impacts everything you do think and act. Unfortunately a major amount of people have a large sleep deficit. 睡眠不足会影响你的一切思考和行为。不幸的
Of course, she wasn't really my aunt and, out of fear, I never called her that to her face. I only referred to her as My Aunt Fannie because the name always made my father chuckle and gave my mother cause to look sternly at both of usat me for being
7 Quick ways to turn a bad day around Have you had a bad day recently? This is me raising my hand alongside you. My most recent bad day, like most days, wasnt wholly bad. It just had some bad parts that I allowed to spread across my entire day and so
Apple's Watch hits stores this Friday when customers and employees alike will be able to pre-order the timepiece. 本周五Apple Watch即将在苹果商店预售,届时将接受苹果员工和顾客们的预订。 And boss Tim Cook is rewarding his
Most women are either bisexual or gay but never straight, a study suggests. 一项研究显示,大部分女性要么是双性恋要么是同性恋,但绝对不会只是直的。 Research has found that though lesbians are much more attracted to t
Special humor and good football, morning porridge and royalty buzz may any facts about England surprise you? Well, just give me a try 独特的幽默感、高超的足球技巧、早餐麦片、皇室情结有哪些关于英国的小知识会让你震惊
Once upon a time a psychology professor walked around on a stage while teaching stress management principles to an auditorium filled with students. 曾经,有一位心理学教授在讲台上来回走着,向满席的学生传授压力管理原则。
Carpe diem! Live today and stop putting off what you have always dreamt of experiencing. How exciting and fun your life is depends only on you. Making excuses is much easier than acting, admit it. No career can compare to what you may miss if you do
The real reason people close their eyes when they kiss is because the brain can't deal with more than two things at once. 接吻时闭眼的真正原因是大脑无法同时处理两件以上的事。 That is the finding of academics who have explore
The modern workplace is full of potential pitfalls, meaning you have to be on your toes to make, and maintain, the right impression with your co-workers and colleagues. 现代职场充满了潜在的陷阱,这意味着你必须小心去创造并维护
The fierce competitiveness of today's job market has driven one university dean to look online. He Hua, 39, the dean of Kunming University, has set up a store on Taobao where employers can browse and 'buy' the young graduates. He, the youngest univer
Millions of college students will be released from their college careers and into the Real World (not the TV show, thankfully). Its such a promising time. Here are 9 ways to make the most of it. 数以百万的毕业生即将结束他们的大学生涯
We recently asked netizens to tell us the best post-grad advice theyve ever received. Heres what they had to say: 最近,我们向网友做了个调查:大学毕业后,你收到的最好的建议是什么。以下是他们给出的答案: 1.
Workaholism, looks similar to high performance on the outside--but they're actually nothing alike. 工作狂,表面上看起来与高效的工作表现非常相似,但实际上两者完全不同。 Researchers found that while they both look like
- 带狗上班可缓解压力
- How to Get Better Sleep
- 哈利波特与魔法石:第三十二期
- Trick or Treat
- Fishing For Jasmine
- 美文欣赏 We're Just Beginning
- 哈利波特与魔法石:第二十二期
- Being humble
- straw hat in the wind
- Navigating the Etiquette of Social Media
- What Will You Learn Today?
- A Day for Wandering
- Good-bye My Fancy
- Taking a Stand
- 8 things to master before you’re 30
- 囧研究:想减肥?吃啥让别人帮你配!
- The last tape
- Waiting at the Door
- 天下最真挚的爱情
- Leave time behind
- 带狗上班可缓解压力
- How to Get Better Sleep
- 哈利波特与魔法石:第三十二期
- Trick or Treat
- Fishing For Jasmine
- 美文欣赏 We're Just Beginning
- 哈利波特与魔法石:第二十二期
- Being humble
- straw hat in the wind
- Navigating the Etiquette of Social Media
- What Will You Learn Today?
- A Day for Wandering
- Good-bye My Fancy
- Taking a Stand
- 8 things to master before you’re 30
- 囧研究:想减肥?吃啥让别人帮你配!
- The last tape
- Waiting at the Door
- 天下最真挚的爱情
- Leave time behind